#online website mockup generator
webmakeover · 2 years
Website Makeover provided 600+ mockups of the home pages to their clients successfully. If you want a design of your website's homepage for absolutely free then visit our website: https://thewebsitemakeover.com/
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reallycreative · 1 year
Creating Stunning AI-Powered Product Display Mockups: Upload Your Produc...
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rickytech · 4 months
Website Designing Company In Uttam Nagar
A good online presence is essential for any organisation to succeed in the modern digital world. Your website is the online storefront for your business, and drawing and keeping visitors depends heavily on its design. If you're in Uttam Nagar and want to build or improve your online presence, you need a trustworthy partner who can design beautiful websites that are customised to your specifications. You need look no farther than Ricky Tech, the top website design company in uttam nagar.
Why Choose Us?
Expertise: With years of experience in the field, we have refined our abilities and acquired priceless knowledge about the most effective web design techniques. To provide our clients with state-of-the-art solutions, our staff remains current on the newest developments in both technology and trends.
Customization: We recognise that each firm is distinct and that universally applicable solutions are rarely enough. For this reason, we provide completely bespoke website design services that are matched to your target market, brand identity, and corporate goals.
Responsive Design: Having a responsive website is essential in the mobile-first world of today. Your audience will be able to access your website from anywhere at any time thanks to our designs' flawless cross-platform user experiences.
SEO-Friendly: A beautiful website is of little use if it's not visible to your target audience. Our websites are built with SEO best practices in mind, helping you rank higher in search engine results and drive organic traffic to your site.
Affordable Pricing: We think that a high-quality website designing company in uttam nagar shouldn't be prohibitively expensive. We provide fair and competitive price packages that don't include any unexpected costs.
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Our Process:
Consultation: We start with a comprehensive consultation process to ascertain your business objectives, target market, and preferred style.
Design: Our talented designers work their magic to create visually stunning mockups that reflect your brand identity and resonate with your target audience.
Development: Once the design is approved, our developers bring it to life using the latest web technologies, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.
Testing: We thoroughly assess the website's functionality, performance, and compatibility to ensure a successful launch.
Launch: At last, we take your website live on the internet, making sure it is search engine optimised and prepared to draw in and keep visitors.
Client Satisfaction Guaranteed:
At Ricky Tech, we put our customers' needs first. From the first consultation until the finished product, we work hard to surpass your expectations. However, our dedication doesn't stop there. We offer continuing support and upkeep to make sure your website designing stays in excellent shape and keeps generating revenue for your company.
Collaborate with the top website design company in Uttam Nagar to elevate your online presence and prevent your rivals from taking all the credit. To arrange a consultation and get started on the path to digital success, get in touch with us right now!
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xacheri · 2 years
Brower Electric - Commit #0: Figma
Hello internet. I've been taking a web development class and we are now working on our final project for the semester. We are making a website for an electrical contracting company named Brower Electric. If the owners of the company like our website best, they will use it live. It's an opportunity to show our skills and get a great starting project for our resumes.
Brower Electric is a longstanding family-owned general electrical contracting business that specializes in commercial electrical jobs, but has experience in industrial and residential too.
They wanted a simple, attractive, professional page that kept consistent coloring. They wanted contact information, project information, resume submission, and testimonials front-and-center.
I used Figma to do my design work. It's a simple, browser-based online design tool that uses frames and layers.
I would have produced multiple wireframes/mockups to move together towards a design if I had more interview opportunities with the client.
I designed/wireframed for the desktop, but I will use Bootstrap 5 when I write the HTML and CSS which is built mobile-up. This may be an oversight but I learn best by experiencing the consequences of my actions.
Home Page - Front Facade:
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The first thing when you see the page will be a carousel that switches through cards that display testimonials. By using a grey background on the cards, I help keep color variety to a minimum. Because neutral colors don't count.
I kept a simple solid background that matches the logo. Simple and consistent, per the client's request.
The navbar has a Call Now button in bold red to funnel users towards contact with the client. The navbar will be sticky so it is always visible. I used a lighter blue for the background, just dragging the color picker from the body/logo color until it was something attractive
The logo was hand-drawn. I used a web tool to remove the background and nested the company name in it.
There is also another contact button specifically for quotes. This will also funnel users to contact. It will not collapse on mobile so it will be a useful way to contact the company with only a small scroll. No toggling required.
Home Page:
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The next section of the homepage goes over the types of services offered. The blank spaces will be stock images related to the heading on the other side of the tree. On mobile, the text will overlay on the image, they will stack in one column, and there will be no tree.
I made a point to include that they were family-owned, established, as well as Licensed Bonded and Insured. This builds customer confidence in the business.
I will likely use a Bootstrap Grid to build this section.
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I will also use cards to display the current projects. They will stack on mobile. The current projects gives an idea of the contractors workload as well as what the staff is freshly-trained to do.
The simple footer on the bottom provides contact info and a nav on the bottom for user-friendliness.
About Us:
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The about us page is simple and straightforward, because that's how these folks run their business. A past projects accordion will be a space-efficient way to include all their projects (there are a lot, these guys have been in the biz for decades.)
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Contact Us:
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I decided to display the contact information on cards in the contact us page. The large central card serves as a general directory on what number to call to get things done quickly. I left the former owner on the site, but excluded his contact information. People looking for Mike Brower's company now know that it is still in business, this is it's website, and that Mike is retired.
Donald doesn't like to be contacted directly. So I put a message on his card to funnel contact through someone else first.
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This page is a simple form submission for a resume. It is very bare bones because the client requested something simple that just lets him do a quick initial screen and initiate contact himself.
They are always hiring for different positions so the user must specify what kind of job title they are looking for.
Designing this site was fun! I don't really consider myself a creative so building something like this was a great confidence booster. I feel very confident in my ability to code this website for 2 reasons: first, I have built very similar things before, such as the glamourscreens website I built earlier this semester; second, most everything I have included in this website has extensive support included in Bootstrap 5.
This feels like some of my best work yet, and I feel confident that it is something the client will be very pleased with too.
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atechiereview · 1 day
Boost Your Workflow with AI! AI Agents 2.0 Review
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AI Agents 2.0 promises to be a game-changer, offering a suite of AI-powered tools to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.
This comprehensive review dives deep into AI Agents 2.0, exploring its features, benefits, pricing, and whether it can truly revolutionize your business.
What is AI Agents 2.0?
AI Agents 2.0 is a cloud-based platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to automate various tasks across your business. It offers a comprehensive collection of "agents," essentially pre-programmed AI tools designed for specific functions.
