#one thing about kendall though he would not have a skincare routine
oldbutchdaniel · 1 year
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“you’re not a killer. you have to be a killer.”
succession (3.01, 3.09, 4.10) + american psycho
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
October 2nd
Prompt: Retro👗
Days off from work, though rare, were the best times Roxy could convince one of her friends to come run errands with her.
Often Logan would accompany her to the grocery store and sometimes she could convince Kendall to come to the music store with her to look at their weekly shipment of guitars, but today had been a rare day in which she needed to go clothes shopping. Typically, Jo and Camille would jump at the opportunity to join her, but the two of them were caught up with casting auditions and screen tests. So, on the off chance he would say yes, Roxy had invited Carlos and James.
James, expectedly, had said no - he had much better things to do on his days off, like perfecting his skincare routine - but Carlos had actually accepted her invitation.
After a few department stores in the area hadn't proved fruitful to her tastes, the pair had stopped in a thrift shop in the strip mall beside the Palm Woods in hopes they would be able to find anything she liked.
With such a wide variety of items, Carlos was able to quickly scan through the aisles to see if there was anything fitting to his style, before ultimately ending up right back at his assistant's side as she went through the rows hanger by hanger. Thrift stores often held so many gems, that it was common to miss something still in style or from a high brand for half the price it would be elsewhere.
But, even then, she still wasn't finding anything she really loved.
"What about this?" Carlos said from the aisle across from her, holding up a colored, floral dress that looked around her size. "You like brighter colors and dresses!"
True and true... The girl nodded, reaching out to take the garment off her hands so she could get a better feel for how it fit her body.
In hindsight, she could have felt the magical aura the item was emitting - it was incredibly strong - and when the witch's fingers made contact with the material a vision unexpectedly flashed behind her eyes.
An image in someone's hands - A girl, maybe her age, standing in the driveway of a one-story home with a backpack slung around her shoulder and a mountain of books in her hands. She wore glasses, thick, thick glasses, and the dress Roxy was holding, with one of the most 70s-looking hairstyles. Lots of volume, lots of curls, lots of hairspray.
In many ways, she reminded the young witch of Kelly.
The memory was warm, filling the girl with a sense of light - like she was sitting out by the pool soaking up the sun.
Without thinking, Roxy dropped the item in surprise and the hanger it was on loudly clattered to the ground.
Carlos asked if she was okay, but she couldn't hear him behind the thousands of possible explanations running through her mind.
A clairvoyant...? Even by modern standards, those are rare.
What were the chances of that? Someone with such strong supernatural senses able to imbue their own memories and feelings into their clothing? Who would ever donate something like that?
Even with her knowledge of the fantastical, Roxy had never heard of anyone powerful enough to do that.
A hand on her shoulder, Carlos', brought her out of her head.
With a sheepish smile, she glanced his way, patting his hand with her own. "Yes, I'm alright, sorry. The fabric was super staticky and it shocked me..."
Bending down to pick the garment up, she was careful to grab it by the hanger this time.
"Uh, I really like this dress actually. Can you help me find some other items like it?"
Nodding, Carlos took off like a rocket, scanning through the racks of clothing he had previously been looking at to see if there were any items he might have missed.
At the risk of accidentally touching the fabric again, the witch held onto it as she scanned down her own aisle, running her finger through the hanging clothing to see if anything else evoked a vision.
From a similarly colored sweater, a flash from the halls of a high school, and a glimpse of a handsome boy standing by a locker and coughing into his fist. Simply based on the length and volume of his hair, she assumed this was also around the same timeframe as the other memory she had seen. Roxy thought he might be wearing a varsity jacket, but it was over too fast to tell.
This memory also felt warm, but not in the same way as the last. It was more like being swaddled under a blanket or resting in the arms of a person you love.
Over from his racks, Carlos brought over a long plaid skirt to set on an empty space between the clothing for his friend before skipping off to find some more.
