#oof poor Zuko he’s just trying to live:
thispatternismine · 7 months
ATLA live action impressions part 2
Following on from last night's post, here are my impressions of eps 5-8
Still really loved it. Gonna be tarred & feathered for this but I actually like it better than the animated show
Ozai giving Zuko credit for finding the Avatar. There's this weird idea in the fandom that Ozai never intended to take Zuko back. Even though we saw him do exactly that at the beginning of Book 3. Yes he set an impossible task, but when Zuko (apparently) achieved it, he was like 'ok yeah cool - you have met my standards'. Sure, there's no way Zuko would have continued to meet those standards if he'd stuck around, but Ozai did actually keep his word. The fact that he does it to make sure Azula knows she's overstepped & remind her she's replaceable, is an especially nice touch
Getting to see how Azula is treated by her father. I've seen way too many people try to claim Azula was never abused because she wasn't literally set on fire like he was. Never mind that she avoided that fate only because she was able to meet his standards. And having to constantly strive to meet the standards set by someone who thinks 'find a guy who's been missing for a century' is a suitable task to set his kid is abuse.
Another annoying tendency of the fandom is to flanderise Ozai into some diabolical caricature who spends all his time thinking up new ways to torment poor Zuzu, so having that scene of him banishing Zuko was a nice touch. He genuinely believes he is being a good dad & raising his kid to be strong (note: This isn't me saying Ozai is right - I'm saying he thinks he's right.)
The 41st Division 😭
Iroh & Ozai interacting with each other
I spy some female soldiers! A problem with the animated show was that it's all well & good deciding that the Fire Nation has female soldiers, but bias is a thing & 99.9% of the time if you ask someone to draw a soldier it'll be a man. Yeah sure they all stayed to guard the Fire Nation that's why we didn't see any till Book 3 suuure
"Anything you need." "It has to do with Koh." "Anything but that." DYING
Aang's whole speech to Zuko about how helpful his notebook was (let's be real Iroh probably sighed & told him it was a waste of time so this was the first time he heard 'Hey good job on the Avatar research!') & the way they bonded before he unwittingly set Zuko off
"Quit it before they think there's something wrong with you. More than there already is."
"The Firelord deems your performance... below average." OOF. Pretty sure that's the worst thing you can possibly say to Azula. She'd much rather be told she sucked outright than just 'meh'
Waterbender Yue
Non-arsehole Hahn
Using Kuruk lore from the Kyoshi books!
I like the changes to the NWT siege. Having the spirits' mortality be an occasional, temporary thing to gain an appreciation of life that occurs during a full moon when the powers of those who will protect them in that state are at their peak, makes more sense than permanent vulnerability that relies on nobody finding out. Also never made sense that a naval officer was stationed in a fucking desert & was able to just take time off to go through a spirit library, so having Zhao find his info from the Fire Sages works better IMO. I do hope we'll still get the spirit library though
Ozai's lil eyetwitch when Azula backtalked him like if you agree
Haven't mentioned yet but I love the costumes in this
Also never mentioned Momo, the Real Hero of ATLA
Sokka continues to be awesome
June calling Iroh cute & fawning over him. Normally I'd think it's unfair for the live action version of a character to be held accountable for what the animated version did, but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like og!Iroh's groping of June being treated like a joke has been called out many times so they fucking had to know what they were doing
Why isn't Azula's fire blue? We got like 1 second of it & that's it. Maybe consistent blue flames are a power up she'll obtain later idk
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cabbageslost · 7 months
Reacting to live action AtLA - ep 8
Spoilers warning, for the final time.
Okay, fresh off my extreme dislike at episode 7's choice to have Aang not support Katara (seriously, I will hold onto that grudge with a fierceness that would put OG Katara to shame even. Worst change of the entire season for me.) I'm still grumpy, but I won't have time to watch tomorrow, so I just wanna get it over with. They have a lot to make up to me. :P
Okay.. finally we get to see them fight together. Bout dang time. Where was THIS for the past 7 episodes? This is what we needed for Team Avatar-building.
Katara leading the other women.. I can deal with this change too. And she got given charge of the newbie recruits too. Again, I can do this.
The Ice Moon? Okay new plot twist. Let's see if you're passable or lame.
Lion turtle mention alert.
MOMO! I swear to goodness, this is the worst. Also, I knew the Oasis would look gorgeous in live action. Okay, he's better but I'm still not okay with that happening in the first place. :( Dirty trick.
