#oof the last lines of ch 12 hit different in the context of this one hehe
hollandorks · 2 years
matt murdock x original female character
chapter thirteen
Summary: Fleeing from an abusive relationship, Grace St. James goes to the only place she still has a friend: Hell’s Kitchen. She’s forced to live in her car and beg for a job from the law firm Nelson, Murdock, and Page all the while making sure her past doesn’t catch up to her. Enter Matt Murdock: cocky, handsome, and willing to let her live with him for free until she can afford to get a place of her own. Grace is drawn to Matt in a way she’s never been drawn to anyone, causing sparks to fly as they inevitably grow closer and closer.
a/n: I don’t really have a comment for this chapter except it’s the one the infamous teaser is from and...
***This chapter is NSFW. 18+ *** 
Series Masterlist
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word count: 6786
“I’ll take care of you, don’t worry,” Matt said, bumping his shoulder into hers.
She liked the sound of that.
Josie’s Bar was not what Grace had expected. 
When Foggy said it was their favorite bar, she’d expected something…well, more. 
But Josie’s was a dingy, dim, and overall dirty place full of people who looked like criminals. She’d already heard the spiel from Foggy–most patrons were people their firm had helped, although some actually were criminals, but Josie ran a tight ship and there weren’t ever any bar fights. 
The place had been chosen not because of the ambiance, however. No, apparently it was tradition after winning a big case.
But Josie’s was also where they met to commiserate their losses, too, apparently. They must just really love Josie’s, Grace thought. She’d tried to pry Matt for details on how they’d discovered Josie’s and why they loved it so much, but he had simply shrugged and said it was cheap alcohol and had a good atmosphere. Then they’d parted ways and she hadn’t seen him since. 
Marci looked around the bar with an expression close to what Grace was feeling. 
“First time here?” she asked the woman curiously. 
Marci snorted. “No, unfortunately. I somehow keep getting dragged to these things.” 
“Aw, you know you love it!” Foggy said with boisterous excitement. “I know you like slumming it, otherwise why would you be engaged to me?” 
Marci rolled her eyes affectionately, while Karen chimed in with, “No, no, he’s got a point.” 
“Hey!” Foggy said indignantly, but then he laughed. 
“Where’s Matt?” Grace asked as Foggy came back with their first round. He’d included a drink for his absent partner. She hoped she didn’t seem too eager, that it had been a normal amount of time before she’d asked what had been on her mind since Matt had left her at the apartment. 
“Shouldn’t you know?” Foggy asked with a raised eyebrow. “You are living together.” 
“I actually see more of Matt at the office than I do at his apartment,” Grace said with a snort. When she looked up again, there he was, hands wrapped around his cane, suit jacket missing, shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow. The neon lights from the signs in the window threw his face into sharp relief, painting him in a wash of red. 
She couldn’t help it. Her breath stuttered. 
“Speak of the devil,” she said with a nod in his direction. 
Foggy and Karen immediately dissolved into a fit of giggles, despite only being on their first drinks of the night. 
“Uh…am I missing something?” Grace asked, meeting Marci’s gaze. 
The blonde shrugged. “Beats me.” 
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Matt said a little breathlessly as he sidled up beside them. Foggy and Karen immediately shared a glance and shifted so that Matt had to take the seat next to Grace. 
“How’d you know what table we were at?” Grace asked with raised eyebrows. 
“Hard to miss Foggy’s laugh.” Matt gave her a lopsided grin that made her breath hitch again. She wasn’t drunk enough for this, she thought as she desperately downed her drink in one go. She’d been trying and failing to squash her blossoming crush on Matt, which wasn’t helped at all by seeing him every day and now knowing how good he looked in the courtroom. 
“Maybe they’ll tell you what they were laughing at,” Grace said. She raised an eyebrow at the other two thirds of the firm. 
“I doubt it. They laugh at me constantly.” Matt’s smirk grew more pronounced. 
“Here’s your drink,” she said softly as Foggy and Karen began protesting heavily that he made it sound like they abused him. 
“I don’t know,” Grace said. “I’ve definitely heard you both making fun of Matt. On multiple occasions.”
Foggy brandished his drink at her and pointed. “Et tu, Brute?” 
“You can’t be making fun of a blind guy, is all I’m saying! Even if he is annoying, like Matt.” She bumped the man in question with her shoulder.
