#ooc — the wench rambles
thekingswench · 8 months
okay let's try this again: like for something s.muty from: kovu ( kassoum ), silas, jean, raff, or júan. any can be supernatural for some, b.reeding etc. welcome
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saltmageelliexiv · 4 years
*cracks knucles*
Okay, after putting it off for a few months... time to write something.
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keizora · 7 years
Follower Giveaway! Also random Musings!
Warning, random Kei rambling ahead. 
So, when I first made a tumblr, it was mostly due to peer-pressure and people constantly asking why I didn’t have one for Kei. I’m really bad at this whole social media thing, most of my interaction is and always will be in-game and through rp. I was surprised to find out people are actually visiting this page, especially considering my strict policy on being very tight-lipped about Kei ooc. I’ll be stating to be more active, starting with a very personal story for her I’m posting tonight or tomorrow, but anyways, on the important stuff.
I want to start by reflecting on my entrance into the RP scene. Around...February of last year, a friend who had been a long time roleplayer convinced to to transfer to Balmung with them and give it a try. I had no experience in role-play or writing at all. Naturally, that friend stopped playing two days later, leaving me in the purgatory of knowing nothing or nobody. I did, what many people do when they don’t know where to go. I walked around Ul’dah. 
Now, even today, if you walk around the city, you’ll see dozens of people standing about. (And we’re not talking about the thirsty ones put that aside for the sake of this story). There are so many people out there desperately looking for rp. I was knew, I didn’t know what to do, how to approach, or even what my character was like. But I wanted to learn. This, was how Kei’s concept started.
Many of you that know me, know how strict I am about not giving IC information oocly. I rarely even mention or talk about RP I or Kei has done. Things she’s done people she’s worked with. That all started from my initial creation of her. You see, I wanted to learn how to rp, what makes good rp, how the experiences can be meaningful and trigger an emotional response in the character. But for that, I needed to interact with other characters. And so, here I was, new to the server, looking for people, and I decided something.
I decided, that one of the core concepts for my character, would that she would be able to approach anyone, anywhere, every time. It’s that simple. Those of you who have interacted with Kei, know she’s very up front. She wants to profit from you, and she’s going to find out how. How she and you can work together for mutual benefit.
One of the first people I met on the server, was this guy who sat me down, and talked to me about the adventurers guild. For hours and hours and hours he explained the significance of what the guild does for Eorzea. I looked at the guild, at the variety of the leves they offered, and realized, that a character who acts as an ‘independent ‘levemate’ of sorts, could have justification for interacting with almost anyone. 
The rest is history.
When myself @pavpatla and @cmazing started Blue Sky Ventures, @bsventures. What we wanted most of all, was to create a stage for excellent characters to express themselves and develop. Good rp doesn’t take anything more than throwing characters into a room and seeing what happens. All you need is a hook to get you started. That’s what we made the levedesk for. I have many friends, acquaintances, who tell me how hungry for rp there are, but how hard it is to find. There’s some weird sort of...barrier to entry. When everyone is afraid to approach or start something, or know where to begin, you can see how that makes this sort of ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. We wanted to make that hook, where even if we had focused, character driven storylines within the fc, the Vista could act like a Quicksand, a Drowning Wench, or a Carline Canopy, connecting people be it IC or through our OOC ls even if they weren’t in the FC.
Now, for what most of you actually care about. In the spirit of what I wrote above, rather than giving away ‘something’, I’d figure I’d do the only thing I’m somewhat competent at. Being Kei. So, one follower, at the end of this week, will be approached and offered to be ‘Kei’d’. What does that mean? Basically, it means that, I’ll design a leve or event specific to your character. An Adventure of sorts to accomplish something that they want. It could be solo, with a group of friends, or inv along some of the BS crew. For example, say your character is some kind of artisan that requires some kind of rare material. We’ll arrange an escort mission so you can go fetch it. Decide you want to capture and tame a wild chocobo? We can do that. Want to explore an Amdapori, Sil’dihn, Nymian, Mhacian ruin? We can do that. Essentially, whatever drives your character, I’ll design an adenture around that for you and your friends.
If the person RNG has chosen isn’t interested, we’ll figure out something else and I’ll roll again UNTIL SOMEONE ACTUALLY DECIDES THEY WANT THIS.