So.. not gonna have Iroh threaten/disagree with Zhao?
Nice little icy straight jacket, though I'm ticked that apparently Zuko in this version can immediately bust out. Meh. I enjoyed the idea from the first of her having the upper hand for a while the moon was out.
Zhao calling out Ozai and his stupid games. Finally Iroh at least telling him he'll unleash on him.. though he didn't bother to try and actually DO anything yet. Yeah, there it is, finally!
This fight.. oof. It's intense. And it's nice to have a version where we don't have to hate Hahn. lol
YES, time for Aang as Koi-zilla. Kick some Zhao (and other fire nation) butt, Koizilla.
Ha, yes, firebending duel on a bridge. Way to not draw attention to yourselves from the fish giant that's utterly pissed at firebenders. I do enjoy the aangsty discourse though.
Hold up. Iroh took Zhao out, not the ocean spirit? I mean, I guess it's busy with the armada, but still. I liked it getting to mete out the justice for its pair.
Man, these poor water tribe siblings.. Sokka watching his girlfriend turn into the moon, Katara begging Aang to come back..
This does give a bit more of a reason/transition for Pakku to change his mind on training women, better than "well, you're my old girlfriend's daughter." I'm still unclear on how Katara was deemed a master as she got literally zero training in this version.
Azula taking over Omashu, getting word that the comet is "soon".. and done.
Okay, this episode didn't make me near as stabby as the last (though they really didn't have to mess with Momo like that.) The fight was intense, but all the fight scenes have looked pretty good so I expected that. While I loved that Katara was declared a master, I still don't see how since she didn't get any teaching at all. And overall it seems an absolutely bizarre choice for Aang to not bend any water in the water book.
I dunno, mostly I'm glad to be done, okay with having watched it, and absolutely thrilled that the animated version is still there. I will probably start up a rewatch of that soon as a nice palate cleanser. LOL My thoughts on this haven't changed since halfway through - if I had seen just this live-action I might have enjoyed it more as I wouldn't know what I was missing, it would have been a show that I completed.. but it wouldn't have spurred me on to need "more" (hunting out others to obsess with, looking up fanfic, etc) the way the original did. The characters in this got better/more interesting, but took like 7 episodes to do so.. and that's entirely too long in an 8-episode season. And even by the end they weren't as engaging as their animated counterparts (NOT a commentary on the actors.. the scenes where they were given emotional dialogue, they did well. Just.. well there was a ton of splitting them up or sort of flat writing sometimes. Can't do much with that.)
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22 with Zukka for the prompt list? Also hi :)
"Give me a brush. I'll fix your hair for you." + zukka
Zuko was angry.
He supposed that wasn’t that shocking—he was angry a lot—but the amount of genuine anger and frustration he was accumulating due to his hair, now that wasn’t fair nor normal.
It was stupid—he had to attend some dumb public event since he was the Fire Lord and stand at the side applauding politely, then say a few words. Really, he’d been through more stressful times in his life than that.
Even still, there was an hour left before he had to arrive, and he was getting ready in his chambers. Or, he was supposed to be getting ready. He was still in his sleeping robes, aggressively pulling a brush through his hair
Honestly, at this point, he was just beating his scalp.
No matter how carefully or slowly he ran the brush through his hair, it was still tangled. It still looked greasy, and even when he said “screw it” and just threw his hair in a top knot, he nearly chopped it all off because it looked terrible. The bumps at the top of his head were so large it looked like he hadn’t even brushed his hair in the first place!
Logically, he knew that his dad was far far far away right now and would in no way, shape, or form be attending the same event or see said event, but he couldn’t block out Ozai’s voice in his head telling him how big of a disappointment he was due to the state of his hair.
Zuko grunted, throwing the brush across the room and leveling the cursed object with a furious pout. It’s what the brush deserved.
“Hey, Zuko! I can’t decide whether I should wear my cobalt robes or my lapis robes. I know you don’t think there’s a difference, but I swear to you—are you okay?”
The angelic sound of Sokka’s voice caused Zuko’s face to shift from fury to a soft smile. He turned around, his fingers twitching when the brush left his sight because it needed to know how angry he was, and shot Sokka what he hoped was a soft look.
His boyfriend was also wearing his evening robes, something far too casual for the event they were attending, and it took everything in him to focus his gaze on Sokka’s face rather than his shoulder where the fabric was slowly slipping off.