These agents can handle a wide range of activities, from content creation and social media management to data extraction and code generation.
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What's Covered in AI Agents 2.0?
Here's a breakdown of some key features and the potential benefits they offer:
Me, Features & Benefits:
Done-For-You (DFY) Agents: AI Agents 2.0 boasts a library of pre-built agents, eliminating the need for complex setup or coding knowledge.
150+ Built-in Tools: This extensive toolkit covers a vast array of tasks, including creating chatbots, generating content, analyzing documents, and managing social media.
AI Chat & Web Chat: Enhance customer service with AI-powered chatbots that can answer questions and handle basic inquiries.
AI Document Scan & Data Extractor: Extract valuable data from documents and automate data entry, saving you time and effort.
AI Image & Code Generation: Generate product mockups, logos, or even basic code snippets using the power of AI.
How it Works: AI Agents 2.0
The process is designed to be user-friendly. You simply choose the "agent" that aligns with your desired task, provide it with some guidelines or prompts, and the AI takes care of the rest.
The platform offers a visual interface for building workflows, allowing you to automate multi-step processes.
AI Agents 2.0 Demo Video
Checkout the demo video and start your online business with AI Agents 2.0.
AI Agents 2.0 Pricing
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Lock in the special launch price of $47 for AI Agents 2.0!
This introductory offer won’t last forever. Secure your access at the official website before it’s gone!
AI Agents 2.0 Bonuses
Some vendors offering AI Agents 2.0 might include additional bonuses, such as access to training materials, additional DFY agent templates, or even affiliate marketing resources.
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Pros and Cons of AI Agents 2.0
Effortless Automation: Streamline workflows and free up valuable time by automating repetitive tasks.
User-Friendly Interface: No coding knowledge is required, making it accessible to users of all technical backgrounds.
Wide Range of Tools: Tackle a diverse set of tasks with the extensive library of built-in AI agents.
Cost-Effective: The one-time fee structure can be a cost-effective alternative to hiring additional staff.
Learning Curve: While user-friendly, understanding the capabilities of each agent and optimizing prompts might require some trial and error.
Limited Customization: DFY agents offer convenience but might lack the level of customization some users desire.
Accuracy and Quality: AI-generated content or data extraction might require human review to ensure accuracy.
Limited Support: Depending on the vendor, customer support options might be limited.
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Who Should Consider AI Agents 2.0?
This platform can benefit businesses of all sizes, particularly those looking to:
Automate repetitive tasks: Free up employees to focus on more strategic initiatives.
Boost productivity: Get more done in less time with the power of AI.
Improve content creation: Overcome writer's block and generate fresh content ideas.
Enhance customer service: Provide 24/7 support with AI-powered chatbots.
Conclusion: Is AI Agents 2.0 Right for You?
AI Agents 2.0 offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking to leverage AI for automation. With its user-friendly interface, extensive toolset, and one-time fee structure, it can be a valuable addition to your arsenal. However, it's important to manage expectations.
While AI is powerful, it's still under development. Some tasks might require human oversight for optimal results. Carefully consider the pros and cons, and take advantage of any available free trials before committing.
Lock in the special launch price of $47 for AI Agents 2.0!
This introductory offer won’t last forever. Secure your access at the official website before it’s gone!
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AI Agents 2.0 FAQ's
Q: Does AI Agents 2.0 integrate with other platforms?
A: Integration capabilities can vary depending on the specific agent. It's best to check the official documentation or contact the vendor for confirmation.
Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: While some vendors might offer a money-back guarantee with AI Agents 2.0, it's not a universal feature.
Q: Are there any hidden fees with AI Agents 2.0?
A: The typical pricing structure involves a one-time fee. However, some vendors might offer upsells for additional features or agent templates. Be cautious of any recurring subscription fees that might not be readily apparent.
Q: How secure is my data with AI Agents 2.0?
A: Security is a critical concern. Research the data security practices of the vendor offering AI Agents 2.0. Look for information on data encryption, storage practices, and their overall commitment to data security.
Lock in the special launch price of $47 for AI Agents 2.0!
This introductory offer won’t last forever. Secure your access at the official website before it’s gone!
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Alternatives to AI Agents 2.0
The market for AI-powered automation tools is growing rapidly. Here are a few alternatives to consider:
Zapier: A popular platform for automating workflows by connecting various web applications.
IFTTT: Similar to Zapier, IFTTT allows users to create automated tasks across different platforms.
Jasper: An AI writing assistant focused on content creation, offering features for long-form content, blog posts, and marketing copy.
Rytr: Another AI writing assistant with a focus on generating various creative text formats.
By now, you should have a comprehensive understanding of AI Agents 2.0. This review can empower you to make an informed decision on whether this platform can be a valuable asset in your quest for business automation.
Additional Notes for SEO Optimization:
Throughout this blog post, I've used relevant keywords like "AI automation," "AI agents," "content creation," and "business automation" to improve search visibility.
Consider including high-quality images or infographics to break up the text and enhance reader engagement.
Promote your blog post on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter to reach potential customers interested in AI automation solutions.
I hope this comprehensive review aids you in your exploration of AI Agents 2.0!
Lock in the special launch price of $47 for AI Agents 2.0!
This introductory offer won’t last forever. Secure your access at the official website before it’s gone!
