#ooc meme;;
laxusthelightning · 6 years
🙄 ; What are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to tumblr? 😠 ; Is there anything you dislike about your muse? ☹️ ; Do you have any insecurities about writing and/or interacting with other people?😮 ; What is your favourite thing about your muse?
[ meme;; ] Munday Meme. (Send S Symbol) [ @ecllairage ]
🙄 ; What are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to tumblr?
well, when it comes to tumblr in general? -- to be honest, not too much negativity or too much unneccessary shit. i know i’m probably making haters on here or whatever and i withdraw myself mostly, but: you know the latest thing with the genderbent? honestly, not everything is transphobic. i have a lot of trans friends and one even is a very close one, i love them all and i told them about that issue on here and they just? wtf? (they’re from the furry fandom, so another part, but y’know). idk, it just seems that people want to cause drama or need some kind of attention. however, another thing is the negativity; blaming others or FOR ME personally only; when there is too much ooc texts on the dash saying they wanna die or something... maybe it’s connected to my past, but 4 people at once, always feeling bad, i can’t stand it and, yes maybe i run from facing it, but sometimes it’s too much for me. sorry... but yea, people using this side to get drama going & attention just nah. not everyone is transphobic/homophobic/everythingphobic. YES there are ALWAYS black sheeps, i also got hate for being a furry back then, but just ignore them. they’re not worth your time.
😠 ; Is there anything you dislike about your muse?
lmaO ABOUT LAXY BAE??? yes, but that’s only wrong characterization from the fandom. Laxus is one of the few charas in FT i totally love without doubt and, hah, yea. but about my portrayal? i wish i could portray him better, pretty much, but i do my best-- ofc there are things i dislike. :)
☹️ ; Do you have any insecurities about writing and/or interacting with other people?
sadly... yes. not gonna lie, most of the time i’m a happy ball and i’m friendly, but... idk, especially when i was away for a longer time i feel somewhat insecure to come back to the RPing? i also don’t think my writing is very good, it’s so simple and i don’t feel good at all lately... i also know i don’t approach people myself and i wish i would but sometimes i think i bother, even when it’s not true and all, i dunno. ;--;
😮 ; What is your favourite thing about your muse?
everything. no, but the development Laxus got-- honestly, he and gajeel are one of the best developed characters for me; he went from a rebel and HONESTLY thinking to change FT, having a thought implanted to do better, maybe even was so insecure about himself he went nuts/crazy-- and then: BAM. he realized a lot, his mistake, started to question things when he got banned (look at his faces/expression in manga and anime omFGGGG MY HEART) -- he did better, went on a journey and GOD KNOWS WHAT HE DID. he slowly did better, not from 0 to 100, but he learned things, tried to do better and when he got back to FT GOSH YES. MY HEART. TT.TT i just love this development and how he got better and that just shows how even a bad person can change. help them, give them a chance. :)
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kingofgayandsalt · 6 years
Boop my url
Meme { Accepting
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why:  Shinya
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs:  Tbh I don’t actually read threads so, idk but like on point writing
My thoughts on their unique characterization/intepretation of their muse(s): I AM IN LOVE, SUCH A MUSE PLZ GIVE ME MORE
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole:  Bob would be proud
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: Anything with toast
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: anyone 
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying:  Plz come into my ask box, Yuu needs to interact with his dad more
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: I don’t know Rin that well, but her love for cats is such
What I Think Are Their Strengths: I don’t talk to Rin much so probably their knowledge of the bobs.
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Bobs
Why Others Should RP With Them:  Because like a meme but also serious
How Others Should Approach Them:  Cats just talk to them about cats 
Anything else I want to say about them: 10/10
A plot I’d like to write with them:  Ohhhh god idkA muse I want to introduce to them: ahhhhh idkA ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: idk ahhhhhhh,  I am so bad at thisA thread with them I’m excited about: We don’t have one.                                                Anything else you want to say:  bob McBob
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chivalris · 7 years
[ meme;; ] ☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆ -- Love and Romance.
Tumblr media
hum hum HUM. guess that would be obvious? kinda. she’s a fan of rubys and kind of apatits. :3
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cardhearts · 7 years
Yami & Bakura ?
[ meme;; ] send me a ship and I'll rate it.
Yami x Bakura:
NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP |
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venomdraco · 9 years
Mixing it up a little myself! How about Gajuvi?
send a ship and i'll tell you who:
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Juvia, tbh.