In his hands were two tunics which absolutely looked the exact same color-wise, but he just chalked that up to Sokka being picky about his wardrobe (no, he wouldn’t acknowledge that he was unsure whether it was that or the fact that he couldn’t see properly out of his left eye).
Sokka’s hair looked impeccable, tied tightly in a wolf tail, much unlike his own.
Oh, he’d been staring, hadn’t he?
“Sorry,” he mumbled, running a hand over his face and collapsing onto his bed. “I’m just trying to get ready.”
He watched as Sokka’s eyes flickered between Zuko’s tapping foot, his hair, and the brush on the floor behind him.
His face morphed into understanding and he carefully draped his clothes over the back of Zuko’s vacant chair, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Give me a brush. I’ll fix your hair for you,” he said gently, nudging Zuko’s foot with his own.
“Get it yourself, Lazy,” Zuko muttered, but either way he shifted his position so he could roll onto the other side of the bed and reached, swiping the brush off the floor and tossing the cursed object at his boyfriend.
Sokka poked at him with his finger (and Zuko tried not to melt at the way Sokka tapped in patterns of three—it was the nonbender’s favorite type of pattern, he did everything in three’s. It became Zuko’s favorite number as their relationship developed and became not only a form of comfort for Sokka when he had his bad days, but also for him) until he got the signal and turned so his back was to Sokka.
“Your hair is very pretty,” Sokka remarked, gently grabbing a small chunk of his hair and starting at the edges.
“It’s greasy.”
“No, it’s really not. You know I don’t like touching greasy hair. I wouldn’t touch it if it was greasy.”
They both knew that was a lie—Zuko’s hair was an exception.
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong?” Sokka asked, twisting the edges of the now brushed section of Zuko’s hair while separating it into a second section.
“My hair.”
“I got that.”
“It’s not… it’s not perfect…”
And that was it, wasn’t it? The event wasn’t that big of a deal—in fact, it was so insignificant to him that he wasn’t quite sure what exactly it was, but when his hair wouldn’t work the way he wanted, he started getting stiff and on edge.
If his dad saw him like this… Zuko couldn’t help but shudder at the mere thought.
“Babe, Sunshine, light of my life,” Sokka began and oh how Zuko practically melted, “you don’t need to be perfect.”
“That’s rich coming from you,” Zuko shot back. “But I do have to be perfect. Everyone’s watching me—I’m the Fire Lord! If I don’t look perfect then…” he trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut and attempting to focus solely on the feeling of Sokka’s fingers in his hair.
“Oh, I get it,” Sokka said softly. “This isn’t about your hair, is it, baby?”
Zuko just sniffed.
“I know I’m not the best person to talk to about being okay with things being imperfect, but something I’ve begun to learn over the years is that there’s never a time when everything’s perfect, no matter how hard you plan… or brush…”
Zuko chuckled.
“But something that you can always count on is me being there; you know I’ll always be there, right? Because I will be,” he continued. At this point, Zuko was certain Sokka had set the brush down and was just using his fingers, which was somehow more comforting despite the slightly uncouth method.
“Besides, you’re already perfect to me. You don’t need to try and please everyone else anymore. Quite frankly, they’re all idiots.”
Zuko laughed. It was quiet and more half-hearted than anything, but it was a laugh all the same. He could feel water beginning to pool in his eyes, and Zuko let out a choking gasp. “Sorry.”
“Shush, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I just… I saw my hair and it wouldn’t—it wasn’t right and I didn’t know what would—“
“Shhh.” Sokka coaxed him into silence, purposefully taking deep breaths along the way to remind him to breathe (which was really helpful since he had forgotten).
“It’s just me. No one else is here—he’s not here. It’s just you and it’s me. And I, personally, think you have the prettiest hair in the entire world, even when it’s greasy.”
Oh, what did Zuko do to deserve someone like Sokka in his life?
Sokka stopped running his fingers through his hair, and Zuko felt the bed shift as Sokka adjusted his position. The nonbender flung his arms around Zuko’s neck, holding him close.
“You’re going to have the best public appearance in the history of pubic appearances today,” Sokka informed him, and Zuko hummed, allowing himself to fall back into Sokka’s embrace. “And if anyone complains about your hair, they may have a run in with my boomerang.”
“Thank you.”
