#i just realized the way i answered made that super unclear
animemusicbrackets · 1 year
It's so sad to see so many good endings from more obscure series go down to more ones from more popular ones, especially when it's clear people didn't even bother to listen to the more obscure one... someone should run an OP/ED tournament where all the Big Shonen Anime are automatically disqualified.
lowkey agree. Some of these results have been kind of -_- . Sus. Like I’m not gonna elaborate bc I’m the poll runner and I feel like I should be Professional(tm) on this blog and I’m not saying every ending that won which was from a big anime won bc the anime was popular. There are many mainstream anime that have endings that absolutely deserve to go far. Some of the popular winners I agree with and some I might have chosen differently but I get why they won, even when taking the anime itself out of the equation. And then there are some that I’m like. This absolutely only won bc it was popular. I just have no way of knowing how much of the results are because of the anime and how much is because of the music/video. But I’m also fully aware that endings from big anime have an unfair advantage over those from smaller anime I just don’t have a way to stop people from voting for their fave/familiar anime instead of the ED itself. Except for automatically disqualifying popular anime but I wouldn’t want to do that bc some of my personal favorite EDs are from popular anime and also I wouldn’t know how to determine the cutoff between Big and small anime. Also considering my biased perception of what is popular or not based on the tumblr circles I’m in. Make a cut off based on Viewership I guess?
my main dilemma right now is deciding if I should continue making the polls 1 day long or if I should make them a week long. Like I feel like a week is objectively the better choice but I’m just so impatient and like things to be streamlined. Like I’m gonna get bored if I have wait so long and stressed out over polls that are in limbo for so long (I have neuroses ok don’t look at me -_-) but it’s also more time to watch the videos and get a larger sample size would work better maybe?
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fosterworks-art · 12 days
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Thought WAY too hard about undergrad Phoenix, and now Amazon thinks I'm a lawyer.
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Just in case you can't read my handwriting, please look below for the notes. The below notes are a tad differently written + there may be some extra info I couldn't put in the sketches.
Page 1 - 18 y/o Phoenix
He majors in Criminology and Studio Art. So his main courses are Criminal Justice & Criminology, and Drawing.
He disappeared sometime after DL-6 and showed up with short hair, living in a duplex.
Studying to be a prosecutor - or cartoonist. His reasoning to becoming a prosecutor is unclear, he gives different answers (He can't do math, money and respect, it's a good job), he does genuinely want to help people through prosecuting, though.
Larry and Phoenix haven't seen each other for eight years, but did exchange letters.
For Larry, I wrote a couple notes for him: Going from job to job (and girl to girl) - Pretty good with tech and mechanics. That's a reference to the Thinker clocks, because it's impressive that he made them.
Page 2 - 19 y/o
Poker Hobbyist
Draws and sells card decks (and doujinshis)
People say he has a great poker face.
Also super friendly, just a doormat.
Friends don't know much about him and he doesn't talk about himself much.
He didn't remember Miles or the class trial until he saw the newspaper
That's when he decides to switch from being a prosecutor to being a defense attorney.
It doesn't change much about school.
Page 3 - 20 y/o
He's been taking summer classes this entire time. So he's a senior by 20.
He's a hard worker, and very tired. But he needs to meet Edgeworth asap.
Starts shrimping
People generally know him as a sweetheart and a softie, and a doormat. His classmates also realize that he could be a bit mean.
Heard about the Armando poisoning, but believed it was a different Dahlia Hawthorne. The one he was dating wouldn't harm a soul.
He trusted his girlfriend more than anyone, but never showed his true face until their last date. (He wore makeup and colored contacts throughout high school and college, only Larry knows what he really looks like.)
Couldn't see each other much, because they were both so busy.
Page 4- Born April 11th, 1993
This is what he looked like before the Doug Swallow trial. I just wanted to draw him when he wasn't sick, because the mask would cover the makeup.
(Just pretend I know what I'm doing with the hospital drawing)
Phoenix's 21st Birthday Presents
Not Guilty verdict
Hospital Bill
Botched Surgery (awake, aware, remembered)
Aversion to chips, pills, and romantic relationships
Friend (Mia Fey)
He didn't stay in the hospital for long and refused medication.
Yes he was in excruciating pain. Yes he finished his exams.
He ate glass, he can take it.
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canary3d-obsessed · 1 year
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 38 part two
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)    
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!  
Shopping and Night Hunting
Xue Yang convinces Xiao Xingchen to take him along as his night hunting assistant, and the Empathy session jumps forward. The next thing we see is a whole street full of dead people with Xiao Xingchen standing over them with his sword, while Xue Yang looks on approvingly.  
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Xiao Xingchen explains that the whole village was Puppets, with no living people. Dude. DUDE. Even by the standards of a world that contains Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen, you are way too trusting of shit that people tell you.  
A-Qing checks the corpses and they have white eyes, which makes her think they might really be puppets. Xue Yang makes some insane faces just so we know he's not actually turned over a new leaf.
Next we see Xiao Xingchen trying to buy potatoes (this is fantasy China, not pre-Qing historical China; they can have all the potatoes they want) and a vendor telling him to scram. Is Xiao Xingchen just asking for free potatoes? Is this the first time he’s realized that doesn’t generally work?. Xue Yang menaces the vendor by loudly stabbing a potato, and then calls Xiao Xingchen back over. 
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The vendor gasps and fills up their basket with food, and Xiao Xingchen smiles because he thinks that his buddy silently convinced the guy to give them food by...being nice? Unclear.
I Ain’t Gonna Play Yi City
Next we see ultrahot Song Lan arriving at the gate of Yi City, where A-Qing is happily picking up a money purse. ...whose? Do enough living people come through here that they just casually drop money on the ground? Song Lan twigs to her not being blind pretty quickly, although for politeness sake he lets her continue to pretend.
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Song Lan asks if she's seen a white-clad sword-bearing daoist priest, and she quizzes him to make sure he's a good guy before helping him. Her entire set of security questions:
1. are you friends? 2. How tall is he?  3. is he hot? 4. What does his sword look like?
If this is not a mistranslation, these are not very good questions to ask if you want someone to believe you’re blind, incidentally.
Song Lan's answers:
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1. ............... .... ...yes 2. me and him match like a set of salt and pepper shakers 3. like, SO hot 4. It’s named Shuanghua (”splendid frost,” per Viki), as all True Sword Fans know
(more after the cut!)
These answers are correct, pretty much, so he passes the security check and she leads him into the city. He comes carrying his sword Fuxue (”blowing away snow,” roughly), his horsetail flail, and his messy, messy feelings, which are going to be his undoing.
They walk through the super-abandoned town, which has paper decorations hanging up. These paper decorations are really well made, considering that they are still there when WangXian roll up several years later.
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Song Lan has a little crisis trying to psych himself up to see Xiao Xingchen. Bro, you have been walking around looking for him for literally YEARS, and you haven't figured out what to say yet? Contrast with Lan Wangji, who went for the wrist-grab mere moments after discovering that Wei Wuxian was back, and followed it up by carrying him off to his bed. 
Enemy Mine
While he's dithering, Xue Yang comes back, and A-Qing hides while Song Lan stands there being shocked. 
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We're treated to the Xue Yang version of sweet banter, where he tricks Xiao Xingchen into picking a short straw for chores, and then tells him he was tricking him because he was blind. 
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They have a laugh together and Xue Yang is handsy with XXC, causing Song Lan to clench his fist so strongly that we can hear his knuckles cracking. 
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You knew your ex was going to be at the party; if you can’t handle seeing him with a new guy you shouldn’t have come.
Then he sees Xue Yang go out to get groceries, and he grips his flail so hard that his palm starts bleeding. That sentence is about a weapon, not about his dick, incidentally.
More Empathy
But then empathy skips ahead, showing Xiao Xingchen stabbing Song Lan, while Wei Wuxian's hands shake and he says "Song Lan, don't!" like he’s in the audience of a horror movie. A-Qing, in the present, drools up some blood, which is pretty normal for her, TBH. 
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The Lan kids are alarmed and want to wake them up, but Jin Ling says to hang in there for a bit more. For a kid, Jin Ling isn’t bad at wielding authority. 
A distraught Jingyi insists, however, so Jin Ling starts ringing the bell, and Wei Wuxian opens his eyes but doesn't come out of Empathy. He does stop skipping ahead, though, so we go back to Song Lan & Xue Yang's confrontation, which is possibly the best fight in the whole dang show.
We’re Gonna Get It On ‘Cause We Don’t Get Along
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Xue Yang comes back from the grocery store to find Song Lan perched on his roof like a sexy vengeful raven. Xue Yang greets him sexily politely and with no anxiety at all, and Song Lan attacks.
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Song Lan has had literally years to settle his mind and get his emotions under control and...he has not done that. Like, at all.
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He could have cleared this whole situation up with about four words to Xiao Xingchen, and they could have fought Xue Yang together. But he was so unready to hug it out with his ex that he opted to face Xue Yang all on his own. Dumb. Ass. 
Contrast this with Lan Wangji, who always talked to Wei Wuxian, no matter how estranged they had become. Trying to stab him counts as talking. And also contrast this with Jiang Cheng, who hashed everything out with Wei Wuxian in an excruciating public confrontation, after which they teamed up to save their nephew.  Neither of those guys let their ooky feelings stand in the way of a reconnection, and their outcomes were way, way, way better than Song Lan’s. 
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Xue Yang and Song Lan get busy fighting, and Song Lan starts asking what the fuck Xue Yang is playing at, how long has he been deceiving Xiao Xingchen, etc.   
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Xue Yang is a perceptive guy, and he points out that Song Lan is holding back because he wants to ask these questions. He’s absolutely right; Song Lan wants to feel indignant and righteous, partly because he knows he himself has mistreated Xiao Xingchen. He’s putting himself in the role of Xiao Xingchen’s protector, when he doesn’t actually have that relationship with him any more. 
I love this fight sequence for two reasons.  First, because it showcases the actors doing a lot of moves themselves, and they both look amazing and move beautifully. (OP has slowed most of these gifs down quite a bit to avoid giving everybody a migraine, incidentally--the camera operator was moving around as much as the actors in these shots)
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Second, because a lot of story happens in this fight; the dynamic between them, as two people with a very complex mutual hatred, is played out in their moves. Song Lan's moves are all strong attacks, expressing his anger and frustration, while Xue Yang’s are mainly defensive, avoidant, and slippery, because he is more interested in hurting Song Lan with words than with his blade at this point. He knows he has an unbeatable advantage up his sleeve, so he’s not particularly worried, even when Song Lan lands a couple of hits. 
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Xue Yang lays it all out for Song Lan, explaining that Xiao Xingchen, being blind, relies on his sword to point toward resentful energy. Hey, isn't that what Wei Wuxian's Compass of Evil does? So WWX only needs that thing because he can't carry a sword? That...actually makes sense. Anyway, Xue Yang figured out if he cuts people's tongues out, Shuanghua can't tell living people from monsters, which is so awesome and fun for Xue Yang.
Song Lan starts to lose his composure and calls Xue Yang a “villain,” which leads Xue Yang to mock him for his weaksauce cussing ability.
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Xue Yang: You educated people have a disadvantage when cursing someone out. Song Lan: Eat a bag of dicks, fuckstick.
Then he criticizes Xue Yang for taking advantage of Xiao Xingchen's blindness. 
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He gets a couple of licks in but then Xue Yang stops and points out that Xiao Xingchen is only blind because of giving his eyes to Song Lan.
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This stops Song Lan in his tracks; I am not sure if he already knew that’s where his eyeballs came from, or if he thought it was a coincidence that Xiao Xingchen became blind after he, Song Lan, got new eyeballs. Then Xue Yang challenges Song Lan's standing to be fighting on Xiao Xingchen's behalf, reminding him that he's not actually Xiao Xingchen's friend. These are the same tactics that Jin Guangyao will later use on righteous, insecure Jiang Cheng. 
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Back when Xue Yang killed Song Lan's sect/temple buddies, Song Lan blamed Xiao Xingchen, and Xue Yang says now that that was his plan; he killed them to turn Song Lan against Xiao Xingchen. 
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It totally worked. Song Lan said that they should never see each other again, and Xiao Xingchen took it to heart and fucked off forever - after giving Song Lan his eyes. Contrast this with Wei Wuxian, who stuck by Jiang Cheng despite being blamed & choked by him after the Lotus Pier massacre.
Despite all this emotional turmoil, Song Lan is holding his own...until Xue Yang pulls out his secret weapon; half of a yin tiger seal.  
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He starts hitting Song Lan with corpse poison and resentment blasts and very quickly has him on the ropes.
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He finishes up by cutting his tongue out. Yikes.
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At this point it’s clear that Xue Yang was never in any serious danger; this was his plan for Song Lan all along.  Song Lan goes to attack Xue Yang but now that he’s been modded, Splendid Frost thinks he’s a zombie, so Xiao Xingchen comes sailing in and stabs him. 
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Song Lan tries to raise his sword to XXC's fingers so he can identify himself, but at the last moment his eyes turn solid black and he drops the sword. Does that mean Xue Yang stuck a nail in his head already? *shrug* 
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Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen head back into the coffin house -- seriously, why do they live there instead of one of the many actual houses in this town? -- and leave Song Lan lying in the street, with A-Qing, who saw the whole thing, hiding behind a hay stack.
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Xue Yang Must Die...eventually
After some more bell ringing, Wei Wuxian emerges from Empathy, pretty overwhelmed. 
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He gets up and goes over to Xiao Xingchen's coffin and looks closely at the wound on his neck, understanding that XXC killed himself, and why.
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His face, in this moment. Suicide isn’t something he expected to have in common with his uncle. 