“What?” Matt said, but he was laughing too. “I’m annoying?” He finished his drink quickly, too. She watched the bob of his throat as he swallowed the rest and the way his tongue darted out to catch a drop on his lips. She tried to ignore how warm his body was next to her. She tried to ignore the way the veins in his forearms and on the backs of his hands were slightly raised. She tried to ignore the subtle, masculine scent of him, like sweat and soap and something that she could really only describe as male. 
She failed to ignore any of it. 
“You’re right, he’s pretty annoying. With that pretty boy charm and the whole helpless blind man thing,” Foggy said with a laugh. 
Josie appeared at their table with another round. She was a tough looking woman, wearing a denim vest with various patches on it, her entire posture screaming no nonsense.
Foggy slung an arm over her shoulders. “Aw, Josie! You do love us!” 
Josie grumbled. “Just a slow night is all.” But her lips tilted up ever so slightly, and she winked at Grace before disappearing back behind the bar. 
“If I didn’t already have the hottest girl in the city engaged to me, I’d probably propose to Josie for that,” Foggy sighed. Marci rolled her eyes again even as she smiled. “Damn, Grace, she must like you.” 
“I like to think I add a certain…gravitas to this whole party. Marci and I are the sane ones, it seems.” Grace grinned as she said it. She couldn’t help it, she bumped Matt’s shoulder again. 
“Hey!” It was Karen who protested this time. “I’m at least more sane than these two boneheads.” 
“No, that’s fair,” Matt said around a soft, throaty laugh that sent shivers up Grace’s spine. “She has a point.” 
Foggy muttered something about avocados that made Matt laugh, then whispered something to Karen that had her saying, “Fine, fine, I get it, I’m just like you two.” 
“Listen, we aren’t here to rag on each other,” Foggy said impatiently. He held his glass high like he was about to make a toast. “Tonight is a celebration. Let’s raise a toast to the first of many, many successes of Nelson, Murdock, and Page!” 
“Hear, hear!” everyone said at once, glasses clinking sloppily over the middle of the table. Grace mused that they probably should have started the first round with that toast, but she’d already learned pretty quickly that all three of the people she worked with were a bit…scattered. But in a good way. 
Grace reached towards Matt and gently tapped her glass against his. He’d held it up but let everyone come to him. 
“You know,” Marci said after they all took a drink. “You guys would really be making a killing at Landman and Zack if you’d stayed. Or if you came and worked with me. I’m impressed you’re doing this on your own.” 
Foggy and Matt both groaned.
“Not this again,” Foggy said. He kissed his fiance’s cheek. “Not only do we all want to keep our souls, but I’m also pretty sure Francesca wouldn’t hire Matt.” 
Matt leaned back in his seat and groaned loudly. “Foggy, no.” 
“Francesca?” Karen and Grace said at the same time, exchanging a look. 
Surprisingly, it was Marci who spoke. “Oh yeah. Francesca was a paralegal whose heart Matt broke when they were interns, and now she’s on the panel for choosing new hires. Pretty sure the name Matthew Murdock has been black-listed.” 
“Matthew,” Grace gasped in mock outrage. “I thought you were a good Catholic boy!” 
Matt looked vaguely uncomfortable at the comment. “Now, I never said–” 
Foggy started talking over him. “Oh, he hasn’t bragged to you about his prowess with the ladies yet?” 
“Yeah, even I’ve heard about that,” Marci said. She tapped the rim of her glass thoughtfully. “Lots of women. And don’t even get me started on the stories Foggy Bear told me about their college days.”
“Foggy,” Matt groaned. “Those are supposed to stay private.”  
“Matt and I went on a few dates, too,” Karen added. There was a muffled thump. “Ow! Uh–it never went anywhere though, so I’m not sure about all this talk of, uh, prowess.” She coughed delicately. 
“Guys–” Matt started, but Foggy interrupted yet again. 
“You seriously haven’t heard him brag yet? I mean, that’s like half his personality. He’s a ladies man. They love the whole blind lawyer with Catholic guilt thing.” He wiggled his eyebrows. 
Matt choked on his drink. Karen smacked him on the back as he coughed. Her pale cheeks were flushed and she winked at Grace. 
“What!” Foggy said, throwing his hands in the air. “I’m just telling the truth here! Okay, it’s not half his personality, but it’s a part of it for sure!” 
