#only to get it shipped from lyon a few months later lol
dorizardthewizard · 1 year
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Sooo I finally copped this, has anyone seen scans of this comic online before? If not I might be posting more google translated GF content soon :P
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bonneyq · 5 years
I am saddened by your announcement But I will continue to support you. :) about your new project, I know for Sure that you will do well on it. I read all your stories and you are really really amazing!! I would just like to know if you will give us a summary of the ending of your stories like The Duchess, The Birds and the Bees, Much Stronger than Forever and Someone Else’s Life. I really love those stories and would like to know how it supposed to end. Thank you!
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Thanks for the support, sweetheart! But here we go! Let’s talk about my plans oh how I would’ve handled some of my stories, since I’ll most likely not end them.
1. The Birds and the Bees: Honestly, I had just this scene in my head where Juvia tells Gray she needed to wear a wedding ring when she went out and lie her age, tell people she always looked young. so not to be judged by older people. Anther scene was of a parents’ metting at school wanting her to be expelled and Silver going full protective over her and later on, Gray moving in with her. I started this story when I started to get sick, so… not much thought into it, I’m afraid.
2.   Much Stronger than Forever: When they’d arrive at Polyuska’s, she would have another potion for Juvia, since she started to remember, something to boost her memories and the thing that would “finish” it, would be Gray kissing her. Cliché, I know, but I promise I would’ve made it real nice haha
3.   Someone Else’s Life: Another cliché one, but just after the baby was born, I would make Gray faint and wake up at the hospital, before all of it began. He would’ve been hit with some weird magic that allowed him to see the future, it meant ti be just for a few minutes, but he was in a coma and stayed longer. He would literally cry because he learned to love his son, Future!Juvia and the new baby and would like to return  but what would help him through it would be the knowledge it would happen eventually. Again, cliché. HAHAHA 
Sorry, so many clichés. My excuse is that I was so much younger when I wrote those last two, sorry.
Now onto the one everyone seems to wonder about… LOL
4.   The Duchess: Okay, I’m very jealous of this one so I’m gonna just give in the basics, I’m sorry for being selfish AHAH. So, Juvia would be pregnant again because she thought she couldn’t be again while breastfeeding (which you TOTALLY can) and when she was around, 5 months or so, her and Gray would decide to go to her lands to take a look before they couldn’t travel anymore. They were going to take Ava as well, Silver too, the whole party.
Silver would sense something was wrong and tell Juvia to leave the ship slowly, with Ava (Gray was yet to board) but their escape was noticed and the ship started to sail. Arriving in Juvia’s lands, she and Ava would be locked in different rooms, only allowed to see each other once a day. Jose knew Gray would learn he was behind the stealing jewels and take his title and lands and he couldn’r let it happen. He meant to kill Gray when he arrived and once Juvia delivered, kill her too so he’d have the two heirs of great lands into his hands.
Silver had escaped the moment they arrived and one night, around two months after they got captured, Silver would reappears to save them. He’d die protecting and giving them time to run while both Juvia and Ava escaped.
They would meet Ur, who was sent by Silver, to take them back to Avalanche Castle and she’d tell Juvia to dye her hair dark so if anyone asked, Juvia was his daughter and she was escorting her and her granddaughter back home - people were looking for a pregnant woman and a toddler the first few days, not two women and a toddler. It takes them roughly a month to get close to the Castle (meanwhile Gray was going insane without his wife and daughter, but he couldn’t attack even having a greater army because Jose would kill them to keep the lands to himself).
Baby number 2, just when a snow storm starts (if it hadn’t, they would’ve been able to reach Avalanche Castle), decides to arrive early and Juvia tells them to change ways. So you guys remember when Juvia learned she was pregnant for the first time? After the Avalanche? She tells them to go to that town and they knock on the door of Nina, who is a midwife.
Of course Baby Number 2 is a troublemaker so it’s not in position, instead, it is on its side and to get it into a good position, they’d have to perform a difficult and painful maneuver and Juvia could bleed to death so she asks Ur if she doesn’t make it, to take Ava and the baby to Avalanche Castle and if her husband is not there, to not trust anyone and take them to their uncle, Lyon, to his castle. Ur had grown fond of Juvia and promises her, even though she tells her nothing will happen.
They do the procedure and Juvia blacks out after that.
Cuts to Gray in Avalanche Castle, looking like crap and helpless…
..and you know what??? I’m gonna write that scene because I’ve thought about it way too much not to. 
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Gray’swalking the Great Hall of Avalanche Castle to go to his office, where his counselwaited for him. It had been 3 months. Three awful months without Juvia, theirunborn child, Ava, his father and he was about to lose his mind.
