#saved daredevil
hollandorks · 2 years
saved - masterlist
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matt murdock x original female character
Summary: Fleeing from an abusive relationship, Grace St. James goes to the only place she still has a friend: Hell’s Kitchen. She’s forced to live in her car and beg for a job from the law firm Nelson, Murdock, and Page all the while making sure her past doesn’t catch up to her. Enter Matt Murdock: cocky, handsome, and willing to let her live with him for free until she can afford to get a place of her own. Grace is drawn to Matt in a way she’s never been drawn to anyone, causing sparks to fly as they inevitably grow closer and closer.
find it on ao3
teaser *
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11* Chapter 12 Chapter 13* Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18* Chapter 19 Chapter 20
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lesbiandardevil · 16 days
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daredevil in the box what will he do
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buckypascal · 4 months
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❤️ Happy Valentine's Day 💜 from Smiley Matt Murdock ❤️
+ bonus || feel free to use at your disposal
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griefpersevering · 8 months
there needs to be more fics about vigilantes being besties and going on missions together. give me the defenders having a weekly dinner! give me team red! give me the punisher and jessica jones wondering how they became besties with a load of spandex-wearing weirdos!
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asteroustide · 2 months
I can’t draw this anymore I’m angry at it 😂. That one scene from daredevil where he tells Karen by Lockwood and co theme
This felt like the missing scene in the book when he asks her back, I just love to make myself sad
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frogginboots · 5 months
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They ate (literally)
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I just rewatched the kastle episode of the punisher S2 (aka the only episode that karen is in, wtf...) and holy shit I forgot how canon they are.
they only have one ep together but damn do they make it count. the handholding?? frank asking the other two women for a moment alone with karen?? frank & karen basically saying that they want to be together, but it's impossible?!?!?!?
fling me into the sun. I fucking LOVE THEM.
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mattmfmurdock · 2 years
Charlie Cox on his return. He deserved every inch of it💓.
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luthienne · 1 year
i have a funny feeling the new daredevil series is basically going to be yeah we got him back but he came back wrong in terms of. everything
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fandom-official · 2 years
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Charlie Cox believes the fans really did Save Daredevil
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hollandorks · 1 year
matt murdock x original female character
chapter seventeen
Summary: Fleeing from an abusive relationship, Grace St. James goes to the only place she still has a friend: Hell’s Kitchen. She’s forced to live in her car and beg for a job from the law firm Nelson, Murdock, and Page all the while making sure her past doesn’t catch up to her. Enter Matt Murdock: cocky, handsome, and willing to let her live with him for free until she can afford to get a place of her own. Grace is drawn to Matt in a way she’s never been drawn to anyone, causing sparks to fly as they inevitably grow closer and closer.
a/n: I’m alive! I’ve had a bit of a cold so I haven’t felt like working on this fic at all tbh. However, this chapter was pretty much done so I just ran it through a round of edits and here we are! This chapter is self indulgent more so than any other chapter before it, and that’s saying a lot. It’s nice and long, and fluffy as hell. So, Merry Christmas I guess! 
Series Masterlist
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word count: 8730
She fell asleep, feeling warm and utterly safe for the first time in probably her entire life.
Grace knew she was dreaming because Matt Murdock was holding her, one hand in her hair, the other trailing fire up her abdomen and brushing the bottom of her breast. She felt his breath against the back of her neck. He moaned softly as she unconsciously arched against him. She wanted to be closer, wanted her clothes to disappear so she could feel both of his hands everywhere. He was hard against her ass as she pressed backwards again. He’d lost his shirt, and the bare skin of his chest against her back was full of delicious heat. She huffed out a breath as his hand cupped her breast underneath her shirt. His callouses scraped against the sensitive flesh there. 
Matt murmured something, causing his lips to brush against the sensitive skin of her neck. His hips bucked lightly against her. Heat was pooling insistently between her legs. 
She opened her eyes and realized that she wasn’t dreaming after all. 
Matt seemed to realize it at the same moment, because he cursed and rolled away from her. The sudden coldness without him against her was jarring. 
“I’m–Shit. I’m sorry, I wasn’t–” His chest heaved. “Grace, I’m so–” 
Grace’s mind was having a hard time waking up. Heat was still coiled low in her belly, her muscles aching for release, her breasts heavy with need. As her brain struggled to catch up, all she could think was that she had been so…happy in Matt’s arms. 
“Matt,” she said, his name half a groan. She faced him and propped herself on one elbow. 
She remembered the night before with sudden clarity. Him protecting her. Him trusting her. Holding her. Keeping her safe. 
“Matt,” she said again. Every muscle in his body was tense. His hands were fisted in the sheets and he stared sightlessly upwards. He was utterly still except for his chest, still heaving like he’d been running. Her thighs clenched together as she briefly got distracted by the sight of his abs, the faded scars across his chest. At the tent in the sheets around his waist. Her mouth went dry. 