Zuko opened his eyes, allowing his face to fall into its natural frown, but prayed to Agni that Sokka could see the appreciation and adoration in his eyes.
He slowly rose, pushing himself off of his bed and turning so he could see his reflection in the mirror.
His hair it… it wasn’t bad. But it still made his muscles clench and his breath hitch. There were some strands tumbling out of his top knot, falling out of rhythm with the rest of his demeanor.
It was so insignificant, but that’s what Zuko thought when he was younger.
(There was nothing insignificant when it came to Ozai.)
He felt more than saw Sokka stand beside him, and together they gazed in the mirror.
Despite knowing he was being self-conscious, Zuko found himself biting his lip in anticipation as Sokka looked at him. He knew Sokka didn’t think he was disfigured or that his hair was an awful mess, but that wasn’t enough prevent his heart from racing and his fists at the ready to raise to block his—
“You’re beautiful,” Sokka breathed, his eyes so wide that Zuko thought they could contain the depths of the entire ocean, encompass the entirety of the night sky. What made his face flush was that the stars in Sokka’s eyes were directed on him—focused solely and only on him.
It pained him that that was all he could say. Sokka could compliment him like it was nothing, but Zuko couldn’t do any more than reply with one word.
Sokka frowned and no, that wouldn’t do. Zuko didn’t like when he frowned—more so, he hated being the reason his boyfriend’s smile vanished.
“Are you still…” He cut himself off, his neck jerking and lips pursing, then he waved his hands around for emphasis, as a way to finish the sentence.
Shamefully, Zuko nodded.
Without warning, Sokka grabbed hold of Zuko’s hands and placed them on the top of his head. He intertwined their fingers, almost as if they were holding hands, then started moving them.
For a moment, Zuko held his breath because what was this idiot doing? His hair was the definition of perfection—no strands were loose, he looked regal, the blue and red beads in his hair were perfectly placed… and here Sokka was, guiding Zuko’s hands around his head and messing it up.
Zuko tried to pull away—tried to free his hands from Sokka’s grasp because they couldn’t do this—they couldn’t mess up is hair! The Fire Nation was already terribly critical towards Sokka, being Water Tribe and all, not to mention being the Fire Lord’s boyfriend meant more publicity than either of them were comfortable with… the public would tear Sokka apart if he walked out with messy hair.
“What are you doing?” Zuko hissed through grit teeth, still trying to yank his hands away to no avail. “You’re messing up your hair—I’m messing up your hair!”
Sokka ignored him, but Zuko couldn’t find it in himself to glower at his idiot because his tongue was sticking out of his mouth the way it did when he was concentrating and it was so authentically Sokka and so adorable and—
“There,” Sokka said, interrupting his thoughts. “Now we match!”
It was then that Zuko realized his hands had been released, and he clutched them close to his chest defensively.
Sokka was cheekily grinning at him, his eyes shining, and his hair… oh. His hair was a travesty. His wolf tail became undone and half of it was falling out. The top of his head looked like someone build hundreds of tiny bridges with the way his hair had been tugged at.
As terrible as it was, Zuko was basking in the absolute adorableness of his boyfriend.
“It may not be perfect,” Sokka started, locking hands with Zuko once more, “but we’re doing it together. Okay?”
“Yeah. Okay. Thank you, Penguin.”
Sokka leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Okay, then: should I wear the cobalt or lapis tunic? I feel like lapis is a more luscious color, but cobalt brings out my eyes…”
Most of what Sokka was saying made absolute no sense to him, but Zuko knew Sokka so he knew that his feeling weren’t being brushed aside. Sokka was just trying to distract him—to make him laugh.
So, Zuko sat back down and listened to Sokka ramble about the pros and cons of each color, even though they had to be at the event in half an hour.
Sokka was right (he always was)—it was never about his hair (maybe it was a little about his hair, whenever Ozai was involved, it was about everything). He spent the majority of his life trying to live up to the standards of everyone else—his hair had to be perfect, his back had to be perfectly straight…
The Fire Nation thrived on the idea of perfection. So much so that Zuko knew if Sokka had been born and raised here, he would have been isolated or forced into muteness due to his imperfections, or his tics. It was a terrible thought that was proved true by the looks he saw shot his boyfriend’s way by some elders—from the way that some people would address Zuko rather than Sokka when they were together or ask Zuko why he hadn’t fixed Sokka or what places he took Sokka to to do so.