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nuwanhemal · 6 days
Midjourney Mastery Course for Etsy - Sell Digital Downloads by Using AI - A Step-by-Step 2 Hours Course for Beginners Unlock Your Etsy Success with AI Artistry: The Midjourney Mastery Course by a $200,000 Etsy Seller! Learn how to succeed on Etsy with Digital Downloads and AI by using Midjourney, a course that is over 2 hours long and covers everything for your success on the platform. Midjourney Mastery Course for Etsy 14 Module + (PDF) Useful Links + (PDF) Description Examples + Marketing Strategy Notes ( 1- Creating Your Etsy Store + 2- Discord, How to Add and Use Midjourney + 3- Using the Describe Function in Midjourney + 4- How to Crop Your Images to the Right Size + 5- How to Create Designs with Midjourney and Remove the Background - Transparent Files + 6- How to Create a Mockup with Photoshop, Photopea or Placeit + 7- Assigning Shortcuts for a Faster Workflow in Photoshop + 8- How to write the Title and the Tags - Etsy Practical SEO Approach + 9- How to add the files to Google Drive and create the PDF with the Download Link + 10- How to Find Winning Products Designs + 11- Marketing Strategy and How to Grow Your Store + 12- The Etsy Dashboard + 13- Workflow Demonstration + 14-Conclusion ) Are you ready to transform your artistic passion into a profitable Etsy Business? Look no further! Introducing the Midjourney Mastery Course, meticulously crafted by me — an Etsy seller with $200,000 in sales across five successful Etsy stores. With more than four years of experience, including three thriving Digital Download stores and two Print on Demand stores, I'm here to guide you step by step on your journey to Etsy success. Why Midjourney Mastery for Etsy? 🚀 Proven Success: Gain insights from someone who's not just a course creator but a seasoned Etsy seller. With a track record of over $200,000 in sales, I understand the Etsy marketplace inside out. Let me share my strategies and secrets that propelled my stores to success. 🎨 No Graphic Design Skills Required: Just like you, I started with a passion for art and zero graphic design expertise. Midjourney eliminates the need for intricate design skills, making it accessible to everyone. Together, we'll unleash your creativity without the hurdles of complex software to create the designs from scratch - I'll teach you the absolute basics that are necessary and quick to learn. 💡 Etsy Domination: Learn how to leverage Etsy's massive audience to turn your AI-generated artwork into a lucrative business. I'll guide you on optimizing your listings, attracting customers, and standing out in a competitive marketplace. 🔍 Insider Knowledge: Benefit from my experience in running Digital Download stores. I've navigated the challenges, learned the winning practices, and will share everything you need to know to thrive in the evolving world of online art sales. What You'll Learn: Insider Tips from a Successful Etsy Seller: I'll share the strategies that propelled my stores to over $200,000 in sales. Artistic Mastery with Midjourney: Unlock the full potential of Midjourney for creating high-demand, captivating AI-generated artwork. Etsy Shop Optimization: Craft a professional Etsy shop that converts visitors into loyal customers. Listing Magic: Discover how to create listings that stand out, attract attention, and drive sales. Marketing Wisdom: Uncover the marketing techniques that fueled my Etsy success, including how to promote digital downloads effectively. Photoshop/Photopea Basics: Learn the absolute basics of editing in minutes. Find Winning Designs like a Pro: Learn the key indicators for finding winning products.
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iglobalweb · 9 days
Introduction In the digital era, a business website serves as the cornerstone of an organization's online presence. It is a powerful tool that can attract customers, build brand credibility, and drive business growth. However, launching a business website requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and attention to detail. This comprehensive essay aims to provide entrepreneurs and business owners with a step-by-step guide on how to successfully launch a business website. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a seamless website launch that maximizes your online potential and sets the stage for future success. I. Preparing for Website Launch Before diving into the website development process, it is essential to lay a strong foundation by defining your goals, conducting market research, and outlining your website's structure. Defining Website Objectives: a. Determine the primary purpose of your website (e.g., e-commerce, lead generation, brand awareness). b. Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your website. Conducting Market Research: a. Identify your target audience and their online behavior. b. Analyze competitors' websites and identify opportunities for differentiation. Planning Website Structure: a. Develop a site map outlining the main sections and pages. b. Create wireframes or mockups to visualize the website's layout and functionality. II. Designing and Developing Your Website This section delves into the design and development process, focusing on aspects such as selecting a content management system (CMS), designing the user interface (UI), and optimizing user experience (UX). Selecting a CMS: a. Research and choose a CMS platform that aligns with your business needs. b. Popular options include WordPress which iGlobalweb supports 100%. Designing the UI: a. Create a visually appealing design that reflects your brand identity. b. Consider factors such as color schemes, typography, and visual elements. c. Ensure a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to different devices. Optimizing UX: a. Streamline website navigation and structure for intuitive user experience. b. Optimize for mobile devices, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly design. c. Conduct user testing and gather feedback to refine the UX. Developing Website Functionality: a. Build essential features, such as contact forms, search functionality, and social media integration. b. Integrate third-party tools, such as analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Implementing E-commerce Functionality (if applicable): a. Set up a secure payment gateway and shopping cart system. b. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations. III. Content Creation and Optimization Compelling and optimized content is key to engaging visitors, driving conversions, and improving search engine visibility. Developing Engaging Copy: a. Craft persuasive and informative copy that communicates your value proposition. b. Address customer pain points and highlight key benefits. c. Maintain a consistent tone and voice throughout your website. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): a. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant terms for optimization. b. Incorporate keywords naturally into page titles, headings, and content. c. Optimize meta tags, URLs, and image alt tags. d. Focus on creating high-quality, unique content. Incorporating Multimedia: a. Enhance user engagement with relevant images, videos, infographics, and interactive elements. b. Optimize multimedia files for fast loading times and mobile compatibility. IV. Testing and Launching Your Website The final stage involves testing your website for functionality, performance, and compatibility across different browsers and devices. Once satisfied, you can proceed with the official launch. Quality Assurance: a. Conduct thorough testing of all website functionalities and interactive elements. b. Test website performance, loading times, and compatibility across browsers and devices.
Content Review: a. Proofread all content to ensure accuracy, clarity, and consistency. b. Verify that all links are working correctly. Website Security: a. Implement security measures, including SSL certificates, firewalls, and regular backups. b. Protect user data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. Website Launch: a. Coordinate with your web hosting provider to make your website live. b. Monitor the website closely during the initial launch period for any issues or errors. Conclusion Launching a business website requires careful planning, meticulous execution, and continuous optimization, which working with  iGlobalweb will give you peace of mind. Please contact us for free consultation or call us TOLL-FREE 877-522-0101
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clarkmyers · 13 days
Unleashing Your Brand's Potential: The Power of Custom Web Development Services
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, your website is no longer just an online brochure – it's the digital face of your brand. It's the platform where you connect with potential customers, showcase your products or services, and establish yourself as a leader in your industry. However, settling for a generic template website can leave your brand looking uninspired and failing to capture the essence of what makes you unique. This is where custom web development service come into play.
Custom Web Development: Beyond Templates, Beyond Limitations
Custom web development services, offered by agencies like Devurai, empower you to create a website that's tailored specifically to your brand and business objectives. Unlike cookie-cutter templates, custom development offers a multitude of advantages:
A Unique Brand Experience: Stand out from the crowd with a website that reflects your brand identity. From design elements like logos and color palettes to custom functionalities, you have complete control over the user experience you want to create.
Enhanced Functionality: Generic templates often lack the ability to accommodate your specific needs. Custom development allows you to integrate features and functionalities that are essential for your business, such as online booking systems, e-commerce platforms, or interactive content.