Marci nodded along, her eyes too bright from the drinks. Karen was giggling into her cup. “No, it’s true,” Marci said. “Back in your intern days, I heard a lot of uh…happy stories on Monday mornings.” She grinned devilishly while Karen and Foggy dissolved into another fit of giggles. “And then when I started at Landman and Zack those stories stuck around, which is impressive.” 
Matt put his head down on the table and covered it with his arms. 
Grace nudged him, a laugh stuck in her throat despite the fact that she was blushing madly. “Oh come on, Murdock. No shame in being a whore.” 
The table erupted into loud, whooping laughter. 
“I’ve changed!” Matt swore as he lifted his head again. “Landman and Zack was pretty much the end of those days. I mean…I still know how to please a woman, I’m just too busy these days.” 
He shot Grace a wink and a smirk that made her heart do a flip in her chest. She shifted in her seat. She tried and failed yet again not to notice all the little details about him. She loved seeing him in the wash of red light, without his tinted glasses on, his eyes bright. 
“Ah, okay, okay, I don’t need to hear anymore!” Foggy said as he covered his ears and closed his eyes like a child. 
The talk around the table turned to other, non-sex related things as the drinks kept coming, but Grace’s mind stayed put. She surreptitiously studied Matt out of the corner of her eyes as the world began to grow delightfully dizzy all around her. She imagined what, exactly, he meant when he said he could please a woman. She saw his long, calloused fingers, his lips the perfect shape for a lover. And god, his muscles. She imagined what might be beneath that rumpled dress shirt. She’d seen snatches of it living with him of course. The stretch of a tshirt across his chest and over his biceps. A couple of nights before, he’d worn a shirt that must have been old, because it was much too tight for him and revealed each and every line of his abs. She’d nearly fainted at the sight, and he’d been clothed. And then there was the time she’d seen his naked, scarred back, full of all kinds of muscles she wanted to press her lips to. 
She swallowed, mouth suddenly dry as she imagined undoing the buttons of his shirt one by one. She shifted in her seat, then abruptly stood. 
“I need some water,” she said as an excuse. She swayed and leaned on the table for support. How many rounds had they had? Three? Four? Too many. 
Everyone reacted as if a gun had gone off. All four of them lurched towards her, shouting various cries of dismay. 
Grace held her hands up in surrender, eyes wide in surprise. 
“Josie’s water is, uh…” Karen said, trying to put it diplomatically. 
“Toxic,” Matt said. 
“Poisoned,” Foggy added.
“Probably breaking all kinds of health codes,” Marci said. 
Foggy nodded. “Oh yeah, it’ll kill you for sure,” Foggy said. “Or make you grow an extra head.” 
“So…what do you do if you get thirsty?” Grace asked as she crossed her arms. She tried not to notice how Matt’s head tilted just slightly as she spoke, like he was trying to hear her better. 
Foggy laughed. “We drink!” And he held up his glass and drained it. 
Grace couldn’t help but laugh, her arms loosening. She really did enjoy being around them–all of them, even the more reserved Marci. 
“I’m going out for some fresh air then, since I can’t have water,” she finally said. Foggy had already turned back to Marci and was whispering something to her as the two shared a look. Marci laughed softly and tugged on Foggy’s tie, both of them flushing pink. 
Karen cleared her throat and looked away. 
“I think I’ll join you,” Matt said. “If you’ll help me from getting tripped up by the crowd.” He proffered his arm. 
Grace took it. God, he was muscular. She hated how much she noticed and how much she really, really wanted to give his bicep a squeeze. She deftly guided him through the crowd–which wasn’t really a crowd, considering it was the middle of the week. 
The cool night air was a balm to her heated face as they finally stepped outside. 
Matt took in a deep breath and leaned carefully back against the bricks. He wrapped his hands around the top of the cane. She stared openly at those hands, at the veins along the back. 
“I think I’m drunk,” he said. He blew out a breath, lips still half-curled in a smile. 
Grace laughed. She leaned next to him, their arms almost touching but not quite. “I think I am, too.” 
“Want to head home?” Matt asked after a moment of silence stretched between them. Her body thrummed at the word home coming from his lips. 
“Sounds good to me. I really am thirsty, and I don’t want any extra heads or eyes or anything.” She was rewarded with Matt’s rich laugh. Goosebumps danced across her skin, though she told herself it was from the cold. 
“I’ll text Foggy,” Matt said as he straightened. He fumbled in a pocket for his phone. 
“Mm, might want to text Karen. Foggy and Marci looked a little…busy.” 
