#only other language i got somewhere with was german but i didn't get that far at all cause there wasn't any immersion for me
neomachine · 2 years
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astralartefact · 3 years
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i filled out one of those bingo cards for endwalker... (you can find the original here)
If you want some explanations/theories they are under the cut~~
For the most part the ones on the left are the good ones and the ones on the right are the bad ones...
Most of the middle ones are explained here (another thing regarding the nautilus = heart of sabik theory, the flag of sharlayan's nautilus are actually two whirls intertwined - which makes it kind of look like an anatomical heart...) (which I only noticed bc the one I drew above kind of reminded me of one)
I feel like I have to explain the Fourchenault one, because I have yet to see anyone mention that. Let me tell you the story of German!Fourchenault, the only good Fourchenault:
Before his patch dropped I was pretty scared that the twins dad was going to be this strict, stubborn, conservative dad character, you know, the type where you don't even really get why he had children in the first place, you have them in media all the time - and then I got to his part in the msq and...
...he wasn't! I genuinely felt like Fourchenault was happy to meet his children again, but simply frustrated that they weren't following his approach of "No war." He wasn't mean or condescending or anything like that, he was... kind of nice! A nice person that just disagreed with his children's methods!
So I finish the msq and go online to see what other people thought about the patch and was bombarded with "Fourchenault is the worst dad in existence", "I will punch this dude", "I will adopt the children" kind of stuff and I was genuinely confused, like... Why does everybody want to specifically adopt them so bad, is that an idiom I never learned or something? did we experience the same person?
And as it turned out, we didn't. I fully agree that the English Fourchenault is a travesty of a person, he even said something along the lines of "How dare you talk to me like that?" like exactly the type of character I was dreading. Most notably though, German Fourchenault didn't disown his children. (What he says is pretty literally "If you want to go to war, then you don't deserve the name Leveilleur.", which you could read as disowning them, but I certainly didn't read it as that at first.)
The problem with all of this is that all other languages explicitly disown the children (as far as I could tell at least) so I have this sneaking suspicion that German Fourchenault will probably have undergone a few changes when we see him again... and I'm devastated because German Fourchenault was so nice :/ I will genuinely miss him...
Other things:
I already know that there are a lot of mammets in old sharlayan, so I hope they use that to tease us about a possible Puppetmaster (limited?) job... because I want it...
With Zoo Dungeon I mean the one with the different biomes that are seperated with force fields... and it has a stable... and walk ways... you know... like a Zoo! I just haven't seen people point that out yet
With Anogg Konogg Cameo, I just mean like... they show up somewhere in the background or something, but since I do think that stuff was setup for them to appear in a nier game, i don't think that's going to happen
Also if they have the audacity to kill Krile and not even put her on the Endwalker artwork... I don't even know what I would do.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Sequel to A Forgotten Memory
Roach's stealth skills are put to the test as he sneaks past an alleged Augustus base to capture him and gather intel about the recent EMP based attacks. Will Roach be able to impress Captain Price?
Previous Chapter : Soap - Experiment 001
Chapter 9 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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"A SurPRICE Visit"
Gary 'Roach' Sanderson
Task Force 141
400 meters outside Augustus' Mountain Base
The winds were picking up when they landed and Roach flew about a few more meters away from Price.
"This EMP blast is messing with my signals. Captain, can you find Roach?" Ghost spoke over comms, his voice crumbled over the static.
"He landed not too far from me. Come on boy, let's get a head on." Price replied to Ghost as he helped Gary get up and untangle himself from his mess. Gary nodded and followed his Captain into the edge of the mountain.
"There it is. Augustus' base." he mused as Gary scoped through his supressed silencer. Trucks were leaving the area filled with armed hostiles.
"Ghost, you see this? They're leaving the hive." Price informed the recon man.
"Aye, sir. Looks like they're headed to Alex's direction. If we time this right you'll have less people inside there." he replied. Gary wondered why they were leaving. It didn't make sense to back-up an already reclaimed base back at Alex's.
"Let's go Roach. I'll take the one on the left tower, you take the one on the right. I'm currently spotting four Tangos by the gate. Fire when ready." Price instructed. Roach took a deep breath to steady his sights, quickly pulling the trigger once the crosshairs aligned with their heads.