Seamless User Experience: With custom development, you can create a website that is not only visually appealing but also incredibly user-friendly. This ensures visitors can navigate your website with ease, find the information they need quickly, and ultimately achieve their desired goals.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advantage: A well-designed and developed website can be significantly more SEO-friendly. Custom development allows you to integrate best practices and optimize the website's structure and content for better search engine ranking, attracting organic traffic and increasing brand visibility.
Scalability and Adaptability: Your business doesn't stay static, and neither should your website. Custom development offers a future-proof solution, allowing you to easily scale the website as your business grows and adapt it to integrate new features or functionalities as needed.
The Custom Web Development Process: A Collaborative Journey
Creating a successful custom website is a collaborative process between you and your development partner. Here's a simplified breakdown of the key steps involved:
Discovery and Planning: This initial phase involves understanding your business goals, target audience, and brand identity. Together, you'll define the website's purpose, desired functionalities, and target user experience.
Information Architecture and Wireframing: Once the concept is clear, the development team will create an information architecture (IA) outlining the organization of content on the website. They'll also develop wireframes – low-fidelity mockups that provide a visual representation of the website's layout and functionality.
Design and Development: With your input and approval, the design team transforms the wireframes into a visually stunning and user-friendly website. Developers then bring the design to life, writing code to ensure the website functions flawlessly across different devices.
Content Creation and Integration: Compelling content is crucial for a successful website. You may choose to create the content yourself or collaborate with your development partner to craft engaging website copy.
Testing and Launch: Before going live, the website undergoes rigorous testing on various devices and browsers. Once all bugs are addressed and the website functions seamlessly, it's ready for launch.
Ongoing Maintenance and Support: The website launch marks the beginning, not the end, of the journey. Regular maintenance ensures security updates, bug fixes, and performance optimization. Your development partner can offer ongoing support to address any issues that might arise.
Investing in Your Future: The Return on Investment (ROI) of Custom Web Development
While the initial investment in custom web development services might seem higher compared to template solutions, the long-term benefits outweigh the cost. Here's how custom development delivers ROI:
Increased Brand Recognition and Credibility: A professional and well-designed website builds trust and establishes you as a credible player in your industry.
Enhanced Lead Generation and Conversion Rates: A user-friendly website with clear calls to action helps you convert website visitors into leads and paying customers.
Improved Customer Engagement: Custom development allows you to create a website that fosters engagement with your audience and keeps them coming back for more.
Reduced Long-Term Costs: While the initial investment is higher, custom websites are often easier to maintain and update compared to template solutions.
Competitive Advantage: A unique and well-functioning website sets you apart from competitors who rely on generic templates.
Conclusion: Building a Website that Works for You
In today's competitive online landscape, a custom website is no longer a luxury – it's a strategic necessity. By investing in custom web development services, you gain a powerful tool for achieving your unique business goals. The collaborative process with your chosen agency ensures a website that reflects your brand identity, offers a seamless user experience, and positions you for long-term online success.
Partnering with Devurai
Devurai (https://devurai.com/) is a leading custom web development agency dedicated to helping businesses unlock their full online potential. Their team of skilled professionals combines creativity with technical expertise to deliver high-performing websites that drive results. Whether you're a startup seeking a brand-defining online presence or an established business looking to revamp your digital strategy, Devurai can help you create a custom website that:
Captures the essence of your brand
Engages your target audience
Drives conversions and sales
Fuels your long-term growth
Ready to take the first step towards a website that truly works for you?
Contact Devurai today for a free consultation and discover the power of custom web development services.
Here are some additional points to consider when making your decision:
Look for a development agency that specializes in your industry. Understanding the unique challenges and opportunities within your field allows the agency to tailor the website to your specific needs.
Focus on the agency's experience and portfolio. Review their past projects to see if their design aesthetic aligns with your vision and if they have experience working with businesses similar to yours.
Prioritize clear communication and a collaborative approach. Choose an agency that values open communication and actively involves you throughout the entire development process.
By considering these aspects and leveraging the power of custom web development services, you can create a website that serves as the cornerstone of your online success.
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ailogomakerr · 17 days
Logo Creation Done Seamlessly with AI: The Power of Artificial Intelligence
The field of marketing and branding has experienced growth due to continuous advancements in technology. However it’s important to note that the visual identity of a brand plays a role in its success.
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) hasn’t altered this truth; rather it has refined it by transforming the landscape. Nowadays there are platforms available for branding purposes, such as Looka, AI Logo Generator and even experimenting with ChatGBT. Some of these tools are specifically designed to simplify logo creation or redesigning processes making them valuable assets for enhancing your brand.
Streamlined Design Procedures
In the past designing a logo used to be a task involving consultations and revisions with professional designers. This approach was not time consuming but quite costly! When comparing this method with using an AI powered logo maker that streamlines the design process the contrast is truly remarkable!
Of engaging in exchanges, with a designer you can now direct an AI logo designer to bring your envisioned symbol to life all by yourself. Creating your brand identity is a breeze!
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Next you just need to input your company name, industry and the kind of feel you want your branding to convey.
When selecting your logo style make sure to explore color combinations and font styles. Each choice carries its mood or vibe so choose wisely!
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This quick process lets you focus more on strategizing for your business and less on design revisions. This means time to grow the core of your business of getting caught up in details.
One great thing, about using AI for design is that it frees you up to do tasks! With artificial intelligence handling most of the work you can. Be more productive with building your brand. It’s a win win situation.
Great Value for Your Money!
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For startups, with budget constraints opting for a logo designer can sometimes mean compromising on quality. Quality often comes at a price when it comes to work!. Is it worth sacrificing the face of your brand just to save some money? Not!
AI powered logo creation platforms are, like your budget partners that ensure your brand identity remains top notch. You can achieve the quality you desire in a logo without the price tag. The best part is that you can personalize them even with minimal design skills.
This democratization of design levels the playing field allowing smaller businesses and startups to compete on par with established corporations.
Personalization and Adaptability
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There is a misconception that AI generated logos appear cheap and generic. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Platforms like Ailogomakerr.com utilize algorithms to understand your brands niche and incorporate design trends seamlessly.
In addition to Ailogomakerr there are user websites such as Canva and Looka that provide intuitive interfaces. These platforms offer customization options ranging from color palettes to font choices. These free online tools ensure that the final logo aligns perfectly with your brand identity.
