#only good thing is that i'm getting chick-fil-a afterwards
sugarfiric ยท 2 years
been stuck in the cvs drive-thru for 30+ minutes. the jackoff behind us is blasting rap "music" and the karen in the front is complaining that her insurance card doesn't work. guy behind us is too close to move out. trying VERY hard not to cry.
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0pticblast ยท 9 months
Day 23
I cleaned my car and got an oil change. I picked up Ashley afterwards to go to The Island to hit golf balls. I've never been and it's so fun, I think I'm going to buy a glove so I can go there more often with her. We went to pick up our mics and bought label printers for our business. My job may not have given us profit shares but they loaded $400 in my card so that was super useful to be able to pay off. We went to Frank & Son's and was able to find singles and buy Xmas gifts for cheap as well as get the Guilty Gear Weiss Supply Set for $10-$15 less. We were so hungry that we got Chick-Fil-A on the way home. We talked for a bit and I told her how I've been feeling. My priorities right now are my job, being financial stable, and our business. Talking it out with her, San Diego would be nice but it's also temporary since my parents want to resell the house. I just don't like that feeling of starting something only to get cutoff short after a year or so. So I think finding a job here is fine for now.
After opening packs with her I had to leave for Ann's Secret Santa party. Getting there early, the boys and I went to H-Mart to do a soju run. I was so surprised by my Secret Santa Jenn this year. I just met her last month but she's good company, a little sad she has a boyfriend though. I listed like 4 things but I was only expecting 1. She said both were on sale so that's why she bought me a pack of UltraPro toploaders and a LE SSERAFIM UNFORGIVEN album. What was crazy is that she pulled my bias. The K-Pop Gods gave back after I've been pulling everyone elses biases. I visited my Godfather afterwards and he gave me my xmas present before I went home.
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ambitiouspa ยท 2 years
The Final Week + The Test
I took the MCAT on April 29, 2022.
AAMC FL #4: 506 (122/129/126/129)
I spent my final week taking another practice test (above) and reviewing it, and then mostly reviewing information I'd already learned, going hard at my Anki decks, watching KA videos, but also taking breaks. I didn't have a ton of motivation. I did spend a day dedicated to C/P and math review, with some help from my partner who took one of my practice Kaplan tests (just the C/P section) and pointed out some common thread and math tricks.
The day before the test, I was an absolute slug. I just laid in bed almost all day. I ate Chick-Fil-A (my favorite comfort food). I pet my dog. I did do a practice run drive to the testing center, which I do think was kind of helpful.
Test day, I arrived 35 minutes before start time and found a large crowd already waiting. I was the oldest person there to take the MCAT. By a lot. I wore my work jacket for good luck with my hospital's name on it, and some girl asked me if I went to the school. "No, I work there."
The guy working the front desk was super nice and tried to crack jokes to cut the tension. We were called up one-by-one (they had us take a number at the front) and they confirmed our ID and took a picture. Then you put your personal items, snacks, etc in a locker and got screened one last time before they took you into the test room.
They provided noise-canceling headphones, but I found they were quite tight, so I alternated between leaving them off, wearing them, and wearing some earplugs they provided. I learned some people are nervous clickers.
I took a little extra time on most of the breaks because I always have extra time anyways. I peed every time just so I could get out of the room. I paced around the waiting area and ate my snacks. I looked out the window at the sunshine. I told myself I was doing fine.
C/P - Hard. Which I expected. I didn't feel like my brain was awake for the whole section. I made a lot of guesses. None of the neat tricks my partner taught me came in handy, unfortunately. Afterwards, the subreddit was blowing up with people talking about how hard it was, so I can only pray for a curve. I hope for a 125, but I've scored lower than that on a practice test so who knows?
CARS - Brain still waking up for the beginning of it, but I felt it went well. It's always my easiest section. Hoping for a 129.
B/B - I started really getting into the groove of things. There were some questions I thought were really easy gimmes. There were some hard ones, too, but overall I felt good about it. Hoping for a 128. Maybe even higher?
P/S - Not bad at all. The subreddit was saying this section was super hard too, and calling it CARS 2.0. That's probably why I think I did well. Hoping for a 129, but maybe if others bombed it I could get bumped up? It would be so cool to crack 130 on at least one section.
So assuming worst case scenario of 123/128/126/127, I'd get a 504, the same score as my worst practice test. Assuming best case scenario of 125/130/129/130, I'd get a 514, my dream score. Realistically, I'm somewhere in between, which is a pretty decent place to be.
Now, onto the application itself!
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tinybunnygirlsenpai ยท 7 years
I'm never giving out money to anyone that asks me on the street again
Before you get all judge-y on me here's why: I was coming out of chick fil a and there was this tall guy who comes up to me and my friends and asks us if we have any money on us. I had a few bucks to spare so I decided to give him two dollars, not that big of a deal. He saw that I had a five on me and asked for that instead.. HERES THE THING! I have only $25 for MYSELF for A WEEK AND A HALF and I need gas, food, college supplies and I only have $25. I have a day job and I worked HARD for that money, it's mine! The fact that I'm even giving you anything should be good enough. The fact is, he didn't even say thank you afterward and it just got me so mad. You don't ask for me if this is what I'm giving you! I could just be like EVERYONE else and walk away and ignore the fuck out of you. That's it.
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