#only her pookie can call her jessie
rabbitwife · 5 months
I gotta know. Are you a furry, Jessie?
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"Upset that I'd rather be with a rabbit or monster over a straight cisman? Cry about."
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Chasing Jessi”:  A Sirius Black Story: Plus Size OC: Chapter 10: “Go, Go, Go!”
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Sirius Black Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Sirius Black x Jess Scamander (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
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While Quidditch in December was most definitely accompanied by frigid temperatures....the excitement wasn't any less intense. The roars of the of the houses were deafening- particularly Hufflepuff and Gryffindor who happened to be against each other at that moment. And in the midst of the Gryffindor stands was a certain brown haired, green eyed girlfriend. "Yeah, Siri! Get 'im!!!!!" came the roar of excitement as Sirius sent a bludger hurtling towards the Hufflepuff team. Jess had always gotten so excited during Quidditch matches that poor Lily serious considered hexing her for her own good. At that moment in time, the redhead was quietly watching her very new boyfriend, James Potter, race through the air as lead chaser...and dealing with the excitement of her nearly ravenous best friend. She was to her right and poor Peter was on her right. Remus cleverly having opted to sit just behind them so as to not be in her line of fire. "Go, Jamie, Go!" Jess bellowed leaning forward and almost toppling out of the tower. "Sit down!" Lily admonished her. "You're going to fall to your death! "I'm fine!" she grumbled but clutched her cheeks when the Hufflepuff team intercepted James' throw. "Trick, you dirty rotten little cockroach!" she growled. "I thought he was your friend." Remus piped up behind her with a smirk and she whipped around to literally hold his face in her hands for a moment as she stared at him with her big luminous eyes. "Remus, darling, sweet baby kitten that you are...I would maul YOU to death if you cross me about my favorite quidditch teams." she said to him sweetly before whipping around, "Come ON! GET HIM, SIRI! GET HIM! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!" Lily did not miss the look on Remus' face or the quiet 'I think it's more likely I'd maul you.' that he mumbled. She took a seat to serve him with a rather pointed look. "Yes?" he asked her cautiously. "Out with it." she said. The two of them watched the girl nearly squeeze Peter to death in celebration when Sirius managed to knock a chaser off her broom and James scored another point. "S'nothing." he said burrowing down into his book....which Lily had no problem just savagely ripping away from him. For those that loved Lily, they knew that while her heart was very good....she could be one fierce mother fucker when needed. While it's a running joke that she should've been in Ravenclaw for her smarts...Jess always tells her she should've been in Hufflepuff....because she'd badger the hell out of you when she wanted something. Lily sighed impatiently. "I'm in no mood for games, Remus Lupin. I'm cold. She's crazy. And she ate all my popcorn." "It's just...I never really had a chance to befriend Jess much before." he admitted to the ginger next to him. "Sure, the two of you are close but she's always off looking for some new creature or with Sirius. I've always WANTED to be her friend but I just always thought I was too quiet and she was too wild. And so I've always stayed away...but now... I just worry...I worry that if she ever finds out about my-" he rambled. Lily nodded knowingly. It was only last year that she had figured out that Remus was a werewolf but she assured him that it didn't change anything between them. She could understand his fear of losing friends because of it. But Lily KNEW that wild child in front of them.
