#oof sorry i answered this last night wen i was tired and going to bed and im kinda regretting how i worded some of this
animemusicbrackets · 1 year
It's so sad to see so many good endings from more obscure series go down to more ones from more popular ones, especially when it's clear people didn't even bother to listen to the more obscure one... someone should run an OP/ED tournament where all the Big Shonen Anime are automatically disqualified.
lowkey agree. Some of these results have been kind of -_- . Sus. Like I’m not gonna elaborate bc I’m the poll runner and I feel like I should be Professional(tm) on this blog and I’m not saying every ending that won which was from a big anime won bc the anime was popular. There are many mainstream anime that have endings that absolutely deserve to go far. Some of the popular winners I agree with and some I might have chosen differently but I get why they won, even when taking the anime itself out of the equation. And then there are some that I’m like. This absolutely only won bc it was popular. I just have no way of knowing how much of the results are because of the anime and how much is because of the music/video. But I’m also fully aware that endings from big anime have an unfair advantage over those from smaller anime I just don’t have a way to stop people from voting for their fave/familiar anime instead of the ED itself. Except for automatically disqualifying popular anime but I wouldn’t want to do that bc some of my personal favorite EDs are from popular anime and also I wouldn’t know how to determine the cutoff between Big and small anime. Also considering my biased perception of what is popular or not based on the tumblr circles I’m in. Make a cut off based on Viewership I guess?
my main dilemma right now is deciding if I should continue making the polls 1 day long or if I should make them a week long. Like I feel like a week is objectively the better choice but I’m just so impatient and like things to be streamlined. Like I’m gonna get bored if I have wait so long and stressed out over polls that are in limbo for so long (I have neuroses ok don’t look at me -_-) but it’s also more time to watch the videos and get a larger sample size would work better maybe?
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