Matt made a face. “Gross. Okay. Good call.” 
Grace watched as Matt’s fingers deftly touched his phone screen and he used his voice to dictate a text to Karen saying they were leaving. 
When he put the phone back in his pocket, Grace cleared her throat. “Do you need me to…um…lead you?” She still wasn’t entirely sure what the protocol was for blind people. For Matt. If she was supposed to keep offering help or wait for him to ask or what. 
“Nah. I know my way home pretty well from Josie’s by now, even drunk.” He chuckled. “Especially drunk. But if you want to feel my muscles some more…” 
Grace flushed. “I–I wasn’t–You dick. Drunk Matt sure is cocky.” 
Matt laughed again, tilting his head back a little as he did so, exposing the long column of his throat. She wanted to kiss him there, see what he tasted like. She shoved the thoughts to the side. 
“You’re lucky I don’t just leave you here. Maybe some other woman will sense your supposed prowess and walk you home.” But she took him by the arm and tugged him along as he continued to laugh softly. “That’s how you do it, isn’t it? Play sad little blind boy?” 
He groaned as soon as she mentioned the word “prowess.” “Foggy’s just–Foggy. He makes it sound worse than it is.” 
“Oh so you don’t have a thing for beautiful women?” she teased. “Because Marci and Karen backed him up on that.” 
“Alright, alright. You caught me. I’m here with you after all, aren’t I?” He bumped his shoulder against hers as they walked, and they both stumbled drunkenly. 
The blush still hadn’t left her skin. At this point, it was in her bones. “Are you flirting with me, Matt Murdock? Also–how would you know if I’m beautiful or not?” 
“Foggy says I have a sixth sense about these things,” Matt said. “But really I just listen to how he reacts to women. He’s pretty quick to tell me if they’re beautiful or not.” 
She scoffed. “I guess I can’t argue with that method. I mean, Marci is–she’s like lawyer Barbie, but prettier. And more scary.” 
Matt laughed again. She loved this version of him–easygoing, teasing, carefree. She’d seen the serious side of Matt Murdock so often lately, especially in preparation for the big case they’d just won. But this Matt…this Matt was practically irresistible. Which was doing absolutely nothing for her burgeoning crush. 
“What can I say? Foggy’s charming. That’s why he’s such a good lawyer.” 
“You’re pretty charming too,” she said without thinking. 
“Ah, Foggy’s a different kind of charming,” Matt said easily. He waved his free hand. 
“You’re right. He’s more like…a cute golden retriever who just wants to make you happy.” 
Matt had to stop, he laughed so hard. “That is…exactly it,” he said breathlessly. “Don’t tell him you said that though, it’d crush him.” 
“He shouldn’t feel crushed. I mean, again–lawyer Barbie is going to marry him. And she looked like she was ready to tear his clothes off back at Josie’s. He’s doing fine.” 
Matt mimed a gag, making her laugh this time. 
They started walking again. She wasn’t familiar enough with the area yet to actually know if Matt was taking them in the right direction. But the air was pleasantly cold, Matt’s arm was warm, and she was just on the right side of drunk. 
“So what kind of charming am I?” Matt asked after a minute. Up ahead, his apartment building came into view. She squinted at it, sure it had appeared between one blink and the next. Maybe she was more drunk than she’d thought. 
“Huh?” she asked, having been preoccupied by the magically appearing building. 
“You agreed with me that Foggy’s a different kind of charming than I am. So what kind of charming am I?” He gently tugged her towards the building, somehow knowing exactly where they were. He hadn’t been kidding about knowing his way home from Josie’s, even drunk. 
“Hmm. Well…you’re more of the sexy kind of charming. Innocent at first, but secretly a–a panty dropper.” She stopped as soon as the words were out. A different sort of heat flared through her. Embarrassment. “Oh God–I don’t–I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I’m drunk.” 
Matt was laughing at her. He pulled her along and into the building, still laughing. She didn’t think she’d ever heard him laugh so much. 
“A panty dropper?” he asked as they stepped into the elevator. “Oh definitely don’t tell Foggy that. It’ll only reinforce his views of me.” 
“Well, from the way he and Marci were whispering sweet nothings to each other before we left, Foggy’s a panty dropper too.” She shrugged, then remembered he couldn’t see it and winced. 
Matt groaned and pressed a hand to his eyes. “I don’t think I ever want to hear the words ‘Foggy’ and ‘panty dropper’ in the same sentence again.” 
