#one time i tried to bake on my own and i nearly burnt the lair down
bettertwin1 · 4 months
Any Cake Recipe Suggestions? (Practicing Baking From Scratch)
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musekicker · 5 years
Fam plus the kid ocs (Goblin and missy) doing some sibling activities? Idk but like that good good family stuff?
This has been in my wip for awhile and finally finished it today.
Goblin and Jade are my ocs, Missy belongs to @halloweennut
Missy entered the lair after a great time at the beach during dusk. It had been a pleasant time, as most of her beach visits were. And she had a bag full of pretty shells that would probably be shared among herself, Mikey, and Jade.
"I'm back!" Missy called out.
The lair was unnaturally quiet and empty. It brought a prickle up Missy's spine and for a moment she was considering reaching for her weapon.
Jade peered out from the kitchen then. 
"Missy's here!" Jade called out and ducked back into the kitchen without any explanation.
Apparently things were happening.
Missy stepped into the kitchen to find the family gathered in there. They seemed to be in the midst of setting something up.
"Missy, you're here just in time!" April said, holding one of the bigger bowls from the kitchen.
Goblin was standing on a pile of old phone books to be at a comfortable level with the table finally. He grinned and looked up at his siblings and April.
"Okay,let's do this!" Goblin cried.
"What are we doing exactly?" Missy asked.
Mikey grinned, holding up a bowl and a some utensils before placing them on the table.
"We are doing our annual family team cooking competition." Mikey said.
"A what?" Missy asked.
"It's kind of like those cooking competition shows. Basically we get together, get in teams and then we cook." Raph said.
Splinter and Jade were seated at the kitchen table, not gathering cooking utensils and ingredients like the others.
"What about you?" Missy asked Splinter.
"I'm always the judge." Splinter said in a matter of fact way.
"I'm a judge too." Jade said.
"I see." Missy said. "I can't say I know much about cooking."
"That's okay. You can work with me and I'll help you get the idea of how to do some of the basics." Mikey said.
"Okay then, count me in." Missy said.
Missy joined Mikey's side of the kitchen to help him gather what was needed. Eventually everyone was set.
"And the contest starts in three... two... one." Splinter said.
"Go!" Jade cried.
The challenge was on.
Donnie had the terrible habit of substituting ingredients for those that would not work like he thought they would. It was a bit of mess, which became clear when he and Goblin's first plan for their dish of scones became a disaster because Donnie thought maybe substituting certain ingredients would make the scones better.
The back up plan was pudding. Not going to win for sure but it was something to present.
Goblin however had a different habit that was a problem. His sense of taste was very different from his siblings. And his sense of what was acceptable to pair with foods was just as different.
"For the last time we are NOT putting left over pizza scraps in the pudding." Donnie cried.
Goblin crossed his arms and stared with an air of defiance.
"I'm telling you, the crusts will be good in the pudding." Goblin said.
"And I'm telling you it won't." Donnie snapped.
"Says the guy who confused baking soda with baking powder." Goblin said.
"How dare you!" Donnie cried. "And that only happened once!"
Goblin grinned and brought the crusts closer to the pudding.
"Don't you even dare!" Donnie cried, grabbing for the bowl.
Goblin kept up his attempt to get the the crusts into the mix.
Raph was at least fairly competent in the kitchen. He was good at being careful of his ingredients measurements and was able to use the oven and stove without setting fires.
And with April on his team things went even smoother. April had been making her own meals for years now and had a good idea of what worked and what didn't cooking wise.
They had decided on chocolate chip cookies. A classic after all. And by this point the cookies were already in the oven.
"We got this." April said.
"Heck yeah we do." Raph said.
Mikey and Missy were making cookies too. Though with Mikey being the cook of the home he was adding his own twists to what normally would be a simple sugar cookie.
"Oh wow, this vanilla stuff has a strong scent." Missy said, having just opened the vanilla extract bottle.
"Yeah it is. And you do not want to use too much of that. First time I worked with it I accidentally used way too much." Mikey said "The dessert ended up in trash. Though dad did try to eat it still."
Mikey was being patient in explaining some of the other tips and tricks of the kitchen. And Missy was quick to pick up on the directions Mikey gave her.
Things were starting to wind down just a bit, all the dishes close to done.
"There is only five minutes left!" Leo cried from the table along side Jade and Splinter.
The contestants started to rush, putting their last touches on the treats.
"Five and a half..." Leo called out.
Plating was almost done.
" Four and a quarter-"
"Leo, I swear!" Raph cried.
Leo grinned but stopped until announcing the last minute.
And then..
"And the time is up!" Splinter cried. "Step away from the dishes."
The dishes were brought to the kitchen table and placed before the three judges.
"First to taste, our guest judge, Leo." Splinter said.
"I'm only allowed to be the judge because I nearly burnt down the kitchen more then once." Leo said.
"You tried to portal the fire away. That's not exactly a cool plan." Raph said.
Leo shrugged.
"It could had worked." he said.
Everyone was not impressed with Leo's logic. They didn't even dignify that statement with a answer.
Jade was also at the judging table.
"I get to be the judge that tries to be nice as possible even if the food isn't good." Jade said.
"I'm the brutally honest one." Splinter said.
And then the judging was on. Splinter was not as brutal as he said he would be, though he did give Donnie and Goblin an slightly judgmental look when he found the pizza crust in the pudding. Donnie only shrugged.
April's and Raph's cookies were a lot better received.
"Hmm, i think I need another cookie to judge better." Leo said.
"Me too!" Jade said, picking up on Leo's logic and reaching for another chocolate chip cookie.
Missy and Mikey's cookies went just as well and also required an extra judging. 
And then it was time to announce the winner.
"The winner is.. " Leo started.
"Everyone!" Jade cried. "Even Donnie and Goblin because I say so."
Leo and Splinter looked at Jade, this declaration not planned. Splinter shrugged.
"You heard her." Splinter said.
"Today, I guess we're all winners." Raph said.
"Doesn't the losers normally clean the kitchen?" Mikey asked.
"Oh, that's so Donnie and Goblin." April said.
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