#only picking finished fics bc we all know what number 1 would be otherwise đź’š
corduroyserpent · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
@naamah-beherit tagged anyone who wanted to do it and i figured what the heck? might as well đź’•
1. in pursuit of warmth
Tianlang-jun is looking at him with a single eyebrow raised. The grace in his posture alone, the way he tilts his head and skin crinkles at the corners of his eyes…it’s mesmerizing to Zhuzhi-lang. Standing up straight already seems like such a feat. With heavy muscles and so many bones crammed beneath fragile skin, moving any small part of one’s body appears as an insurmountable task. And Tianlang-jun lifts the corners of his lips like it is the easiest thing in the world. Zhuzhi-lang can’t do any of that yet. But he has been given the chance to learn.
A Zhuzhi-lang introspective that begins when he's found by Tianlang-jun and follows his POV through the events of the novel.
2. as below, so above
“San Lang,” Xie Lian whispers while he lays his head on Hua Cheng’s shoulder, breath settling as sweat and spend still cools on their bodies. “Can I ask you something?” “Of course.” "Who did you ascend as?"
Before Hua Cheng was a ghost, he was a human. Before he was a king, he was a god. When Xie Lian grows curious about Hua Cheng’s brief foray into godhood, Hua Cheng offers up the idea of a playful guessing game with the promise of a special reward should Xie Lian figure out the type of god he might have been.
3. resilient flower; ascending flame (and other things that can survive burning)
Hope and fear intermingle in Xie Lian’s chest. His lips part once, twice. And then: “Wu Ming?” The young god lifts his head like a flower towards the sun. His single dark eye—hazy with pain—focuses on Xie Lian’s face. “Your Highness,” he says softly. Light spills through the cracks of his fingers, essence of divinity in place of the blood a ghost can no longer bleed.
Xie Lian doesn’t get kicked out of the heavens after his second ascension. Because of this, he is there to witness a nameless little ghost ascend. A canon-divergent WuLian AU.
4. When I Was Older
“Where would you like to go, Your Highness?” “The Palace of Yong’an,” Xie Lian stated with fierce destructive purpose. Xie Lian came to with a gasp, eyes flying open to the view of an unfamiliar ceiling. There was a pressure building within his skull, clouding his mind and making it difficult to grasp any singular thought long enough to pull it from the thick fog. All he could recall was… A broken down temple. A persistent ghost. A rage too potent to dare describe.
When Book4!Xie Lian and his post-canon counterpart mysteriously swap bodies, the two of them must figure out a way to switch back while dealing with the shock of their sudden displacement. With the help of their respective versions of Hua Cheng, and a couple of unlikely allies, will they manage to get home safely? Or will their past be a detriment to their future?
Featuring such hits as: Book 4!Xie Lian falling in love with his future husband, Wu Ming love hours, and Jun Wu third wheeling! Also pain. This one hurts, folks.
5. In Shadow of the Sun
Zhuzhi-lang presses himself lower. Twigs and rocks dig into the sensitive skin of his stomach but he pays the uncomfortable sensation no mind. He shuffles back to avoid the possibility of being seen. His efforts are in vain – the crisp snap of a thin branch below him cuts through the moisture laden night. The boy turns, his movement abrupt. His hand cups the hilt of the sword at his hip. He’s already drawn it out with a slight metallic click when his deep black eyes meet Zhuzhi-lang’s muddy-yellow slitted ones. Time seems to slow as the two of them regard each other. And then moonlight glints off the boy’s sword.
The altercation in Luzhi Cave is not the first time Gongyi Xiao has met the snake man of Bailu Forest and it will not be the last. A canon-divergent AU.
and i will be tagging anyone who wants to participate as well! rec your works! let me see them!!
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