Efficiency and Availability
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Similar to platforms AI logo generators are available, around the clock eliminating any time constraints typically associated with hiring a professional designer.These AI platforms are really convenient especially if you’re busy, during the day managing tasks for your startup. With just a click AI tools make it easy for you to design your logo from the comfort of your home. Their availability around the clock ensures that no matter your schedule or time zone, your logo needs are always taken care of.
Ensuring Consistency Across Platforms
Maintaining branding across platforms can be a bit tricky. Online logo making tools often come with features to help you create business cards, social media graphics and other brand materials that match your logo.
On another note the AI Logo Generator also provides kits and product mockups to visualize how your new logo will look in action. You’ll get mockups of your brand logo on mediums and surfaces based on where you plan to use it. The AI can bring it all to life for you!
This helps maintain a presentation of your branding, which is essential for building trust and recognition with your audience.
Continuous Improvement Abilities
The evolving nature of AI and machine learning means these platforms are always getting better. In addition to websites, like Looka and Logomaker you can even use ChatGPT to assist in creating your logo. Certainly each platform has its focus and when comparing ChatGPTs image generation feature, to specialized logo creation sites one might find the process a bit more intricate.
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While ChatGPT offers a range of prompts to choose from there are alternatives available for those seeking a quick and efficient logo design experience. Some platforms even make it as easy as clicking a “create a logo” button!
The process of designing logos and receiving feedback contributes to refining the underlying algorithms enhancing their intelligence and responsiveness to user preferences. Services like Turbologo leverage these capabilities to provide designs that not meet design trends but also adapt with changing styles.
The inclusion of intelligence in logo design represents not a technological leap but also addresses longstanding challenges in the design industry. Platforms such as ChatGPT, Canva and Looka empower businesses of all sizes with tools to create logos that not look professional but resonate with their brand identity. With advancements in AI technology the future of logo creation appears promising offering personalized, innovative and accessible solutions, for visual branding needs. Embrace these resources to elevate your brands presence.This blog is from Ailogomakerr.com
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filliptechmi · 17 days
Fillip Technologies: Your Premier Choice for Custom Web Development in Patna
In today’s digital generation, having a robust online presence is no longer optional but a necessity for businesses striving to succeed. A website is often the first interaction potential customers have with a brand, making it crucial for businesses to invest in a well-designed and functional website. This is where Fillip Technologies comes into play. As a leading provider of custom web development in Patna, Fillip Technologies is dedicated to helping businesses establish a strong digital footprint with tailor-made web solutions.
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The Importance of Custom Web Development
Custom web development goes beyond the basic website templates and themes. It involves creating a website that is uniquely tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of a business. Here are a few reasons why custom web development is essential:
Unique Design: Custom web development allows for a unique design that reflects the brand’s identity. Unlike generic templates, a custom website can be designed to stand out and leave a lasting impression on visitors.
Scalability: As businesses grow, their website needs evolve. Custom web development ensures that the website can be easily scaled and adapted to meet changing requirements.
Enhanced Functionality: Custom websites can be developed with specific functionalities that are essential for the business, providing a better user experience and improving overall efficiency.
SEO Optimization: Custom websites are built with SEO best practices in mind, ensuring that the website ranks well on search engines and attracts organic traffic.
Security: Custom web development includes implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure a safe browsing experience for users.
Why Choose Fillip Technologies for Custom Web Development in Patna?
Fillip Technologies has established itself as a premier web development company in Patna, known for its commitment to delivering high-quality custom web solutions. Here are several reasons why businesses should consider Fillip Technologies for their web development needs:
Expert Team: Fillip Technologies boasts a team of experienced web developers, designers, and digital strategists who are proficient in the latest technologies and trends. Their expertise ensures that every project is handled with professionalism and attention to detail.
Tailored Solutions: Understanding that every business is unique, Fillip Technologies takes a personalized approach to web development. They work closely with clients to understand their goals and create a website that aligns with their vision.
Comprehensive Services: Fillip Technologies offers a wide range of web development services, including e-commerce development, content management systems (CMS), mobile-responsive design, and more. This ensures that clients receive a comprehensive solution under one roof.
Customer-Centric Approach: At Fillip Technologies, the customer’s needs and satisfaction are the top priorities. They maintain open communication throughout the development process and provide ongoing support to ensure that the website meets the client’s expectations.
Innovative Solutions: Fillip Technologies is dedicated to innovation and constantly explores new technologies and methodologies to deliver cutting-edge web solutions. This ensures that clients receive a modern and future-proof website.
The Web Development Process at Fillip Technologies
Fillip Technologies follows a structured and efficient web development process to ensure the successful delivery of custom websites. Here’s a brief overview of their development process:
Consultation and Planning: The process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand the client’s business, goals, and requirements. This is followed by meticulous planning to outline the project scope, timeline, and deliverables.
Design: The design phase involves creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the website’s layout and user interface. The design is refined based on client feedback to ensure it aligns with their brand identity.
Development: Once the design is approved, the development phase begins. This involves coding the website using the latest technologies and best practices. Fillip Technologies focuses on creating a responsive and functional website that delivers an optimal user experience.
Testing: Before the website is launched, it undergoes rigorous testing to identify and fix any bugs or issues. This includes testing for functionality, performance, security, and compatibility across different devices and browsers.
Launch and Support: After thorough testing, the website is launched and made live. Fillip Technologies provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the website continues to perform well and meets the client’s evolving needs.
Success Stories and Testimonials
Over the years, Fillip Technologies has worked with numerous clients across various industries, delivering custom web development solutions that have helped businesses thrive online. The positive testimonials and success stories from satisfied clients are a testament to the company’s expertise and commitment to excellence.
In a competitive digital landscape, having a custom website that stands out and meets the specific needs of a business is crucial. Fillip Technologies, a leading provider of custom web development in Patna, offers bespoke web solutions that help businesses establish a strong online presence and achieve their goals. With a team of expert developers, a customer-centric approach, and a commitment to innovation, Fillip Technologies is the ideal partner for businesses looking to elevate their digital presence. Choose Fillip Technologies for custom web development in Patna and take your business to new heights.
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webmakeover · 2 years
Website Makeover provides you best website design
We required some basic info about the business and features that need to be added, the website makeover always suggests for the right direction for content placement and designing a full website with an attractive layout.
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addictivesunayna · 1 month
Free Website Designing Company in Gurgaon: Transforming Your Digital Presence
In the bustling city of Gurgaon, businesses are constantly vying for attention in the digital landscape. A robust online presence is crucial for success, and a well-designed website plays a pivotal role in achieving this. Our free website designing company in Gurgaon is here to provide top-notch web design services that cater to your unique business needs without any cost.