"Good kill. Your sniper skills are improving, Sargeant." Price mused as he signaled them to move forward. For a Captain who's left him a solid first impression as a strict angryman, Roach didn't expect the kind words from him. It almost felt overwhelming.
"You go ahead and take what's important inside that guardhouse. I'll cover you from this position." he commanded and Gary sprung safely into action, switching to his suppressed pistol and into the guardhouse.
It was simple, a few cameras, some photos of people who they let in and a few map layouts. Gary quickly snapped all of them for Ghost to see. Roach also grabbed the radio and placed it near his ear. Gary set his sights on an AK-47 lying on the ground.
"Roach, be careful when using unsuppressed weapons. It might reveal our existence." Price muttered to which he nodded. It just made sense.
"Jäeger, kopierst du?" the radio muttered. Roach's German wasn't on point and any non-reply from the other end would result in an investigation.
"Ja, alles klar." he replied, trying to replicate the accent. There was no more reply on the other side which meant Gary actually nailed his reply.
"Captain, behind that door is heavily guarded. I suggest a reroute to the back door just a few meters east of your position. This isn't Augustus' base, it's a remote research facility studying plant life by the border and he seemed to take it over." Ghost informed after gathering the photos, Gary waited on the edge of the wall covering his Captain's six. The duo proceeded as suggested and climbed over an unguarded fence.
"We're at a greenhouse. Labeled 6." Price whispered.
"Do you see any cameras?" Ghost asked.
"Yeah. Looking at the plants." he muttered.
"Circle around it and find cover behind the safehouse labeled 5. If my German is correct, the central area should have 2 scientists on their way in there." Ghost informed.
"Right on schedule." Price nodded to Roach as they both knocked them down quietly and non-lethally as they were civilians. Gary quickly slung his weapon and hid it behind the huge white lab coat the both of them now wore.
"Keep your weapons hidden, until I say so. Okay?" Price said as he pulled the bodies somewhere hidden. Gary nodded as they confidently waltzed inside the base, using their fake ids pinned on their coats for entry.
Gary watched a lot of sci-fi fics and most of them depicted labs as white walled, glass-divided rooms with hundreds of scientists working on some random machineries. Except here, it's plants. It seemed normal as if they infiltrated the wrong base. Price seemed to worry too, his steps were further apart and he seemed to be in a hurry. They were losing hope on a lead, until one armed guard, different from those outside started climbing up the stairs.
"Finally. Some good news." Price muttered as they made their way up the stairs.
"Authorized personnel only." an armed guard stood by the steps blocking the duos way. It was too crowded and too risky to engage him and press through and they both needed a new plan.
"Es tut mir leid." Gary replied as he pulled Price to the restrooms.
"It's no use. We can't go guns ablazing right here." he noted to his Captain.
"Bollocks." he cursed.
"We need a diversion." He added.
"Way ahead of you, Sir." Gary smirked and showed him his c4 trigger, pushed it and an explosion followed.
"Nice. By the guard house?" Price asked while they waited for reinforcements to assist the blast.
"Quick thinking lad. I like that."
Several armed men came rushing down the stairs, yelling in a different language, all going to the exit. They stomped to the stairs and carefully breached the second floor of the building, shooting armed tangos using suppressed weapons. They had to act fast and stomp on their comms as soon as they're down so that the others outside will not fall back.
Ten guards were left behind to protect the second floor, and with the help of stealth, Gary and Price took them out smoothly. All that's left are the intel waiting to be harvested.
Gary snapped all possible evidence, every nook and cranny was investigated while Price tapped his heavy fingers on the keyboard.
"Looks like they're going large. They're planting something by the major cities cell towers. Here's one in Berlin." he muttered, printing a copy of the blueprints.
"Price! R-ch" Ghost's static crackled across their comms.
"Th- found- guards!
Get. Out. There. NOW." he added.
"Kill every civilian in there. That will let our little friends out of the shadows. I know they're after us…" a menacing voice said over Roach's stolen receiver.
"Shite. They're killing civvies." Gary said, worried.
"I'm sorry Roach. But we can't save them. It's a trap. Now protect that camera and let's get the fuck out of here." Price consoled as they continued pressing on toward the exit.
Screaming people followed by gunshots echoed across the white halls of the research facility, Gary didn't want to look back, Gary didn't want to hear any more screaming but it was all around him. Whoever commanded this act to be done must be eradicated from this world.
