#onion draws op fanart
kil9 · 6 months
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i'll miss you 3ds online... see u in legends z-a
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aspacefullofdust · 2 years
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Happy Father's day to dads, father figures and people who needed to play the role of father everywhere!! And Happy Father's day to Corazon Donquixote and this post for making me cry every time I read it. I feel really emotional all over again!!!
And last, and certainly not least, Happy Father's day to all the people who hadn't had any father figures growing up or just really really don't like this day. I hope you had an awesome pride weekend and that you celebrate everyday with the people you love the most ❤
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supercimi · 4 years
It’s been a while
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Since I last took the time to draw something actually good. I was quite the drawing maniac not too long ago, but well....been too lazy recently....okay almost three years is not recently..... ANYWAY! 
i had a bout of inspiration and wanted to train my rusty skills a littlie, this one is a fanart of a character in a manga I've been following recently its called 'Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon'  or 'My Blissful Marriage'  
unlike the fluffy sounding name this manga is really not for the faint hearted there's evil families and an emotionally broken FL, a maybe crazy sister and mysterious families it even has its own angsty professional onion ninjas(outside the manga tearing up our defenses T-T)
right, almost forgot, I don't think the characters will ever wear western clothes in the manga, I only drew FL wearing it cuz I'm no good at drawing kimonos or yukatas. 
also really sorry for the quality I am bad at taking pictures...and editing them okay its all Instagram's fault for not having better filters. (well doubt this quality would hurt anyone =x= ) this manga is new so yea not many search for it...hmm
 just in case sorry in advance for giving you eyestrain mr/ms stranger ^^;
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Frank Woods & Alex Mason
aka. The Onion Man™ & The Guy Who Kinda Struggled with Math™
My first Black Ops fanart with my favorite characters! Now with process and it took me about 2 hours. Hope you like it! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
I'll draw Adler and Hudson next maybe?? 👀
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever worn those Drunk Goggles? >> I vaguely remember seeing those as like a gag gift at Spencer’s or something, but I’ve never worn any. I’ve been drunk, though, so I think I’ve got the experience of wearing Drunk Goggles well covered.
Which decade before the 90s had the best makeup trends? >> I don’t know anything about makeup trends before the eighties, now that I think about it.
Can you agree to disagree, or usually get upset over conflicting views? >> I can be upset sometimes, especially if the thing being debated is something I have a particular personal investment in. But I have learned how to be upset by myself, and not make it anyone else’s problem. (Which leads to a lot of unresolved feelings, I’ve also learned, but hey.)
Does it bug you when long socks are constantly falling down? >> I don’t wear long socks, and that’s one reason why.
Rodeos – entertaining, or cruel? >> I don’t know anything about rodeos and therefore do not have an opinion.
Why can’t politicians debate politely? >> Because it’s assumed that the general public will not remain engaged unless there’s some sort of drama. ...Honestly, I can see where they get that impression, but it can also be alienating for those of us who aren’t looking for entertainment from our politicians.
Who is the best female rocker? Why? >> Floor Jansen is one of my favourites. So is Skin, from Skunk Anansie.
Can you even taste a difference between Cheez Its and Cheez Nips? >> I don’t know, I’ve not had both of them.
What about between Pepsi and Coke or Sprite and 7Up? >> Yeah, I’ve tasted differences between both of those and I have preferences.
Do you care what kind of toilet paper you use? >> Yes, I care. I don’t like either extreme (too rough or too soft).
What color of roses do you find the prettiest? >> I’ve never given it any consideration.
Which celebrity has the cutest butt? >> I don’t know. But Sarah Snook, who plays Siobhan Roy on Succession, has a pretty eye-catching booty.
Do you still have any decent arcades nearby? >> Not to my knowledge.
After a holiday, do you go to the store to get candy on sale? >> No, but I might get some for Sparrow.
Did Marilyn Monroe look better before or after cosmetic surgery? >> ---
Bullfighters who get gored kind of had it coming, right? >> I mean, yeah.
If you make surveys, do you care what people rate them? >> I don’t make them, but if I did, that wouldn’t be a concern of mine. The only time I’m tempted to make a survey is because there are questions that it surprises me that no one ever asks, and that I’d love to answer myself. So I’d be making it for my benefit, primarily, and if anyone else enjoys it then that’s just icing on an already-good cake.
Have you ever accidentally found porn when looking for something else? >> Yeah, but it doesn’t happen much nowadays.
Ever run into those ‘celebrity lookalike porn’ blogs? >> Long time ago, yeah. You know, before tumblr changed its policy.