Why Choose Our Free Website Designing Services?
Unparalleled Expertise and Experience
We pride ourselves on our team of highly skilled web designers and developers who bring years of experience to the table. Our experts stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in web design to ensure your website stands out in the competitive market.
Customized Solutions Tailored to Your Needs
Every business is unique, and so are its website requirements. We offer personalized web design solutions that align with your brand identity, business goals, and target audience. Our free website designing company in Gurgaon ensures your website is not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly.
Comprehensive Design and Development Process
Our design and development process is thorough and meticulous, ensuring every aspect of your website is optimized for performance and user engagement. From initial consultation to final deployment, we handle everything, including:
Requirement Analysis: Understanding your business objectives and audience.
Design Conceptualization: Creating wireframes and mockups.
Development: Coding the website with clean, efficient code.
Testing: Ensuring the website is bug-free and performs well on all devices.
Deployment: Launching your website and ensuring it is live and functional.
Features of Our Free Website Designing Services
Responsive Design for All Devices
In today’s mobile-first world, having a responsive website is non-negotiable. Our designs ensure your website looks and functions flawlessly across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This guarantees a seamless user experience, which is crucial for retaining visitors and converting them into customers.
SEO-Friendly Structure
A beautiful website is meaningless if it cannot be found by search engines. Our websites are built with SEO best practices in mind, ensuring they rank higher in search engine results. From keyword optimization to meta tags and alt texts, we cover all aspects of on-page SEO.
Fast Loading Times
Website speed is a critical factor in user satisfaction and SEO rankings. We optimize every element of your website to ensure fast loading times, reducing bounce rates and improving user engagement. This includes compressing images, minimizing code, and leveraging browser caching.
Secure and Reliable
Security is a top priority in our web design process. We implement robust security measures to protect your website from cyber threats, including SSL certificates, secure coding practices, and regular updates. Our reliable hosting solutions ensure your website is always up and running smoothly.
The Benefits of a Professionally Designed Website
Enhanced User Experience
A well-designed website provides an intuitive and engaging user experience. Our design principles focus on easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and a visually pleasing layout that keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore more.
Increased Credibility and Trust
A professionally designed website reflects the credibility and professionalism of your business. It helps build trust with your audience, making them more likely to choose your products or services over competitors with poorly designed websites.
Better Conversion Rates
Our websites are designed with conversion optimization in mind. We strategically place elements such as contact forms, call-to-action buttons, and product showcases to maximize conversions. Whether your goal is to generate leads, sell products, or provide information, our designs facilitate your business objectives.
Client Testimonials
John Doe, CEO of Tech Innovations
“Our experience with the free website designing company in Gurgaon was phenomenal. They delivered a stunning website that not only looks great but performs exceptionally well. Their team was professional, responsive, and dedicated to understanding our needs. Highly recommended!”
Jane Smith, Founder of Creative Solutions
“I was skeptical about getting a free website, but this company exceeded my expectations. They provided a comprehensive service, from design to deployment, without any hidden costs. Our website is now the cornerstone of our online presence, attracting more customers than ever.”
Get Started with Our Free Website Designing Services Today
Transform your online presence with a professional, high-performing website designed by our experts. Our free website designing company in Gurgaon is committed to helping businesses of all sizes achieve their digital goals without breaking the bank.
Contact Us
Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how our web design services can benefit you.
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techbingeindia · 1 month
Why TechBinge Offers the Best Website Designing Services in Dwarka.
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Creating Digital Success: Dwarka's Top Website Designing Firms
In the current digital environment, a potential customer's initial image of your company is frequently formed by its website. To make sure your website stands out, you must collaborate with the Best Website Designing Services in Dwarka. As the Top website design company in Dwarka, TechBinge offers complete web solutions that entice, involve, and increase conversions. TechBinge creates digital success for your company in this way.
All-inclusive Website Development Services
Design of Custom Websites Every brand, in our opinion at TechBinge, has a special tale to tell. Our unique website designs connect with your target audience and accurately represent your business.
The Process of Customized Design We begin by getting to know your target market, company objectives, and brand values. Based on your specifications, our designers generate wireframes and mockups, then refine them in response to your input to produce the ideal final product. Beautiful Images and a Smooth User Interface We prioritize the user experience while incorporating visually attractive graphics into our designs. We guarantee fluid navigation and layouts that are tailored to keep users interested and drive conversions.
Development of Responsive Websites
Having a website that works well on all screen sizes is essential, as more people are visiting websites using mobile devices.
Putting Mobile First Our approach to web development prioritizes mobile devices, guaranteeing that your website offers a remarkable user experience across desktop, tablet, and smartphone platforms. Innovative Technologies Our developers construct beautiful, quick, and secure responsive websites using the newest technologies available, such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript frameworks.
Solutions for E-Commerce
Our e-commerce solutions are made to offer a safe, easy-to-use, and conversion-focused purchasing experience if you're in the product sales sector. Completely Working Internet Stores We create online stores with features like inventory management systems, secure payment gateways, and product catalogs. Our e-commerce websites are made specifically for your sector and demands.
Optimization of Conversion Our approach involves enhancing your online store's conversion rate through the integration of clear and easy-to-use navigation, captivating product details, and superior imagery. Our aim is to convert site visitors into devoted patrons.
Search Engine Optimization
If people can't see your gorgeous website, it's not much use. Every website we create incorporates SEO techniques to raise search engine ranks and increase organic traffic. Researching Keywords and Optimizing Pages In order to determine the terms your target audience is searching for, we perform in-depth keyword research. Next, in order to increase your site's visibility in search engine results, our team improves its meta tags, content, and structure.
Performance optimization and technical SEO Our developers make sure your website is mobile responsive, has clean code, loads quickly, and is technically optimized. To improve search engine indexing, we additionally use schema markup and build XML sitemaps. Upkeep and Assistance Putting up a website is only the first step. We offer continuous upkeep and assistance to guarantee that your website stays safe, current, and performance-optimized. Backups and Security Updates We take regular backups to guard against data loss and update your website with the most recent security fixes. This guarantees the security of your website and the safety of your data. Monitoring and Optimizing Performance Our staff keeps an eye on the functionality of your website and modifies it as needed to improve speed, user experience, and search engine rankings.
The Reasons TechBinge is Dwarka's Best Website Designing Company
Demonstrated Performance History Our broad portfolio features accomplished projects from a range of sectors. We've assisted clients—from startups to well-known brands—in transforming their online presence by providing custom web solutions that flawlessly complement their objectives.
