#only look at big gf in the screen and forget how cameras work
chamomile-g-tea · 2 years
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i never posted ! holiday Rowan/Zelly, taking a selfie <3 they are from @pocket-ozwynn’s Offline Valor!
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koalaaquabear · 6 years
My Long, Mature, Spoiler-Filled, Annoying, Critical, Analytical, Angry 2am Review of MS:WAF... PART 1
Sidenote: I had watched this beforehand, but I watched again to take some notes. Also I got very angry during this, but I actually loved the episode!
-Aww Jess' giggle -OOOOO new blujay studios thingy! -Sidenote: Irene literally plays like ZERO PART IN THIS EPISODE but is somehow in opening scene and is the FUCKING THUMBNAIL bitch you ain't special. -This was the concept art that Jason tweeted! I pay attention, honey. -Change course dumbass! -Agent R you idiot! "They won't shoot yet" Of course they're going to shoot, get into the fucking cabin! Why are you even on the deck? Nobody is manning this boat's controls! -WHAT DID I JUST SAY? THEY. ARE. GOING. TO. SHOOT. -How the hell are they missing every single shot, the fuck? They're like freaking Stormtroopers. -Ah yes, move towards the bullets. -Is Michael Bay on the Blujay team? -Wait, what about the other guy? Is there a crew that you just left behind to drown/burn to a crisp? What the hell is happening? -Okay it is literally impossible that he hasn't been shot, his boat was crossing DIRECTLY THROUGH BULLETS. -Ah yes, boat mechanics. That's how it works. Abso-looney. -YEET -Well, there goes the animation budget. I'm gonna go watch MSS4 Ein vs Aaron fight scene to redeem this. -Also, he was lying on the ground for long enough to get aim and fire. Who the hell did they hire for the Guardian Forces and why are they terrible at their jobs? Almost as terrible as Zack is at being a father oooooo too soon? No, fuck you Zack it's never too soon. Sorry I got emotional, continue. -AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA HIS EARS ARE THE SAME COLOUR AS HIS HAIR AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA also shit he's a werewolf. -He says 'for me?' like really flattered like "Oooo they didn't forget me and my very important suitcase!" -Wait did he say go? It sounded like no..? I'm gonna assume it was go. -AHHHH HE hAS A LITTLE CURLY TAIIIIIL! -Oh shit, this place got ransacked. -Agent R literally just said ransacked :O I read minds. -GF... GF... huh. Ok. I'll play your games, Jess, but just know that I don't like it. -OKAY so the Guardian Forces came in, the gang had to "Fight for our lives to get out", and Garroth has not a scratch on him, and nobody seems to be dead. How plausible is this? Not. Not at all. But, I said I'll play your games Jess... continue... -Actually scratch that the Guardian Forces are terrible at their jobs so the fact that he isn't injured is absolutely plausible. -Evacuated inland? Who's genius idea was that? Probably Derek's. Coward. -The only reason they can't see you, Garroth, is because they literally have their eyes covered by annoying and unnecessary helmets that no army force should be wearing. -Werewolf strength+potion strength=Garroth can singlehandedly kill most of these guys. -Don't worry about the guns, guys, they have no fucking idea how to use them. -Rookie? I mean sure the guy can't even USE A GUN but y'all didn't know that. He could've been quieter, but he was JUST turned into a werewolf and probs can't control his strength. Idk I'm spiraling. -"Kid" because he isn't Guy Fieri. -Landing like that directly on your legs, without being like a trained gymnast, will most likely injure you to the point where you can't run like you are right now. But hey, that's none of my business. -None of the force decided to stay outside to guard it so they couldn't escape? They keep proving my point of being dumbasses. -Ah, a peaceful panoramic to disguise what just happened. -Those things on the poles look like Travis' shirt hahahahahha. -Is that Aphmau? Ah, the camera is now following her, and she is wearing purple. t is Aphmau. -How did they get that photo? -Ooo everyone's trapped! -Searching the island, but still can't recognize this black haired, amber eyed girl with a purple choker on, the same girl in the photo with their main suspect... These fucking imbeciles. -HOW DID THEY GET ALL OF THOSE PHOTOS!? "Acquired photos" That just so happen to be the most SPECIFIC photos. Like if it was passport photos or drivers liscense or social media, like that I could get, but these are literally impossible, especially the close up of Derek. If they were secretly taking photos, they wouldn't be able to get one from that close up. Funny how this random thing makes me upset. -Why are they both southern? Well, why not I guess. -Mysterious alley? Must be getting money for her drug dealer, -Skip Ad. -Why does it say "thanks for watching" before even the halfway mark? I'm somewhat confused by that for some reason. -Not drugs, secret apartment, okie