He tells the kids and A-Qing to stay in the coffin house; he won't explain what he saw, except to say that Xue Yang must die. Then he goes off to kill Xue Yang, by which I mean to assemble his Xue-Yang killing team, rather than try to take him mano a mano like Song Lan did.
The first order of business is to finish rebooting Song Lan, which he does by pulling the second nail out of his head like he should have done four hours ago. 
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Note that Wen Ning and Song Lan were fighting for the ENTIRE time Wei Wuxian was doing Empathy. Corpses don’t get tired, I guess.
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As soon as the nail comes out of his head, Song Lan quiets down, looking bereft, and crouches on the ground to try to reassemble his shattered consciousness. Unlike Wen Ning, he doesn’t have to bake in a cave for a month to achieve this. 
We get a nice shot of Wei Wuxian, Song Lan, and Wen Ning looking like the cultivation world’s handsomest goth band. 
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Next, Lan Wangji cuts open Xue Yang's shirt so he can yoink his spirit-trapping bag, which he then tosses to Wei Wuxian. 
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Now Xue Yang is the one who's overly emotional. 
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Wei Wuxian, despite being very upset by what he saw in Empathy, is completely cool and in control of himself now, because that's just how he is in a fight. (Unless you kill his sister. That gets him very emotional, but the emotion is rage, at least initially, so it’s not a safe tactic.)
Lan Wangji gets in another poke with Bichen while Xue Yang is distracted.
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Camera operator: Spare me!
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Xue Yang decides to take his ball amulet and go home, disappearing into the fog while Wei Wuxian keeps talking smack at him.
Holy Abrupt Episode Ending, Batman!
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cdroloisms · 3 months
What actually is the plan though? What does cdream want to to? Is it to reset the server, then wouldn't he not want to lose his memories
,,, i honestly have no idea what post of mine you might be responding to. tbh "what is the plan" is never a question we got answered in full, though i've spitballed my way through a few theories based on his ramblings in No Way Home -- i'll throw a link here and here even though i haven't read this post in months and have no idea how much of it i actually stand by at this point, tbh. i've also written up stuff on how whether or not the actual plan did involve killing everyone who was going to go against them (bc it's a little unclear how much of that is a show for Tommy and how much of that is truth based on the balance we know exists from XD as well), his actions don't seem to line up with his stated intent here. It does seem like they made a degree of discovery regarding the cycles/resets in the server, but it's kind of unclear how much they actually knew about the resets and what their course of action was going to be regarding them (did they want to trigger a reset or stop one from occurring, for example, because deaths are cited both as a reason why god is going to end the world by c!Dream and deaths are also cited as being needed to keep the balance intact. Dream says they need a reset, but also says that he wants to stop XD from making it so that the world ends.) c!Dream's actual desire has been pretty clear from the beginning--people living together in peace, as he's stated multiple times from the beginning and a lot of emphasis is put on with the last stream when c!Tommy realizes that what c!Dream wants is a simple life with his friends, just like he does, and c!Dream talks about how everyone can be immortal together and not worry about anything anymore--etc etc, but as for what the actual concrete plan was that c!Dream and c!Punz might've had when it comes to the supernatural side of things and the resets, etc, there's no one answer that's immediately apparent from the text.
as for the second part of your ask...look, I mean, yeah, sure, I'm guessing c!Dream (if he wants to reset the server and start over in peace) wouldn't want to lose his memories, of course. there's a chance that his plan was along the lines of resetting the server one last time and then, idfk, killing god, in my opinion. at the same time, though, while we don't have any super concrete proof, i do think it's worth mentioning that c!Dream was throwing up every kind of crazy death flag possible for the entirety of the finale streams, his actual death notwithstanding. Talking about dying a hero, death by suicide, the emphasis on Tommy's tower, if I have to sacrifice myself and everything I love, the fact that c!Tommy's entire final plea literally amounts to "holy shit you lived before you loved to live you can keep living again" and when we talk about c!Dream's "tower moment" and "talking him off the edge" i do very much mean talking him off the edge of a building he seemed a half-step away from toppling over in very much not the moral sense, and the entirety of the snake speech and put me down...
...look, I just don't know how much this guy, subconsciously or otherwise, even thought he was going to make it to the end of his plan.
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kny-agere · 7 months
Hear me out.
I don't have a specific idea, but I read one of your fics, and the idea of Giyuu being little and autistic made SO much sense to me, so I was thinking about something with this prompt, and caregiver! Shinobu, if that's okay with you? It's just this idea is so sweet aghhhh
Not super confident in this one sorry :( idk what happened
Giyuu was surprisingly agreeable when he wanted to be. Even if Shinobu had to work long hours or the butterfly house was crowded and noisy then a quiet Giyuu would be content to hide in Kocho’s room and simply wait all day. Shinobu rarely took care of the little ones herself, often too busy or too tired to give proper care, but Giyuu could only manage to regress around a select few people. Rengoku and Mitsuri could work on occasion but considering they were often just as busy it wasn’t as if they could travel to care for their friend. Kagaya was the only other person Tomioka trusted but as his condition worsened the hashira saw less and less of him.
Still Kocho was happy to watch over Giyuu on the rare occasions he slipped for a day or two. It meant that after a long day of work she could come back to her room and find him wrapped up in her sheets and keeping them warm. Tomioka always worked himself into the oddest of positions, shifting and twisting until he curled up in a little ball underneath the covers.
Right now his arms were pulled inside of his shirt and wrapped around his waist, Knees were bent upwards and ankles crossed. Overall Giyuu looked like he was trying to imitate an egg.
As Shinobu approached he slowly peaked out from the cocoon he wrapped himself up in. One finger slowly inched its way towards Tomioka’s mouth while his other hand stretched out towards her.
“Hi baby how are you doing?” Immediately Kocho placed a gentle kiss on the man’s forehead and ran her fingers through his hair. It was loose around his shoulders and clung to his cheeks.
In response Tomioka simply grunted and wrapped one of his hands around her haori. The minute she leaned into the bed he in turn leaned into her. Shinobu couldn’t bear his weight normally but with the matress as support she was willing to let the man rest on top of her. She hadn’t even changed yet— not originally intending to lie down this soon —but it was likely that Giyuu would not be happy if she left soon, even for a brief moment.
“How was your day baby?” It’s hard to even move Tomioka’s body but eventually Kocho pulls him into a position where she’s not getting completely crushed. “Did you stay in here the whole time?” Aoi sometimes drops off meals for the boy but whether or not he would’ve eaten them unprompted in this state is unclear. It’s most likely he just drifted in and out of sleep.
Still Kocho won’t get a proper answer when all the noises that come from his mouth are unintelligible grumbles. As cute as the attempts to communicate are Shinobu can’t decipher them. She wouldn’t be in a place to scold him anyways considering how little she’d eaten that day. The thought of food travels down to her stomach which begs for something.
It was a hard task to pull herself away from Giyuu but the more she lays there the more Kocho realizes that they’re both half-starving. Slowly she pulls herself out from underneath the boy. Moving delicately could soften the blow of her absence but Giyuu was still smart enough to realize what was happening and start whining the minute she wasn’t completely attached to him.
“I’m gonna get us a treat!” Shinobu tried to placate him with soft words and softer pokes to his abdomen, fingers trying to squeeze out a laugh or two. Instead the hashira simply tensed and let out more disgruntled noises. His attempts to push her hands off were weak and slow but Shinobu acquiesced and pulled away. “You better not be so grumpy when I get back.” She playfully grabbed his nose and wiggled it, finally earning a somewhat happy gurgle in return.
With the thought of Tomioka waiting for her Shinobu moves quickly. There’s always fresh food waiting in the kitchen and the woman quickly scoops up two bowls of rice porridge. There’s already sugar and fruit mixed in so she doesn’t need to waste more time adding flavor. The only other thing she stops to grab is a bottle, which someone (probably Aoi) has already prepared and is waiting in the icebox.
The trip takes barely five minutes but when she gets back Tomioka has already curled up under the sheets again. Kocho peels the sheets off of him and presses a few kisses against his cheeks. “Come on we’re not going to bed quite yet.” It’s hard to coax him upwards but eventually she manages to get him in a somewhat proper position.
Somehow she expected Giyuu to be less of a messy eater when someone else did most of the work. It was easy to assume the fault was that of his clumsy hands. Quickly it became clear that the problem was actually the fact that the man couldn’t keep his damn head still. Every time the chopsticks neared his lips Tomioka would move to meet them and instead bump his cheek and smear food over it. If Shinobu waited for him to move first then he would suddenly sit still until finally the mixture dripped onto his chest instead. For now the woman simply gave up on keeping either of them clean. It’d be easier to just change afterwards.
Kocho felt better once she’d eaten. She had intended on dinner being a quick affair but with having to feed Tomioka as well it took much longer than intended. She hadn’t even given him the bottle yet, which he probably wouldn’t take on his own. There was also about half of portion of okayu staining him clothes, specks had even made their way into his hair somehow. Giyuu would only let the woman bathe him in the most dire of situations so he’d have to deal with sticky hair until he could do the work himself.
She does help him strip down to his undergarments however and does the same. Crawling in the bed beside him Kocho takes care to grab the bottle and not spill any of the milk. As her arms wrap around him she slips the nib of the bottle into his mouth. He’ll probably fall asleep before finishing it but Kocho can add in milk soaked sheets to the rest of the laundry in the morning.
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taikk0 · 2 years
Does your little OC/Sona have a backstory (both fictional, and practically) ? I did see them in a murderous mood and it seems there was more in there... So I was wondering
Oh good question, but a couple of weird answers incoming-
So.. technically speaking, no he doesn't. Because I keep flopping around between at least three and none of them are canon, since I'm not really satisfied with either one of them.
However, I don't really think I consider them to be very important at the moment. Because I have a VERY brief outline of his story and you could easily not even think about the backstory because it doesn't really serve a purpose, and honestly I think I'd be fine with it just the way it is and keeping it that way until I find a compelling story to tell with the backstory being a major player.
Narratively speaking, yes. but I've made up the absolutely brilliant excuse of giving him amnesia and I made two memes about it not too long ago but I never posted them because I had no idea when they would become relevant so nows the time I guess:
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All that out of the way though, The reason why I decided to not properly give him one is that I kind of grown to not really enjoy making characters having a huge chunk of their story being pushed to the wayside as "the backstory" because I think it wastes a lot of narrative potential and is only used as a backdrop to explain why a character is the way that they are in the story they were supposed to be a part of. It kind of makes it feel like the character had their own movie and the main story they're actually a part of is a crossover sequel with other characters with their own separate movies. So I'd much rather focus on what happens and becomes of them in the present. Which brings me to my next weird answer:
Their main story is the backstory???
It really isn't, but with the state of its current presentation, it might as well be (BUT IT ISN'T) let me explain- The timeline where most of the art I depict him in is scattered all around. In one artwork he's with the Krang, and in the next, he's with Leonardo, and after that, he's in a white void breaking the fourth wall.
But there is actually a timeline between them, it's just unclear and the art is their own stand-alone thing, but they are a part of the bigger picture, just very small "can be broken off and nothing would change because it's just a little twig that grew from canon but is not a part of said canon" branches
But I can say that the Leo art where they're just hanging out and being buddies with no bad blood between them is what becomes of Mix once his arc has concluded. Take it as sort of tidbits of an epilogue.
Though for full transparency here, Mikyomix isn't really a rise oc. He was just my sona that I inserted into canon because I bullied Leo on my TikTok story once, which led to me drawing them interacting for the first time. I didn't really give it much thought then, but now I can confirm that he does exist in the rise universe somehow despite breaking its usual conventions. He's a strange dude, and everyone takes note of it. What also adds to his peculiarity is that most of his lore started off as a joke, but it all ended up tying together and accidentally made sense. the pieces were there, it only took me a few months to realize that they weren't just ornamental, and I started piecing it all together. Just know that most of the jokey lore and character details I've made about him now serve a purpose.
But.. as much as I talk about it, I'm kind of torn between just keeping it my own thing and making the story I want to tell. It's super cheesy and lame and it's technically a self-insert, but at this point, there will be a time when the self-insert stops being a self-insert, where they get so far into the world and the events that happen to them within it that they start taking up their own form. It's not really you anymore, they're their own character. It becomes less about what you would do if you were in the same situation and more about how the character would react given their personal experiences.
That was a very weird tangent but it sounded too good to edit to fit everything else in so I'm keeping it. Anyways not only that, but also the fact that I'm a VERY amateur writer, and god knows how badly I could ruin the execution. I doubt that I'll ever write it in full, but I might occasionally post about it just because I can.
I had no idea where to put this in but I had to mention it for anyone more curious than they already are.
Mikyomix is a very simple character, but they still have depth. he's not complicated enough to have a very deep and complex narrative with hidden subtext that is worth a character analysis. But they're enough to serve a story dedicated to them.
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there is a more in-depth reason for this I promise I'm not just throwing darts blindfolded and hoping I hit something
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jaggedwolf · 1 month
pll rewatch 2x12
It’s 2A finale time, weddings and shovels and dolls oh my!
This is our first episode that starts with a flash-forward, which works here because it gets us the DUN DUN DUN Wilden’s back reveal
True to life the police suck because a guy snooping around teenager girls’ shit without warrant gets put back in charge of the investigation
Spencer wishes she could forbid Emily’s phone from ringing, but it’s just Maya
Hanna hangs out with Emily and Maya and this is really cute, actually, Maya is game to answer Hanna’s questions about the camp (which turns out to be super Christian ugh) while giving fashion opinions
The show would be more fun with some Liar/SO + other liar interactions. I wonder if we ever get a scene with Spencer, Toby, and Emily. 
But Emily would like to be alone with Maya. Tsk tsk, didn’t you tell Ashley a few weeks ago that you wouldn’t have any girlfriends upstairs?
