#oneeyedpsychic 04
necroticrose · 2 years
"More coffee?" Eve leans back on the picnic blanket, offering the thermos to Zal. She considers her adventuring days to be over-- like hell she's going to go on some harebrained mission for treasure. In her experience, it's much easier to make others do the work for you.
The plan is simple: They sell Zal's potions to potential adventurers, and for those that don't accept...
"That last guy didn't have a lot, he must be really bad at the whole treasure-hunting thing." Tossing a few more gold coins on the pile, she glances at a few passersby before leaning over to Zal.
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"How do you think they're going to disarm any traps wearing a stupid cape like that? Not only is it ugly, it's impractical, too." Her tone is hushed, but she makes no effort to hide her snide comments from cape-guy.
Adventuring is hard, but making fun of people is easy and free!
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firstclassrookie · 1 year
"Tell me you didn't." He holds up several potion bottles, all missing labels. Was there really no other way to tell them apart than to have him test them...?
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"Listen, ten dollars is ten dollars, but if you turn me into a frog or something you better have a way to fix it."
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fangsmyth · 5 years
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dating is something that lanque takes much more seriously than he’d like to admit. when he’s asking someone out, he’s always catering to their needs. it’s fun for him, to work so hard to plan the perfect evening tailored to whoever he’s seeing. the little performance is hardly a drag, more of a test to see if being so sappy and romantic around someone really... feels right. lanque doesn’t really make a big deal out of it, tending to intentionally hide that side of him since it’s just so vulnerable and pathetic.
however, this time he isn’t the one doing the asking. sure, he’s picking zal up as well as the location. but she was the one that made the offer in the first place. it’s not exactly common for people to ask him, after all he makes a conscious effort to come across as the type that isn’t interested in much more than the occasional fling. he planned on asking her out anyways, it’s a relief that he could save a few nights calculating the scene he’d have to craft so she’d at least agree to giving him any sort of chance.
a ding on the door bell, no dressing up or going through the trouble of renting a car. everything is too close by to bother dealing with that shit. the only things accompanying him are his flask and the ziploc bag of molly he always keeps on his person. “ you’re really going dressed in that? ” lanque sizes her up, carefully looking her body up and down. no, he should be quick to remedy that before she takes it seriously. “ i’m joking. are you ready? i hope you’re not too tired. ”
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gleamknight · 3 years
“Sorry it’s such short notice, I was told I was being a distraction to quiet study time at home.  The old man I live with?  Total bore.  He told me to find something to do for the afternoon.”  He had not realized it was just a rouse to get him out of the house for the day, but luckily!  He had a backup plan, a genius always does, after all.
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“Y’know, I was expecting this place to be a real dump, but you’ve really surprised me!”  And like a crow, the crystal orb on the coffee table caught his eye in the light just right.  “Look, you’ve even got ponderin’ orbs!  I don’t even have those!”
As he took a closer look, to perhaps even ponder the orb, in an almost comical fashion, it cracked clean down the middle and split apart in Zelos’s hands.  That was...Surely an omen.
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