#one will probably be an enternal WIP (it’s multi-chaptered) but the other is SO CLOSE to being done (literally ending scene rn)
starlit-clouds · 1 year
I hought I would finish this fic way sooner than I would, but alas August passed and it was not done then
On the bright side, I finally completed it!
Gonna post it soon after editing it, but imma do that in the morning because it is midnight for me and I am weak. But! I can give a sneak peek!
It’s called “Siblings in Spirit (And Paperwork)” and it has ALL of that Dad Fukuzawa(TM) content and contains PEAK Ranpo and Yosano sibling bonding. I’ll put a short snippet it under the cut that I was going to use parts of for the summary anyways!
Word count: roughly 793
Timeline: Ranpo and Yosano are 15/16 and 14/15 respectively in this
“You should do it.”
“No way!” Ranpo protested immediately. He gestured widely towards the door to Fukuzawa’s office. While the glass was frosted in a way that he couldn’t see too far inside, he knew Fukuzawa was sitting at his desk. “You should do it!”
Yosano put her hands on her hips. “No. You.”
“No! You!”
“No. Y—” Yosano cut herself off and paused, thinking for a moment. “You know what? We’re getting nowhere with this. I say we both need to calm down and talk this through again.”
“‘We both need to calm down’? Yeah, right. I’m the one who’s being rational here. I think you need to take a moment to think things through.”
“Oh?” She crossed her arms. “And why do you think that?”
“Because you wrote the papers in the first place. So since you’re the one who wrote them, that means you should give them to him.” Ranpo the pointed to the papers in Yosano’s hand. “Plus, you’re already holding them.”
She huffed and shoved the papers into Ranpo’s hands. He was forced to grab onto them to prevent them from falling onto the floor. He attempted to force her to take them back, but when that failed, he settled for simply glaring at her.
“Those reasons don’t even make any sense. If we’re really going by who did what, then you should be the one to give him the papers,” Yosano reasoned. “I already did the work by writing them. You can do your part by giving them to him. It’s only fair.”
“But it’s not about what’s fair,” Ranpo claimed. He had started to try and give Yosano the papers back. He was failing. “It’s about what we need to do for the plan to work. And believe me, it absolutely pains me to say this but…” Ranpo’s tone indicated anything but. “It would be a thousand times better if you were the one to do it.”
“Now you’re just making things up. It would be better if you gave them to him.”
Ranpo stared at Yosano. “No. You.”
“No.” Yosano stared back at him. “We are not going back to that.”
“Yes, we are.”
“Yes. And I think you should be the one to do it.”
“You were here first,” Yosano blurted out.
“No— wait. What do you mean?” He squinted at her suspiciously. “What exactly is the point you're trying to make there?”
“Well, you’ve known Fukuzawa for longer than me. Obviously it would be better if you were the one who gave him the papers.”
“Yeah, but the whole point of this is that he doesn’t know what they’re for until it’s too late for him to change his mind, so we don’t need the emotional manipulation of me doing it,” Ranpo pointed out. “We’re meant to be discreet. Which really means you should be doing it.”
“Yeah. You’re normally the one who gives him all of the paperwork, so it would be suspicious if I was suddenly giving him papers to sign.”
Yosano stared at him. And stared. And stared some more.
She was still staring as she glared and took the papers from Ranpo’s hands.
Ranpo cheered. “Ha ha! Yeah, that’s right! You’re the one who’s doing it!”
Yosano glared even harder before she ignored him by turning to face the door. As she entered, Ranpo leaned up against the door with his ear pressed up against it.
Fukuzawa looked up as she entered. “Yes?”
“I have some documents you need to sign. Preferably as soon as possible. As well as while I watch,” Yosano stated as she strolled towards Fukuzawa’s desk.
She watched him closely as she put the documents in front of him. She flipped through some of the pages before she reached the end, pointing to a box at the end of the page.
“Sign right here. Please,” she added after a moment.
Fukuzawa picked up the papers and flipped them back to the front.
“Wait! What are you doing?!” Yosano quickly snatched the papers away from him.
He raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m reading them over?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she rushed, absolutely not suspiciously at all. “You can just sign them without reading them.”
‘I’m pretty sure I should read documents before I sign them,” Fukuzawa said, sounding somewhat amused.
“Uhhh…” Time seemed to freeze as Yosano saw Fukuzawa begin to look back at the documents. And then she panicked. “I’m going to go now!” She announced. “And I’m taking these with me!”
Before Fukuzawa could read what the documents were about, she clutched them close to her chest and she whipped around to the door. She quickly hurried out of the room before things could get too awkward.
Or: Ranpo and Yosano try to trick Fukuzawa to sign adoption papers without him finding out until they’re already in effect. This goes as well as it could be expected.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49812589
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