Emily is saved from this rulebreaking by Maya wanting to take things slow and get to know this new Emily
Toby wants to take things fast because he’s asking Spencer what a baby they made would like like. My dude, slow down, you are still living with Jenna.
One of Hanna’s phone contacts is just “swimmer”. Did one of the swimmer boys hit on her and she save his contact as that?
Hanna has not been updating Caleb with all of her daddy troubles while he’s been away in California. She’s not gonna harsh the vibe of a guy’s reunion with his mom.
Gigantic Box Delivery for the Hastings’ house! 
Good call, A, it’s not like Spencer’s parents are home to notice that shit
Spencer is so fluent in French that a quick glance at the papers tells her that Jackie plagiarized via translation
She also realizes A cut Toby’s brake line and that shuts her down for a solid minute while the other liars discuss the dolls
My friends are very distracted through that conversation by Aria’s gigantic earrings constantly moving and pulling her earlobes
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Let’s take a second to go over the exact message each girl gets
All of these are base urges of the four girls, or as Aria puts it, A being the “perfect frenemy”. 
They get different degrees of hand-holding through enactment. Emily’s car is hacked and her doll delivered when she’s alone. She does not think to text her friends. Aria is handed the evidence of Jackie’s academic dishonesty. Neither girl was planning to pursue these goals.
Hanna has tried to stop the wedding already, in deleting Isabel’s text and encouraging her mom to pursue her dad again. Those attempts failed. Hanna and A know she has the perfect ammunition for a successful one, so the path here is straightforward though less constrained than Emily’s or Aria’s.
But Spencer’s...There’s a lot of latitude in “keep Toby safe”, yet Spencer jumps to A’s desired conclusion. Perhaps it’s her desired conclusion too. A baser urge within a base urge. Spencer sees herself as doomed — it’s unclear to me when that began — and she is so damn ready to fall on the sword, to cast aside a consistent source of happiness instead of outhinking her way to retaining it.
I wonder why A picks this wound of Spencer’s...were they worried Toby is the love interest closest to being told about A, given his assistance in Spencer’s investigations? Regardless, much like making Emily a cheater, making Spencer responsible for her own loneliness is excellent tormenting strats.
Aria experiences zero vindication in blackmailing Jackie. Does not have that dog in her when menacing
God, Tom was MIA for two years? Truly, what a dick
“You’ll realize I’m not the person you think I am”, says Spencer to Toby, confessing to acts well within the realm of the Spencer that Toby knows. I mean Spencer obviously tried to come up with some kind of line for breaking up with him, but she does seem sincere when she says that
Ella apologizes to Aria for asking her to lie to Byron...she hadn’t done that yet? Man I really remembered Ella as a better mom. I wonder if Ella even makes the connection that Byron asked Aria to lie for him once and it put Aria in a very bad spot
Spencer glaring a hole through the interrogation room two-way mirror....have I mentioned that I love her?
“I really don’t let anyone see me cry” Spencer...Wren is gross here as always but I love Spencer trying to play off her crying by talking about hanky etiquette
Caleb learned the phrase “back fat” yesterday and immediately uses it to pwn Kate. For this I will forgive his fashion offense of a black suit over a black shirt. 
His mom probably bought him that suit though, that’s cute. 
Emily’s turn to interact with some version of Ali as her present self. Unlike Hanna’s two experiences, Emily is very out of it, and simply listens
“You were always my favorite. You loved me the most.” ....Very Alison for that to be why Em is her favorite. Also this Ali implies she knows who A is and declines to share
Shay plays Emily’s awakening from that vision very well
The liars are so desperate digging. They really do think they doomed the one adult they trusted with the secret of A!
Is it just me, or is it super weird of Ella’s response to her suspicion of Spencer/Ezra to be discussing it with Aria and Ezra? Isn’t she some kind of mandatory reporter? Wouldn’t you at least talk to Spencer first?
Also, it’s Spencer, it would not be OOC for her to climb into an ex-teacher’s car and I dunno, yell at him about a bad grade he gave her or something
Oh, Garrett/Jenna wrote the Jason note! And they have page 5 of the autopsy report, which contains an analysis of the trace evidence on the body.
Veronica is most respectable as mom when she’s being a lawyer for the girls. Peter specifically says Veronica is not a criminal lawyer here
Sullivan is A-OK, guiltily receiving an envelope from A, who the diner waitress calls “pretty eyes”. BRB, building a demographic model of who diner waitresses are most likely to call "pretty eyes".
0 notes
sliverspeaks · 2 months
Oh, hey! You found my blog!
Pretty much everything you need to know will be here:
If a rule isn't clear, feel free to ask a question about it! I'd love to help.
Tag list:
#sliver.speaks - text posts
#sliver.creations - my art
#sliver.reblogs - stuff I've reblogged
#sliver.polls - polls I've made
#sliver.answers - asks I've answered
#This week's kin joy - a post series I run where I post one good kin experience I've had that week. Updates on Saturdays at 12pm EST (4pm UTC)
Not tags, but sometimes I use 🤖 and 💛 to clarify which kin I'm talking about in a post if it's unclear.
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What's the difference between this blog and your main?
Starting with the fairly obvious: This blog is mainly for my fictionkin and rain world content. It also likely won't be as active as my main (@the-firefly-jar, by the way) but I'll do my best to keep it as active as possible while still being interesting.
Why did you create a second blog?
I created a second blog mostly to avoid spoilers in my main, so people who don't want to be spoiled don't have to worry about it. I also just wanted it to be a little more organized.
Do you do art requests?
Not really, but feel free to send in doodle requests if you'd like! I just can't promise fully rendered works.
How long have you been fictionkin for?
I do not know exactly when I became fictionkin, but I awakened pretty recently! Though it should have been fairly obvious before, I just didn't realize until around the end of last month (July 2024).
Are these your only fictionkin identities?
Yes, but I am also otherhearted (Wolf), otherlink (Eastern Wolf & Bat-eared fox), and otherkin (Angel).
Do you have memories?
Nothing vivid, no. I have feelings that I've known something before but I have never had any real memories.
Does the way you think of yourself differ from canon? (Like design and such)
Not really! The only main difference is that instead of having no antenna, I have short ones.
Do you identify psychologically or spiritually? Is it a mix?
I am both psychological and spiritual fictionkin!
Do you have a past life?
Yup! Even if I don't have any memories, I believe I did.
What types of shifts do you have, if any?
My biggest shifts at the moment are antenna phantom shifts, hand phantom shifts (It's weird and hard to describe), and mental shifts. I very rarely have full-body shifts but full shifts for my puppet only are a more common.
I also have ear and mental shifts too, but they aren't super frequent.
Feel free to ask more questions if you'd like! They might not necessarily get added here but I may add them if I think they're important/interesting enough.
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parttimepuff · 2 years
Hey Reverie, when we’re you gonna have that talk about internet strangers with beep? Because she’s offering knife training to one
"…she found someone else? Already??" Reverie questioned, much more preoccupied with that than the idea that she was trying to teach them about knives. "Is that why you've been so quiet, Beep?" He asked, turning to his daughter. The matter blinked slowly. "Wh-" Beep started, seeming to snap out of something. Her father sat down next to her. "Are you hearing someone else now?" He tried again. She seemed hesitant to answer. "…yeah.."
A big smile grew on the dream fae's face. "That's great news!!" Reverie enthusiastically replied. A matching grin made its way onto her face. "…it is! Their name is Wiz and, they’re gonna teach me math! Which is number magic, I guess." Beep explained, excited to share about her new friend. "That's really cool of them! I, never considered teaching you guys math." He realized, wondering if he should have earlier. "I wouldn't call it magic, but it's super useful, though." He continued.
"You can make computers with it so that is really cool!" Beep exclaimed. "Yeah!!" Her father agreed. Her expression became more somber. "And, they have a house…" She added to Reverie's surprise. "Whoa, seriously? How?? I mean, that's awesome for them, I'm just, wondering how they managed that." He elaborated, half hoping there was some trick he could use to get a nicer place for the three of them. "I don’t know, but they gotta hide that they’re, you know." The matter gestured vaguely with her hands. "…you know…"
He did. "…ah. Yeah, I…. yeah." Reverie struggled to reply, making a false cough to alleviate the tension. "Still, I'm glad that they're safe." He expressed, his daughter nodding. "Me too. And they’re super cool, they have a computer that can do a bunch of stuff." Beep detailed further. "That's rad! Man, been ages since I've used a computer." Reverie reminisced, to her surprise. "You had a computer?" She asked and he shook his head. "Oh, no, I've never… really owned much. But I've used em!"
"A lot easier to use them with hands, though." He added. That brought up a new question for her. Still speaking aloud, Beep spoke up. "Wiz, do you have hands or does your computer not need them?" She asked. "Eh? Yeah, I have hands. I guess they do make using my computer a lot easier than if I didn't." The matter answered. How much they did or didn't hear of the conversation was unclear, but it seemed she could speak to them if she wanted to.
"Whoa…" Beep mumbled before yet another thought popped into her head. "…wait, what’s a computer look like?" She realized she wasn't actually sure about that. And why not ask both of them? Wiz spoke first. "Oh, well, it's got a big screen to show images-" They started, Reverie beginning his own explanation. "They're normally pretty square, with a bunch of buttons for letters and numbers-" The matter continued on. "-and big speakers on the side for sound-" As did the dream fae. "-they have this lil thing called a 'mouse', but it's not a real mouse-"
Despite the simultaneous, and sometimes conflicting, descriptions of the machine, Beep managed to get an image of both descriptions mashed together. "Hwhaow…" She murmured, fascinated by the picture in her head. Wiz chuckled. "Cool, huh?" They asked. "Yeah. Where do the mouse come from?" She was already on to her next thought. Reverie tilted his head. "I'm, pretty sure the same people who make the mouse make the computer, too?" He answered, unsure. "Typically, they come from a company that specializes in add-ons for computers." Wiz told her.
It seemed the other matter knew what they were talking about more than her father did. "So cool…"
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
Do you have advice for how to handle when you split on someone you hang out with a lot? Like half the day, every day? Sometimes everything they do makes me bitter and resentful and though I work hard not to give in and let it leech into my actions, I still don't like having these thoughts because they just settle like a heavy blanket on my brain and make everything feel worse. And I often end up being short and irritable even if I'm not outright punishing the person for angering me.
Hi anon,
Is this person someone you consider a friend or are they a co-worker? It's unclear honestly. If they're a friend, it might be worth keeping a list of things that they've done that made you happy or feel good. Or even some screenshots from this friend that made you happy or feel good overall (with some notes about how it made you feel). Sometimes when we split, it can be really hard to forget any other emotion exists towards someone.
If it feels hard to control in the moment, there are some DBT skills you can try. There's the STOP skill.
The TIP skill can also be useful if you are having urges and need help calming down.
I think it's also worth evaluating why you split on this person. Sometimes we can split for really genuine reasons that might make the friendship worth re-evaluating or coming up with boundaries. For example, if you split on someone because they constantly lie to you and have lied again, maybe that relationship isn't a good one for you. If you split on someone because they were unable to reply to you when you needed (super valid by the way, we can't necessarily control when we split, this is just an example), then that is something that is not necessarily the other person's fault and it is likely worth working on the friendship. With that said, if the friendship is hurting you, even if the other person isn't doing anything wrong, it's still valid to walk away from someone. Maybe this might mean hanging out less.
I also find communication can help. Sometimes, my partner says something that really upsets me. He doesn't mean to. And he hasn't even said anything wrong. I usually tell him that "hey, I know this isn't rational, but I'm feeling hurt/upset/angry about ___". Sometimes talking about the feeling helps me "release" it if that makes sense, and he can provide reassurance. If there is a way this person can help, like by saying or doing certain things, it is valid to communicate that to them. (Keeping in mind, if they don't have the energy or means to do what helps, that is also valid.) . But with that said, even having another friend or a few who are okay with being messaged about it can help. You can try and talk out your feelings with someone else. You can also try journaling about your feelings and try and find a pattern.
I'm sure you do this already but remind yourself that splitting is a part of BPD and that it's temporary. It will pass, as uncomfortable as it feels. Realizing splitting is happening is a huge step in itself. So, try to remember to be proud of yourself for being aware of it.
If you can walk away from the person, even for a few minutes, you can try some grounding exercises or some mindfulness exercises to try and center yourself a bit.
I'm sorry I don't have an easy answer for you. But you can do this.
Disclaimer: Please know that my advice comes from a place of what I would personally do. I am not a professional by any means, and cannot possible understand the nuance of the situation. You know this person better and your relationship much better than I could ever gauge from an ask. Please always be aware of patterns of behaviour, especially after healthy communication, because you deserve to be treated well. If a relationship/friendship isn’t for you, it’s entirely valid to end it even if it’s just a matter of being incompatible.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
a shy, goth s/o who goes by they/them pronouns
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requested by anon; HIII!! I recently started watching soul eater and i finallyyy found someone who writes for them so im reallllly exited!! So i wanted to request something!! Can you do like how Crona, Kid, Soul and Stein would be like in a relationship with a shy goth s/o who uses they/tem prounons (sometimes she). Also when they talk about the things they like they get superrr extroverted and could talk for hourss about it! Also would it heart to ask if you could make cronas a lil longer, they are my comfort character🤧Also wanted to ask if you did emergency requests! If you dont that’s totally fine!!