This time Grace was the one who laughed. “It’s true!” she insisted as the elevator doors slid open. She stumbled slightly over the lip of the elevator car and bumped into Matt. “I’m telling you, women who look like Marci only get men who can take care of them. And I don’t mean financially.” 
“Oh God,” Matt said, but he laughed again. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were pink. He fumbled for his keys and dropped them with a muttered curse. 
“I’ve got it,” she said, then half-fell into him as the world around them tipped and she lost her balance. Matt deftly caught her, despite being both blind and drunk. She was suddenly very aware of the heat of his hands against the small of her back. She looked up at him, at his perfect lover’s lips. 
“Woah,” he said. His eyes darted around then settled somewhere near her neck. “We’re drunk.” 
They erupted into laughter as, between them, it took five more minutes to get the key in the door and the door unlocked. 
Grace immediately headed for the kitchen for some water. She was thirsty, sure, but she also knew that the more water she drank tonight the better she’d feel in the morning. 
She immediately chugged a glass, filled it again, then after a second realized Matt probably needed some too. 
“Here,” she said after she filled a second glass. She turned and promptly ran straight into Matt, who had appeared right behind her. Somehow the water didn’t spill all over one or both of them. Matt’s hand gripped her wrist loosely. “Oh,” she said a bit stupidly. They were so close that their chests brushed slightly with every breath. She found herself tracing the line of his lips again with her eyes. 
Damn him and those lips, she thought. 
“Thanks,” Matt murmured. He took the water from her and took a careful step back. She could feel the imprint of his hand on her wrist like a brand. 
“I’m–going to brush my teeth. So my mouth doesn’t taste like a dumpster in the morning.” She caught the edge of his smile as she turned to go to the bathroom. 
She changed quickly into a cute pajama set–which, she realized, shouldn’t matter since Matt was blind and also not her boyfriend–and grabbed her toothbrush. There was a light knock at the door. 
She opened it. 
“Are you decent?” Matt asked with a smirk that made her stomach flutter. 
She laughed. “No, I’m naked.” 
Matt paused as he stepped into the room, looking utterly shocked for a second before he quickly schooled his expression. “No you aren’t.” 
“How would you know?” she asked with a raised eyebrow that he couldn’t see. 
Matt shrugged. “I just do. I can hear the material rub against your skin as you move.” 
She frowned and rubbed a hand over the smooth material. 
“Like that,” Matt said, gently nudging her out of the way as he reached with practiced hands for his own toothbrush. She stuck hers under the water and then started brushing. 
“Freaky,” she said around the toothbrush in her mouth after a minute. “Do you know what I’m wearing is made out of?” 
Matt’s free hand reached out. His fingers traced down her arm and found her waist. Her heart stuttered in her chest at the contact, even though she’d asked. He pinched the material in his fingers and rubbed the fabric. 
“Silk,” he said softly, voice muffled by the toothbrush in his mouth. He turned and spit into the sink and rinsed. “Expensive tastes.” 
Grace’s whole body felt flushed, and not from embarrassment. “And here I thought cocky Matt was gone,” she teased as she rinsed her own toothbrush off and put it to the side on the counter, out of the way of any of Matt’s stuff. “But yes, it was expensive. It was a gift.” 
Matt turned to face her and leaned casually against the counter. “Ah, I see. Ex lover?” 
Grace’s face fell as she remembered exactly who had given her the pajamas. “Something like that,” she muttered darkly. “No one who matters now.” An understatement, but she didn’t want those of that asshole to mar the fun night she was having. “I bet you have gifts from lots of exes.” 
“Oh yeah, I have a silk pajama set just like yours. What color is yours? Mine’s pink.” 
A surprised laugh burst out of her. “How’d you know mine are pink?” 
“Wild guess. Don’t all girls wear pink all the time?” Matt was standing close to her. Too close. Her gaze dipped down to where the first few buttons of his shirt were undone. She didn’t realize that sometime since they’d left Josie’s he’d lost his tie. She had an overwhelming urge to lick the exposed skin. 
“Says the guy in a pink shirt,” she said, hoping he didn’t notice the sheer want in her voice.
Matt opened his mouth, then closed it again. “Oh my god. Is it really?” 
She laughed so hard she had to lean on him so she wouldn’t collapse. 