The skirt, absolutely beautiful shades of red and gold set off another vision - down the hallway of a house this time, the walls decorated with images of the girl from the dress and the boy from the sweater. They were older now, probably in their late twenties based on the last photo she passed, but in the others, they were as young as before. Photos from what looked like prom, the two at the top of a beautiful hiking trail, and one of the boy down on one knee, black ring box starkly standing out against the parlor of his skin. In some photos, he had a cane and in others, he did not, but in every single picture on the wall the two of them wore the most dazzling smiles.
Filled with even more warmth, in the same way one feels after eating a chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven, Roxy audibly sighed. The air of peace and tranquility filled her lungs and she raced down the aisle to find more.
A pair of overalls handstitched with multi-color flowers along the legs was her next stop, mind-filling with the image of the same house, the walls a different shade of beige now. One, two, three, kids whizzed by, toys littered across the floor, making the halls seem like a labyrinth to get through.
There was so much energy radiating off of this memory, that the girl actually started sweating, feeling as though she had just run a marathon as she tried to catch her breath.
Back again, Carlos returned with a long, black dress. He awkwardly held it out to his friend, trying to keep the bottom from hitting the ground as he said, "I know this isn't like the others but... Something about it was just calling to me."
At his comment, Roxy quirked a brow. Interesting. I might need to be a bit more careful casting spells around him...
As she reached out to touch the fabric of the dress, the warmth she had previously felt was sucked completely out of her body. Hand stopping, as though her veins had been completely frozen over, she tried to focus on the object's chilling aura.
The hair on her arms stood straight up, accompanied by the hair on the back of her neck. Her gut twisted, making her so nauseous she felt like emptying the contents of her stomach right there on the floor. But worst of all, there was a feeling of emptiness, like her heart had been completely ripped from her chest, making it impossible to breathe.
She didn't want to touch the dress to see that vision; She wanted to keep the memories of the life that the couple had made together; Roxy did not need to know how this story ended.
"Oh... No, I don't think so," The witch said, swallowing to suppress the bile rising in her throat. "The styles a bit too... retro for my taste."
Eeeeee! Vaguely inspired by "Timeless" by Taylor Swift. Hope you enjoyed it.
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
Jessie I've had a whole bottle of wine and have things to report!
1. My friend who works in the music business said Shawn is one of the nicest people she's met. Quite bland but sometimes nice is better than the bullies she sees a lot. But Camilla is a different story. Together they bring weird energy.
2. Brad Pitt smells
3. Postie smells like cigs
4. Kim, Kendall and Kylie smell good
5. Michael B. Jordan smells amazing
6. Ezra Miller smells
7. Ryan Gosling smells good
8. Justin Bieber surprisingly smells good
9. My friend said Harry smells good but after the recent pics I asked her if she's sure.
10. To the anon about holivia, alexa play too little too late. You're not delusional, they have no chemistry. How funny he's all smiling now that everyone pointed out his performance at the yacht. But at this point I'm surprised fans even think this is organic and realistic. I was even giving the dm spotting some benefit but ofc it's a set up. I said a long time ago here this will only be more in your face as it goes! Am I wrong? I don't know why anyone would think they'd end before the movie, this is a waste of all the grind Olivia is doing. Olivia not Harry, cause he puts in bare minimum and doesn't even look like he showers. But I just don't know how people look at this and doesn't think it's scripted af. But let your man do hollywood stuff even though he doesn't even seem to be a good actor.
I'm trying to remember which other celebs I can confirm are musty or not.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
“Jessie I've had a whole bottle of wine and have things to report!” I love that for for you lmao
You broke my heart with that Ezra Miller intel. I’ve heard a lot of people say that Post Malone smell fresh though but then again if you just had a cig and haven’t had a chance to spray something on then you’re gonna stink of it.
How does Jake G smell? He recently said he doesn’t find bathing necessary. What about John Mayer? He talks such big game with his skincare routine and laundry collab that he’s got me convinced that he smells good 24/7
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