#one scenario: he stays in Garak's quarters
youngpettyqueen · 7 months
theres more than one version of this in my head and I could get into it and I probably will at some point but just know that I think that after getting back from camp 371 Julian doesnt sleep in his own quarters for at least a week
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reedalert · 3 years
Mysterious eyes
Request: Can you do a garak x reader from star trek Ds9
Requested by: anon
Pairing: Elim Garak x reader
Prompt: 79. “I never imagined that someone’s heartbeat could sound so amazing.”
Word count: 885
Notes/Warnings: nothing, just fluff. I appreciate everyone's patience! Life got in the way of my writing a bit.
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Being Julian Bashir's good friend, it was only natural that you were invited to his lunches with the mysterious tailor Garak. The Doctor promised you that he was an intriguing personality and despite your initial reservations, you agreed to join them. One occasion became a reoccurrence and soon, you were also a staple of the two men's ritual.
You never knew what to make of the Cardassian. Was he ever telling the truth? Could you ever trust him? Could you ever call him a friend? Nevertheless, you developed a strange feeling of closeness, attachment to him. You were a Starfleet officer, trained to love and solve mysteries. And he was the most complex one you've ever had to face yet.
His eyes always had a specific glare to them. You always tried to guess what they hid. Was he as interested in you as you were in him? Or was it just his weariness showing, careful that he doesn't reveal anything actually true about him?
He had you wrapped around his finger and you were certain he knew that he was your weakness. A sense of embarrassment washed over you whenever you realised that you couldn't hide anything in front of him, while he hid everything in front of you. As eager as you were to solve this mystery, you could never approach him privately, too scared of what might happen.
One particularly challenging day, you had left one of your spare uniforms at Garak's to get tailored. You worked overtime and finished your shift way after his shop closed, so you called him to apologize about not picking your oder up.
"There is no need to worry, Y/N." His voice was ever so cheerful. "I have it here with me, in my quarters. You can come get it, if you would like."
Your heart beat in your throat. Visiting him. In his quarters. You couldn't decide if that was the most exciting or scary opportunity you've ever been presented in your life.
"Y/N? Are yous till there?"
"Yes." you gulped. "I'll be there in a minute."
There was no turning back now.
You shuffled in place in front of his quarters. You'd never been here. It felt like going in to take the Kobayashi Maru. Impossible situation. No way to win.
The doors slid open. In front of you stood the familiar figure of the Cardassian, dressed in what you can only assume was his pyjamas.
"S-sorry for bothering you at this time of night. Thank you for the clothes." You blurted out, rushing to leave.
"No, don't leave." He grabbed your arm, gently. "I couldn't sleep anyway."
You made eye contact for the first time since entering the room. Looking deep into his eyes, you noticed something different about his gaze. It was mysterious, as always, but there was a glint of something else as well. Longing, honesty, desire.
"I can stay a while, if you want me to." The words exited your mouth automatically. What were you thinking? This could only end badly. But your heart was urging your mind to find out what that glint in his eyes was all about.
He invited you to sit down on his couch while he took a seat next to you. A moment of silence passed. You painfully tried to find something to look at other than his eyes, but they always managed to suck you back in.
"I have to confess something to you, Y/N." He said abruptly.
You could've sword your heart stopped for a second, but before you could catch your breath, he continued.
"I have always enjoyed you accompanying me and the Doctor on our lunches. At first, I thought I just enjoyed your company, the two of you together. But then I realised..." He cleared his throat. "I just like you. I like you. A lot"
You froze. How would any sane person react to this kind of scenario?
"Now, I know this might be sudden and unexpected and... My point is, I've never done this before. I don't know HOW to do this so just bear with me, please."
How would any sane person handle this? Oh, nevermind the answer to that question. You were anything but sane.
You quickly, but gently leaned in to kiss him. You could feel that he was taken aback slightly, but it only took him a second to melt into the kiss, snaking his arms around your waist.
"We'll take it slow." You assured him.
A night of deep conversations led you to his bed, with the intention of staying the night, not willing to let go of this magical, mysterious moment. You laid over the sheets, cosy between the pillows. Garak placed his head on your chest, feeling more comfortable to be this close to you. The silence was no longer awkward, it was warm and nice.
You were about to fall asleep when Garak spoke.
“I never imagined that someone’s heartbeat could sound so amazing.”
You didn't reply. Nothing you could've said would've been as beautiful as his sentence. Instead, you reached up to his head and caressed his cheek as you dozed off to sleep.
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lietwice · 2 years
plots please!!! For any and all of my DS9 muses!!!