“Dada!” Hethought he heard and shook his head – he was hearing things now, great. Then he heard small steps andanother call of “Dada!” and it made him stop and turn, just in case someone hadcalled him and he somehow changed it into that in his mind. He wasn’t sleepingwell so it could very well happen.
All hiseyes could focus were on a little girl dressed in commoner’s dirty clothes,mostly, but the dark hair and blue eyes and that face, she looked just like Juvia it hurt his heart.
“Ava? How…?”He whispered to himself and didn’t even realized he was walking at thedirection of the little girl until he met her and pulled her from the ground,hugging her as tight as he could. “Ava? Ava.”He kept saying, his eyes watering. “Oh, please, don’t let me be hallucinating.”He hugged her harder.
“No, Dada!”Ava wiggled in discomfort. “Hurt Ava, Dada!”
“I’m sorry,sweetheart.” He was crying then and started to kiss her chubby cheek and hehugged her again. “Oh, I’ve missed you so much. How are you here?”
“It is quitea tale, milord.” He looked up and saw two dark haired women but he didn’t paymuch attention to them, more interested in hugging his daughter. Gray couldn’tbelieve he was holding her again, a piece of his heart was back.
“What aboutmy wife?” He asked, while looking at Ava and then to the little girl. “Where’s Mama?”He was afraid whoever they were, they could only smuggled Ava out.
At the sametime Ava pointed towards the two women, his whole body tensed when he heard: “Juviachanges her hair for a few weeks and you don’t recognize her anymore?”
Graysnapped his head so fast to look at the women it was a wonder how he didn’t hurthis neck. The older woman had her arms around the younger dark haired one, whohad a blanket over her simple clothes.
Finally looking at her, he could see her. Hecould see Juvia just a few meters away from him.
If he hadn’t been holding his daughter in hisarms, Gray’s knees would’ve given up.
“Juvia?” He said, voice low but she must’veheard him because she gave him a small watery smile.
“Sorry it took us so long to come home.” Eyeswide and tearing up, he finally made his body move and walk towards her, slowlyas if he ran she would disappear in front of him. The moment he was in front ofher, he looked into her blue eyes, still afraid she was an illusion. “Hi,Gray-sama.”
With the arm he wasn’t holding Ava with, hepulled Juvia close to his chest and he wasn’t ashamed at all to admit he criedeven harder when he had his girls in his arms, finally.
Juvia looked up and she was crying too. She puta hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss and Gray was about to hug her closerwhen she moved her hand from his cheek to his chest to push him away.
“Wait, Gray-sama.” She told him. “There’ssomeone else you have to meet first.”
He blinked twice before turning to the older womanlooking at them. “Of course, thank you for bringing my family back-”
Ur chuckled. “You are welcome, kid, but I don’tthink Juvia meant me.”
Gray frowned in confusion and then looked athis wife and saw her push the blanket away just enough he could see a baby snuggledagainst her chest. He was without breath for a moment, taking in the baby’s face,the bit of dark blue hair. The baby moved a little and fussed for just a second,just like Ava did when she was a baby herself, but even smaller, and the actionmade Gray’s heart skip a beat.
“I…” He tried.
“He is early.” Juvia told her husband, softly. “Heis a bit small, but healthy.”
Juvia smiled at him. “We have a son, Gray-sama.”
“The little bugger decided to get into the worldin the middle of a snowstorm.” Ur snorted. “By the way, you should call yourdoctor and give them a place to rest.”
“Juvia is fine, Ur-sama.” Juvia told her whileGray’s eyes were still to leave their son.
“You just had a very complicated birth and even though after yesterday I trust thosewomen as much as I can, it’s better if you get a second opinion and you need rest,you were still bleeding when we left.”
The word made Gray snap out of it. “What? Complicatedbirth? Bleeding? Are you alright?”
“She’s not.” Ur clarified. “Get her a doctor, somebathtubs with hot water for her and the children and food. We are starving.”She said as if she owned the castle, but Gray did exactly what he was told,yelling at guards and maids to get things ready while holding on to his family.
He’d never let go of them again if he had any sayin the matter.
Now, he was free to attack Jose and he wouldlearn to never mess with a man’s family. At least not a Fullbuster’s family.
Juvia tells how Silver’s death was her fault, but he tells her it was his choice to save his family and she made the right decision: her priorities were Ava and the baby. Silver made his choice and Gray would forever be grateful for his sacrifice and they’d both wonder if that was what Silver’s vision of Mika was about (HA! Connections with earlier chapters). Gray needed him and Silver was there and helped free Juvia and Ava, even arranging Ur, an old friend, to help him.
Jose would be defeated in combat and one of Juvia’s long lost relatives would take care of the lands until Baby number 2 was old enough to take care of it, since Ava was the first born and would inherit the Duchy.
The end!
Well, here we go! I hope it wasn’t too disappointing! 
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