“Matt, listen to me,” she said softly. She reached out and brushed a tentative finger against his taut forearm. He tensed even more, if it was even possible. “Do you…” She cleared her throat softly. Be brave, she told herself firmly. “Do you want to know what I was thinking about in the shower last night?” Her voice was low and husky with desire. 
“I really don’t think–” he started, a note of desperation in his voice. 
Grace interrupted him. “You, Matt.” 
Matt stopped breathing for a second. “Grace…” he said slowly, the single syllable of her name full of tension. 
“Just listen for a second.” She hated the note of pleading that crept into her voice, but if she didn’t speak her mind then, she wasn’t sure she ever would. She closed her eyes so she didn’t have to see any thoughts his face might give away. The walls had started to come down between them the night before, and she wanted them all gone. She had trusted him with her darkest secret and he had trusted her with his own, so she wanted, more than anything, to get this one final truth out in the air between them. 
So she took a deep breath and made the final plunge. “I like you, Matt. Not just–not because of…what just happened. Because you’re a good man. You make me laugh. You care about this city, about your friends. You saw a girl sleeping in her car and gave up your bed, your home, for her.” She took an unsteady breath. “And God–I fucking want you, Matt. More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. And I think maybe we could–we could see where this goes.” 
Matt was completely silent. She finally opened her eyes to make sure he hadn’t snuck out of the bed without her noticing. But he was still in the exact same position, a statue made of living flesh, hands still gripping the sheets like a lifeline, eyes still open and unmoving. She wasn’t sure he was breathing. 
“Grace,” Matt said. He sounded strangled. “I–” 
Grace’s heart gave a pang. Hot embarrassment crept into her throat, choking her on its way to settle into her cheeks. “God, I’m sorry, I totally–I completely misread this didn’t I? I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes again and flopped onto her back. “Let’s just–forget all of that. This is me…letting you off the hook again.” 
She rubbed hands over her tired eyes. Her past two days had been nothing but an emotional–hell, and a physical–rollercoaster. 
But at least she had told him the truth. She could let him off the hook for not returning her feelings, and that was fine. Everything was out in the open now, all her big secrets laid at his feet for him to do with them what he would. 
There was a rustle. She assumed Matt was escaping from this huge, awkward moment that was only getting worse the longer the silence stretched. 
She jolted when his hand wrapped loosely around her wrist. “Grace,” he said in a low voice that she really didn’t want to react to. She shivered anyways. “My past relationships…Daredevil has come between them all.” 
Hope blossomed in her, desperate and heavy in her chest like a stone. She opened her eyes and rolled to face him again. “Matt, I don’t care. I’m willing to try.” 
Matt sighed. “I–I care about you, Grace. I don’t want to…mess this up.” 
Grace’s heart lurched at his words. He cared about her. “Matt, I don’t care. If it gets messed up, it gets messed up. That’s life. People get together and break up all the time. If it gets fucked up, well, I was already planning on trying to find another apartment.” 
“You deserve something good, Grace. Not–not someone who runs around at night beating criminals.” Matt pinched the bridge of his nose. Ah, she thought with sudden clarity. There it is. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her. It’s that he thought he wasn’t good enough for her. And that he thought so only made her like him more. 
She wished he could see her face, but remembered how he said he could tell if someone was lying with his heightened sense. She hoped it would be enough. “You are good, Matt. You beat criminals, not women, so you’re already a huge step up from the last guy I dated.” She huffed a laugh. 
“Matt, I swear to god if you say something else like you’re not good for me, or how I don’t deserve you, or some other self-flagellating bullshit, I’m going to hit you.” She pinched his arm lightly. The hope in her chest was spiraling out of control now, filling her so completely she thought she might vibrate off of the bed with the feeling of it. 
“Self-flagellating bullshit?” Matt repeated with raised eyebrows. 
“I figured that might be the phrase your Catholic brain might recognize,” Grace said. Matt laughed. “I’m so serious, Matt, I will hit you, and I won’t feel bad about it. And I wouldn’t even feel bad about it if you were actually blind.” 
Matt groaned. “I am blind. My eyes are, at least.” 
She waved a hand. “Semantics.” 
Matt finally leaned up on an elbow, mirroring her pose. “Grace, I just want…to do right by you. I already fucked it up once.” 
She softened, studying the crease lines on his face from the pillowcase, the stubble on his jaw, his long eyelashes. “If you’re talking about the three orgasms you gave me the other night, that was the farthest thing from a mistake that has ever happened to me. Even if you hated my guts and kicked me out, I would still be very, very happy about those orgasms.” 
Matt’s fingers laced with hers. “I don’t hate your guts,” he said softly. “I could never.” 
“Then let’s just…give it a shot. Yeah?” Her heart felt too big for her chest and her stomach was in knots. “If you want.” 
Matt didn’t say anything. Instead, he lurched forward and kissed her, rolling until she was flat on her back and he was half-laying on top of her. His hands cupped her jaw as he kissed her slowly, tenderly. 
She pulled away slightly. “Is that a yes?” 
Matt touched his forehead to hers. “Mm. I have to think about it.” But he was smirking, one of his hands tracing circles at her waist. The hope within her exploded and she was suddenly light as air, floating on the feeling. 