“Is my shirt pink, Grace?” Matt said around a laugh. His hands came to rest on her waist. “Did Foggy prank me and give me a pink shirt and not tell me? Tell me!” His fingers tightened on her waist and she let out a small shriek at the tickle. 
“No, no! It’s not pink, it’s white, I swear.” But she couldn’t stop laughing. “Now I know what I want to do to you, though.” 
Matt sighed. “You and Foggy are two of a kind,” he said. 
“I’m going to get so many fun stories about you out of him,” she said. “I bet he has tons. Marci made me curious about these crazy college stories.” 
Matt shook his head vehemently. “Foggy’s already been spilling too many secrets about me.” 
“What, when he was talking about your sexual prowess?” She snorted. “Don’t worry, I didn’t believe it for a second.” 
Matt frowned. His fingers tightened again and the touch burned through her. “What do you mean you didn’t believe it? Also, ouch. Talk about a blow to the ego.” His lips curved upwards. 
“Someone has to do it.” 
“What do you think I keep Foggy around for?” Matt said with a scoff. 
“Well, whatever he’s doing isn’t working. Your ego is huge.” She shrugged, hoping he could feel the motion because he was still holding her loosely at her waist. She tried in vain to force her focus anywhere but the heat of him, anywhere but his lips, only inches from her own. “No one’s that good of a lover.” 
There was an unreadable expression on his face. “Sounds like you’ve had some bad lovers, then.” His voice was low, dangerous. 
Grace later blamed the next words out of her mouth on the alcohol, though Matt being so close to her was a whole extra level of intoxication. She swallowed as she unconsciously looked at his lips again. 
“I bet you fifty bucks you aren’t as good a lover as you think,” she said in a husky voice that was almost unrecognizable to her own ears. Even at the thought, she clenched her thighs together. She knew he wouldn’t give in to the taunt, but just the thought of it had her blood turning molten in her veins. 
“Fifty bucks, huh?” Matt said. His fingers tightened again at her hips. Her eyes watched his lips as he spoke. “And how, exactly, do I prove I’m a good lover?” His voice had lowered again. The sound of it shivered across her skin, a deep, gravelly sound meant for silk sheets in the middle of the night. 
“No man’s ever given me more than one orgasm at a time.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. 
She wasn’t so sure she wanted to stop them. 
“Ever?” he repeated. His hands flexed. She ached for him to grab her and pull her closer. The barest of touches at her waist were making her ache with want.  
She shrugged. “Nope. Never. I bet you can’t either. I’m difficult to please.” Heat blazed up her neck and settled into her cheeks. She wasn’t sure why she had admitted that to him or why she wasn’t particularly embarrassed. 
Matt very slowly lowered his head so he could murmur in her ear. Her pulse skyrocketed as his breath brushed the shell of her ear when he said, “Then how about three?” 
She sucked in a sharp breath at what he was saying. “Then you would owe me fifty bucks,” she said, the words barely a whisper. 
“Deal,” Matt said, the word half a growl, and then his lips crashed against hers. 
Fire roared through her at the taste of him. She let out an embarrassing moan as he yanked her closer, until their bodies were flush against each other. 
One of his hands reached up to trace her jaw. She shivered at the feeling of his callouses against her skin. His other hand slid down her waist and over her ass. He gripped it tightly with a small groan she felt in her bones. She could feel his arousal pressing into her stomach. One of her hands found his neck and the other fisted in his shirt. 
More. She wanted more. That was the only thought she had as his lips trailed across his jaw and down her neck. He kissed over her pulse which only made her heart beat even faster. The hand that was on her neck brushed down over her collarbone, over the top of her breast, and down to her hip. His fingers found the bare skin underneath her tank top. Everywhere he touched was taken over by a delicious heat. Her body burned for more. 
One of her hands slipped into the opening at the top of his shirt. His skin was hot where she touched. He kissed her neck again so she kissed his, relishing the salt on his skin. 
More, her whole body begged. More. 
With a soft grunt, both of Matt’s hands grabbed her ass and lifted her easily onto the bathroom counter. Something clattered and fell into the sink but neither of them paused. 
“Jesus,” she breathed as he lightly nipped a sensitive spot on her neck that made her toes curl. She hooked her legs around his hips and held him close. She couldn’t think beyond his touch, beyond the feeling of his lips, the feeling of his arousal pressing against her center right where she wanted him. 
“My name’s Matt,” he teased, the words taking shape on her throat. 