She probably knew Jess better than she knew anyone else. "Listen, Remus. You don't have to tell her. She's smart. She'll figure it out. But don't worry about it. I know her. She's very accepting. I mean- she's dating Sirius. And who would've thought that THAT would ever happen?" "Probably the same people that always knew you'd end up with James." the usually quiet boy teased her. She rolled her eyes, "Oh shove off, Lupin." "Thanks, Lily." he said. "Really." She nodded and scooted closer to him. "I swear on Merlin's beard." she grumbled. "If I survive this game, I'm forcing James to take us all out for butterbeer immediately." Remus chuckled, "Agreed." The crowd erupted as the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch and Jess just about lost her mind. She jumped into Peter's arms momentarily before nearly clobbering Remus when she literally jumped on him. "We won!" she screeched whipping around wildly. "We won! We won! We won! Yassss! Feel my wrath!!!" "Good grief!" Remus laughed as he tried his best to hold her and keep her from killing herself, "I don't remember her ever being THIS excited before." "Well, it could be because she'd dating a player this year." Lily said slightly amused at the brunette trying her best to do a handstand on poor Remus' lap. "It's not." The four of them turned to look at the Quidditch captain smirking at them. "What do you mean?" Peter asked. "I gave her sweets before the game." he smirked evilly. "James Potter!" Lily snapped at him. "How DARE-" He cut her off with a whistle to Jess. "Come on, weirdo. I promised you a ride if we won. Claim it now or - " he said. "I'm coming!" she said terrifying Lily when she just jumped over the railing and into James' arm. "Ooof!" he gasped. "Give a bloke some warning, would ya?" "Serves you right." Lily snapped. "Feed the child candy and then encourage her to leap from great heights. Shame, James. Shame." "Eh, he just doesn't know how to handle her." The five of them looked over at the beater. Sirius grinned at them all, "Prongs, get off my girl." "Hello, snookums." Jess grinned as she leaned back on James’ broom and looked at him upside down. "Hello, pookie." he teased back. "You two make my stomach churn." James groaned. "Snookie poo, Jamiekins is jelly welly of our loves." Jess teased. "Aw, Pwongy Poo." Sirius teased him. "Does someone have his antlers bent out of shape?" "Antlers?" Jess questioned and Sirius bit his lip. She didn't know about Remus or the animagus forms. The panic was clear on Remus' face. He wasn't ready to tell her. "Inside joke, love." he tried to reassure her and more importantly, distract her. "Come on, love. Let's go get some cocoa." "No more chocolate!" Lily admonished him. "Bye, Lilypad!" she called out as she climbed from James to Sirius and the two love birds sped off. Lily sat down with a hand to her heart. "She's the only person I know who would willingly CLIMB or LEAP from broom to broom forty feet in the air." she sighed. "She does willingly seek out dragons..." Peter trailed off. "I mean, I love her and all but she's weird and we all know it." "Hey, she's my best friend!" Lily said. "...but yes she is the WEIRDEST person I know." "But the sweetest." James interjected, surprising them all. He only shrugged in response. "Listen, I know she's nuts and she's a lot to handle but have any of you REALLY ever been rejected by Jess. Yes, she's been mad. She's called me more than one name before mind you....but nothing I've ever done has ever broken our friendship." he said. "She slapped you not too long ago." Peter piped up. "Only because she thought I wasn't deserving of Lily." he said. "She went through hell for me. Put her feelings for Sirius aside for our sake and then the  only time she really blew her top was when she thought Lily's feelings were in jeopardy. No, she's not perfect...but are any of you?" he said. James ran a hand through his hair at the silence. "I swear, only you lot would be able to turn my clearly magnificent quidditch win into some big sap." he smirked. "I knew I should've just went with them. They're crazy but at least they're fun." Lily shooed him away and told them they'd be down soon before the three of them headed down with the rest of the students. Each lost in their own thoughts but none so involved as Remus. He knew to be a true friend he'd need to tell her soon. And whatever happened....would just have to happen. Down on the pitch, Sirius was carrying her around on his back and Remus could swear he could see her pupils dilated from the cocoa he'd undoubtedly given her.
Oh, the absolute horror she’d undoubtedly unleash on them all. 
And he couldn’t wait. 
Chapter 9
Chapter 11 
Hello my darlings! I hope you’re well and you enjoyed this wee chappie! I’d love to hear your thoughts! I definitely wanted to include some more Quidditch into this story.  Show the icky sickly sweetness of Jess and Sirius, a deepening bond between James and Jess as well as a budding friendship between Remus and Jess.  He needs someone who he can be silly with and love him unconditionally.  
And on that note..... I may have a little surprise for you.   Remus may get a very Jess of his own.  Still zany and still a Jess but a different story line, different background and a different Jess.  What do you say to sweet Remus lupin and literally the craziest little werewolf he’s ever met? 
But anyways, back to this Jess,lol. 
How is everyone feeling about it so far?  I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to comment, reblog with your thoughts and/or smash the ask box! Hearing from you makes my day!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
Also, try and tell me this ain’t Jess Scamander energy right here. 
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Also, Christmas and wintery themed chappies coming soon.......
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