“You dick,” she said around a laugh. She arched herself into him, seeking friction to ease the tension that was already curling in her gut. 
Matt’s mouth was on hers again and this time it wasn’t sweet. It was ravenous. Her hands fumbled for the edge of his sweatpants. He groaned into her mouth as her fingers wrapped around his length and squeezed gently. 
His teeth caught her lower lip with a little growl as she let him go. Her nails skated across the bare skin of his back. 
“I want to pay you back for each time you made me come,” she murmured into his ear. Her body had a mind of its own, arching into him as she sought any kind of friction she could get. “But right now I want you to fuck me.” 
Matt let out a breathy, needy noise that made her toes curl. 
Grace thought that every moment between them had led to this. 
“I–” Matt paused, head tilted to the side. She wondered if he was listening to her heart trying to race its way out of her chest. She marveled that he could do that, that he could read her so easily. She hoped her body was telling him very, very clearly how much she wanted him. Instead, he said, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” 
He very carefully extricated himself from her and sat at the edge of the bed. She sat up and frowned. “What?” she asked. 
“That cop just got ordered to go ahead and bring us into the station. Guess we slept in too long.” Matt groaned and dug his fingers into his hair. 
Sure enough, there was a knock at the door. 
Grace cursed colorfully. “I’m going to sue the NYPD for giving me blue balls,” she said venomously. 
Matt laughed loudly, head tilting back with the surprise of it. “You and me both.” 
She cast one last lingering look at him before padding softly to the door, swiping the blanket from the couch to cover up her silk pajamas and lack of a bra. 
“Sorry to bother you, ma’am,” the officer said a bit sheepishly when she opened the door. He was young, probably barely out of training, a patching beard growing on his cheeks. 
“Not at all,” she said sweetly. It wasn’t the cop’s fault that she and Matt had the absolute worst timing. “What can I do for you, officer?” 
“I think Detective Mahoney was expecting you at the station a little…sooner this morning,” he said. “As soon as you’re ready I’m supposed to drive you down there.” 
Grace briefly imagined telling the cop to give them a half an hour so Matt could fuck her senseless before they had to go. Her heart gave a leap at the thought. She wondered what Matt would make of that. 
“Yeah, of course. Sorry, we stayed up late last night, obviously. Give us ten minutes.” 
The officer flashed her a boyish smile before she closed the door. She leaned against it for a moment then blew out her breath. 
When she went back into the bedroom, Matt already had suit pants on and was taking a white button up off of a hanger. 
“I should have told him half an hour,” she grumbled as she went to the closet for her own clothes. 
Matt’s arm came up and caged her against the wall as he leaned down to her. “I don’t think that poor officer would want to hear the sounds I’m going to get you to make, anyways,” he said in a deep voice that nearly made her come right then and there. He smirked as he inevitably heard what his words did to her breathing and heart rate. 
“I will go out there right now and tell him to wait for us outside,” she threatened, but her voice cracked. 
Matt kissed her lightly on the lips and stepped back so suddenly she would have fallen if the wall wasn’t already supporting her. 
“We’ll finish this later,” he promised with another smirk. She chucked a hanger at him. He caught it without turning, laughing. She had to admit that his easy confidence was hot. 
“You’re an asshole,” she said, but there was no force behind the comment. She leaned her head back against the wall for a moment to try and collect herself. Then, with a curse, she got ready to go down to the station to make her statement. 
In the back of the young officer’s squad car–Officer Walters, he had politely informed her when she’d asked–Grace shifted uneasily. They weren’t under arrest, but something about being in the back of a cop car made her anxious. She wondered if her involvement with what had happened to Harry Spencer, however minor, would lead to her reliving the experience again sooner rather than later. Except, she thought, that time she would be in handcuffs. 
Around the third time she fidgeted in her seat, Matt’s hand came to rest on her knee. He squeezed it gently. 
“Should I tell them about who sent those guys?” she asked him in a quiet murmur she hoped Walters didn’t overhear. 
“What’d you say?” Walters asked anyway. He seemed oddly cheerful for someone who’d come to guard their door at five o’clock that morning. 
“Um–I forgot to grab something to eat on the way out, is all.” She glanced at Matt. 
“I think so,” he said in a much more quiet whisper as Walters promised he’d find something for them at the station. 
Grace sighed. She tried to imagine what would be better or worse–telling the cops about Dean, who had the power to get out of any kind of legal ramifications, or not telling them and potentially being caught in a lie later when things inevitably blew up in her face. 
So, twenty minutes later when Detective Mahoney asked her if she had any idea why four armed men came after her, she told the truth. 
When she was done, Mahoney sat back and said, “Shit.” 
“Yeah,” she said nervously. Her hands twisted around the coffee cup Walters had brought her. She’d already eaten the donut. He’d winked at her before he’d left. He was a sweet guy, and she was glad she and Matt hadn’t gotten him in trouble by delaying their trip to the station like they’d wanted.