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okay most of my ideas are for julian but i’ll likely think of more for the others in the future!
considering he got away with it that one time, there is absolutely no way that garak isn’t gonna continue breaking into julian’s quarters in the middle of the night to drag him out on adventures. sure he could wait until morning to suggest to julian that something suspicious is going on with the new shipment of fabric he just got in for his tailor shop, but why would he do that when he could break into his quarters and wake him up? also, it gives him a perfect opportunity to bitch about julian’s pyjamas and insist that he needs new ones. 
also, relatedly, let garak go through julian’s wardrobe and complain about it. all of it. 
more aftermath of the wire. because i wanted more conversations when garak isn’t in so much pain that he can’t talk, but also isn’t completely fine and behaving normally again. he’ll still lie, but he’s maybe also a little less inhibited so more general information can be gathered from his reactions, if not his words, which is always fun.
human vs cardassian culture stuff. and just human vs cardassian stuff in general, i want to let them be outwardly interested in each other’s alienness. the physical differences between them. for one, scales vs skin and how they physically feel different to touch. i just think it’s Fun.
garak measuring julian for a new suit, and obviously he’s going to do it by hand with a measuring tape, for absolutely no good reason except to prolong the contact between them.
i just think it’s so funny how garak will let julian get all of the credit for any detective work they’ve just done together. so i want the aftermath of that. garak tells julian they’ll go tell sisko about whatever it is, but then they round a corner and garak just slips away right before they encounter sisko, as if he wasn’t even involved. and then the next time they see each other, whether julian goes to track him down or it’s at lunch the next day, garak acts like nothing happened. 
julian overworking himself and garak deciding he simply needs to step in and make sure julian gets some rest. clearly this means he needs to escort him to his quarters and stay there to make sure he sleeps. 
garak also is going to repair all of molly o’brien’s stuffed animal toys for free, and any other kid’s toys also. but he’s gonna hand molly’s to miles to give back to her with no explanation at all ( he probably got them from keiko idk ). there will be no ‘here, your daughter wanted this repaired so i did it for free, here you go’. he’ll hand it over and try to leave.
a situation in which they both need each other’s help. probably some sort of disaster scenario in which both of their skills are needed and they’re forced to spend a prolonged amount of time together. garak will do his annoying lizard smile.
linked with one of the julian plots, one of the others noticing julian overworking himself, and conspiring with garak to put a stop to it. maybe with someone he already gets along with, in which case they can bond over mutual caring about and being infuriated with julian. but then maybe with someone he doesn’t get along with much ( kira or miles, lmao ), in which case they can reluctantly work together for the ‘greater good’.
garak being a good tailor. because he is! he’s a good tailor! maybe there’s a really important event coming up and he works extra extra hard on the requested outfit, and it’s so much better than expected. this would work for literally anyone, though obviously different muses might have different expectations of him. 
trash lizard being a lizard. he’s always cold so let him find a warm dark place on the station and sit there for just a little too long so somebody can find him by accident. even for him, it’d be pretty difficult to lie his way out of being found in a dark corner laying against some warm pipes or something.
something with whoever you think is likely to notice garak’s absence while he’s recovering from the events of the wire. his shop was probably closed for a good while. when he’s talking about life on the station for him during that episode he mentions how everyone around him loathes him --- so i think it would be fun for someone to just... notice he wasn’t around. they don’t have to express happiness that he’s back, but i think acknowledgement or just anything that isn’t negativity would mean something to him.
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pixiedane · 7 years
Thoughts about Ezri/Ziyal?
Aw, it’s another one canon killed. Thinking too hard about Ziyal makes me actively angry, but I’ll try. My thoughts are they’d be great, certainly better than Garak/Ziyal and Ezri/Bashir. They would be peers, two young girls with a hell of a lot of baggage taking on the world. Since this has to be fully AU anyway, I’m going to let Jadzia live, too, and have Ziyal hook up with Ezri Tigan. 
Everything in canon happens except Dukat steps in front of Ziyal and he dies instead of her, then she kills Damar. She is cleared of any wrongdoing as it was self-defense and during war – but she can’t reconcile her actions or the rage that accompanied them and has a breakdown. She cuts herself off from her friends and becomes a Dark version of herself, a Dukat version of herself so to speak. Kira refuses to leave her alone so she leaves the station. Meanwhile, Ezri Tigan is serving on the USS Destiny when the Trill they are transporting takes a turn for the worse and she is asked to undergo joining. Ezri refuses, the Trill High Council (Idk) try to get an injunction to force her so she steals a shuttlecraft and goes on the run. 
Ziyal and Ezri meet on a planet in the outskirts of Federation space, where outcasts go to get odd jobs. They both show up to apply for a position that turns out to be transporting pleasure slaves and decide to team up to free them instead. They develop a rapport and decide to stick together. They stay on the planet (or a nearby outpost because they probably had to leave the first after the escape went down) for about eighteen months, saving up to buy a small ship (they trade in Ezri’s stolen shuttle). Although they clicked almost immediately and their working relationship is very good, it takes a long while for them to open up personally. Both are carrying around huge amounts of guilt and shame. One night, while at a particularly seedy bar, a fight breaks out, Ezri is threatened, Ziyal shoots the man and then falls apart, flashing back to the encounter with Damar. Ezri gets her back to their living quarters and uses her buried counselor skills to get her to talk about everything that happened to her. After that, they slowly but surely become closer and one evening, after a job goes especially well and they are very close to their ship goal, they fall into bed together. It’s as if something was missing and now found. 
Eventually, Ezri convinces Ziyal to reach out to Kira, to mend fences, and they come to DS9. Ezri is arrested but Ziyal and Kira convince Jadzia to take on her defense and she is eventually exonerated. Ezri and Ziyal move onto the station, though they still work as moral vigilantes somewhat outside the confines of Starfleet and the Federation. 
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it and/or write a scenario /give you a series rundown of my headcanons
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