Alex greeted the duo as soon as they stepped inside the village. It felt lively as everyone was celebrating their victory.
"Captain." Alex nodded and Price returned the gesture with a handshake.
"This is Blitz. Their leader." he added, introducing the man to Price.
"Thank you for helping us." Price acknowledged.
"No. Thank you for helping us. You have good men fighting for a good cause." he remarked, nodding at Alex and Gary. Gary also got acquainted with the leader, exchanged a few words and got offered soup.
"Tough day, huh?" Alex nudged over Gary, who's still sad about the situation earlier.
"You and me, both." Gary muttered as Alex patted his shoulder.
"We'll get him soon enough, Roach. Justice will be served." Alex consoled as Gary took a deep sigh.
"They're planting EMP bombs on major cell towers. Maybe incorporating it with them to perform large scale blasts." Gary pondered, taking a sip off the delicious soup.
"Yeah. That's our go signal. It's now a terror activity. Imagine a day without communication. International trade would crumble." Alex explained to which Gary nodded in agreement.
"Global cripple. People's minds get hurt, Economy gets hurt and we aren't focused enough to defend ourselves."
"That's what he's up to." Gary finished.
"And we have to stop it. Whatever It Takes." Alex looked at Gary with determination, that kind of pep talk that makes him a little less sad.
"Yeah." Gary agreed.
Another briefing, but this time, it was going somewhere. Operation Burn, the task is to eliminate Nero and all his allies, if possible. Funny enough, the real Nero burned everyone else. Whoever thought of this name was smart enough to connect the dots.
There's another person added to the team, the redhead leather jacket agent, Alexandra Ryder. An interpol agent tasked to destroy all traces of said EMP machinery. She looks tough, acts tough and basically is tough. France seemed to be going along well with her. That's a bonus for alliances such as these.
"So, I heard Price noted your sniper improvement." Ghost nudged.
"Yeah. Thanks Simon. Your training sucks but it helped a lot." Gary complimented.
"Tried talking to France and the new girl today." Ghost reported. Gary turned to him, clearly interested about his story.
"It was actually good. They're both intimidated by the mask and that's why they can't initiate conversation with me. But the talk went pretty well so I guess you needed to update your scoreboard or something." He muttered.
Gary chuckled. "That's one step towards her."
"I'll let the Interpol handle Berlin. Since it involves just the weapon, as for other news. I think it's time to transfer our two hostages back to the USA." Gary quickly turned his head back to the screen. No. It can't be. He had to stop this decision.
"With all due respect sir. I do not agree with this!" Gary stood up and all eyes were on him. He's still concerned about the welfare of the two plus he didn't want Maxine to leave. Not yet.
"I've read the report on their case sir. And it's not that I don't trust the system there but what if there's still another one in there with ties to Nero. He was able to slip by under our noses once or more times than that but let's consider the possibilities here." Gary explained as he looked around. Alex seemed to agree with him.
Shepherd let out a soft sigh.
"We'll discuss this possibility Sgt. Sanderson. You can sit down now." he said and resumed briefing.
"Brave move you did there, soldier." Ghost remarked as Gary let out a sigh. He wasn't sure on he's really concerned, the IP Address being extracted from Samantha or Maxine's smile that he will be missing if she left.
Next Chapter : The Heart Knows what the Brain doesn't
Notification Squad, my beloved
@samatedeansbroccoli @smokeywhalee @whimsywispsblog @enderio @beemybee @ricinbach
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heartoferebor · 3 years
for the fic ask meme: 2, 13, 17
2: Do you focus on attention to detail when you read fics? Are you more or less attention to detail focused when you write fics?
Depends on which details we're talking about. I'm usually not really a stickler for exact numbers or years when reading fics and can overlook a lot. But other stuff I pay attention (mostly things I have a special interest in or that were part of my degree) - for example animal taxonomy (if you call a spider an insect I WILL close the tab no matter how good the fic).
When writing I usually try to pay attention to details such as timelines, years, etc., but to be honest, I'm just human and sometimes things just don't work out how you want them to. I do like detailed descriptions of situations etc though, something I very consciously rein in a lot when writing because it just bores people otherwise haha.
13: Do you prefer writing multi-chapter fics or single-part fics? Do you prefer reading multi-chapter fics or single-part fics?