She ignored the comment as she ran her hands over his biceps, down his forearms, and over his muscled back. “Do you work out a lot or something?” 
Matt chuckled. “Mm, maybe I’m not so great if you’re asking questions right now.” 
He captured her lips again and every thought eddied from her mind like water down a drain. 
She finally managed to pull away and say with a gasp, “I’m still not convinced. You’re definitely going to–” Matt resumed his ministrations with his lips on her neck, the space just behind her ear, her collarbone. She bit back a moan, unwilling to give in no matter how much she was enjoying herself already. “–owe me fifty bucks.” 
In response, Matt gripped her ass again and picked her up like she weighed next to nothing, still kissing her. He deftly backed out of the bathroom and walked towards his very large, very comfortable bed. His shins bumped against the edge. He bent over at the waist, lowering her onto the bed slowly without dropping her. 
God, he was strong. She didn’t want to admit that even that was unbearably hot of him. 
“I said three, right?” Matt said as he leaned over her. Her chest was already heaving like she’d been running. Matt stood over her, eyes looking almost exactly at her but not quite. Everything within her clenched at his words. The lights from the sign across the street bathed him in a dark purple light. 
“Fifty bucks,” she reminded him. He flashed her a cocky grin and leaned over her until his elbows rested on the bed on either side of her head. She unconsciously held her breath. 
He lightly kissed her one more time. Then his lips moved down her neck once more. This time, he didn’t stop moving lower. He kissed the tops of her breasts then slid one hand underneath the material. She hadn’t put her bra back on. She gasped as those calloused hands brushed over her nipples, and then she was shirtless in barely a blink of an eye. 
One of his hands lightly squeezed one breast while he lowered his mouth to the other. 
Grace had to hold back a gasp at the sensation of his mouth on her. Heat coiled low within her belly as he sucked and nipped, gently at first, then harder. The hand that wasn’t on her breast went to her shorts. He pulled them down but left her underwear on. 
“Lace?” he murmured against her breasts as his fingers traced the line of her underwear. “Trying to impress someone?” She could feel his smirk against her skin. 
“Cocky,” she said, proud at how steady her voice came out. “But you’re blind, remember?” 
Matt chuckled. “Yeah, but I still have an imagination.” 
She gasped this time when his fingers brushed against her through her underwear. He let out a shaky breath when he undoubtedly felt exactly how turned on she already was. Sure enough, he smirked. He kissed her sternum, then just below her navel, then the very top of her underwear. He inhaled a little as he kissed the inside of first one thigh, and the other. 
“You are–” she gasped as he pulled her underwear off, “–such a tease, Matt Murdock.” 
“Why?” he asked, so full of cocky male arrogance that she was admittedly even more turned on. “Did you…want something?” 
“You dick,” she said, but her words cut off with a gasp as one of his fingers lightly traced the wetness at her center. She cursed and arched her back into the touch. Her fingers fisted into the silk sheets. 
He wasted no more time. One of his fingers slipped into her as he went back and lavished more attention on her breasts. The lights shifted from purple to blue, illuminating every movement he made. 
“I don’t need sight to be able to tell that these are amazing,” Matt said, punctuating his words with a kiss. He gave one breast a squeeze with his free hand before it slid up to rest at the base of her neck. 
Grace’s hands unfisted themselves from the sheets so she could work at the buttons of his shirt. Tension coiled tighter and tighter within her as Matt’s thumb brushed against her clit. She managed to get the buttons undone and brushed her hands over every inch of skin she could reach. A simple cross necklace swung free. 
Matt kissed her neck with a groan, his hardness pressing into her thigh as his hands worked at her with a relentless pace. After all the teasing, she was already close to an orgasm, and she didn’t want to give in. But then Matt added another finger and used his other hand to work at her clit. 
“I don’t need sight to know how beautiful you look,” he murmured into her throat. 
She came with his name on her lips, her body shuddering around his fingers. He held her down by the hip with one hand as he touched her all through the orgasm. 
When she finally stilled, he stopped touching her and simply hovered. “That’s one,” he said with that goddamn cocky smile. 
Grace already felt the warmth of that post-orgasm glow spreading through her limbs. Panting a little, she said, “That’s your only one.” She was proud of herself for the retort, even though her brain was already fried with the amount of lust pumping through her veins. Even though she wanted more of him. All of him. 
Matt leaned in and whispered into her ear. “Sweetheart, that was just my hands.” 