[a/n: thank you for this request, my lovely anon! It gave me the way to get back into a writing flow again. I quite enjoyed writing for these characters since I don’t get very many Soul Eater requests, as for emergency requests...go ahead and send them in but I apologize if I don’t get it done quickly, seeing as I’m not quite that active on here like I was before. for now, enjoy! - yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-] 
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- truthfully, i think he'd be a little confused at first
- about the whole pronouns thing
- despite being friends with Crona
- so, he'd approach Maka, Crona, and Subaki about it
- he'd be a little embarrassed because he mistakenly exposed his HUGE crush on you
- Subaki coos at him and thinks it's sweet
- Crona is glad to help, knowing that using they/them pronouns is still a foreign concept for some people
- Maka would definitely tease him but ultimately, she's glad he had asked for help
- after realizing that it was a rather simple concept to understand
- he'd get SOOO cocky
- he absolutely loves your style
- obviously thinks you're the coolest person to ever exist
- now the only thing in his way??
- your shyness
- he's only interacted with you a few times but because he tends to be a bit abrasive, you usually keep your distance
- the few times that Stein had called on you in class to answer a question was the most he's really heard you talk
- you were good friends with Kid though
- so you ended up hanging out with the group a lot
- he's seen how passionate you could get whilst talking about your hobbies or about things you liked to Kid or Liz
and Patty
- it made him a gajillion times more attracted to you
- after FINALLY gaining the courage to ask you out (you can thank Black Star for telling him that it wasn't cool to be such
a wimp)
- he'd be on cloud nine
- being in a relationship with Soul would be fun
- he'd be a little awkward at first but he'd soon ease into it
- he's really good at respecting your pronouns
- in the case that he slips up, which i don't really think he would, but if he does he'd feel absolutely terrible
- like he'd beat himself up so hard
- he would do anything to make it up to you
- 100% would cook you a super nice dinner as an apology
- if anybody ever made fun of your style or your pronouns, it's over for that person
- they'd have, not only Soul and Maka on their ass, but they'd have Black Star and Tsubaki, AND the literal son of the grim
reaper and his twin pistols
- overall, Soul would be such a sweetheart
- you make him so, so soft
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- gosh i love him so much
- okay
- Kid is definitely somebody who would be up front with his feelings
- he knows about your use of different pronouns and he really admires your bravery to be so open about it
- i feel like he's definitely thought about going by he/they pronouns
- thinks it's absolutely adorable how shy you are
- despite being shy and closed off, he never overlooked you like some students or other staff
- he knows how clever you are
- don't even get me started on your style
- he love love loves your goth style
- especially when you wear anything with skulls on it
- when it comes to his feelings, Liz gets fed up with how ridiculous he's being
- she's watched him break down crying because the stripes on his head aren't symmetrical and someone as precious as you
would think he's trash
- which obviously isn't true
- he sees you out on the balcony, sat on the ledge and book in hand
- he's noticed you with it a lot but it's only the 1st book of a series
- he figures that maybe you just haven't had the chance to find the rest of them
- after some research, he finds that the series had been completed but because of the lack of readers, it was put out of
production and copies were pulled out of libraries and bookstores
- but alas, he had found one of the only complete series in existence in somewhat excellent condition
- it was quite expensive but that was really no problem
- he had wrapped up the set and had gifted them to you with a note and as you read the note, your cheeks burned
- he confessed his feelings
- the next day, you had approached him and thanked him for the gift as well as confessing your own feelings for him
- he thought the stuttering and flushed cheeks was adorable
- 100% the power couple at the DWMA
- sorry i don't make the rules
- Liz and Patty are definitely in love with you, especially with how versatile your fashion is
- Patty has definitely volunteered to paint your nails before
- Kid definitely gets you a et of skull rings, just like his
- will go beast mode on anyone who makes fun of your style and/or use of pronouns
he's be such a gentleman and he practically worships the ground you walk on
- as he should  
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- Stein would be quite used to the use of they/them pronouns since he has students who go by them
- when there's word of a new teacher at DWMA who goes by they/them, he's quite intrigued
- so much so that he would volunteer to show you around the enormous school
- 10/10 falls in love with you instantly
- your shy demeanor is such a contrast to your style
- definitely lives for teasing you
- anything to make you stutter
- but he'd be very blunt about his feelings
- he makes sure that you're being respected by students and staff alike
- threatens anybody who doesn't
- he gets you some screw earrings or a necklace (if you don't have piercings)
- it's his way of making sure people know that you're his
- Stein would be an excellent significant other
- he's a bit more on the playful side so just always be prepared for cheeky remarks
- he doesn't mind your shyness at all
- since he doesn't really favor going out too much so most of your dates are in doors, his place or yours
- probably with a cup of coffee and a book
- he can be sweet when he wants to
- isn't really into pda but i wouldn't be too surprised if he had a moment of spontaneity and pull you into his arms and
kiss you passionately  
- some students think it's romantic and others definitely tease the both of you
- since your social battery probably runs out pretty quick, he loves that it gives him an out from tiring staff get
- Death Scythe thinks it's absolutely HYSTERICAL to make fun of Stein's moments of softness
- but ultimately, he thinks the way Stein looks at you is sweet and makes him happy that his friend has found someone like
- cause you're the best
- duh
- his wardrobe has infinitely improved since the both of you got together
- all thanks to you
- overall 15/10 a good significant other
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- ahh Crona, sweet sweet Crona
- they're the freaking cutest
- now i know that in the anime and manga, it's written that he uses he/him pronouns but it seem like on tumblr everyone has
just settled on using they/them instead because of Crona's androgynous style and frankly it's a bit of an unclear area
- so uhhh yeah, let's get started
- Crona would have trouble admitting that they had feelings for you, so they tries to hide it but alas, Maka had caught on
- it took Soul a bit longer to realize but he eventually did
- the group had caught on and thought it was adorable
- all of them had tried to help in any way they could
- but Crona just couldn't muster up the courage to tell you
- the both of you were quite shy so it was nearly impossible to get some type of interaction between the two of you
- Crona also really loved your style
- the both of you were similar in so many ways
- Black Star had actually been the one to let it slip that Crona had harbored some kind of affection for you
- Tsubaki had smacked him upside the head and chastised him since it wasn't his place to say anything
- but now that it was out in the open, it had given you the slight confidence boost you needed to confess
- but when you did, Crona just stood frozen, almost mortified by your words
- you took it as rejection and ran off into the woods surrounding the school campus
- Ragnarok had then made an appearance and started tugging at Crona's cheeks and telling them that they should go after you
- but of course, they hadn't
- instead, turning to Maka and Tsubaki for help
- the two had taken it upon themselves to look for you and clear up any misunderstandings
- the next day, Crona had approached you and apologized
- even though they're words were stuttered, you appreciated the gesture and asked Crona on a proper date
- they accepted before panicking because it had dawned on them that they had never been on a date before
- overall, Crona is such a sweet partner
- sure, a bit unexperienced but sweet nonetheless
- they try their best
- both of you have similar styles and everyone thinks the both of you are just the most adorable couple on campus
- Crona loved hearing you talk about the things you loved
- your eyes would sparkle and you'd move your hands so animatedly
- it's almost like you're a different person in that moment
- they just adored you
- they'd get upset if someone had disrespected your pronouns
- Ragnorak would definitely rage if someone disrespected you
- as much as he hated to admit it, he really really liked you
- mainly because you always carried sweets around for him
- ugh I just love Crona
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reluctant-mandalore · 3 years
may i request din finding out his s/o is a sith lord when they go to rescue grogu and later while cuddling have a “Tell me every terrible thing you’ve done and let me love you anyways” moment
Warnings: hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, cuddling, sith!reader, established relationship, playing with canon, kissing, not beta read. 
Word Count: 3679
Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader (also sith!Reader) 
a/n: Hey anon!! Thank you so much for the request and sorry its taken so long for me to finish it! I hit a huge writing block with requests and decided to focus on other works. That combined with how busy school got, I fell super behind on fics. Anyway, the concept of sith!reader was really fun to explore and honestly it was something I wanted to explore long before I got this request. I might write a few other things for sith reader of y’all are interested. Otherwise I hope you all enjoy <3 
Note: fic will be labeled as ‘secrets revealed’ on my masterlist and on ao3. 
“Look at you darling! Switching sides must come really easily for you, hm?”
Moff Gideon’s words had echoed throughout the cockpit, his image flickering within the hologram that shined before the three of you currently stood there. A sharp pain of dread had bubbled within you at the weight of what he had said, unease finding itself littering within your thoughts as the meaning behind it had settled among you all. You knew eventually this would come up, but had you thought you would have more time before it did. Honestly you didn’t think it would be here so soon, otherwise you would have already prepared yourself for this discussion with the Mandalorian.
“Oh you didn’t know Mando?” Moff Gideon had smirked, his smile the most sickening thing you had ever laid your sights on, “Your little friend there is a sith.”
The Mandalorian’s gaze had snapped to yours in an instant, confusion and concern held within its blistering depth. He didn’t know much in regards to the sith, but he had learned well enough about them in his time traveling with the child. He had heard the horrors of what they had done—the wars they had raged and slaughters they had committed—he knew that the sith weren’t good. In fact they were the exact opposite of good. The sith were dark and evil on all accounts.
“That… That’s not true.” He had said in disbelief, the idea of you being one of them seeming so unlikely to him. You had always been so sweet and kind, treating the child as if he was your own. Even caring for him and the Mandalorian as if you were family. You couldn’t be a sith. “He’s lying. Right cyar’ika?”
Unmistakable shame had consumed you at his words, and you had looked away from him at his pleading question. You couldn’t seem to form an answer, and honestly you didn’t know if you wanted to, especially not with how he was looking at you in the moment.
“Mando listen… I-”
“-And,” Gideon’s voice had cut you off, his enjoyment of your suffering in the situation clear in just his tone alone, “They’ve been working with me the entire time. Well. They were at least. Doesn’t seem like you’ll be bringing me the child anytime soon there, especially not when you’re playing house with a Mandalorian.”
At the imperial’s words, Din’s gaze had finally moved from yours and down to the child that was still held tightly in your arms. His fingers visibly twitching with the sudden need to snatch the little one from your grasp. His concern and worry was evident even with the helmet that shielded his expression from your view. The sight of which had only caused for your heart to crack with sadness at the mistrust he was sending your way.
“Well congratulations my dear sith lord on your happily ever after!” Gideon had said as he ended off his call with a laugh. The holopad shutting off soon after, and allowing for a deathly silence to fall over the room once more. The air of the small space now feeling tight, and almost suffocating, as you two stared at one another for what felt like an eternity.
The Mandalorian had approached you cautiously after some time. Every step he took calculated, and slower, the closer he got. He had soon nearly snatched the child from your grasp—almost as if touching you for even the slightest of seconds would have burned him—now shielding the little one away from your prying eyes, and whatever evil he must have thought you carried.
You couldn’t blame him of course. As you probably would have reacted in the same way if you were in his shoes, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see your beloved Mandalorian responding like this to the news. It hurt to see his mistrust in you.  
“Let’s get out of here.” He had replied sternly, setting the child down in his own seat far away on the other side of the room, before motioning for you to take the other opposite one. “We need to get as far away from here as possible. Don’t want Gideon catching up.”
Another wave of pain had washed over you at his sudden coldness, causing your eyes to brim with tears, as you had nodded and followed the Mandalorian’s directions anyway. You didn’t have the heart to argue or even defend yourself at this time. Din was right after all, you three needed to leave the area as quickly as possible. The Imperial and his ship were surely close on your tail if he had felt the need to speak with you over the communicator.
The ride to the next planet was dreadfully quiet. Not even the child had cooed or chattered on the way there. Instead he had simply stared between you two with lowered ears and wide confused eyes. He had to have known something was going on, though it was unclear if he knew exactly what had been said and done.
Eventually the ship had landed flawlessly thanks to the Mandalorian’s piloting. Than a quick check of the area had made it apparent that you three had managed to escape the Empire’s hold once again.
You had watched as the Mandalorian fiddled with the control panel. He was making sure the ship was settled and secure just as he always did after landing, though this time you could see the unease in each of his movements. He hadn’t said a word to you yet, but you knew the two of you would have to talk about what happened sooner or later. Better now than never.
“Din I think we need to talk.”
“I’m putting the kid to bed.” He had stated simply, not even looking at you as he stood from his and made his way down to the hold with the child in toe,  “It's way past his bedtime.”
You didn’t say anything in response to his words after he had left you alone in the cockpit. Instead you had chosen to move down into the hull and to your own cot silently, as you figured that you wouldn’t push him to talk tonight. Though of course, this reasoning of yours hadn’t stopped the feeling of guilt and despair settling firmly within your gut from the brisk interaction.
The sheets there were stiff and cold as you laid within them. Clearly they hadn’t been used in a long while, as you usually choose to share the sleeping quarters which belonged to the Mandalorian with him. Both of you had enjoyed the other's presence more than sleeping alone, and with your growing relationship, it just seemed normal for you two to begin sleeping in the same bed.
Tonight of course would be the first in a long time where you would be sleeping alone again.
From your cot you could take in the sight of Din rocking the child, as he tried to sooth the little one into resting. He had seemed to struggle with it tonight. The kid was far too restless to want to sleep any time soon—regardless of the long day he had just suffered through. You had watched the two of them for another moment, smiling sadly, before closing the curtain which had once provided you with privacy. Although tonight it had only felt like another wall between you and your family. Now existing only as a reminder of the details of your life you had hidden from them all this time.
Din had eventually managed to get the kid to lay down and sleep. A sigh of relief could be heard from the other side of the curtain that had separated your space from the surrounding area. More rustling and the clicking of metal could be heard shortly after. The sound of it making you realize that he was now getting himself ready for bed. You had figured he wouldn’t be coming to see you that night, but the confirmation had still felt icy to your heart, and you found yourself once again on the brink of crying.
That’s probably why the knock on the wall next to your cot was such a shock to you. It was Din’s usual way of asking for permission to enter your enclosed space. He was always kind and considerate, wanting to make sure that you were always comfortable regardless of whatever else had happened. Tonight seemed to be no different in this regard at least, and you took comfort in what little normality you could hold onto.
