#onhirel asks
onhirel · 1 year
Hello there. I remember there being art for your wonderful " a knight and her lady" fanfic and I was wondering if you had a link to it as I can't find it for the life of me. Also your writing is wonderful, the characterization always feels on point but makes sense for the story the characters are in. There are subtle changes in each au but at the same time they never really change personality and and I can imagine that's quite difficult to manage. The writing is always easy to read and flows well, It's hard to explain but I guess I Can compare it to a melody that sounds nice and you want to keep listening to it. Also do you have update schedules? Or is there a fic your focusing on now before continuing the others. Lastly are there any other aus your interested in for lwa such as pirates for example?
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Yes, I do have the AKAHL art!
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Thanks very much for the lovely compliments! As far as capturing characterization goes, it’s difficult to describe? The best way I can describe it is I have a feel for the core beliefs and values for the characters, the things that make them who they are. With that knowledge, I then apply the lenses of their environment for each story. I’m glad I’m doing a good job!
I also try to write cinematically, relying on visuals to carry the weight of the story. I love that it’s melodic to you.
Updates. Hhh. Okay, so, I’m very involved with writing a lot of stories ( and I mean a LOT of stories) with the incomparable @ameliamircalla. That said, I am going to finish all my stories. I think A Knight and Her Lady is first, followed by That Which Brings Us Together. After that? We’ll see. I really want to finish the Decade trilogy.
As for new AUs… it’s not likely. Maybe a drabble or a one shot? It depends on if I have the time, which is a dubious prospect. I’m a mother of two with a full time job and more. I hate that I don’t have more time for writing…
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