rainandsparkle20 · 11 years
It's as if the marriage is a deal. You find a girl/boy and see if you like them for about a few days max. (AKA if their bio-data suits yours and vice-versa), immediately get married to him/her, then see if the marriage and compatibility works out. There's no "getting to know each other" stage or "see if you like the person" stage before you get married. If you don't like them, then get a divorce unless you give into Indian societal pressures where if your marriage ends in a divorce, you are to be looked down upon so therefore you can't get a divorce and must live with whatever you got. But if you do like them, then you must pop out a kid or two ASAP (AKA within a year). That's Indian mentality for you. There's no love, emotions, dating, none of that. And it's diminishing in the non-Indian mentality world as well so basically it's disappearing everywhere which makes me even more hopeless at ever finding true love with that one person or anything close to that. And what I mean by "one person" is someone who has the same morals and values as I do which unfortunately many people out there don't and unfortunately my morals and values are extremely conservative and hard to find in anyone out there. And the only thing keeping me going are the stupid Bollywood movies I watch that give you unrealistic expectations of men and love but are actually the expectations that I believe in and would want to happen in real life at least for me that is. And yeah that pretty much sums up my daily emotional fight with the world and its people and how I am pretty much a crazy cheesy girl with crazy cheesy unrealistic views. The end.
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rainandsparkle20 · 11 years
After telling my friend about how in my dream the guy came all the way from California to here to surprise me, she stated "if only that would happen in real life...unfortunately guys in this generation won't do that" The sad truth about our generation. So hard to find people who will do so much for you.
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