Mahoney leaned his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers under his chin. “I–Armed men, though? That seems a little far-fetched.” 
“Do you know who he is?” she asked. Mahoney hesitated, then nodded. “Then it’s not that far-fetched, detective. I…think I might like to place a restraining order against him.” As she said the words, she realized they were true. It wouldn’t do much to actually stop him, but it would slow him down and at the very least back her up if something else happened. 
Mahoney pursed his lips. “I think I should go get Mr. Murdock for this.” 
He stood and stepped out of the room. Grace took a shaking sip from her coffee. 
The door opened after just a minute and Matt stepped through. 
“Chair on your left,” Mahoney said as he took a seat across from them. Matt’s hand fumbled for the back of the chair so convincingly that Grace almost laughed. 
“I told him I want a restraining order,” she said to Matt, though she assumed he’d already heard. She still had so many questions for him, for what he could do. 
Matt sat back in the chair, looking perfectly at ease. “I think that’s a good idea. We’ll help her with the paperwork of course, detective.” 
“Are you sure about this?” Mahoney asked her. He studied her face, missing nothing, including the darkening bruise across the side of her face and her split knuckles. 
“Very,” she said firmly. 
“I’ll be right back, then.” 
As soon as the door clicked shut, Matt turned to her. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. 
Grace rolled her eyes. “I just said I was.” 
“I know, but–” 
“If anything, it’s something to fall back on if he tries to pull anything else.” 
Matt reached over and squeezed her knee. “I agree. We can see about suing, too, for last night’s incident. I overheard a couple officers talking about how those guys claimed to be from a security company and they thought I’d kidnapped you. Which was, naturally, part of my questioning.” 
“Seriously?” Grace said with a flare of anger. That prick, she thought. “No wonder Mahoney asked me so many questions about our living arrangement.” 
Matt smirked. “Yeah, so I heard.” 
Matt’s hand moved from her knee right before the door opened again. His tinted glasses flashed red in the lights as he titled his head back at the sound. 
“Here’s some information on filing a restraining order, although I’m sure your…coworkers know how to do that. And some information on…domestic abuse.” Mahoney looked deeply uncomfortable as he handed her a neat little folder. 
“Thanks, detective,” she said softly. 
“You two are free to go. We’ll reach out if we need anything else.” 
“Thanks, Brett,” Matt said. Mahoney nodded at her and left them alone. 
“Could you tell how uncomfortable he was?” she asked wryly. 
Matt laughed and stood. “Yeah, it was pretty obvious. Let’s get out of here.” 
“Please say we can stop for coffee.” 
“My thoughts exactly. My treat.” Matt held out his hand to help her up. 
“Why, Mr. Murdock, are you flirting with me?” she whispered conspiratorially as they entered the station’s hallway and headed for the front door. Despite the fear from the night before and the shadow of Dean hovering over her, Grace was…happy. Matt liked her back. Somehow, in all of this, something good had happened. 
“Am I so transparent?” Matt murmured back. He elbowed her slightly and she couldn’t help but smile. 
Grace sighed again as they stepped outside. It was unseasonably warm, summer making a last ditch effort to come back even though it was fully into autumn. “Do you think Foggy and Karen would care if we ditched today?” 
“And why would we do that?” Matt asked innocently as he turned a corner. Supposedly she was leading him, but his steps were sure as he led her. 
Feeling bold, Grace said, “Because I’m pretty sure I promised to pay you back for making me come three times.” 
Matt almost tripped. His mouth opened and closed several times. She couldn’t help but laugh, even as her limbs warmed at the thought. 
“Wow, Matt Murdock, speechless?” she teased. “Never thought I’d see the day.” 
“You’re cruel,” he said with a choked sounding laugh. “Come on, we’re almost there and it sounds like the line is pretty short.” 
“It’s weird how you know that,” she said. Her face was flushed and she knew he could hear her heart fluttering. “And I really, really wasn’t kidding.” 
Matt groaned and tightened his grip on her. “I know. Trust me, I know. But if I leave Foggy hanging on this case he might kill me.” 
“Rain check, then,” she said as they stepped into a delicious smelling coffee shop. 
“Rain check,” Matt said, and the promise was the best thing she’d heard. 
A few minutes later, coffees and bagels in hand, they talked and ate as they headed to the office. Grace studied Matt as she finished off her bagel, which was much more satisfying than the donut at the station, no matter how nice the gesture had been. 
She smiled warmly at him even though he couldn’t see it. She had never expected, not in a million years, for things to go so…well for her. Even the incident from the night before and the light throb of pain in her face couldn’t take away the happiness she was feeling at that moment. 
“What?” Matt asked, head tilted in that way she was just realizing meant he was tuning in to something beyond a normal person’s ability to hear. 
“What?” she parroted back, bumping into him as they walked to try and trip him up. He deftly dodged her and kept walking. “Showoff,” she muttered. 
“I can tell you’re staring at me, but I can’t tell why,” Matt said. He bumped into her this time. She was proud of herself for not tripping. 
“I’m not staring at you,” she said. “I’m smiling at you.” 