Various Sector Experience We have experience working with clients in a wide range of sectors, such as: E-commerce: Creating dependable online shops with safe payment processors and aesthetically pleasing designs. Healthcare: Developing educational and user-friendly websites for medical practitioners and facilities. Real estate: Creating eye-catching websites that draw attention to real estate listings and draw in prospective purchasers. Education: Creating learning portals that provide parents and students with interesting learning opportunities. Hospitality: Creating visually appealing and dynamic websites for lodging facilities, resorts, and tour operators. Customer References Our clients frequently compliment our professionalism, inventiveness, and dedication to achieving their goals: "TechBinge gave us an amazing website that flawlessly represents our company. Their group went above and beyond our expectations by paying attention to our needs. They genuinely provide Dwarka's Best Website Designing Services." With the help of the TechBinge team, we were able to completely revamp our online store and create a website that converts well. They are the Best Website Designing Company in Dwarka because of their innovative approach and technological know-how." Technical brilliance and inventive design [H3] At TechBinge, we think that an effective website needs to be both technically sound and aesthetically pleasing. Our development and design teams collaborate to make sure that every website we build combines style and functionality flawlessly. Team for Creative Design To develop beautiful websites that engage and convert, our design team blends creativity with a thorough understanding of user experience (UX) principles. Expert Development Group Our experts use cutting edge technologies to create safe, scalable, responsive websites that work flawlessly on all platforms and devices.
Collaboration and Open Communication
We think it's important to keep lines of communication open and transparent with our clients all the way through a project. Our approach to collaborative project management guarantees that clients are kept informed and involved throughout the entire process, from concept development to post-launch assistance. Model of Transparent Pricing We guarantee that there are no surprises with our clear pricing strategy, which includes a thorough explanation of expenses. Project Execution on Time To assure on-time delivery, we strictly stick to deadlines and update our clients on project status.
Reasonable Cost and Prompt Delivery
At TechBinge, we guarantee that projects are completed on schedule and under budget and provide competitive pricing with no additional fees. Packages with Customized Prices In order to maximize the return on your investment, we provide customized price packages to meet various company demands. Tight Compliance with Deadlines To guarantee prompt delivery, our staff closely follows timelines and updates clients at every stage of the project. TechBinge is your partners in digital success, not just a web design firm. As the Best Website Designing Company in Dwarka, we create websites that really stand out by fusing creativity, technological know-how, and client-focused values. Reach us via email at [email protected] or by phone at +91-987-105-6158 right now. Come see us at E-515, 1st floor, Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077 and let TechBinge help you begin your road to digital excellence.
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bandardigital · 1 month
Afiliasi Produk Digital Ratakan.com: Peluang Bisnis Tanpa Modal
Di era digital saat ini, peluang untuk menghasilkan pendapatan tambahan semakin terbuka lebar, salah satunya melalui program afiliasi produk digital seperti yang ditawarkan oleh Ratakan.com. Program afiliasi ini menawarkan kesempatan bagi siapa saja untuk memperoleh komisi hingga 35% dengan menjual produk digital tanpa perlu mengeluarkan modal atau biaya administrasi.
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Keuntungan Bergabung dengan Afiliasi Ratakan.com
1. Tanpa Modal: Anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang untuk memulai. Tidak ada biaya tersembunyi, sehingga Anda bisa memulai bisnis afiliasi tanpa khawatir akan biaya awal.
2. Tanpa Biaya Administrasi: Tidak ada potongan biaya administrasi yang akan mengurangi komisi Anda. Keuntungan yang Anda dapatkan adalah murni dari hasil penjualan.
3. Marketing Kit: Ratakan.com menyediakan berbagai alat pemasaran yang dapat membantu Anda dalam mempromosikan produk, termasuk materi promosi dan panduan strategi pemasaran¹.
4. Komisi Menarik: Dengan komisi hingga 35%, potensi penghasilan Anda menjadi sangat menarik. Semakin banyak penjualan yang berhasil Anda lakukan, semakin besar komisi yang akan Anda terima.
5. Kerja dari Rumah: Program afiliasi ini bisa dikerjakan dari rumah, memberikan fleksibilitas bagi Anda untuk bekerja kapan saja dan di mana saja¹.
6. Sambilan Tanpa Ganggu Pekerjaan Utama: Anda bisa menjalankan bisnis afiliasi ini sebagai usaha sampingan tanpa mengganggu pekerjaan utama Anda.
Bagaimana Cara Memulai?
Untuk memulai, Anda cukup mendaftar di situs Ratakan.com dan memilih produk digital yang ingin Anda promosikan. Setelah itu, Anda akan mendapatkan link afiliasi yang bisa Anda sebarkan melalui berbagai kanal seperti media sosial, blog, atau website pribadi. Setiap kali ada yang membeli produk melalui link afiliasi Anda, komisi akan secara otomatis masuk ke akun Anda.
Program afiliasi produk digital Ratakan.com menawarkan peluang bisnis yang menarik dengan banyak keuntungan. Tanpa perlu modal dan biaya administrasi, serta dukungan marketing kit yang lengkap, Anda bisa memulai bisnis ini dari rumah dan mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan tanpa mengganggu pekerjaan utama Anda. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Mulailah langkah pertama Anda di dunia afiliasi dengan Ratakan.com dan nikmati potensi penghasilan yang tidak terbatas.
Berikut daftar link afiliasi produk digital yang bisa Anda coba yang akan menghasilkan komisi menarik sampai 35 persen cukup dikerjakan di rumah saja.
Atau lebih singkat, ini panduannya agar Anda dibayar ketika memasarkan produk AI 
1. Login Ratakan
2. Masuk Menu Afiliasi => Dashboard
3. Pilih atau Cari Nama Produk yang Mau Dipromosikan
4. Copy Link Affiliate-nya
Video Panduan Ambil Link Affiliate : 
Berikut beberapa contoh program affiliate produk AI beserta komisinya
Produk AI (Artificial Intelligence)
1. Raja Prompt 
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  20%
2. Prompt Generator Gambar AI 
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
3. Logo Generator Gambar AI 
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
4. Mockup Generator Gambar AI
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
5. Character Generator Gambar AI
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
6. Prompt Generator AI Tool Product Bundling
harga Rp 99.000,- SD Rp 198.000,- komisi  35%
7. AI Course Kursus Online Gambar AI
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
Produk Non AI 
1. Panduan Sukses Bisnis Laundry 
2. Ebook Laundry 
3. SOP Laundry
4. Ecourse Master FB Ads
5. Ecourse Master Google Ads
6. Optimasi Google Maps Laundry 
7. Jasa Buat Logo Lsundry
8. Paket Jasa Website Laundry 
9. Ecourse Website Laundry 
10. Bio Link Laundry
11. Laundry Landingpage
12. Master Blog post Laundry 
13. Aplikasi Laundry
14. Sistem Informasi Laundry
15. Plugin Notify Pro
16. Tool Notifikasi Website 
17. Panduan Lengkap Microsoft Office
18. Resep Kimia Industri
19. Resep Sabun
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Looking into more specific examples, I found a site directed at artists and how to share your work as one. This is more directed at me and my future as an artist so I will take notes and compare.