But they weren’t imperfections, Sokka’s tics. Zuko reminded him countless times that they were just a part of who he was, something that made him as special as he was. And he supposed that’s what Sokka was trying to show him… though through his unorthodox and irritatingly charming methods.
Zuko never did fix his hair for the evening—he wanted to continue matching with Sokka.
[this can be seen as a mini prequel to threshold of eternity hence why zuko gives azula the advice about how to 'handle' her hair and toe kind of inspired this one hehe]
'101 ways to say i love you' prompts
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captainkirkk · 3 years
All the fics I've read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please read the tags and warnings before deciding if the fic is for you.
DC (Batman)
Only in Gotham: Craft Store Edition by carolina_batboys
Bowie Chandler is literally just trying to pay her Gotham U tuition by working overnight shifts at Gotham’s 24/7 craft store. That’s all. That’s IT.
Then the bats start dropping in, and her job gets a lot more complicated.
the grief wheel by dustorange
“I couldn’t save you,” Alfred whimpered, fingers slipping out of Bruce’s. “I could never—”
(Alfred gets trapped in a time loop of the night that Bruce's parents die. For Bad Thing Happen Bingo: Time Loop).
Laundry Day by Hello_Spikey (+ podfic)
Shortly after rescuing Suki from Boiling Rock, Katara introduces her to the spectacle, the magnificence, that is Zuko doing laundry with his shirt off. Sokka has to explain to Zuko why the girls are even watching him. Zuko is remarkably slow on the uptake. Poor Sokka.
Star Wars: Original Trilogy
The Rod is Mightier Than the Lightsaber by Anonymous
In which Luke sacrifices himself on Cymoon-1 to make sure everyone else gets away, and Vader takes things too far before figuring out that this insolent young Rebel is his son.
Compromising by samvelg
Five times Admiral Piett misunderstands the nature of Luke and Vader's relationship, and the one time he doesn't.
Clone Wars
A Treatise on Breaking and Repairs by glimmerglanger
Obi-Wan Kenobi survives for three years on Tatooine before Vader finds him and takes him back to Mustafar, where Vader has already gathered members of the 212th. Things... don't go well for anyone.
OR: The oof!au. Heavy whump leading to an eventual happy(ish) ending. Please mind all the warnings. Written for the first 16 days of whumptober, so each chapter has it's own prompt, but they are an interconnected, completed story.
The Other Side by RobinRoost
There was a door in the bottom of the temple that was always closed. All the Younglings told stories about what was on the other side of it. For as long as most of the padawans and initiates could remember, it had been locked. No amount of slicing, prying, or force pushing could open it.
Anakin asked Master Qui-Gon about it once. His Master’s (though not the same type of master as before) face grew cold and distant and told him never to mention it again. What was behind that door was dangerous and a threat to the stability of the galaxy.
Obviously, he had to investigate.
What Friends Do by Trixree
“You have a choice,” Cody begins. “I don’t want any of you to think that you don’t. If you want no part of this, all you have to do is say so. But if I know any of you half as well as I think I do, this choice won’t be particularly hard to make.”
He takes a deep breath and counts his heartbeats against the reverent silence of the mess hall. “We may belong to the Republic, but we were made for the Jetti.”
And thus, the 212th Attack Battalion abducts their General. (It's for his own health, really.)
Displacement by missmollyetc (+ podfic)
A moment in the exciting lives of Waxer, Boil, and Adenn Squad. What could go wrong?
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Ask Explosion #9:
Asks answering previous posts:
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Sabrina, I have one word of advice for you...
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“Chat, please stop talking.”
“But that’s my thing!”
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Well, it’s something, I suppose?
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Answered this here.
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It absolutely did. Bless you, kind and hilarious citizien. ;P
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I’m torn because... on one hand, I want to give proper mythology and such for like--anything that’d be put into the show, but on the other, I liked the idea that Alix’s brother was just sort of a conspiracy who thought of stupid stuff (which is why I kept the concept for MC Jalil Kubdel).
Zoe did it really well in Scarlet Lady where Alix knew the actual mythology and started blurting it out whenever Jalil got it wrong.
New Asks:
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Considering “Ikari Gozen,” I imagine Alya and Kagami don’t get along as well. I agree with basically everyone that Marinette and Kagami not getting along is bad, but Alya and Kagami not really getting along makes more sense and is more tolerable.