Matt stopped walking, nearly wrenching her arm that was looped with his. “Smiling at me?” he asked with a frown. 
“Yeah, people do that sometimes,” she said teasingly. “Not everyone is mad at you all the time.” 
Even though he had his tinted glasses on, she could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “I never said everyone is mad at me all the time.” 
“Last night when you told me your secret the first thing you did was accuse me of being mad at you or upset with you.” She pinched his bicep lightly. “That and the Catholic guilt thing makes me think you assume everyone’s mad at you all the time.” 
Matt started walking again, pulling her gently along. “Are you ever going to stop bringing up Catholic guilt? Maybe it’s just regular guilt. I do keep a pretty big secret, after all.” 
“But it isn’t a secret anymore. And it makes sense why you keep it a secret. Need I remind you that my secret had your apartment broken into last night?” 
Matt sighed. “That’s different.” 
“Is it?” she asked with genuine curiosity. “Because I don’t think so.” 
“It’s just–every time anyone has found out my secret, it’s come between us. Foggy and I stopped working together, Karen and I didn’t make it past two dates. It took a lot for us to come back from that.” Matt’s hand tensed around his cane as he swept it idly back and forth. 
“But you did come back from it. You guys are working together, closer than ever. You’re going to be Foggy’s best man, you guys helped support Karen through law school. Plus, you and I weren’t best friends or romantically involved when you told me your secret. Which, I remind you, you told me more out of necessity than anything.” 
“Maybe you should be a lawyer,” Matt grumbled, but then he sighed again. “Okay, so Foggy and Karen and I are okay now. But I’m still–I still am who I am. I haven’t stopped and I don’t know if I want to. I don’t want–” 
“Matt,” Grace said with a lot more patience than she actually felt. “I don’t care. It would be like–if you were a boxer, or a firefighter, or something else that could get you hurt or killed.” 
“It’s illegal,” Matt said dryly. 
“So are a lot of things,” Grace said. She pinched his arm a little harder this time, ignoring his protests as she did so. “Matt, I’m telling you. I’m not angry. Do I want you to get hurt? No. But you’re–you’re doing something good. Like I already said, you beat criminals and not helpless women, so I think you get a pass just for that. There are plenty of supposedly good men who are monsters underneath.” 
“Maybe I am a monster,” Matt said. His voice was soft, almost thoughtful. 
Grace pulled him to a stop. “Matt, seriously. Remember what I said this morning about cutting the self-flagellating bullshit? So you beat the shit out of people. Again, so do boxers. That’s what your dad did for a living, right? Did you think he was a monster?” 
Matt made a frustrated noise and went to start walking again. She yanked on his arm with a grunt until he stopped again. Jesus, he was strong, she thought. 
“Did you?” she said again. 
“No, I didn’t think my dad was a monster, but–” 
“If you say that it’s different I swear to god I will punch you. Just listen to me.” 
“You’re more violent than I thought,” Matt said. But he mimed zipping his lips after a moment. 
Grace crossed her arms and resisted the urge to stomp her foot. “If anything, you beating the shit out of people makes a lot more sense than when your dad did it. Because he did it for money. You do it for the good of the city. Do you hear what I’m saying at all, or is your mind just bouncing the words around so you can start that self-flagellation again once I stop talking? I swear, I have never met someone so–” 
She was abruptly cut off with a muffled “mmph” as Matt kissed her. 
“What was that for?” she asked a little breathlessly after he pulled away. 
“You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met, Grace,” he said, voice thick with emotion. 
“Right back at you, Murdock,” she said, but she was smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. 
“I just–no one has ever found out what I do and–” He raked a hand through his hair and swallowed hard. “You’ve known me for five minutes and you’re convinced I’m a good man, doing good things, despite what you know about me. About what I do.” 
“You are a good man, Matt,” she said softly. She pulled him closer so their foreheads touched. Matt inhaled deeply as if breathing her in. “You can hear when I’m lying, right?” she asked after a moment. Matt nodded his head against hers. “In any of this arguing we’ve just been doing, have I lied?” 
Matt grunted. “No,” he finally, grudgingly, said. 
“You’re a good man, and I really hope you see that. I’ll never stop saying it until either I get hit by a bus or you like, actually do something bad. Which I doubt you’ll do, by the way.” She kissed him lightly, thrilling in the fact that she could do that now. 
“Alright, alright.” Matt hooked his arm through hers again and started walking. Something seemed lighter about him, and a small ball of warmth unfurled in her chest as she realized it. “Let’s get to work. Foggy’s already freaking out.” 
“What’d you tell him?” Grace asked curiously. 
“I texted him last night to say we’d be late, that something happened that required a visit to the police station. I told him that everything was fine, but I’m sure he’s still worrying.” 
Grace frowned. Matt texting required him talking to his phone, which she was certain would have woken her up. “You texted him last night? When?” 
“While you were sleeping,” Matt said. “You were pretty passed out.” 
Something else shifted in her chest. He’d been awake, holding her, watching over her, even as she’d slept. 
“You’re staring again,” Matt said. 