She didn’t have to ask what he meant as he knelt before her at the edge of the bed, head tilted just slightly to the side in that way of his that drove her half-mad. He grabbed her under the knees and pulled her so her ass was right on the edge of the bed. The lights shifted again, and everything turned red. 
She couldn’t help the swoop in her stomach as she realized what he was going to do. 
She was in trouble. 
As Matt’s mouth started to work its way up one thigh, she realized she might actually be in trouble of losing their little bet. 
Just before his mouth reached where she wanted him, where she needed him, he stopped. She stopped breathing and wanted to scream. He started slowly kissing his way up the other thigh. She’d never known thighs could be so sensitive. As his mouth worked, his hands explored the softest parts of her, smoothing and squeezing and teasing as they went. He traced her calves, her thighs, her stomach, her hips, back to her breasts. 
This time she couldn’t hold back the noises of pleasure as his mouth finally touched her right where she wanted him. First he kissed her clit, then licked his way down the rest of her. The hottest thing she’d ever seen–and probably would ever see–was Matt Murdock on his knees before her with his beautiful lips glistening as he went down on her, the red light from across the street painting him the color of her desire. 
He sucked gently on her clit again and groaned as he inhaled deeply, like he was inhaling her, like he couldn’t get enough. Her entire body trembled when she saw him shift on his knees. 
The cross against his chest caught the light as he moved, and she vaguely thought of the religious imagery of it. Matt on his knees, painted red as if awash in the glow from stained glass, worshiping her body. 
Then his tongue traced her again and every thought was gone in an instant, replaced only with want. 
One of her hands buried itself into his hair and he moaned against her. Some small part of her brain realized he liked that and she did again without another thought. The vibration from his second moan was another delicious sensation among many. 
She almost begged him to fuck her. Almost. 
Matt’s tongue traced her clit with practiced ease. She writhed in pleasure and cursed as he hit a particularly sensitive spot, sending a jolt of pure bliss up her spine. He braced one forearm across her waist to hold her down while his other hand pulled one of her legs over his shoulder for better access. 
“Fuck,” she said, the word hardly a gasp. She was already seeing stars and she knew she was already close to another orgasm. “Matt–” she said with a small yank on his head to get his angle just right. “Matt–” 
He moaned again and the vibrations of it sent her hurtling towards the edge. Not only was he good at it–he was enjoying it. His eyes were closed and his free hand was–God, he was palming himself through his pants. 
It was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. 
When he stuck his tongue inside her, she gave up the fight. She came again, shuddering more and more as waves upon waves of pleasure washed through her. 
But Matt didn’t let up. All he did was pull back slightly with that goddamn smirk and say, “That’s two,” before his mouth was on her again. 
This time, though, he inserted two fingers and curled them just right. 
She was embarrassed to admit that it took barely two minutes between her second and third orgasms. 
Matt’s fingers and tongue moved more slowly as she rode the impossible wave of pleasure of that third orgasm for at least several minutes. She moaned almost incoherently, cursing and pleading as she came. 
Finally, the blackness in her vision ebbed and the trembling in her limbs eased but didn’t stop. 
Matt sat back on his heels and wiped his mouth with the back of one hand. 
“Fuck,” she said, utterly spent and breathless. “Fuck. Wow.”  
Matt was breathing hard too. She came to her senses enough to actually enjoy the view his now-open shirt provided. And–damn. He was ripped. And…scarred? She almost frowned. 
She reached for him, still somehow unsatiated after three orgasms in a row. 
Because she wanted all of him, not just his mouth and his hands. She remembered in a flash feeling him hard as a rock against her thigh. 
Even though he couldn’t see her, it felt like he was dodging her when he stood abruptly to his feet. 
“Let me–”
“You owe me fifty bucks,” he said, but he didn’t sound happy about it anymore. He turned, his back taut with tension, and went into the bathroom. The door shut with a soft click that might as well have been a slam. It was a clear dismissal, even though she knew he had to be unsatisfied. 
Grace could only sit and stare after him, openmouthed and naked on his bed.
“Fuck,” she said again.
If she hadn’t been in love with Matt Murdock before, she definitely was now.
Next Chapter
@zaminoo​​​​​​​​ @yanna-banana​​​​​​​​ @bellal1 @thetrinitytest​​​​​​​​ @harry-bowie-mercury​​​​​ @lorosette​​​​ @feliciab1990​
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