“You can come in.” You had answered quietly, propping yourself up as you watched him pull the curtain back to let himself in, forcing a smile at the sight of him entering. “Is the kid ok?”
The Mandalorian had already stripped himself down to his under clothes and helmet. The metal shield which still remained over his face was a clear sign that he had been feeling uncomfortable and uneasy in the moment. You two had been together for a long while now, and he had ended up showing you his face some months ago. It was still only a recent development in your blossoming relationship, and it was one you were sure you had just ruined for the man with your lies now unraveled.
No wonder he had chosen to keep it on this fateful night.
“He took longer to put down than usual.” He had said when your gaze had locked with his visor, though he had soon broken the contact all too quickly, looking away as he stood awkwardly before you. “He seems restless.”
“That’s surprising.” You had said, though your mind wondered if the child was so restless because he could tell his parents were currently at odds with one another. “You’d think after the long day he’s had he would be exhausted.”
The Mandalorian had only let out a grunt in reply, sitting himself next to you on the cot as another silence had fallen between you two. He had looked down to his hands, twiddling them nervously, as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say. He had looked up again briefly, as if he was trying to gage your expression, or even understand what you must have been thinking, but he had ended up lowering his sight again before finally deciding on what to say to you.
“So you’re a sith lord.”
The way he had gone straight to the point had almost made you feel surprised, but knowing him well, meant knowing that he was one to never beat around the bush. This was especially true when it came to important topics or situations, and even more so when they involved the child.
“Well no—I mean yes—but it's complicated and…” You had trailed off, looking away from him again as you tried to piece together exactly what you had wanted to tell him. Although you knew you had to tell him the truth regardless of how you felt and how much you wish you could just bury your past away from his sight. “Yes. At least at one point I was, not really sure if I count as one now.”
“I… I don’t know.” You had said, another wave of guilt washing over you at your words. Honestly you had felt unsure of what to say, or even how to explain it all to him. It wasn’t as if you had planned for your life to have gone that way. “Din I’m so sorry”
The Mandalorian had looked over at you, his own confession clear in just his voice alone, “Why are you apologizing?”
“I mean… I’ve done terrible things.”
“So have I.”
“No Din.” You choked out a sob, your lip trembling between each word that was spoken between you two, finding that you weren’t able to keep your tears in any longer. “I’ve actually done unspeakable things. I’m quite literally the worst of the worst.”
To your shock, his arms had moved to pull you into his chest, and you had found yourself cradled there as he hummed in a calming manor. “Tell me everything Cyar’ika.”
Those words from your love were the last ones to bring your already crumbling walls down. Your confession soon spilling out of you like the fiercest of storms. It seemed to have no end as you had rambled all your wrong doings to the man before you. All the way from how you had fallen, to the mission you had received from moff Gideon, and everything in between—there was nothing that wasn’t revealed by you to him in that moment.
Every confession had only brought more tears to flow from you, and as they piled higher you knew you had become closer to losing the man you loved. You had expected him to be disgusted and furious. You had assumed he would toss you aside and leave you to wallow in your disgrace. Any sane person would have, and you wouldn’t blame them.
The Mandalorian had done the opposite though, instead choosing to hold you close to him, as you talked and talked. Your whole life and terrible deeds being fed to him one by one. Even then he had never let go of you—even when hearing the worst things you had ever done—he had just kept you held tight in his arms while listening.
Eventually your words had died out, your confession of sins over as you now silently cried in his arms. His embrace had remained as a calming presence, and his shoulder had become a sturdy place for you to cry into, as you only broke down further into his arms. His hand had gently run soothingly circles along your spine—the same way that you had done for him on some of his worst nights—and his voice had been soft as he spoke reassurance to you in the most softest of tones.  
“I’m sorry.” You had mumbled again into his chest. “Din I’m so sorry about everything.”
“Was what he said true? About the child and your mission.” Din had asked, whatever he was feeling now unreadable, as he had waited for your response.
You had only nodded in reply at first, burying your face farther into the crook of his neck, though you knew you did not deserve such a comfort. “It is. All of it. I was supposed to take him from you after earning your trust and then take him back to Moff Gideon—leaving you for dead.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Din’s question had made you pull back and look away. A wave of heat washing over you at the answer which danced at the tip of your tongue. He had waited patiently for your reply though, allowing you to take as much time as you needed to form your thoughts together properly.
“Because I fell in love with you. I love you so much Din.” You had whispered as you looked back to him. His grip on you only tightening at hearing those words leave your lips. “I fell in love with you and the child. You’re the most important things to me. I’ve never had a family before now, but you two… you both treated me as such without a second thought.”
A sound of the child crying had interrupted you both before Din could form a reply, and he had found himself letting go of you, so he could stand and go to sooth the little one. You had quickly stopped him though, looking up at him through pleading and tear stained eyes.
“I… can I? Please?”
Din had stared at you for a moment, and it felt as if you would combust on the spot if he didn’t answer soon. After a brief silence, he had moved his own hand to brush away the tears on your cheek. The feeling of his skin against yours a comfort that you had found yourself leaning into while also basking in the warmth it had brought.
“Of course cyar’ika.”
From his words, you had soon stood and quickly made your way to the child. Even sooner, you had scooped the crying infant into your arms, rocking him back and worth, as you did your best to soothe him. A quiet and soft hum leaving you as you calmed the little child wailing in your arms.
The Mandalorian had watched from the sidelines, his heart swelling and overflowing with his fondness at the sight of the two of you together. He had continued watching even after the child’s cries had subsided, his gaze never leaving you two, as you had tucked the little creature back into his bed. He had soon stood again from the cot after that, quietly removing the helmet he wore and setting it to the side, before making his way over to where you still stood watching over the resting child.
“I love you too cyar’ika.” He had whispered when his body pressed into yours, his breath ghosting over your ear, as he pressed a kiss to the exposed skin of your neck. The scuff on his chin tickling you and sending another flush of warmth to coarse through your form again.
A small gasp had left your lips at his sudden touch and a few stray tears had formed at the corner of your eyes once more. “Din I… are you sure?”
“Of course.”
“Even after everything I told you?” You had turned in his arms and felt your grip tighten along his own. Your eyes searching his for any doubt that they may have held, but instead only finding his undeniable love and fondness staring back at you within his brown hues. “Do you really still love me?”
“Yes cyar’ika. I still love you.” He had said, a small smile gracing his lips, as he nuzzled his nose against your own. “I never stopped.”
“But earlier...”
“I won’t lie, I was concerned and worried after hearing what Moff Gideon had said.” He had confessed, looking away almost shamefully, “I was scared that everything between us was a lie, and I feared that the child was in danger, or maybe had been for longer than I thought he was. I was afraid cyar’ika. I’m sorry.”
You had looked away again, another ping of guilt blossoming within your heart at the sadness you had heard in his voice, “I… Din I don’t know what to say honestly. Other than the fact that it's not you who should be apologizing.”
“Don’t be like that cyar’ika.” He had said gently, allowing himself to press another kiss to your forehead. “Now come on. It’s late, and you look exhausted.”
The Mandalorian had soon guided you to the cot again, and you had found yourself settled against his chest while wrapped tightly in his arms. Out of the corner of your eye, you could still see where the child slept soundly, and you had found yourself watching over him as you both laid there together in the darkness. The sound of the littles snores from the small creature, having brought a small smile to your face, before your mind had begun to wander back to earlier times.
“He knows.” You had said out of the blue, your tired voice causing the man’s eyes to flicker open and glance back down to you in his arms.
“The child.” You had replied, finally looking away from where the child slept, as you played and toyed anxiously with Din’s fingers that had intertwined themselves with yours.  “He must have felt it through the force. He could always tell what I was, and could always sense the darkness within me. He’s always known.”
“Hm. Is that why he didn’t like you at first?” Din had teased, and you felt his lips smile against your skin where they had rested themselves earlier.  
“Probably.” You had allowed yourself to chuckle at the thought. The little creature really hadn’t liked you at first, always throwing up a fit and glaring at you when he thought you had gotten too close to Din. “I don’t blame him, the sith and jedi aren’t exactly on good terms.”
“So I’ve heard.”
A smile played on your lips at his reply, and you snuggled yourself more into his chest at the feeling of his hand trailing along your back. The circles he drew causing small shivers and a wave of warmth to flow through you again. The gesture having relaxed you and allowed for your thoughts to teeter on the edge of sleep.
“I meant what I said you know? About everything.” You had mumbled with another yawn, as your eyes struggled to stay open, “I really do love you and Grogu.”
“I know, and we both love you as well.” Din had shushed you, allowing himself to kiss your forehead and mumble his own reassurance again. “Now get some sleep. We can talk more in the morning once you’ve rested, ok?”
You had nodded, resisting the tears that had tried to fall from your eyes again, as you had completely relaxed into his arms now. The need for sleep pulling you closer and closer to the dreamland you had so desired in the moment.
Din on the other hand had continued to draw shapes along your back, his eyes closed, as he murmured and hummed the sweetest of things into the kisses he left along your skin. Somewhere deep inside of your soul you had felt as if you didn’t deserve his kindness and love, but you had found yourself drowning within his affections anyway, clinging to his presence in a refusal to let it go.
The Mandalorian had no plans of letting you go anyway. He would hold you within his embrace and love you for as long as you allowed him to. Through the bad and the good—he’d be by your side even through the toughest of times. After all, you were a part of his little clan of three, and regardless of your past—he loved you like no other.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Leah and Duality Pairings - Part 1
***Okay, Everyone. I’ve been super busy this week and haven’t had time to write anything up that I didn’t prepare beforehand. I’m seeing that people are super worried about the fact that Leah was shot in the same place as Beth. They fear that means Beth is dead as well. As I said, I haven’t had a chance to address this. This short answer is, no, that’s not what that means. I’ll talk about why in a couple of days. For now, while this doesn’t address the physical, this discussion will probably help you understand, symbolically and thematically, what they were trying to accomplish with Leah. If you’re worried, I think this will probably make you feel better. 
I apologize as well. I didn’t realize that edit would freak everyone out so much. I’ll post part 2 tomorrow (more insights from my fellow theorists on this same subject) and then I’ll talk about the head wound more after that.***
I said before that I’d talk more about why they might have done things the way they did with Leah and what it might mean. This is just a discussion between me and my peeps where we make some observations and bat some ideas around.
This makes me feel like we just saw some sort of anti-Coda. It makes me wonder why. Like with a lot of things related to Leah, I don’t understand why they’re replaying Beth and Daryl and Coda from this inverted mirror image POV. Like, is it merely meant to call Coda to mind or is it something more complicated, sort of like the yin and yang thing, balancing the scales of good and evil? They could do this in any way they like. Why they choose to focus it around Beth and Daryl is still unclear.
I was just thinking about the cabin and the sort of "mysterious cabin in the woods" trope in fiction, and how these cabins are often associated with portals and metaphysical phenomenon. In "Here's Negan," Negan goes to the cabin and sees his old self, a literal mirror image that talks back to him and forces him to reckon with his past.
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Here, we have Daryl reckoning with a mirror image of Beth, and therefore his past, but in his case the mirror image is actually not just a hallucination like we originally thought, or like Negan saw. She's real. That's the part that still confuses me, but I'll leave it at that for now.
The cabin clearly seems to be a vessel to the past, or a mirror held up to the past, in some ways, but the reflection is twisted. Maggie also seems to be looking into a mirror in the end of 11.16, in the cabin, as there's a clear thematic symmetry meant to be established between her and Leah--like there are two ways that character could go: Leah lost her son and has become a feral psychopath. Maggie's son is alive, and while she's been dealing with some things, essentially, she's still on the side of good.
This is an ongoing theme in TWD, ie Dwight/Daryl, Glenn/Nicholas, Rick/Negan. There's also AU Michonne in "What We Become." It's just now being manifested in this cabin. But like I said, this would all make more consistent sense if Leah had been just a hallucination. But she's real?
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So, it's like the "alternate universe" theory, which previously has only existed in hallucinations and thematic character pairings has come to life. I don't get it. Because the logic of the show can't really sustain a true Beth doppelganger without an explanation. This is where it must be true that Leah's appearance is a product of Daryl's perception.
Here's how I'm looking at it, and it's going to be confusing because I'm still working this out in my head:
Leah is clearly a device made to engineer an inverted 4b to "Coda." There's a lot of evidence for that here. Looking back a bit, in season 11, we see Daryl come out of his shell and retake his identity, not unlike he does in 4b, and he starts to feel and show emotions again, after a decade-long battle with depression that seemed to culminate in a literal psychotic break after Rick's death.
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It's a dramatic, protracted retelling of "Still," in which Daryl is shut down and maddeningly silent, and Beth must bring him out of his shell by provoking his anger. Only then can he break down and admit his guilt, cry, and move forward. In both iterations, Daryl's "awakening" coincides with his relationship with a woman. In both iterations, she has a blond ponytail and certain similar features and traits. Bu in the new version, the replay, she's not an angel come to save his soul. She’s a demon. She's like a succubus, sucking his soul out and trying to bring him down with her.
Leah becomes a composite of all the sad things that have happened since Beth's death and also the evil and violence he himself has committed. They are all being conflated with Beth as causes of his misery.
These things all mix up and imprint on Leah, which is ofc conveniently the name of a Biblical figure, literally an imposter, a stand in for Jacob's beloved in Genesis. When Daryl kills her, he's finally "putting it away," to quote Beth, so that he can move on with his life.