“Smiling, Matt,” she said. “Smiling at you.” 
Matt said nothing but his lips brushed against her temple.
“Now,” she said with a little clap as their building came into view. “We should fuck with Foggy and Karen.” 
Matt laughed. “How so?” 
“Well, they don’t know I know about you, for one thing. Or about uh…this morning. And I don’t mean the police station.” 
Matt’s arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer. “Right,” he said slowly. 
“So I’ll tell them the story I told the cops about Daredevil,” Grace said with a smile. She wiggled her eyebrows even though he couldn’t see it. “The rest–” She waved her hand. “That’ll come to me.” 
Matt tilted his head back and laughed. She resisted the urge to kiss him again. 
“Which means you have to stop kissing me on the street, Mr. Murdock,” she said. “And holding me like this.” 
Matt squeezed her hip but relented and let her go. They put an appropriate amount of space between them, which was already harder than it should have been. She wanted to stay curled up against him and his warmth. She really, really wished they could have stayed in bed all day. 
The moment they stepped into the office, Karen and Foggy descended on them. 
“What happened?” Foggy asked. Or rather, demanded. He put his hands on his hips in a pose that reminded her so much of Matt that Grace almost smiled. 
“Foggy told me you guys had to go make a statement with the police,” Karen added. She crossed her arms too, expression a mix between stern and concerned. “What the hell is going on?” 
Grace blew out a hard breath as she shed her jacket and purse at her desk. “You guys will never believe what happened,” she said as Matt went straight to his office. 
“That’s what we’re trying to find out!” Foggy said impatiently. “Get back here, Murdock, you’re not off the hook.” 
Matt laughed but did as Foggy said. 
“Last night some men broke in,” Grace said with a dramatic pause. As expected, Karen gasped and Foggy cursed. “Apparently, my crazy rich ex wants to kidnap me or something. But that’s a different story. You’ll seriously never guess what happened, though, why we’re…you know, here and not kidnapped.” 
Foggy’s mouth was hanging open. He quickly snapped it closed. “What?” he asked a bit breathlessly. He and Karen were both wide-eyed. They exchanged a quick look. 
Grace had to school her expression so she didn’t laugh. “Daredevil came and saved us. Me and Matt. He came through the roof door, which was unlocked I guess, and beat the shit out of these guys. Well, I mean they got us both good first, but he kicked their asses so quickly and thoroughly–it was crazy.” 
She curled her hands into fists so her nails bit into her palms so she wouldn’t laugh. 
Karen and Foggy both stared at her, openmouthed, for a long minute. Behind them, Grace could see Matt turn away, his shoulders shaking silently. She quickly looked back at the two people in front of her before Matt made her lose it. 
“He–saved you and Matt?” Karen finally said. 
“Daredevil?” Foggy repeated. “Guy in the red suit? With the horns?” 
“Yes!” Grace said eagerly. “God, you guys probably don’t believe me. Him saving me twice? It’s pretty unbelievable. Tell them, Matt!” 
“Yeah, it’s…pretty unbelievable,” Foggy said faintly. He and Karen exchanged another, much longer look. 
“I…can’t really believe it either,” Karen said. 
“Oh hey,” Grace said, grabbing the paper bag she’d put on her desk. “Matt, you forgot your bagel.” 
Without warning, she threw the bag at him as hard as she could. Matt snatched it out of the air with an almost practiced ease. Karen gave a wordless cry and held her hand out a beat too late, as if to catch it for him. 
“Thanks,” Matt said, opening the bag and pulling out said bagel with such a casual air that Grace really almost gave in to the urge to laugh. Her stomach muscles were twitching with the effort to hold it in. 
“What in the goddamn is going on?!” Foggy half-shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. 
Finally, Grace couldn’t hold it back anymore. She doubled over, laughing so hard tears leaked from her eyes. She heard Matt start to chuckle as well. Every time she tried to straighten she only laughed more. She could barely breathe, she was laughing so hard. She didn’t think she’d ever laughed so hard in her entire life. 
Foggy was still freaking out, looking very unamused. “I mean it, what is happening? Matt, what–” 
“I’m sorry,” Grace choked out. She wiped at her eyes. “I couldn’t help it. Don’t blame Matt, it was my idea.” 
“What was your idea?” Karen said. Now she was the one with her hands on her hips. Her lips were trying not to twitch upwards into a smile, though. 
“To fuck with you guys.” Grace shrugged, and then giggled again. She glanced at Matt and lightly tapped the desk twice. He smiled in her direction, still laughing softly. “All that stuff happened, I swear. But the part about Daredevil didn’t. Obviously.” 
“Uh.” Foggy looked vaguely ill. “Obviously?” 
“Come on. The bagel wasn’t enough?” She picked up a pencil and threw it at Matt. He caught it. She threw a pen at him right after the pencil, and he caught that too. “Matt’s the one who beat the shit out of the guys who broke in, and then he told me his secret so we could lie to the cops convincingly. So now there’s a nice, official police report backed by two witnesses that Matt Murdock and Daredevil can in fact exist in the same room together. Separately.” Grace shrugged. 