'The first step to marketing yourself as an artist or art business is losing the feat of being “salesy” or “marketable”. Creating a strategy to promote something you worked on or wanting to share it with an audience doesn’t make you a “sell-out”, you are building up the basis of a profitable career doing what you are passionate about.' I really like this quote, something was nagging me about making an art account, hence why I didn't make one until this year. It did not feel natural to me, I felt I was forcing it; was my art worthy of an account dedicated to it? Am I sell out? Is my work losing credibility because now I am using it for likes and views? To see that this is something other artists feel is comforting. This has helped to soothe the nag, and makes me feel more confident about sharing my work.
Define what you do as an artist; What makes yours different, is it the technique, the media or medium? Define what makes your art yours, from tangible to conceptual.
Know your audience: what are your art niches?; Who are you reaching out to, who would want to see this? Age, gender, location, taste, etc. Look for people who interact with art similar to yours and interact with them.
Establish a marketing goal as an artist; What is your goal of increasing your reach and presence as an artist. Is it to generate commissions, showcase exhibitions/be apart of one, start a gallery, sell? Break this down into smaller, more manageable tasks to not get overwhelmed. Some will naturally happen over time.
Create a portfolio: your presentation to the market; Should reflect your range, interest, prefered themes etc. Use an artist statement alongside this so the client can get to know you as well as the work you make. Motivations, inspirations, what you are trying to express, your experiences etc. Today a portfolio can take the form of a professional website where you show your work. If you want to put a twist on the presentation, you have options like creating an online gallery to present the best of your work. With ArtPlacer’s Virtual Exhibitions you can easily create a 3D gallery showcasing your work with just a few clicks: just choose a venue, upload your artworks, drag and drop them in place, add a description (and even price and a button for inquiries), and customize the space to make it your own, you can change the color of walls and floors, adjust the lighting and contrast, and even add frames for each piece. The best part? In these online galleries, you can showcase anything from images to NFTs and videos, you can show the full range of your creativity. (could come in handy, to make a website. LOOK FURTHER INTO)
Create an online presence; Followers aren't just there for likes, they are modern patrons. They help share and boost your work to others. Share content to gather like-minded people. Show your creative process, behind the scenes, sketches, finished art, how you would showcase it etc. There are many digital tools artists can use to create a successful profile: from scheduling tools to posting images and video content. For example, with ArtPlacer’s Room Mockups, you can create Instagram-worthy images of your artwork in a digital room mockup to give a better sense to your followers of how the piece would look in a certain space, and also, give your feed a curated aesthetic. ` (LOOK FURTHER INTO)
Market your artwork; ArtPlacer’s Widgets are simple “Try before you buy” integrations for artists’ websites. The Client Rooms feature activates a customizable button on your website that allows visitors to “drag and drop” your art pieces into pictures of their own spaces, the result is a scale-accurate layout that will help them see how your work looks in the area they want to present it.
Define a selling strategy for your artwork; Local or global, independent or gallery joined? Make it clear what, who and where you want to work. Describe your work, converse with audience, know them, promote your work, make it easy for them to contact you about your work.
Networking: get to know the art market; local and global, learn what is wanted, needed and how you can promote your art to these spaces.
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aiindonesiaart · 2 months
Peluang Usaha Affiliate Produk AI
Tanpa Modal, Tanpa Stok Barang, Bisa Dikerjakan di Rumah!
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Di era digital ini, peluang usaha affiliate semakin terbuka lebar, termasuk untuk produk-produk berbasis AI (Artificial Intelligence). Menariknya, ada beberapa program affiliate produk AI yang tidak memerlukan modal, tidak perlu stok barang, tidak perlu kirim barang, dan bisa dikerjakan di rumah.
Apa saja keuntungannya?
✓ Modal kecil: Anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya untuk memulai usaha ini.
✓ Fleksibel: Anda bisa bekerja dari mana saja dan kapan saja, selama memiliki koneksi internet.
✓ Potensi penghasilan besar: Komisi affiliate produk AI bisa mencapai 35% dari setiap penjualan.
✓ Bonus menarik: Beberapa program affiliate menawarkan bonus marketing kit dan website landing page untuk membantu Anda memasarkan produk.
Bagaimana cara memulainya?
Pilih program affiliate yang tepat: 
1. Carilah program affiliate produk AI yang terpercaya dan menawarkan komisi yang menarik.
2. Daftarkan diri Anda: Kunjungi website program affiliate dan ikuti proses pendaftarannya. Klik www ratakan.com
3. Dapatkan materi promosi: Setelah mendaftar, Anda akan mendapatkan materi promosi seperti banner, link affiliate, dan informasi produk.
4. Promosikan produk: Anda bisa mempromosikan produk melalui berbagai platform seperti media sosial, blog, website, atau email marketing.
5. Tutup penjualan: Ketika ada orang yang membeli produk melalui link affiliate Anda, Anda akan mendapatkan komisi dari penjualannya.
Atau lebih singkat, ini panduannya agar Anda dibayar ketika memasarkan produk AI 
1. Login Ratakan
2. Masuk Menu Afiliasi => Dashboard
3. Pilih atau Cari Nama Produk yang Mau Dipromosikan
4. Copy Link Affiliate-nya
Video Panduan Ambil Link Affiliate : 
Berikut beberapa contoh program affiliate produk AI beserta komisinya
1. Raja Prompt 
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  20%
2. Prompt Generator Gambar AI 
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
3. Logo Generator Gambar AI 
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
4. Mockup Generator Gambar AI
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
5. Character Generator Gambar AI
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
6. Prompt Generator AI Tool Product Bundling
harga Rp 99.000,- SD Rp 198.000,- komisi  35%
6. AI Course Kursus Online Gambar AI
harga Rp 99.000,- komisi  35%
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