Since Alya is Marinette’s “““BFF”““ (supposedly), I could see her kind of being like, “You’re competing with my girl over the same guy,” and keeping Kagami at arm’s length, worried that keeping Kagami close will allow Kagami to be closer to Adrien since Adrien is an extension of their friend group (kinda, sorta, not really, but Marinette calling him a friend so technically--)
You know, Alya trying to be a good friend and help Marinette with Adrien in more subtle ways. It’s the wrong way to go about it but she’s trying.
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LUKANETTE IS AMAZING IN TERMS OF PROGRESSION KDJNGJDFG, I ADORE IT. Every episode they share together, we either learn something new about them or see more details on their relationship.
I think I was already all-in before “Silencer,” but man, that episode just sealed it even more. I was like well dang, why does the love square even EXIST???
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Incredible. Only problem is that the creator doesn’t know how to use it properly.
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You mean fourteen year olds aren’t perfect human beings???? :o
(no, but really, that’s me all the time; like, she’s barely a teen!)
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He’ll believe it if it’s Chat Noir who’s doing it. If Marinette ever does it though, he’ll be sure to shut it down. ;P
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Ugggggh, the worst part is that I have the same exact fear that they really are going to be like yeah Ladybug you silly fool Chat Noir has been with you since the beginning!
I mean, we’re already basically getting that with the New York special; Chat was supposed to protect Paris and then didn’t tell Ladybug that he “had to” leave for New York (and the New York thing is inadvertently Marinette’s fault and parts of the fandom actually did blame her for it even though it was Chat’s choice not to say anything), then Ladybug gets upset with him when she discovers it mid-battle, which leads to Chat being distracted and Cataclysming someone (another thing that Ladybug can be “inadvertently” blamed for), then Chat gives up his miraculous so Ladybug isn’t even allowed to be angry and cue the later line of “I can’t imagine being Ladybug without... him.”
So clearly that’s saying something. Adrien doesn’t get anything close to that level and Marinette is chewed out for not asking him to stay when Nino had already asked him too.
It’s like--Marinette chooses to go after Adrien and then gets either nothing in return, or humiliated by the narrative, and then in the New York special, she decides to do nothing and everything still goes wrong while Alya yells at her for it. The “damned if she does, damned if she don’t,” on display is stunning. The girl tries to confess and it’s like, “no, not allowed, but Chat is allowed to confess.”
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I still don’t understand this logic of his overarching plot but also “there’s not much of a timeline.” I think the only solid thing we’ve ever gotten was something about all the episodes in one season coming after all the episodes in a previous one, but there are still things that don’t add up? The only thing the season 3 production order will give is making sure the hero debuts work out (so no Viperion or Pegase before “Party Crasher,” for example).
It’s not really reliable. I mean, like--I’ve been experimenting with timelines for a while, and stuff like “Miraculer” baffles me. It’s basically non-canon with no value whatsoever. All it does is make “Heart Hunter” look even more confusing and treats Marinette even more horribly for not picking Chloe when she explicitly told Chloe that she wasn’t getting it back.
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I’m not familiar with that one! Is it any good?
(Okay, I actually was too curious and ended up looking it up; fancy! I couldn’t have guessed that it was a webtoon! I started reading the 1st issue and before I knew it, I was on the 6th! Oops~)
Lila is totally Rashta, 100% agree. The fact that the comments have a nickname of “Trashta” for her, equivalent to Liar Rossi, says as much ;P
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Because lessons that involve telling someone that they’re valid and allowed to feel a certain way don’t apply to Marinette. Isn’t it nice? :3
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Not that I know of? Though I also don’t look for that kind of thing, so it’s possible that it exists and I just don’t know about it.
Even if it did exist thought, I don’t see a problem with you doing your own regardless. Good luck if you do!
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No. No I do not. ;P
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And yeah, I’m not really capable of not analyzing shows. There are some small exceptions, but they’re usually not full shows in the normal sense. If there’s an ongoing plot, my mind tends to be working at all times.
In terms of Miraculous, Season 1 was harmless enough where I was bothered but pretty quiet about it, but then it just got progressively worse. It really feels like one of those things you can’t unsee when it finally hits you, y’know?
I’m glad I was able to help you get that satisfaction you need (and appreciate Lukanette, of course ;3)!
Non-Miraculous Asks:
(some heavy Puella Magi Madoka Magica salt below)
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Wow, this is a really dedicated ask! Nice!