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In this sense, the only real way to grapple with Leah’s changing appearance is to pin it on Daryl’s perception. This has basically already been said, but it's possible that we don't know and never really saw the real Leah. We've only seen the way Daryl's psyche imprints on her at various stages of his development in season 10c and 11. Or maybe the Find Me Leah is the real Leah after all, ie: red hair. There is no evidence that could refute this so far, ie: nobody ever comments on Leah’s hair in-show. So either it’s something only WE see or something that only Daryl sees (and therefore us by extension of him being the main protagonist and the character upon with Leah’s existence hinges).
I hope this makes any sense at all. From the TD perspective, which has a lot of interest in the Hero’s Journey, one could argue that Daryl needed to get rid of this parasite living inside of him in order to transcend, achieve apotheosis, and become a man worthy of his Ultimate Boon, which we know is love. In terms of character development, Daryl is now fully formed and heroic and even breaking free from the surface-level comforts of the Commonwealth. This would pave the way toward Beth’s return, if only because Daryl has finally earned his reward.
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You could even argue that by killing "Beth" in the inverted-"Coda," Daryl is replaying his internalized guilt over her death. He couldn't find her in time to save her, and he has blamed himself this entire time for her death, a very deep guilt that was clearly probed by Rick's death as well. As far as he's concerned, he might as well have killed her himself. However, in killing Leah, Daryl doesn't have to feel guilt. Because Leah was trying to kill Maggie, Beth's sister, and the only vestige of Beth's legacy that remains. So, in some sense, he is saving Beth by killing Leah, inverting his trauma over not having been able to save Beth ten years ago.
@Galadriel I really love all of what you wrote above. What you are saying also helps emphasize that in FM we are seeing Daryl taking bit and pieces of several women in his past. Lori, Andrea, Michonne and Carol. I feel there is a lot of dark Carol in Leah but then by far Daryl and Carol has had the longest relationship and I do feel he has connected a lot of his abandonment issues with Carol.
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It was after Carol came to tell him she would not be visiting him as must because she needed to spend more time with Ezekiel and Henry, it was after that conversation that Daryl went back to the cabin and left the note. The conflict that Daryl and Carol were having in the present time over her need of revenge played a big part on how he viewed his and Leah's past. I'm thinking of how his last memory of Leah had been of her leaving him while wearing the color green. Two of the most important women in his life leaving him Beth Greene and Carol leaving to live her own life. I believe that e16 will be as many other episodes are in revealing new things each time we watch it.
Yes, you're very good at reading how Daryl's present tense interactions with Carol color his past tense interactions with Leah, and then extrapolating on how that applies to the other women from Daryl's life, like Beth, Lori, and Michonne.
I really hope we're close by now in terms of our interpretation of Leah as being like partial hallucination or more just like a muddled perception of a woman. She's real, but she's also this person on which Daryl is projecting years of abandonment issues, hurt, and guilt.
Another hint that Daryl is talking to some sort of projection or idea he has in his head, and not Leah specifically. Possibly Leah felt this ambivalence, too, and that's part of why she left him. In the montage of flashbacks that seem to encompass their relationship, we do see a shot of Daryl leaving Leah, presumably to go continue his search for Rick. Ofc we know he's searching for more than just Rick.
@twdmusicboxmystery has that interesting post, too, drawing parallels between Leah and Daryl in their feral states.
Something else I cannot believe we have not talked about is the use of Dutch angles in the cabin scene.
The Dutch angles, yes. So interesting, as they truly do echo Coda. I think they’re traditionally meant to communicate disorientation and psychological confusion. We are in Maggie’s POV in this scene, as we wake up with her. We were in Rick’s POV in Coda. Coda was admittedly much stranger in its cinematography. It screwed with POV and angled shots in much bigger ways that left it feeling very confusing and disorienting to the point where we can’t even believe what we’re seeing to be a true depiction of reality.
This scene with Leah feels perhaps dreamier than normal, but nowhere near as unclear and bizarre as Coda. It seems like what happens in that cabin is irrefutable. The Dutch angles just ramp up the psychological tension with the face-off and remind us that this cabin is anomalous. We are in some sort of liminal space here. Maybe the Dutch angles are a part of communicating that discomfort, as well as the deranged situation at hand.
My question is do you guys think tptb wanted to mislead the viewers?
I'm trying to think what the reasoning would be for trying to mislead the audience. Unless, sort of like you said, they want the truth to be reserved for only those who are looking very close. I will admit I thought she had been shot in the back of the head at first. I should go back and rewatch the scene. I'm not sure why I thought so. Perhaps it's something to do with the camera angles, and also the fact that Leah falls forward onto Maggie. That sort of fools you into thinking she was shot in the back of the head and the impact shoved her forward. But that's not really how gunshots work, at least not based on the extremely high amount of people and walkers we've seen shot in the head in this show.
Thinking back to Beth, one really weird thing I always thought about was how certain they are to show us the exit wound. You'd think that would be a bad thing; however, gunshot wounds are much more survivable when they exit. A bullet stuck in a person's skull is going to make the odds of survival go way down.
Also, I know I read something about like, how brain matter and bone and all that, it really puts a damper on the bullet. So I wondered if perhaps the fact that it exited the back of her head meant it did not go through her brain at all? Or just grazed her brain. It's a very morbid discussion, but it just seems like it could be important. Idk.
Hey ladies! 
I didn't realize Daryl was in front of Leah when he shot her, either. Once you said that, I could tell from the pictures that you are right. And I went back yesterday and re-watched the episode so I could see it for myself in action.
I don't have a whole lot more to say than what's already been said here. Very clearly, this is a replay of Grady and it's very significant that she was shot in the same place Beth was, that she fell in the same position Beth did. Not that any of you need it, but I think we could make yet another argument for Beth’s survival in the fact that we actually see Leah’s face and entire body after she dies. If Leah is the anti-Beth, and they showed us that, and she's clearly dead, the fact that they didn't show us that with Beth shows that she survived.
I do think it's significant that Daryl is the one that shot her, and also that he shot Hornsby and left a scar like Beth’s on his cheek. I think in many ways, both Hornsby and Leah represent the anti-Beth. With Hornsby, it's more elusive, but I think we’ll end up finding anti-parallels to him and Beth. Which would be terribly shocking, given that he's a villain.
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But I wanted to especially address what you are saying, Galadriel, about why they're doing this duality thing with Beth and Leah and how it's confusing because Leah is real, rather than hallucination.
What I'm going to say doesn't at all disagree with what you've already said. And I'm not sure it will be very groundbreaking. Reading your words just put me in mind of other times that they've done this.
Over the last year or so, I've been harping a lot on the duality theory. I suppose I never really thought about how they use it; how it actually shows up in the show. Because of course we see hallucinations that are mirror images of them. As you mentioned, we saw Negan seeing himself in his old villainous ways. We saw the AU Michonne. Another one is Carol seeing Alpha. We liked to compare Alpha to Beth, but in the show, she was much more of a mirror image to Carol. And Carol saw the hallucination of her after she was already dead.
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But the thing is, we've actually seen a lot of these duality pairings that are alive and real in the show. You mentioned a few such as Rick/Negan and Glenn/Nicholas. But there are even more that you may not be aware of because they're very subtle. Even I didn't pick up on them until I rewatched like 16 times (exaggeration). But thinking about these other instances helped bring it together for me. What they actually do with the duality pairings, I mean.
So, the showrunners and even Chris Hardwick like to talk about how there are a lot of instances where if the good people in the show had been in different situations, things would've been very different. They definitely showed this in a very literal way with the AU Michonne. If she'd run into the saviors rather than Rick's group, her life might've been very different. I think them showing this is very much a part of the duality theory.
They like to explore the dark side, the dark or shadow side of the character. It's kind of a, "but for the grace of God go I" kind of theme. And I'm not a huge fan of that angle. I'd rather them say they might have chosen differently because the characters always have a choice and they do emphasize that in the show as well. But I think what they do with these duality pairings is they try to show that if their choices had been different, the character might have ended up like these evil or weaker characters.
So, for example, if Glenn had been more cowardly or hadn't made as many good decisions, or met strong people like Rick and Daryl, he might have turned into Nicholas. And I think what they always do in the show is put these pairings together and show us the contrast between the characters and then eventually, the weak or evil character is killed off. Often at the hands of our heroic character. Now, Glenn didn't actually kill Nicholas, but we did see him die in a scene with Glenn, and his death nearly got Glenn killed.
I agree that Rick and Negan were duality pair, and by sparring Negan at the end of AOW, Rick proved once and for all that he was not Negan. He was the light side rather than the dark. If it hadn't been for them wanting to do a redemption arc for Negan, I'm sure he would have died.
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But let me tell you about the examples that I was talking about earlier. A couple of years ago when I went back and watched rewatched S4, I picked up on some duality pairings. They’re very subtle I’d never noticed before that.
Another duality pairing that they did with Rick was clearly the Governor. Both were strong leaders who wanted to be in charge. Both lead large groups of people. Both could be somewhat dictatorial at times. And both wanted the prison. It took a long time, but in the end, the Gov was killed, and Rick survived. In that case, Rick didn't kill him either. He came close, and definitely wounded him, but someone else finished him off.
But watching 4x06-4x08, I realized we saw another major duality pairing with Daryl. It was Mitch. I don't know if you remember him, but he was the guy who operated the tank and became the Governor's right-hand man. He had a brother whose name was pete. These two, if you watch closely, are mirror opposites of Daryl and Merle. Even to the point where the one who represents Daryl (Mitch) is more antagonistic brother, and the one who represents Merle (Pete) is the sweeter brother.
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One of the major ways you can tell Mitch is a mirror for Daryl is the fact that he didn’t have sleeves. And back in S4, Daryl never had sleeves. I always have to chuckle at that. The writers are having all kinds of fun. But the real way you can tell is that Daryl is the one that kills him. The two of them come face-to-face after Daryl blows up the tank and Daryl shoots him in the heart.
This is what I mean about what they always do with the duality pairings. It's like Daryl is killing the weaker or more evil version of himself so that he can grow and move on and become a more transcendent character.
I would submit that anytime one half of a duality pairing dies, it’s a major crossroads or pivot point for the character. And lookee here: as soon as he killed Mitch, he left with Beth and Bethyl started to happen. Like, literally as he’s killing his evil half, Beth is running up behind him. Super cool.
But as you said, they don't always have to be hallucinations. Some of the characters they do with this with are real. And this is all thematic, rather than literal in the show.
Overall, this is what I think they are doing with Leah. I hoped that she and Beth would meet, and clearly that's not going to be the case. But the thing is, even though she definitely is an antiparallel to Beth, I don't think that her role in the story is for Beth, if that makes sense. It's really more about Daryl and Maggie.
So, think what you said above is all true. In many ways because of Daryl's guilt of what happened at Grady, he had to kill the anti-Beth and finally laid to past rest. This is the only way he could move on. (You have to let it go, or it kills you; it’s like he’s finally doing what Beth told him to do, and I think he had to reach this point before he was ready, emotionally, for her to return.)
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Leah, in many ways, was also a mirror to Daryl. You mentioned above the post I did where I was comparing Daryl and Leah being feral and out in the woods. We've all talked about this, and you touched on it above as well. We all know that one of Daryl's weaknesses is that he turns inward too much when things become emotionally difficult. He has a propensity towards self-destruction and self-isolation.
Leah was a literal representation of him staying alone in the woods. When he was with her, he was away from his family. So, him walking away from that relationship was also walking away from solitude and walking back toward his family. This is why it was so important that he always choose to search for Rick above staying with her. Because she represented a feral, non-civilized, nonsocial sort of life. Even though on the surface is not terribly healthy for him to be looking for a dead body for years and years, it represented that he had not given up on his family. That he hadn't given up on himself as being part of the world and part of a community.
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When she gave him the ultimatum, she was symbolically demanding that he give into his animalistic or feral side, rather than going back to civilization and his family. He refused. And that is the only reason that he was able to move forward. If he’d stayed with her, he would have become more feral, more evil, or just died alone in the woods.
We can also see this in what AK and Norman have both said about him seeing Leah again in 11x04. It's one of those things where, when he was with her, he was so in the thick of his own depression, in his own cloudy mindset, that he wasn't really seeing the forest for the trees. Kind of like someone who’s in an abusive relationship and really can’t see how unhealthy it is, because they’re too close to it. 
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But when he saw Leah again, years had passed, and he was part of the community and TF again, so his mind had cleared. He immediately saw things with massive clarity and knew that she was not who she had portrayed herself to be. On a more symbolic level, at that point he was able to see, in hindsight, what an unhealthy place he had been in before and that her feral, nomadic lifestyle was definitely not what he wanted for himself.
I'm sure I could ramble for hours about this. It would be interesting to analyze every single duality pairing based on it. (For the record, Michele who sat across from Maggie in 6x13 in a parallel scene to her and Leah, was a duality pairing for her. Michele talked about how she’d gotten pregnant by a man she didn’t really love or even particularly like, but lost the baby. By contrast, Glenn and Maggie had a very loving and healthy relationship, and she obviously didn’t lose her baby. Paula was also a duality pairing for Carol. Both died by the end of the episode.)
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But the point is, Leah did represent Daryl needing to put certain things from the past, having to do with Beth, behind him. It also represented him once and for all, not wanting to be the feral loner anymore, and killing that side of him. He’s chosen his family and will fight for them and that's exactly what he needs to be in order to finally get Beth back and sustain a really healthy relationship with her.
And even from a romantic standpoint, he had to symbolically kill the non-healthy relationship so that he could then go on to the healthy one.
Meanwhile, after the episode right before Leah dies, Emily appears on TTD.  👀
I wholeheartedly believe that all the clues we got in this episode—the clock, the music, the child's invention, flipping the coin and someone calling tales (coda)—shows that were heading into the coda where Beth will be revealed.
Daryl said there's a rumor that Charleston might be willing to trade for weapons. If that's true, and TF is trying to get their communities back, I'm thinking they might go to Charleston to try and find allies and weapons. And maybe that is how Beth will finally be revealed. Here's hoping!