Karen recovered first. “That is…a lot to take in,” she said. “You really told her?” she asked Matt. Her blue eyes flickered between them, missing nothing. Grace wondered if Karen had figured out Matt’s secret herself. It seemed like something she was capable of. 
“Yeah,” Matt said, suddenly sober. “I trust her, don’t worry. The police report thing was her idea, actually, to protect me.” 
Foggy’s head whipped from her to Matt and back again. “Are you–That’s–What–” 
Karen walked to the kitchenette to fix a cup of coffee, quietly shaking her head. She was smiling openly now. 
“Foggy, it’s alright,” Matt said, probably sensing the panic brewing in his friend. “She actually took it a hell of a lot better than you did.” 
Grace saw the expression on Foggy’s face and hurried to say, “Understandably, of course, since I wasn’t best friends with you for years first.” Foggy’s shoulders relaxed a bit at her words. “Plus, I was keeping my crazy, powerful ex a secret and he had Matt’s apartment broken into, so…I don’t really have any room to talk.” 
Foggy pressed his hands to his face. Karen returned, cupping her mug thoughtfully. 
“Who’s your ex?” Karen asked. 
“Dean Bennett.” 
Karen swore impressively. “Wow. That’s–wow.” 
“Yeah. The whole reason I came to Hell’s Kitchen and lived in my car and begged you guys for a job. Etcetera.” Grace shrugged, though the memories still stung.  
“Okay, first, you’re a terrible person and I hate you,” Foggy said, pointing a threatening finger at Grace. “Second, I’m so glad you finally know! God, that makes things so much easier.” He pumped a fist in the air and held out a hand for a high five. Grace laughed and high fived him. “Third, what are you going to do about this crazy ex who apparently can send armed gunmen after you like it’s no big deal?” 
“She wants to file a restraining order,” Matt said. When Grace looked at him, his shoulders and jaw were tense. “I also recommend suing this supposed ‘security company’ he sent after you, if we can find out who they are.” 
“I have to tell you guys, though, I’m not sure I can afford you.” Grace laughed but there was a nervous edge to it. “Unfortunately, my job doesn’t pay that well.” 
“Nonsense,” Foggy said. “Not about the pay part–sorry about that. I’m pretty sure free legal help is one of our employee benefits.” 
“If it isn’t, it is now,” Matt said. He was all business as he added, “First we need to figure out what security company those guys were with, if it exists at all. Or anything that ties them to this guy.” 
Karen hurried to her desk and snatched up her cell phone. “I’ll call in a favor with Ellison,” she said as her fingers flew over the keyboard. “He has a lot of contacts at the precinct.” 
“I’ll call Brett, too,” Foggy said. 
“Ah, I wouldn’t, Fog. He already seems a little…suspicious. I don’t know. Something was off with him,” Matt said with a small frown. 
“Brett? Suspicious? Of us? No way.” Sarcasm dripped from Foggy’s voice. “What’s new?” 
“Let’s just…see what Ellison comes up with first,” Matt said. Foggy flapped a hand dismissively. 
“Who’s Ellison?” Grace chimed in. 
“Editor at The Bulletin,” Matt said. 
“He’s a friend. I used to work for him and he’s helped me a lot with the big shit in Hell’s Kitchen.” Karen shrugged. Her phone chimed. “That was fast.” She continued typing quickly. 
“Where does your ex live?” Foggy asked. “The paperwork for restraining orders changes depending on where.” 
While Foggy went to search the paperwork, Karen and Matt started questioning Grace. 
“Is there anything you documented from your time with him?” Karen asked softly. Her hand came to rest on Grace’s shoulder. “Pictures? Texts? Police reports? Anything at all could be helpful for this case.” 
Grace snorted bitterly. “No, definitely no police reports.” She forced herself to think back several months. It was hard to make her mind go back to that dark place, where she’d been alone and afraid every single day for years. “I…When I left, I texted him that I wanted to break up, while he was at work. When I didn’t answer his calls, he sent me a lot of really angry texts. I screenshotted them all.” 
“That’s smart, Grace, really smart,” Matt said in a gentle voice. “Send those to Karen. Is there anything else?” 
Grace rubbed at her eyes. “I got rid of my phone so he couldn’t track me, canceled any accounts that I could. But all of my pictures were uploaded to the cloud. There…are probably some pictures of bruises on there. I’m not sure if that’ll hold up in court, though. I can’t prove that they were from him.” 
“That doesn’t matter,” Karen said. Grace didn’t miss the ticking of a muscle in Matt’s jaw or the way that his hands flexed several times before he stilled. “Look through them and send me anything you think is relevant.” 
“Especially if they’re spread out,” Matt added. His right hand flexed again, like maybe he wanted to hit something. “If we can build a timeline, it helps show it was–” He stopped abruptly. 
“It’s okay, Matt,” Grace said. “You can say it. It was abuse.” 