Gonna go point by point here:
1 - Yeah, the whole thing with Homura not “being able” to save everyone... kinda questionable, and I didn’t really buy the arguments they used to explain it away. I think there was this one PSP game or something with Madoka Magica where you could kind of choose what happened (like, there were bad ends where Sayaka didn’t get her soul gem back in time and her body was partially decayed; ick) and I think there’s a good end where Homura saves everyone but--yeah, not canon.
I just don’t care for twisted stories like that unless there is actually a good end on the horizon (and I mean like “Everyone Lives and is Happy” good end). Angst is just so exhausting so the second I saw Mami’s head being bitten I was just like, “Ah, okay, so we’re doing this then.”
2 - Eugh, the sexism thing. It’s so... yeah, and especially this because the whole “girls are emotional” thing, I don’t really care whether or not the show is trying to “subvert” or “explain” anything, it just feels like poor taste and I don’t like it. (I also didn’t know about that Death Note thing because I didn’t watch it, but geez.)
3 - Wow, I’ve been away from the show for so long that I forgot what Mami’s wish was; I thought it was to “not be alone” or something (or maybe not die alone?? I really don’t remember), but either way, the fact that it follows some sort of genie wish logic is just--*sigh*--they’re teenage girls, come on (plus, the “genie wish logic” is really overdone to me anyway).
4 - The other thing about Sayaka is that it’s really predictable that she’d “die so quickly.” Basically everything was pointing to her just being annihilated at some point, and being Madoka’s best friend, it was pretty inevitable that she’d go.
((semi-unrelated, but someone also asked me which character’s name was lied about before episode 3 hit and they wondered if it was Sayaka’s; it was Kyubey’s))
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Yikes. Sorry you had to experience that.
Anyway, I guess I’m not experienced enough in multiple fandoms to say for sure? If I was ever in a fandom, I would just blacklist the people/stuff I didn’t like, so I didn’t get to see a tong of “bad things” going on.
+ I try really hard not to generalize fandoms into one thing.
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𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓼 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 “𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵𝔂” 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼
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Oof, uhhh, shows, huh? That’s tough.
I think the main ship from Given (Mafuyu and Ritsuka) is really adorable (you might’ve seen the amusing video of their love being mutual before), and while I would’ve said the same thing for the kinda-sorta side ship, it gets--uh... really bad during the movie/rest of the manga, I’ll just say that much.
Mafuyu and Ritsuka though, totally adorable.
Inuyasha kinda? Though Inuyasha and Kagome are definitely not the kind of romantic chemistry that I lean towards (I find “the bickering couple” to be rather exhausting). Plus, Cardcaptor Sakura did the “male tsundere” better than Inuyasha did (though the Clear Card Arc was terrible, at least it’s not canon kinda-sorta? idk it seems like a mix of the anime and manga so...).
After that there’s...
I mean, there’s probably a couple more examples somewhere, but--yeah, I’ve got nothing. Maybe if I thought back to all the generic children shows I watched when I was little (like those old Disney live-action shows; I had no taste when I was younger), there might’ve been something that satisfied kid me but idk.
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I don’t remember what post inspired this, but I have no problem answering regardless, ahaha~
My main issue is Aang’s attitude about the whole thing. I’m not saying it was right of Katara to go out and get “revenge via murder” exactly, but I also think that Zuko had the right idea with allowing her to go and face the man who killed her mother so she could get some form of closure (also note that Zuko doesn’t express any sort of opinion when Katara decides not to kill him; he just wanted her to have whatever she thought she needed to heal).
It’s also the episode where Zuko directly confronts Aang on his “violence isn’t the answer” rhetoric which then goes completely ignored as Aang lionturtles his way out of the conflict. Aang is also not confronted on his point of “forgiveness is the first step to healing” (when Katara has a right not to forgive and Aang isn’t challenged outside of Katara commenting on it) and was permitted to ride his high horse when Katara “steals” Appa like, “It's okay, because I forgive you... that give you any ideas?” which is just--
reaaaaaally "holier than thou”-esque when Aang is like, ten, and Katara is a sort of motherly figure to him. The episode even has Sokka praise Aang for how “wise” he is and I groaned through the entire thing.
Another smaller thing is that it sort of makes the air kingdom look way too “perfect” by having Aang be the “source of wisedom,” especially when it’s like “violence isn’t the answer” while all the other airbenders are dead.
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