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For your question yesterday, @wdway, about if they’re trying to trick the audience, I’d say yes. It’s just too weird, and obvious that they didn’t make it super obvious, to say no. I don’t have any great insights on why, other than to mirror it with Grady. I asked myself why they’d done that at Grady, because it’s probably the same or exactly opposite. At Grady, it was to show, as Galadriel said, psychological turmoil and that something bad would happen. And also to trick the audience about Beth’s death. While psychological turmoil could apply here, at least prior to Leah’s death, they really don’t try to trick us. They show us very obviously that she’s dead and Daryl killed her. So, all I can think of is just to parallel it even further with Coda, or else perhaps so it’s not too obvious a Beth parallel and people aren’t putting it together.
But honestly, the only ones it would be obvious to anyway are TD. So… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Talking about Lance having some overtones of Beth. In reading above I realized that Lance may represents Dawn. My mind is spinning with so many ways that it could be true. When you mentioned the wound that Daryl gave him it made me think of Dawn giving Beth the wound above her right eye. I could spent a lot of time comparing Hornsby and Dawn. Wait, wasn't Dawn's last name something very similar to Lance? I want to say Lassiter but I don't think that's quite right but something along that line.
It’s Dawn Lerner, btw, which does sound somewhat similar to Lance. I think @wdway​ might be onto something here. We’ll have to examine this tie more closely.
I’ll stop there. I think you get the gist of the discussion. Even though it’s a ways away, I can’t wait to see what 11c brings us!
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The Dark Team (part 10)
<<Previous part Masterlist   Next part>>
(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296 , @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7)
Warnings: adorable jerks.
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As the sun finally came up (for what it felt like an eternity, a night with seven nights inside of it), you rubbed your eyes and greeted your teammates, who somehow were both already up and having breakfast.
“I was wondering when would you join us”, said Loki, covering his mouth with the manners of a Prince while eating a piece of something. “Barnes made dessert for breakfast”, pointed out more amazed than reproachful.
“Desert?”, you laughed. “A cake?”.
“Yes”, said Loki, very sure of himself, and Bucky rolled his eyes and chuckled, correcting him.
“It’s a pancake, Loki. It’s a normal breakfast in Midgard”.
“Actually, probably just in this country”, you added. “What do you normally have in Asgard?”. As you chattered, you started getting ready and fixing your hair, stealing a piece of pancake from Bucky’s plate. “Wow, I didn’t know you could cook. It’s actually great”, you said, tasting a mouthful.
“Well, as in Midgard’s nordic areas, back home it’s often fruit and bread, or porridge with dried fruits” he recalled distracted, and immediately interrupted himself with “are we not supposed to alert the rest of this?”.
“About Buck knowing how to cook? Yeah, I’m impressed, we should tell everyone”.
“I guess we should’ve told them yesterday, instead of going to sleep”, said Bucky, ignoring you. “Only God knows where that supersoldier is now”.
“I don’t, actually”.
“I didn’t mean... nevermind”, he sighed. “I'm calling Stark and let’s hope we don’t get too yelled at”.
You recalled yesterday’s events. You had so many dreams, you could barely remember being awake at all. First, the bearded man’s nightmare. Then, something about… the compound? Then, you remembered distinctly, Loki speaking Old Norse begging Thor about something. You remembered the phonetic of the words, but they were all gibberish now. Then, a last dream, something about buying rotten apples and being forced to eat them by Thanos. Your imagination surely was active on the nights.
Loki seemed paler than usual as he stared at you, without even blinking.
“What?”, you snapped him out of your head.
“You dreamt with me?”, he muttered, getting up and cleaning his plate with a snap.
"I also dreamt with Thanos".
“Don’t get too attached, I’ll be back to Asgard soon”, he promised, or alerted. Intentions unclear.
“I’m not attached”, you protested. You thought he’d smirk or be the smug idiot he usually was. He didn’t. Instead, he looked unsettled; disturbed even. “I didn’t dream with you on purpose, it was probably because of yesterday’s thing”.
“What thing?”, peeped in Bucky. “Oh no, did you two fuck?”.
“I didn’t let them die, big deal. I was just saving myself the amount of annoyance it would be to have Stank on my neck all week long if your blood was sort of in my hands”.
“Sounds like a lot of deflecting emotions to me, buddy”, said Bucky, and you chuckled.
“He’s just embarrassed he saw himself cry in one of my dreams from last night”, you mocked. He got up and you didn’t get to see his face, but presumed it would hold something near a death threat.
“You two have an intense bonding experience and decide to concentrate on it with more insults? You know, this is why you’re single”, added Bucky.
“It wasn’t a bonding experience”, you said, cutting-glass sharpness in your gaze.
“I’m not single”, corrected Loki at the same time, with an equally whetted voice.
Both Bucky and you looked at him with plate-wide eyes, waiting for him to elaborate. He didn’t. Neither of you asked, but surely shared a fair amount of desire to gossip about it. Oh, how much you wished to be able to tell Bucky about Loki re-reading Hamlet to reminisce about his beloved. But there was a line you wouldn’t cross in there; you knew where to stop.
“Mr. Stark”, you called through the earbud, “you there, sir?”.
“Painfully”, he answered. You connected the earbud to your phone and held it on speaker, so the rest of the team could join. “Tell me more about what I’m gonna yell at you three about”.
As you walked him through (almost) every event in the past twenty four hours, you could feel how his hands traveled all the way up to his face, and had to hold in a few sighs of disgust and utter hate towards… Well, you weren’t sure towards what, exactly.
“Are we grounded, dad?”, spat Loki with sarcasm.
“Listen, Rock Of Ages, if I could, I’d have you in a prison cell still to this day. Don’t push any buttons”.
“Come on, it’s been, what, nine years since he last fucked up something in here?” you defended him, not quite sure why. Loki grew nervous as Tony laughed obnoxiously at him.
“Sure. He didn’t keep fucking things up in here after that”.
“I can assure you I didn’t. How Odin manages his deals with Midgard does not concern me”, explained Loki, and you frowned at the mention of that name. Of course, Loki Odinson. That was where that name resonated from. Besides the Mythology. Though you weren't sure until where those stories were true or not; in there, Loki wasn't even Thor's brother.
“Going back to your current screw up, what happened to the civilians you frightened in the process? I imagine they didn’t realize about the new supersoldiers”.
“They should be extremely blind or idiotic to not have noticed, since the soldier jumped out of nine floors and survived”, answered Loki, looked at you up and down, and kept going “so, no. They have probably slept on it”.
“Wait, what?”.
“Nine floors? Pretty sure Capsicle and Barnes wouldn’t survive that either”.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”, you asked, concerned.
“I’m afraid so. Loki and Bucks won’t cut it, especially when we don’t know the number of new super-supersoldiers out there. And you’re coming back to the compound, directing the mission from the distance”.
“Are you kidding? I’m fine here. I’m all levels of mean, you said it yourself”.
“You’re too young and inexperienced in combat for these kinds of things, and they have special genetic advantages in their bodies, you know, the serum”, explained Tony as you rolled your eyes. But you understood exactly what he meant, and in fact, you agreed. “Do you understand?”.
“Yes; supersoldiers and Gods only”.
“Good kid. Now, Teleporting Popsicle, would you mind taking there with you the rest?”.
With an overly dramatic sigh, Loki vanished behind a party of green lights and reappeared in a matter of seconds in the same spot, holding carelessly Thor and Steve’s arms. Thor, for obvious reasons, was unfazed by the trip. Rogers, on the other hand, seemed about to throw up. There wasn’t anything balance would help with when your cells are reconfigurated inside and out in a fraction of a second. How the hell did he do all of that? You knew it was magic, but it still wouldn’t stop you from being absolutely astonished by it.
Loki arranged his hair behind his ears and locked eyes with you, followed by his typical smugly smile and a “thank you”, as if you were praising him in your thoughts. Oh, wait.
“I didn’t say anything”, you retorted, hoping to maintain at least a drop of pride left.
“You thought I was impressive”. You were going to correct him but realized that absolutely astonished was even worse.
“And since when do you offer gratitude?”.
“In case you wonder, yes, they’ve been like this the whole mission. You’ll get used to it”, said Bucky to Steve and Thor.
They started arranging their things and got updated as thoroughly as they could. Meanwhile, you stood exactly where you were the following ten minutes, absorbed in your own thoughts. Once you snapped out of them, Loki was still staring at you, standing in the same place too.
“I hate to break it to you, but…”.
“I’m your best option”.
“You’re my what?”.
“Your best option”.
“You’re not giving much context”.
“You’re going back to the compound. I figured you’d think about the mission or something about it for the past ten minutes you were zoned out, but apparently you only have room to think about how terrified you’re of that quinjet”.
Your palms got sweaty and a shiver ran through your spine by the only thought of remembering how heights felt under your feet, and how a simple machine wouldn’t stop you from landing on water and drowning, or crushing against a building and being burned to the bones until all you become is dust and…
“Hello? You’re spiraling again”, he snapped you back. “It’ll be just a blink. You won’t even notice”.
“Uh-uh. No, I’m not doing that. I’m waiting for whatever Tony sends to come and get me”.
“You’ll feel terrible”, he said, and he was right. For a moment, you considered accepting his offer. “And I’m the best”. His humble offer.
“I’m sure you are, but it’s not my best option”.
He sighed.
“Will you allow me to teleport you or not?”.
“Heavens, no”.
“Alright, you little stubborn human mortal”.
“Long nickname, you better come up with a shorter one”.
“Like what?”.
“I don’t know, something that bothers you. I’m not the one supposed to make your insults towards me”.
“Let me think”, he said, looking around the room. His gaze landed on the still unwashed plate of Bucky’s breakfast. “Pancake”.
“Not... that’s not an insult”.
“Why? They’re too sugary. They rot your teeth”.
“Yeah, but it’s not derogatory”.
“Fucking pancake”.
“It doesn’t cut it”.
“But what’s wrong with my pancake?”.
“It’s actually a pet name. You know, like the ones we said when we were in...”, but apparently that was all a distraction (of course, he was the God of Lies, after all), and when you were already thinking about how to explain to him why he shouldn’t call you pancake, he stood in front of you and held you by both sides of the arms, surrounding you almost completely, holding you still.
And just as he said, a blink later you were in the compound, perfectly fine. Peter and Tony greeted you as he pulled out and you stood there in shock. So, you really just needed some stabilization to not die in the intricate process of teleportation. Just before stepping away from you, he leaned over your shoulder and his whisper made your ear ticklish, saying “you’re welcome” with a grin. You didn’t look at him.
You started to gather all your stuff; papers, maps, laptops, and getting ready for the planning of the following steps of the mission as fast as you could, until you realized Loki was still there, and Tony and Peter were waiting for you. For what, you weren’t sure.
“Aren’t you going?”, you asked Loki.
“No, I’m staying, apparently”.
“That’s what Stark was thinking, I don’t know”.
“Hey, Elsa, don’t read my mind, would you?”, snapped Tony. He was about to explain himself, but you kept talking to Loki, cutting his words.
“What’s wrong with you that you read everyone’s thoughts all the time? You know how unethical that is? It’s invasive”.
“You say that because you think slow”.
“Untrue, I’m actually a very fast thinker”.
“How would you know? You’ve never read anyone’s minds so, how could you possibly…?”.
You stopped dead on your tracks, and didn’t listen to what he was saying. That phrase. That exact phrase you dreamt with. The darkness. It was the exact same voice of the darkness, you remembered. It wasn’t darkness, it was his voice. Were you just imagining things? Too suggestionated? Definitely. How could you dream with something you’ve never heard before?
“Sorry to interrupt, you two seem to be having a long, unnecessary and avoidant conversation that could be resumed in three tiny words, as you did all mission long” interfered Tony, sick of listening to you two. Loki was observing you as heedful as he could; your thoughts had caught his attention. You couldn’t read his face. “So, I’m gonna cut it shortly”.
“What?”, you went back to reality. You needed to actively ignore Loki’s gaze on you to actually pay any mind to Tony’s words.
“The rest of the team has another mission, and both Peter and you are technically still kids…” and as soon as you opened your mouth to argue, he shut it “no, don’t interrupt me. You know I’m right. So, I can’t leave you two alone for the entire week”.
“Oh”, you understood. Peter’s innocent eyes shone at the idea. Yours, not so much. “So, Loki is our babysitter”.
“Yes”, said Loki, while Tony answered “No” at the same time.
"What about Happy?", asked Peter.
“I think we can manage perfectly on our own. Besides, what makes you think he’s more responsible than me?”.
“He’s an adult”.
“He’s seventeen in human years, and fucked a horse”.
“Wow, someone has been stalking my mythology”.
“If you two quarrel too much, Peter will tell me and I’ll be back with Clint Barton in charge of you three. So you better behave. Alright, I’m leaving”.
“Wait! What are the rules?”, asked Peter. You grabbed your face and Loki muttered what a damn nerd.
“Eh, don’t burn down the compound, I don’t know, kid”, said Tony getting inside his bright red suit.
“The bar is on the floor. Let’s play macarena”, you whispered.
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
sober — choi hyunsuk
warnings: grammatical,swear words,mention of alcohol
words: 1.5k words
pairing: fem! reader + hyunsuk
notes: instead of mashi's imagines, i upload this instead hehe, i hope you guys enjoy this!!
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"I love you y/n!”
Your eyebrow twisted, your heart stops for a moment when Hyunsuk suddenly confesses to you through the phone. But when you heard hiccups from his mouth, you knew he is drunk.
"Hyunsuk, you drun—"
"no y/n! I love you so much" he resists, you couldn't understand the words he said next because the alcohol he swallowed made his speak unclear.
