#one them said verbatim that there were many 'sign this or you're fired' agreements
a9saga · 1 year
CBX's legal battle with SM supposedly ended on the 19th with their contracts being renegotiated and all three staying at SM and in exo. That shit feels awkward man lol. I mean it's definitely a good thing for groups to come, because we've never seen artists file for a lawsuit and stay in the group like CBX wanted to, and this being able to be renegotiated creates opportunity for the next person realizing their contract has slave clauses to put their foot down, but like. These guys totally heard that if they go through w the lawsuit and terminate their contracts, they're fired, they can't be in exo anymore, because its members don't own exo, sm does. That's not confirmed, just my suspicion, but I feel like there's no way that wasn't what it boiled down to.
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