#one woman was there for an electrical engineering exam which was neat
llycaons · 2 years
oh wait the weirdest thing this morning was. okay the exam was at 8 but we had to be there 30 minutes early, I got there at 7:15 or whatever and checked in and the guy told me to go down the hallway and wait with the others. so we’re sitting there talking for a while until we hear what sounds like shouting echoing down the hallway like someone’s calling and we’re all looking at each other like ????? and eventually I walk back to the desk and he’s there like “I”M HOLDING THE ELEVATORS!!! COME HERE!!!” and we’re all like ‘oh shit’ so we all grab our stuff and hastily run on over. like??? he didn’t give us any other instruction upon coming in, how were we supposed to know? who just opens an elevator and assumes we’ll know to come down? who just shouts down a hallway?? dude??
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