The boring but honest answer is - both? I need a healthy mix.
I like having at least one multichapter fic in the works at most points in time because it forces me to write most days to keep to my self-set release schedule (usually once a month, e.g. the first Saturday of the months like Every Little Scar right now). But only writing multi-chapter stuff would quickly become overwhelming and some ideas don't NEED multichapter things. Sometimes I just wanna write a nice lil 3k PWP. Or 5k of torture p*rn. Or 3k of softness. You know? Not every meal needs to be a 5 course dinner. Sometimes cheese & crackers does it just as well.
Same goes for reading - I love getting stuck into a nice big longfic that I read over the course of weeks, but I also love nice, self-contained little one shots, especially when I have no energy for longer stuff. A couple of weeks ago I was so stressed and drained from my job that I couldn't read any fic longer than 20k, for example.
17: What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing?
I once won a writing competition when I was younger, that was fun haha. In terms of fic, I always love it when I get 'I hadn't considered this pairing before but reading your fic for them made me ship it." THE BEST FEELING, HONESTLY.
There are also a number of very personal and very sweet comments that I've received on various fics - I treasure every single comment I ever get so much but there are some that have hit a lot deeper, like people telling me that reading my fic has helped them through a personal loss and helped them grieve and heal, for example. Like, dang. The power of words ❤
Also, and this is gonna sound so stupid, but I'm really proud of how my writing has evolved over the years? I started writing fic almost 20 years ago (if you don't count the 4 page sequel to The Neverending Story that I 'wrote' when I was like 7, lmao) and quickly got a point where I was fairly happy with my stuff in my native language. But then I emigrated and found a different life in a different country and I struggled super hard at the beginning to write in English, because English and German prose are veeeeeery different and my style in German didn't translate at all (also, I have no gift whatsoever for languages. I have a maths and science brain. English was my second worst subject at school lmao)! It's only been in the last...2 or 3 years, I think, that I feel like I've gotten somewhere good with my writing and it's kind of an awesome feeling. It's not perfect and never will be but hey, I can make words go and do things, and make people feel stuff, how cool is that.
Ask me about fic writing!
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misshottiebebe · 3 years
Something To Tell You
I revisited my favorite HAIM album, "Something To Tell You," last night, and I was immediately brought back to a Midwest Starbucks off the highway, where the baristas were friendly enough to make me feel like they were my friends. The year was 2017 and I had just returned from a a year and a half abroad. Specifically, Thailand. My body was plush with alcohol weight and my hair was split in all directions. I had only let my roommate Bailey cut my hair. It was infrequent and my ends usually soaked in pools, the sun, and salt water.
I came home to a mother who missed me, a room that resembled a seventeen-year-old girl not a twenty-four-year-old woman. I came home without a job lined up but a thousand sexy stories that could be written. By sexy, I'm not trying to be cute, I mean sex stories.
There was Huw the bleach blonde British giant I thought was either homeless or had AIDS. He didn't, but he did have a Sagittarius heart and bangles. There was Harry, with whom I'd fallen in love if only for one night. Yeah, fucking cheesy, but I thought about him on the regular and kept putting into my mind, if only things were different. If only we lived in the same country. If only he was willing to take a risk. There was the random German guy in Bali who fucked me and then let me show him my senior year German video project on YouTube. I spoke in baby German to him digging up old language I'd forgotten. There was the Swiss man who let me put a finger in his ass in Saigon. Connor who ate my ass in Hanoi. Very full circle.
But these stories had more meaning than they let on, I knew that they did. So I went to the neighborhood highway Starbucks that was too small, but if I got there at the right time, I could get the big table by the window all to myself. I brought a composition notebook. A mechanical pencil. I ordered a Chai Latte or if I wanted to get a fast buzz and therefore more words on the page, I ordered a Salted Caramel Mocha. I selected play on HAIM's "Something To Tell You" and let it play on repeat into my earbuds.
The echoing percussion gave my scribbles purpose. The synthesizer brought me back to emerald and turquoise oceans, to exhausting boat parties, to sweaty crowded hostels, and sand in my bed. The coffee scent in the air kept me in my chair. The album kept my pen moving. I didn't know then what the meaning of these stories was. I only knew that I needed to write them. It was the only freedom I felt while living in my mother's basement.