You quietly hearing all of Hyunsuk’s stutter with a small smile appears on your face. You kinda enjoy this little moment of you and Hyunsuk. Both of you are university students but Hyunsuk keeps treat you as a little sister since your mother told him to keep an eye on you. As you grew, you realized you don't want Hyunsuk to treat you as a child, you want him to treat her as a woman or specifically her woman...
You kept this secret for like one whole year until Jihoon, caught you stared at hyunsuk with loving eyes. The muscular man keeps teasing you in front of Hyunsuk, which made you frustrated.
You remember that day where you all enjoyed partying at Jiwon’s sunbae house, some guy keeps flirting with you although you push him away, he didn't give up and keep bothering you all night even you ignored his annoying ass. the fully drunk guy becomes mad when you keep ignoring him, so he slapped your face and yelled at you for being 'hard to get bitch and secretly would love if he fucks her’ . His words making you felt humiliated and angry why would he yell that in front of people— no why he thinks you would like to do that nasty thing with him?
Before you could do anything to the drunk guy, Hyunsuk came after him and punch him on the face like twice? thrice? You didn't count since all the things happen too fast. After that, he dragged you out from the party, driving you to the nearest beach to comfort you. He knows you love the beach, that's why he brought you there. Hyunsuk keeps apologizing and blames himself for what happened but you insist, this is that crazy guy’s fault not him.
After that incident, Hyunsuk keeps himself close to you and treats you like a princess. You love being spoiled by Hyunsuk but you hate it when the realization hits you, that Hyunsuk may treat you like this because you are his best friend. You love him for protecting you and you love the idea of you guys being more than friends but you knew if you crossed the line, the relationship wouldn't be the same.
"I fucking love you!" Hyunsuk said for the second time
You sighed. what are the points of you saying this when you're not in your good mental state?
"hang up, and tell me this when you're sober" seconds later you heard the line finally ended. you sighed and put your phones down, glancing at the clock
1:48 am
Why did he drink tonight? is something bothering him?
You worry if hyunsuk is alone at the bar. you quickly dialed Jihoon’s number
"ugh what do you want?" he asked, he sounds so drunk too
"are you with hyunsuk?"
"yes, junkyu would send him home don't call me anymore" he hangs up
You scoff, you hate jihoon's cocky attitude when he is drunk. you laid on your bed, you already have a thought to cook hangover soup for hyunsuk tomorrow.
You pressed on Hyunsuk’s door password and enters the male's apartment. You frown when his apartment is too messy. You put the soup pot on the table and start cleaning the apartment. A wide smile appears on your face as you saw Hyunsuk sleeping soundly on his bed. You continue to clean the messy apartment and spray a lavender fragrance all over his house.
The smell of hangover soup successfully making Hyunsuk’s eyes open but not fully, when a sudden headache attacks him he closes his eyes tightly, bearing with the pain. He regrets agreed with Jihoon to drink yesterday. He slowly gets up from his bed and made his way to the living room, shocked when he saw you in his kitchen.
"oh, you're up! sit down, I already preheat this soup" you said and turn off the stove. You serve him the hangover soup with instant rice you got from the convenience store across from his apartment.
"I—thank you, how did you know that I'm drunk?" he asked, having no clue about what happens yesterday
"oh you called me"
Hyunsuk nodded, he smiles at you before eating his hangover soup. You relived when hyunsuk didn't remember what happened last night because it will be super awkward for both of you if he remembers last night's call. You bit your lips, of course, you feel sad for a little bit, he said I love you without a proper meaning.
Days later, things get back to normal, you didn't tell anyone about hyunsuk's sudden 'drunk confess' to you, and Hyunsuk didn't seem to remember anything of that night. Three of them (including Jihoon) enters the class in a gloomy mood, Monday morning sucks, Jihoon is already asleep on his table, Hyunsuk listens to his rap music through his AirPod, and you zoning out, didn't care less about your surrounding.
"y/n" your turns when you felt someone tapped your back, making Hyunsuk also turn his back
You smile when you saw Yunhyeong behind you. Yunhyeong is Jiwon’s friend, you and Yunhyeong get close since you learn how to cook from him.
"Oppa what are you doing here?" you asked
"can you follow me for a while? I need you to taste my new recipe" he said making you grinned, free food on Monday morning? Only a crazy person would turn down this offer
"what did he say?" Hyunsuk asked after Yunhyeong left their class, with unpleasant looks on his face while removing one of his AirPods from his ears
"he wants me to taste his new recipe" you answered and left Hyunsuk and Jihoon alone. Hyunsuk watches your body until you disappear, he sighs.
"new recipe my ass" he curses under her breath making Jihoon raised his head and smirk
"are you, perhaps jealous?" he asked, he didn't sleep, he only put his head on the table.
"what? me? no way!" he denied
"really? okay, so I want to confess to her" Jihoon said, giving hyunsuk a sly smile.
"what!? no Jihoon you can't" Hyunsuk warned, his sharp glance at Jihoon would cut something but not to Jihoon. He laughed and push Hyunsuk making him almost fell from his chair
"why? because you like her?" he asked
Hyunsuk gulped.
".... sort of"
Jihoon chuckled 
"you idiot, she is not my type! I was just testing you" he said
"since you know, please keep this secret—"
"she already fucking knew hyunsuk"
Hyunsuk froze
How? how did you know? he kept this secret since the first time he met you. he didn't even tell Jihoon about this?
"you stupid drunk ass call her and confess to her" he explained, shaking his head at how stupid his best friend is
"did— how did she respond?" Hyunsuk asked
Jihoon shrugged
"he called me asked me if you're with me and I said yes and I hang up."
Hyunsuk sighed, how could he be so stupid?!
But you look normal the next day? you act as nothing happen or you keep this from him for not wanting to make both of them uncomfortable?
Lunchtime is a favorite time for Jihoon, he dragged you and Hyunsuk to the campus's canteen to eat his pizza.
"and now he left us after reunited with his pizza," you said, rolling your eyes at Jihoon.
"let's go Hyunsuk, we sit here" you dragged the boy to sit at the small table at the canteen. Hyunsuk’s silence making you feel a little uncomfortable. Did he sick? but he was fine this morning. He has never been this quiet
"Hyunsuk are you okay?" You asked, You raised your brows. Hyunsuk sighed and take a look at Jihoon who at the pizza corner, Jihoon would be there for a few minutes, enough for him to clear the misunderstanding between both of you.
"remember I drunk that night?" he asked
You slowly nodded, praying in your heart, for him to not remember anything
"I called you and—"
"oh! don't worry about that, I understand that you're drunk" you quickly cut Hyunsuk. You suddenly felt hot although you were under the big roof.
"no y/n, i-i've been falling in love with you since the first day we met"
You froze
He what?
"I know, I know this is so sudden and I just want to clear the misunderstanding, the call, may confuse you, and I'm trying to clear that. I hope we still befriend after this" he said, too fast luckily you can catch all of the words that he said.
"I want to kiss you right now" you smiled, you couldn't hide how excited you are!
Hyunsuk giggled, not expecting this reaction from you.
"do it then"
You lean forward to kiss hyunsuk but Jihoon’s sudden appearance making both of you guys automatically distance yourself.
"how gross I have to be the third wheeler of this date" he rolled his eyes.
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fxckbuckyscoming · 4 years
𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙴𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 Part 2||B.B x Chubby!Reader
Request: Hiii are your requests actually open? Can I submit a request? - Chubby!reader doesn’t feel good enough for Bucky, and when she hears him talk about her (but he’s talking to someone else) she’s devastated.
Warnings: Angst, misunderstandings, kinda fluffy, arguments, language.
Authors Note(s): Here is the heavily requested Part 2! Oh dear, they found each other at last but things are still unclear on where the other stands. I might need to write a part 3 and put these two pining idiots together at last :)
Part One
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The walk around New York City was becoming tiring and cold as the droplets of rain started to form puddles on the ground. In your haste to get out of the compound, you of course left your jacket in your room and the empty suitcase you were pulling was beginning to make your arm ache. The deep puddles of rain was almost mocking you, an attempt to shit on your life once again as the the ice cold water under your feet soaked through your insoles, drenching your socks that ended up stuck uncomfortably to your feet and that was enough to make you quit and head back to the compound. It wasn’t like you had anywhere to go anyway, since you kept contact outside of the team to a minimum, it was just easier than having people take advantage of you.
By the time you made it back, it was pitch black outside and your breath became visible from each exhale of air. Your fingers were numb from the cold night and all you wanted to do was take a hot shower, climb into your comfortable warm bed and cry yourself to sleep.
You were hoping the brisk walk around the city would have cleared your mind and your thoughts, just to tell yourself that this wasn’t Bucky’s fault, if he didn’t like you in that way, then there was nothing you could do about it.
The compound was quiet, surprising for this time of night. The eerie quietness of the elevator gave you an uncomfortable knot in your stomach. Your wet feet leaving footprints as you step out of the shaft and walk down the long narrow hallway to your room. Avoiding the team, particularly Bucky was the key thing in your mini mission. You knew sooner or later you would need to talk to him, but just not tonight.
You were tired, cold and wet.
A happy sigh leaves your lips as you walk into your bedroom to find it empty. Throwing the suitcase back in the closet, you head into your bathroom and turn the shower on and begin removing your clothes, leaving the damp laundry in the corner of the bathroom.
The hot water burned your ice cold skin and you hissed in pain. Turning the temperature down slightly, you begin to wash yourself in your favorite scents. Enjoying this moment of peace that you know you won’t find tonight when you’re alone in bed trying to sleep.
The shower must have taken a whole 20 minutes judging by the way your fingertips crinkled from being under the water for so long. The fluffy white towel hanging on the back of the door greets you, the material hugging your curvy body. Water from your wet tendrils drip down your shoulders and back and underneath the towel. Typically, you forgot to take your change of clothes with you in the bathroom.
Wrapping the towel securely around your chest, you step into your room, almost jumping straight back when Bucky is standing on the other side of the room, his hair and clothes just as wet as yours was when you got back.
“Wha-what are you doing in my room?!” Your voice shakes and you’re aware of how naked you really are. Bucky’s roaming eyes doesn’t help the anxiety building up. You almost want to recoil.
Bucky has an unreadable expression on his face, his eyes are stone cold and that makes you more nervous.
“Do you think that was funny huh? Running off to fuck-knows-where without telling anyone where you were going?!” He’s angry, he’s yelling and tears once again roll down your cheeks from how small he’s making you feel. “You could have been taken Y/N! Do you not give a shit about me suddenly? I was out there in the fucking rain looking for you all day! Is this a joke to you!?” His words dropped with venom just they like in the kitchen. You remember his words clearly and now it’s you who feels angry by his outburst.
You blink the remaining tears away and step forward until your face to face (or face to chest) with the super soldier. The lingering smell of rain hits your nostrils and you don’t even care enough to ask him why he’s so wet to begin with.
“How dare you speak to me like that! After what you said about me in the kitchen, what gives you the right to barge into my room and tell me off like I’m a useless nobody?” Bucky’s jaw visibly clicks and his nostrils flare. His unclenching fists inch towards your waist where he grabs a hold of your towel. A shriek from you pulls a tiny smirk on his face. One you’ll happily punch off if he doesn’t give you the answers you’re looking for.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He retorts, his breath blowing air in your face with each word spoken.
The last bit of patience you held in broke. You pushed against his chest to make him step back but it did nothing. His feet were grounded and he probably didn’t even feel your hands touch him.
“Well, I hate her and I think it would be much better without her here. She’s kinda annoying.” You repeated his poisonous words in a mocking tone, “does any of that ring a fucking bell to you?” Bucky’s eyes widen in shock, guilt and then realization that you clearly left halfway through his and Steve’s conversation. Because if you had stayed, you would have known he was talking about the new agent called Dot.
“It rings a bell perfectly, doll.” Bucky grins, bringing your towel clad body closer to his. Your hands lay flat on his chest and you gasp. Was he playing some kind of sick joke now? Teasing you? Mocking you? He took a deep breath before continuing, “However, it’s rude to eavesdrop in on someone’s conversation and if you had stayed till the end... you would have known I was talking about Dot.”
“Oh...” that’s all you could really say. You remember Dot, she was the main reason your thoughts had turned negative. She flaunted her figure 8 frame and made you feel like a nobody. “But why? I’m kinda fat and I don’t deserve-,”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Bucky interrupted with a warning. His fingers digging into the soft cotton of your towel. “You are everything to me Y/N. Looks? I don’t care about how you look, to me you are perfect the way you are. I love your figure, your personality, I love everything about you and I should have told you a lot sooner but I was trying to get Dot off my case before I did. I didn’t want her ruining anything for us. Don’t forget doll that I’m a man who doesn’t do feelings all that well and I’m the one who-,”
“Sergeant Barnes?” FRIDAY’s voice cut through the room, halting his speech.
“Yes?” Bucky looked up at the ceiling and you stifled a giggle. It was still so awkward for him to talk to the AI in the air.
“Just letting you know sir that the Chinese meal you ordered will be here in 10 minutes.” Bucky looked down at you sheepishly and you quirked an eyebrow.
“You were counting on me forgiving you Barnes?” You teased lightly. The situation wasn’t fixed and you knew you both had a lot to talk about and it would take some time to get there. It was just a good job that Bucky was a patient man.
“I figured you would be starving.” His eyes glance down your body and blushes. “You should get dressed doll, I’ll leave you be and-,”
“No.” You stop him, his eyes soft like a newborn puppy’s. “Stay with me so we can talk about things and eat together.”
“I need a shower though.” He smiles sadly, unsure what would happen after tonight.
“You have ten minutes so make it quick.” Bucky nodded and let you stepped back out of his hold. There was a lot to solve and you wanted to get your feelings out in the open tonight, whatever happens.
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