Now, I’ve rambled for a while, but very quickly I wanted to give a shoutout to @pavpatla and @cmazing. Those two are the true backbone of this FC, and basically have the monumental task of working hard and keeping my eccentric ass in check. I couldn’t ask for better partners and friends, and you really should go stalk the fuck out of them ic and ooc. @pavpatla has posted some excellent work, but the truly beautiful things she does are all in game, so hunt her down. As for @cmazing Absolutely sensational writer and world-builder, and maybe if enough people pester him on tumblr he’ll start sharing his talents with the world more. 
And of course, make sure to check out the rest of the BSventures crew at https://bsventures.tumblr.com/members  Each and everyone of them is wonderful and deserves to have their work seen. I’d talk about you all in detail, but I’m gonna save that for...a thing -steeples -fingers-
Thanks for listening to my BS
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thekingswench · 2 months
here ye, here ye —
hello lovelies!! a friend very thoughtfully reminded me I've not been on here for a while and, well, there's many reasons for that, but primarily it was some RL stuff that happened. however, if my writing partners/mutuals are up for it, I'd love to slowly get back into some interactions, as I've some ships & other connections (and people!) here I miss quite a lot.
I know a handful of you have different activity, but if you'd still be up to plot and write and chat, give this a little 💕
I'm mainly MOBILE rn, but am able to do laptop stuff, it may just take a but longer.
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thekingswench · 11 months
uh...idk why people in my messages, one of whom just replied for something with kovu and then disappeared??, are saying they're ""ghost blogs"" but I guess y'all blocked me?? So sorry no idea what I did 🤷‍♀️
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thekingswench · 7 months
I'll be around again soon! Was dealing with work and being sick so that sucked but I'm feeling a bit better so should be back on soon
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thekingswench · 5 months
as a Christmas gift to me (and Raffaele) someone should fulfill his k1nk and br33d him and/or chase him down to do it. Yah know. As a Christmas gift, holiday cheer.
(for real though guys he won't stop bugging me. someone give him what he wants I beg)
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thekingswench · 11 months
Wanna do something with my knights, like - a historical verse, give me actual 'inspired by Welsh and other forms of Arthurian mythology' plots. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
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thekingswench · 9 months
hello!! I have cleaned up a good chunk of my older replies. some, which have been long standing, will be kept, but I've realized that muse just isn't there for some of them anymore, and I've been pressuring myself to come back, though I've been busy as of late, and it's affecting my wanting to write. SO! moving forward I will be a bit more strict rn with my interactions; I have some that I'll be keeping, but for my own sanity, I'll be kinda slow. I love y'all and what we have, so I won't be totally absent, but tis slow bc I have two, rigorous jobs now. I appreciate your patience, and I cannot WAIT to be back soon <3
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thekingswench · 9 months
hi lovelies! I know I've been less active, mainly because my school year (and a new night class I'm teaching!) started up these last few weeks, but I'm hoping to be up & at 'em this weekend
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thekingswench · 7 months
Hoping to be around soon ( I know I Saif this before but I actually mean it ) I just had a lot of shit happen this last week and a half, including somehow straining my ribs, so I've been in some pain. But I'm hoping to be here soon bc I miss my mutuals
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thekingswench · 1 year
Might be a bit quieter over the next few days; gotta prove my advisor wrong and get my thesis done ASAP 👍🏻
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thekingswench · 1 year
morning lovelies! I seem to have a large number of threads that arr floating into the ether. if you'd do me a favor and give this a like or a reply/DM if you're still interested in continuing those threads, lemme know! I wanted to clean up my replies a bit and start fresh (there are a handful that are my go, and I know who they are, but if you've posted and I haven't seen the tag just shoot me a quick message jic)
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thekingswench · 9 months
Hoping to be on today, tomorrow at the latest!! I think I've got something of a routine going, and I'll be on for planning tomorrow, so I can get a few replies in as I'm able 🥰 miss y'all
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thekingswench · 10 months
Am still busy af (been running around for the last 4 days dealing with finalizing stuff for the new academic year, helping my parents with their small remodeling stuff, buying a new printer bc mine took a shit etc. etc. ) BUT hoping to be back after the next week or two just to get myself back into space with y'all cause I miss my mutuals
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thekingswench · 10 months
apologies for the absence lovelies! been dealing with sorting classroom stuff and preparing for the academic year, but I shall be back soon 💕
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