Gets jealous the most: I can imagine Juvia here aswell, tho gajeel can be very protective about his girl aswell ~
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Juvia. Ofc, gajeel can’t drive, but she’d do it anyways---
Takes care of on sick days: Juvia. Anything to be there for her man. c:
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: JUVIA. SHE’D FORCE HIM IF SHE NEEDS TO. 8D
Gives unprompted massages: Gajeel, when he notices that his water mage had a rough/bad day ~ c:
Drives/rides shotgun: Gajeel. Although he would let her sometimes. 8]
Brings the other lunch at work: Juvia. :D
Has the better parental relationship: Gajeel, I’d say.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: I’d say gajeel, but tbh, I can imagine Juvia so well---
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: GAJEEL! XD
Still cries watching Titanic: Juvia, poor bby. ;w;
Firmly believes in couples costumes: JUVIA. XD
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Mhh, tbh, Juvia.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Gajeel. YOU GO EAT THAT JUVI!
Remembers anniversaries: Juvia ~ But also Gajeel secretly. c:
Brings up having kids: Juvia. 8D
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This is the Amazing Person Award🏆Once you are given this award, you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain ~ nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out :-*
    But but…I take fifteen years to reply….I AM NOT WORTHY
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peterandthewolfe · 10 years
Rumbelle (meme) (hi!)
         ;;Hey there, dear anon I assume you mean this meme, if I’m wrong correct me.
                          Gonna put this under the cut because it got long as hell. 
                  Domesticity Meme:
          who cooks normally?:
I’d say Belle, for quite obvious reasons. But I’m sure there are days Rumple decides to surprise her by cooking for her, if anything to just prove that he can, because there’s probably a lot of banter there.  
          how often do they fight?:
Rarely. Belle’s very patient with him and I couldn’t see her snapping back, even if he tried to bait her into it she’d more than likely flash him a look and calmly resolve whatever issue it is. 
          what do they do when they’re away from each other?:
Rumple would count down the minutes until she came back, hoping she came back, but doubting it ever so slightly at the same time. Belle would bury herself in a book for the time, and make slight notes of things she’s read whilst he’s been away to use as small titbits when he is home once more. 
          nicknames for each other?:
Dearie is a pretty obvious one for Belle, and I think she would just stick with Rumple.  
          who is more likely to pay for dinner?:
Rumple, for obvious reasons the man does spin fucking gold after all. And, of course, Mr Gold would never be seen letting her pay for dinner.
          who steals the covers at night?:
More often than not it would be Belle, who does it amidst her sleep. Rumple sees it as an opportunity to get closer to her anyway, so neither see it as a big issue. 
          what would they get each other for gifts?:
Rumple is pretty much the man who can have everything (Besides Milah, obv) so Belle’s not really one to go out of her way to buy him things. Her gifts to him come in small gestures. As for Belle, she married someone who could give her anything, and the only choice would be books. Since he already gave her the library I think he just does the same as she does. Treating her to a nice dinner once in a while and sweet gestures. 
          who remembers things?:
Both of them. Rumple likes to remember the finer details of things to do with Belle, and Belle does the same. It spurs from the times they lost one another, both cherishes every little thing they can now. And, of course, it always serves to remember things in order to get one over on someone, because with out a doubt their past gets brought up a whole lot.  
          who cusses more?:
Is it bad that I can’t imagine either doing so? Does Lacey count? I mean she is a part of Belle, and she’s inside of her somewhere, so I suppose I’d say Belle may possibly say something from time to time, but not often at all.  
          what would they do if the other one was hurt?:
Without a doubt Rumple would find whomever hurt Belle and make them pay for it. He wouldn’t even question the action. Dependant on the situation I’d presume Belle would kick into action with her knowledge from a book she’d read once upon a time, or just pray that he’d be okay. 
          who kissed who first?:
I’m going with Skin Deep here, so Belle kissed Rumple first. 
          who made the first move?:
Still going to go with my last answer and say Belle. 
          who started the relationship?:
I don’t think it’s all too clear. It was probably a combination of the two of them being overjoyed that they were together again, and they obviously knew they were one another’s true loves so it just clicked back together and fell into a relationship of sorts. Despite Rumple trying to push Belle away, of course. 
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littlekristoff · 10 years
Ok I'm bored and I wanna do something so send me a frozen character and some emotions and ill try to draw it or somethin' :P
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kingofgayandsalt · 6 years
 Meme { Accepting
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why:  Kuerto
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: …I don’t think we’ve had like a serious thread so drunk Yuu.
