#only the last pic is from today but ssshh ;)
ratstuckinamarble · 2 months
Happy lesbian visibility week to you!!!
Aw hey thanks! Happy lesbian visibility week to you too!!! What a lovely time to be extra gay B)
And you know, something is making this lesbian visibility week extra special. It's my cat's birthday today!! He's five now :0 Hope you don't mind me derailing this XD
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Look at this darling boy
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So pretty
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He's smelling the rose... Adorable... I'm not sure how you celebrate a cat's birthday exactly- I'm sure he would have preferred if I'd spend the whole day with him. Unfortunately, I couldn't do so- but now he has fallen asleep on my legs, and I think he's very content with that XD
...I am bound to my bed now. And I'm not complaining.
Happy birthday Chito!!! I'm sure he's a good ally jdhsi
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akrbinc · 7 years
October 11, 2017
Here's what happened in the last two weeks.
1. I watched Fight My Way in just one week. I watch every evening, before I sleep or before I study. I loved it.
2. I studied a lot last week because of my preboards. It was very productive.
3. I watched lots of movies with ze Buta Family. I'm becoming resilient to horror and action movies na yay.
4. I got my braces off na. People have been saying I look different and that, lol, I look prettier.
5. We had unli chicken last week and I was so happy hahahaha.
6. The weekend before unli chicken, I was so sick. I felt it already in the morning. Like, when I scrubbed myself I was so sensitive, and my skin was hot inside. I was Abit dizzy but bearable. I didn't eat much, and I fell asleep twice in the afternoon. In the evening, I had the worst nausea I've ever had. My head kept thumping and ringing, closing my eyes only made myself slightly better. I vomitted so much that I actually lost count. I also had diarrhea. Mom insisted imthat I be brought to the ER already, but I didn't want. Around after midnight, I vomitted again. My insides felt like it was vacuumed and twisted. I was coughing out my saliva and I kept exhaling while I struggled. Before I finally fell asleep, I had lots of menthol around my head and chest and stomach. The next two days, I recovered slowly, but i ate only so little and drank two liters of Pocari Sweat.
7. Yesterday at Gym, I found that I lost almost 10 kg. Okay, okay.
8. I bought a new lipstick and two eyeliners from miniso. I might be broke when I adult ha ha ha ha.
9. As of today, I only have 18 days left.
10. We also had BBQ for a birthday party. It was fuuuun
11. We had the spicy noodles challenge and it was hilarious.
12. I was a school yesterday, and I met lots of people. Most of them, to my surprise, were surprised to see me. (Because seriously I'm just the side character and my kouhai prolly don't know me ) But when I went to see my old classmates, they were shookt that they almost fell off the table at the library. I was also shookt from their shooktness like, I took a step back or something. I came to school with my regular skirt uniform, and wore my heels. I felt good too, because my hair was nice and soft then, and I had my red lippie. Anyway, I just went to say hello , and I asked them how they were. Later on, I saw my other irregular classmates in the distance looking at me (and I won't lie cuz I was happy because haha), so I went to see them and my age said I looked nice and not stressed unlike them. I was also told that I smelled nice. UUUUUGGHH YAAASS. Anyway after that I met you with other peeps, and they kept telling me how they miss me. I don't know, I felt really loved? Like they kept thanking me for having the time to come in and I was like it's nothing? It felt nice, you know.
13. Okay, so kuyas friend didn't recognize me in a pic until my bro said so and he was HAA!? she looks so pretty in the picture, and then Kuya was rambling at me asking if I was going through adolescence and why is it late and I'm like HAHAHAHA LATE BLOOMER DUUHH
14. I'm saving up for my concert but I can't decide where to sit because I saved up enough for the second best, but I can push for the best , but then I can go for the third best too but it comes out in two days and I don't know what to buy huhuhuhu
15. Honestly, I'm freaking and depressing over my board exam
16. Okay SSSHH I'm watching Kill me Heal me for like, two days now.
17. Before I watched Fight my way I rewatched She was Pretty hehehe
18. I'm starting to like Park Soo Jeun Hahahaha He's so cute and light and his characters are always on point hehe. Also , he had fluffy curly hair and he dressers so handsomely
19. I want to dress up like Koreans HEHEHE
20. I bought John Green's new book today and I don't know if I should read it or keep watching. I think I'll read it after my exam so I have something to do?
21. I need to study huhuhuhu
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