dokes I like this better. -Of course Zane is being a whiny bitch. -"Safety" is a very flexible word, which is all that you need to know about this conversation. Also that this is apparently now The Maze Runner? I don't know either. -The Guardian F? Just call it the G-Force, like that movie with the guinea pigs and that blind mole who are secret agents. That would make for a much funnier video lol. -That was much longer than it needed to be. That convo did not need to be on screen either, but whatever, it was a really cute friendship moment. -DOES HE HAVE A CHAIN ON HIS JEAnS!? -What is that? -Thou may not have lighting. Well, nevermind, turns out they do have lighting. -How does no one know they're here? -That's the worst map ever. -AWWWW LUCINDA'S OUTFIT! -Oh they haven't looked here yet? You're telling me that there is a huge search out for the Lycan family, and they havene't even MADE IT TO THIS AREA YET? -Okay you won me back with Aaron's smile. -Why are they moving systematically? How small is this task force? How big is starlight? I need numbers people! -So they have a fleet around the island, but no more people to storm the island and actually find the people? Get more people then, call in a SWAT team? Is the Guardian Force even a government approved task force? If they aren't, why are they allowed to shut down a HUGE resort? If they are, how come they don't have A) People who can shoot. And B) Enough people to actually search properly for the people they're looking for? So many unanswered questions! -No Aaron. -No! Say no Derek! -THANK YOU! There are so many holes in this plan! -ALrighty Lycans, you need to step back because NEITHER OF THOSE WILL WORK! Moving inland will corner you, Derek, but transporting your entire group will get you caught, Aaron. What you need to do is figure out their patterns. Move systematically, somewhat like they are, and not in one place for too long? You are stuck in the perfect storm, and none of these options will work, but if you think you can just move inland, away from the GF, you are dumb, but you also can't move all together. -New idea, get guns and shoot at them, because no matter what, they can't shoot back. Because they suck. A lot. I'm still salty. -The thing about being fugitives, Aaron, is that YOU HAVE TO RELOCATE EVERY TIME THEY GET CLOSER! -No it is not. -How about you plan ahead Derek? Why are the women not speaking up, Lucinda probably knows her shit. -DEREK YOU ASSHOLE LISTEN TO AT LEAST A BIT OF WHAT YOUR SON IS SAYING~! -They were both wrong, but I probably would have to agree with Aaron? He's right, move too far inland and you'll run out of places to hide. -Finally a casual Kawaii~Chan. -Nobody knows it's you, Aphmau, or you woulda been taken in. -Dammit Garte. -IT DOES GARTE, YOU WERE PART OF THE MICHAEL THING! -YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT NOW, SO SHUT THE HELL UP! -STOP YELLING AT YOUR WIFE, SHE IS RIGHT! -You cannot be a pessimist right now, Garte, it is not the time. Be there for your son instead of bitching about it. -Well, I guess Garte has 0 loyalty for anyone but his family. -You are interrupting, but thank Irene I was about to slap him. -How much money do they have on them? -STOP BITCHING ABOUT EVERYTHING GARTE! -He's so selfish, what the hell! -Green does not accentuate blue, Zianna. -Flirting gets him to shut up! Hazah! -OH MY GOD I SWEAR I OWN THAT OUTFIT! -Oh shit, that is bloody. How come she is injured, but Garroth and most of the others aren't? -Melissa modesty is not needed rn. -Skip Ad. Also JAX! -Is Zane's hair different? -Everyone always forgets that Garroth isn't the only Ro'Meave. -And then the acid kicked in. -Zane Ro'Meave triggered something. -Aww cuties! -That is not sugar, it is 100% cocaine. -Aww that's sweet. -It's called boosting morale, bitches. -"Eh" Does not mean it didn't go too well, it means that the Lycans are dumbasses. -Yeah, and failing miserably. -No gunshot wounds? Who the hell are these people? -"Hun" aww that's cute. -Garroth=best character -ROWANADNSANSNAJD -What is in the case? -The boat defied laws of physics. -That was a cute reunion, now let's ruin it. -Tons of techies, absolutely TERRIBLE strategy. -No they haven't, and even if they did, nothing would happen because MICHAEL YOUR TASK FORCE SUCKS! -Ok ok I get it, so they don't have full access right? Which means that they do not have a warrant. Which means that they aren't legal. Which means that they DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO GOOSE CHASE THROUGH ONE OF THE LARGEST THEME PARKS EVER... right? -Michael actually doesn't care, apparently, about catching the guy who betrayed him, or about the Ultima case. He just holds thousands of people hostage on some islands for fun! -He is right! Don't take this Toby, fite him! -Fucking Cyborg walks in, just casually, just as you do. -Michael, that's not how time works. -What are they doing? What? Huh? -AND END EPISODE. Wow okay.
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