My thoughts on their unique characterization/intepretation of their muse(s): On point, could it be any more canon? BUt like also what a meme
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole:  Its like pretty amazing.  Classy
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: Guren asking for the raise 
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: ffichinose 
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying:  hmu with dat Mika
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Mingming is is like the most pure person in such a special way and he never fails to make me laugh or question him, its one or the other
What I Think Are Their Strengths: He’s so strong, and like a funny guy.
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Drunk Yuu coming at Kuerto
Why Others Should RP With Them:  Because like my bro is an amazing writing and is nailing their portrayals’.  Go hit them up
How Others Should Approach Them:  Just do it, my bro is so open about meeting new people.  We were on a discord call literally the same day we started talking 
Anything else I want to say about them: My bro
A plot I’d like to write with them:  Anything MikaYuu man, I am so thirst for that ship. A muse I want to introduce to them: Um I already did it.  Mika duh.  The thirst is realA ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: Um us.  We are the brotp A thread with them I’m excited about: Um the koe no katachi (?) One we’ve started .                    Anything else you want to say:  My bro, I’ve missed you, welcome back to hell
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chivalris · 7 years
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they?
[ meme;; ] ☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆ -- Love and Romance.
Tumblr media
  depends on the verse! but the main verse she doesn’t really. in canon she might have one on jellal, but my erzi is totally free from crushes in her main c:
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venomdraco · 9 years
send a ship and i'll tell you who:
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Cobra would, tbh ~
Gets jealous the most: Again, Cobra---
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Kinana would. Cobra wouldn’t even drive. XD
Takes care of on sick days: Kinana would ~ PreciOU S.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Cobra woULD THE DORK. 8]
Gives unprompted massages: Kinana, everything to cool down her snakey. :3
Drives/rides shotgun: Cobra.
Brings the other lunch at work: Kinana, ya s.
Has the better parental relationship: Kinana. c:
Tries to start role-playing in bed: COBRA. YYOOOO ANOÖSN.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: COBRA JFC XDDD
Still cries watching Titanic: Kinana ~
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Kinana would make him---
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Cobra ~
Makes the other eat breakfast: Cobra. She should eat!
Remembers anniversaries: Both, tbh. c:
Brings up having kids: Kinana.
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kingofgayandsalt · 6 years
*slides url in*
Meme { Accepting
My favourite muse(s) of theirs and why:  Horn
My favourite interaction/thread of theirs: Ohhhh god, I’m really bad for reading threads but anything with Lee’s Crowley is pretty noice, painful though. 
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): 10/10 good shit, best Horn! Will meme when I have more time!
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: It so like flowey and like the angst is painful, like it hurto my hearto 
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: Fluff
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: Lee’s Crowley 
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: Plz give Yuu dem nuggets
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Oooooh God Zira so funny and like what a meme,  so easy to talk to and one of the best people to meme, its great ily.
What I Think Are Their Strengths:  She’s funny, which is always nice, and as much as she hates it, she is really good at tolerating my memes 
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours:  Buffalo 
Why Others Should RP With Them: The muses are 10/10.  Bug the Horn 
How Others Should Approach Them: Just hit her up in the IM with quack quack 
Anything else I want to say about them:
A plot I’d like to write with them: Yuu kicking your new OCs ass, but like ending up with her kicking his assA muse I want to introduce to them: uhhhhhhh IDKA ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: Horn and like ? I am so bad at this I’m sorry, I love you ZiraA thread with them I’m excited about: ...Do we have one?  We have to fix thatAnything else I want to say:  This meme requires more thought than I thought
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kingofgayandsalt · 6 years
Meme's reputation: A very wonderful friend who has been great to talk to. You are so talented as often as you deny it, but I love our threads and reading the things that come across my Dashboard. And yes, the nugget memes are great and all... but there's so much potential for you to grow as a writer. You gotta stop doubting yourself for me, okay? Other aspect of reputation: Queen of salt tbh, probably how you relate to Yuu the most. But I love it. Now try to stop worrying about your writing.
Meme | Accepting
Hmmm I wonder who this could be?
But for realz, I don’t really know what to say, other than Thank you.
Thank you for putting up with my shit and believing in me as a writer 
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kingofgayandsalt · 6 years
Meme | Accepting
I memed the dash with this once and now its my rep.   Well I’m glad you think of me as one of the bobs!
its an honour!
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