I eventually got two jobs: one delivering pizza and the other working at a factory. I was too exhausted to go to Starbucks and jam to my Haim sisters. I lost my alcohol weight. My hair healed. My skin felt clean and cold. My tan faded. I saved up money and moved somewhere on my own. I listened to new music.
I hated that time by the way. Reluctant to embrace the nothing of sugary Starbucks and no job and no one to be my friend or give me kisses. Only the stories I had in my head and the Haim sisters singing harmonies in my ears. What a blessing, I think as I write to "Something To Tell You" in an office, far from my family, far from my roots.
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neijayah · 6 years
Seoul, day 1 - Arrival
So to make this journey possible, I had to save up most of my years vacation days plus apply for educational vacation at my company, which was thankfully approved. A lot of preparation had to be made. Not just communication with the company that organized this educational travel, but also making sure my cats are cared for. But I admit, they're like my children. 😅😇
As I would be staying for about a month, I had to pack quite a bit, as I didn't know, where exactly I would be staying until 2 weeks before arriving, and if the residence has a laundry or not. Thankfully the hotel I'm staying at, has both a washing machine and a dryer, though in the cellar, for every resident to use. So it meant I could at least keep clothing limited.
EF offers to arrange flights from Germany to Korea. Unfortunately, only from two airports in Germany, and non of them near my parents. So it would have meant either traveling by plane, train or rental car to these airports, or organizing the flights myself. The advantage was, that I could decide which flight company I would take and how long stay-overs would be. Taking into account, that most flights - at least in Europe - nowadays are delayed, I didn't want to risk getting stuck somewhere due to the incompetence of others.
I decided for Turkish Airways. Though the German-Turkish relationship is a bit strained right now, Turkish Airways has a good reputation and statistics in crashes. This shouldn't be your concern, but I just watched "Mayday - Air Desaster" way to often. 😅 I could have taken a connection flight with a stay over for 1,5 h. But, as I wasn't sure, if the plane would start on time and how big/complicated the Istanbul airport is, I decided for a 6 h stay-over. Enough time for delays and finding your gate and even eat something valuable.
Only negative point using Turkish Airways and therefore having to use Istanbul as transfer airport is, I have to say, the security check in Turkey. It was hasty and not really thorough. In today's time, not the best decision.
Both flights were eventless. It bit shaky from time to time, that eating your meals and drinking was a bit challenging. My seating neighbor even spilled her water over me. Thankfully, it wasn't the red wine she also had ordered. Unfortunately, Turkish Airways didn't offer any food from the destination country. Usually, flight companies offer two menus, one of the company's origin country and one for the destination. Same for the entertainment. Though I was lucky to even listen to BTS' latest Japanese album.
Immigration in Korea is pretty easy, like most things in Korea. Thanks to Korean technology, when your passport was scanned, they tell you to put your fingers on the scanner in your own language. On the plane they hand out the registration cards for immigration and for "importing goods" if you have packed anything, that isn't allowed in Korea. You don't need to fill these out on the plane right away. There are several points on the way to the immigration desks to fill them out, or get new ones. Pens are provided at these desks as well. Everything worked pretty fine, until I took my suitcase from the treadmill. My lock has been opened and not properly closed again. So I was running around with a extra bag for the commute, that I actually wanted to store in that suit case. Not so nice for a 1h 45 min. travel with some changing and trying to find your hotel. The latter one being the bigger problem. I will come to this problem and how to solve it a bit later.
Before I arrived in Korea I had to think about how to stay in contact with my home country, family and friends. If it was wiser to get a second SIM card or just make sure that I have cheap internet connection. I decided for the internet connection. I don't take phone calls when I'm home. Sure as hell, won't do it in Korea. Several Korean telecommunication companies offer so called Wifi eggs, a mobil internet router. Perfect for shorter vacations. If you're staying longer, like for a few months, and love to talk with home, a second SIM card might be smarter. The SIM card can be obtained at the airport directly. Sources say, it's cheaper there, than in Seoul itself. So inform yourself, where to get everything. SK Telecom offers rented mobil phones, SIM cards and Wifi eggs. Ordering/renting can be done online beforehand, either on their website or on distributors like trazy.com. The pick-up was very easy as well and the prices reasonable. KT Telecom offers the same service. It can also be ordered and found on the trazy website. SK and KT Telecom both have Wifi router in every metro train, as far as I know. So if you buy/rent a SIM or even mobile phone, you're save with these two companies.