If you’re not religious, is the Bible basically just an old collection of short stories? >> My understanding of the Bible is that it’s a collection of laws and writings -- stories, poetry, letters, op-ed pieces (lol). The New Testament in particular seems to be just a bunch of letters appended to four different accounts of one dude’s birth and early life and concluded with a really dramatic callout post for the Roman Empire. I am very fond of this giant mishmosh of opinions and dramatically-recounted stories, tbh, it’s really interesting from both a historical and mythological perspective.
Do you think religious leaders just like to manipulate people? >> Of course.
Why do so many fans with OTP’s insist that their ship is real? Even when the writers (or real people that they ship) tell them it isn’t? >> I don’t know. I’ve never really delved into why that’s so important to a lot of fans, although it does intrigue me. I think it might have something to do with the varieties of ways in which people interact with and understand stories, but I’m not able to articulate exactly what I mean right now, I don’t have the words all organised in my brain and ready to go.
Do you draw fanart of anything? >> No, I don’t draw. I write fan fiction.
Do annoying city kids ever loiter outside your library and harass people? >> I’ve never witnessed any harassment outside of a library around here. That seems more likely to have happened in NYC, though.
Do you like to hang out at your local library? >> Occasionally. I used to basically live at the library when I was in the City, because I was homeless. I think I don’t go to the library as often anymore because of that -- it’s registered in my mind as “the place you go and sit in all day because you can’t go anywhere else” and it disorients me if I do it now.
On that subject, do you like the smell of books? >> Some books.
What’s on your Reading List, so-to-speak, right now? >> I’m between books right now. I’m still debating whether I want to try to finish The Denial of Death or whether I want to give it up for now, and the fact that I’ve been debating that for like a week most likely means that I should give it up. I can always pick it up again at a later date.
Read any great non-fiction books lately? >> Sure.
What do you like on your burger? >> Lettuce, onion, bacon, mustard or bbq sauce, some kind of cheese (preferably pepper jack). Jalapeño peppers can be good too.
What do you NOT like on your burger? >> Mayo, sometimes tomato (I go back and forth, it just depends on the day).
Do you like ‘loose meat’ sandwiches? >> I’m not sure what that is, but the name isn’t too enticing, let me tell you.
Have you ever heard of the restaurant Maid Rite? >> No.
What is the best thing to put in a grilled cheese (other than cheese)? >> I don’t even remember what things I like in a grilled cheese, I haven’t had one in ages. Oh! HopCat sells one that has honey and apple in it and that’s pretty good. I do like “weird” grilled cheeses.
Homemade tomato soup, or just out of a can? >> Not out of a can, that’s for sure. There are some premade ones that I do like, but they’re never canned (usually they’ll come in cartons).
Favorite thing to see in museums? >> I like sci-tech museums, so, that stuff.
Have you ever seen an unwrapped mummy in person? >> No.
What things have people shamed you for? >> The kind of music I like, the kind of people I think are pretty, the way I look, the way I behave/my idiosyncrasies, my emotional responses, my needs... I mean, basically almost anything you can think of.
Do you always reply to private messages? (On any website) >> I usually do.
What device do you seem to always be buying batteries for? >> I don’t think anything I currently use takes disposable batteries.
What’s worse – snow, or all the mud after it melts? >> Definitely the latter.
Are there any 'adult stores’ in your area? >> Probably. Not in this city proper, but like... around. Somewhere.
Have you been inside of them/shopped there before? >> I’ve been to a lot of them in NYC.
Do you watch The Masked Singer? Any theories? >> No.
Favorite Alfred Hitchcock film? >> I don’t have one.
Do you like Funko Pop figurines? >> Meh. The novelty wears off pretty quickly.
If so, do you have any? Which ones would you like to have? >> Yeah, having a few is how I know the novelty wears off pretty quickly, hah. I have two Marvel!Heimdalls (from two different movies), a Roland and a Walter from the Dark Tower movie, Jesse and Cassidy from the Preacher TV show, Lucio and Reaper from Overwatch, and Vivec from The Elder Scrolls. I actually had to go looking in the living room because I’d forgotten I had that many. That’s another few items for the donation / giveaway bin...
Which ones do you think they should make (but haven’t yet)? >> At this point, I think they should stop, lmao. There are so fucking many.
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aspacefullofdust · 2 years
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Wow it's been a while huh! I am trying to revamp my art related socmeds (it's hard and i don't like it) and i really wanted to try again posting art here even though it's been, like, 4 years since then lmao
I post mostly on instagram nowadays and i tried to challenge myself and post a drawing for each day of pride month (i am in pain) and up until now it's going ok so!! i am happy about that!! i will post my art here in chunks probably, we'll see! (my insta is @lightfulonion btw)
I managed to finish one piece during the pandemic and you'll never guess who was my favourite character!! (i am not going to tell you, you have to guess)
Life has been a neverending rollercoster but im here to stay baby!!!!!!! (hopefully)
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