EF offers their students to take a taxi with the help of an EF employee. But as I was fine with traveling with public transportation, I chose to take the metro. Pretty easy progress, if you know where you have to go to. Taking public transportation tickets are a necessity. When staying more than a few days, the T-Money card is the best choice. Offering diverse pictures on the front, they all work the same. At the clerks desk at any convenient store (like CS), where you buy the card, you can load it right away with an amount of your choice. 20,000 Won (approx. $20) is a good start. If you don't use all of it, it stays on the card for several years. I used my one about 4 years ago. Nothing got lost.
If you're just staying for a day or two, there a special tourist T-Money cards, with benefits for sightseeing entrances. I had one at my first travel, but it didn't work for the N Seoul Tower. So you might have to be prepared, that it isn't always excepted.
You have several options getting into the city: either taxi, bus, by express train or underground. Train takes less time, but might take you further into the city than needed and may cost more. The underground/metro takes longer, as it is an all-stop train, but you can get off, when needed. Be careful with taxis, as you better have the address written down, preferably in Korean or speak clear Korean without an accent. They might take you to the other side of town, to where you actually wanted to be. And you might get stuck in traffic like every car. The bus is a good option as well, depending on your time of arrival and how strong your stomach is. Be aware, that rush hour times here are around 5 to 8 p.m. You don't want to get stuck in traffic there. Don't know about the early rush hour times. Though, in some areas of town, buses have their own lane. With these airport busses you'll have to name your exit station, so the bus driver can insert the right charge into the T-Money card reader. Baggage is stored in special compartments at the busses belly. You'll get a receipt for your luggage, so you get the right one out at your arrival. If you choose the metro, follow the signs stating "all-stop".
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Commuting with the underground is pretty easy, as everything is signed out. Even if you are actually on the right track, before you even step into the metro. Just know the next station for your direction. But it's wiser to know beforehand which bigger metro station is on that track, as most of the times, while changing from one line to another, they only show bigger transfer stations, that might connect you to another line. So better you have a plan at hand to look after which stop are on your direction.
After getting your T-Money card and have it charged with your money, just follow the signs with trains stated. It takes a bit of walking but nothing compared to finding the right bus or getting the taxi driver to understand clearly where you want to go. Before getting to the tracks you will have to scan your T-Money card to get in. Always be sure to scan them again, when leaving the train station (and bus) and sometimes even when changing the trains. This way the right amount of money will be discounted.
You will find that there are glass fronts all along the train track at the station. A way to prevent suicides or like in Germany getting pushed onto the tracks by some stranger.
Something you should prepare in advance as well, is to figure out, where exactly you have to leave your train station. Not just the right station but also the right exit. There are usually around 6 to 8 exits and more, which can be quite far away from each other as whole shopping areas are located at those stations. Your hotel or bigger sightseeing attractions will usually tell you which exit is the best to leave the station. And by the way, you actually don't need to speak/read Korean when visiting Seoul. Almost everyone speaks at least a little bit of English, more so the younger generations. And every street, metro or other signs are written in Latin/Roman writings. Just smaller shops go with Korean writing. But some necessary words are easy to learn beforehand.
It took me quite long, though to find my hotel. It was a little hidden in a side road. And Google Maps isn't really helpful, as you cannot just give in the address. Naver or Kakao Maps might give you better options and fresher cards. Both also help you taking the right train.
The hotel I'm staying at offers breakfast for an extra charge, which is pretty good. But I decided to get the food for myself. You find most stuff, somewhere around. Still have to find a decent supermarket, though, that isn't into luxury. But basic food, snacks and ready made food can be bought in nearly all convenient stores. And you usually find like 3 and more right around the next corner. And the choice in Ramyeon is beyond expectation.
I stayed at the Urban Place, a nice hotel with good equipments. There are other possibilities to stay, which are usually not more than a few square meters with a toilet/shower cabin, if at all. So if you don't want to spend a huge amount of money, don't expect luxury in all four corners. My room is equipped with a small fridge (really small), a small cooking area with the minimum of kitchen equipment. Shower and toilet are separated and TV and Wifi are included. TV also offers a few British programs and Arirang, a Korean TV station in English.
This was probably more than enough information on arriving and what to do, to get around.
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