Karen wrapped her in a hug. “I’m sorry you had to go through that,” she said. “But I’m glad it brought you to us. We’ll help you in any way that we can.” 
Grace blinked rapidly to clear the tears forming in her eyes. “Anyone know a good hit man?” She joked to cover up the fact that she was about to cry. 
Karen laughed. “I actually–” 
“Karen, don’t finish that sentence,” Matt said tiredly. 
“Yeah, especially if it rhymes with Mank Trastle!” Foggy shouted from his office. 
“Mank…Trastle?” Grace repeated. “What is he talking about?” 
“Um. Nothing,” Karen said, too quickly. “Story for another time.” 
Grace raised her eyebrows but decided to let it drop. She wouldn’t forget that phrase, though, and she definitely planned to ask about it. 
They broke apart to finally start on their tasks, Grace insisting that they all needed to work on their other cases, at least while she looked through her photos and compiled anything helpful to send to Karen. 
She booted up the computer and opened up a private browser. She knew that it wouldn’t keep Dean from finding her–he already knew where she was living–but it made her feel better all the same. She had no idea if he knew her passwords or could pay someone to hack her information. At this point, after he’d sent literal armed men after her, she wouldn’t put anything past him. 
Grace sat for at least ten minutes staring blankly at the screen. She didn’t want to dig back into that life. She’d left it behind for a reason. She had something good going here, and she wanted, more than anything, to forget anything that had come before. She had a job she really was starting to love, she had friends, and she had something new with a man that made her feel safe. Her old life was a brief shadow in this new world of light. 
But that life had caught up with her, whether she liked it or not. 
With a small growl, Grace logged into her account with angry keystrokes. She needed to remember why she’d left, and how. She’d been angry when she’d left. She’d been fed up. It was the same reason she’d taken self defense classes for two years straight. She didn’t want to be helpless. 
“Everything okay?” Matt’s voice made her jump. 
“Yeah, just–logging in.” 
Matt’s eyebrows rose. He wasn’t wearing his glasses anymore. “That so? With growling and angry typing?” 
Grace huffed a laugh. “Yeah. I was just–feeling sorry for myself. Then I remembered that he’s an asshole and I want to punch him in the face.” 
“Mm. Yeah. I know the feeling.” There was that little tick in his jaw again. She’d noticed it before but now she was beginning to learn that it was a sign of his anger, despite how calm he appeared. “I was just…picking up those papers you had printed for me.” 
Grace glanced around. Karen was on the phone, her door closed, and Foggy looked so deep into paperwork she was almost certain he couldn’t hear anything. 
“Are you sure you didn’t come over to flirt with me?” she teased softly. 
Matt gave her a warm smile. “Well, not quite. I was coming to ask you to lunch.” 
“First coffee, now lunch? You work fast, Murdock.” She wondered if he’d be able to tell if she winked. “Can you tell if I wink at you?” 
“Why, is that what you’re doing?” He was still smiling. The shadows of her former life seemed to melt away in the radiance and warmth of that smile. Matt placed both hands on her desk and leaned forward. Her body reacted almost instantly, even before he said his next words. “I won’t work fast later, sweetheart,” he murmured, his tone betraying exactly what he meant by later. 
A small gasp of air slipped from her lips. Her heart thundered in her chest and heat coiled low in her belly. 
“Let me ask my boss if I can take a half day,” she said. The words were almost pleading. 
Matt tapped her desk twice. “Sorry, too much work to do.” 
He put his hands in his pockets and strolled casually back to his desk. 
“Asshole,” she muttered, knowing full well he could hear her. “And you forgot your papers.” 
She heard his soft laugh from his office. 
She had a sudden idea. In a whisper under her breath, she said, “Are we keeping this a secret from them?” She watched Matt cock his head from his seat at his desk. Then he shrugged. “Do you want to?” He shook his head. “What do you think would be funnier–kissing in front of them like it’s no big deal, or making some sort of sexual comment?” Matt choked and coughed. “Because it was kind of fun fucking with them earlier.” 
“Talking to yourself?” Foggy said cheerfully from his office doorway. “Looks like you are becoming one of us.” 
Grace tried to keep her face neutral. “Yeah, apparently crazy is catching.” 
Foggy laughed. “Yes it is. I was one hundred percent sane until my college roommate walked in and ruined that for me.” 
“Hey,” said Matt. He leaned on the door jamb. His sleeves were rolled up now. “I’m pretty sure I was sane until I met you, Fog.” 
“Maybe we were both sane until Karen corrupted us,” Foggy said. 
“No, you two definitely fucked me up,” Karen said. “Hey, do you have those notes? On the building codes?” 
“Right.” Foggy sighed and rubbed at his eyes. “Remind me why we took such a big case again?” 
“To keep the lights on,” Karen said as Foggy passed her a stack of papers. 
Grace grabbed the stack Matt had supposedly been after. They had a handy printer that transcribed everything to braille for him. 
“Speaking of paperwork,” she said as she held out the papers. Matt tilted his head. She eyed the long column of his throat, imagining pressing kisses to the spot where his pulse beat beneath his skin. 
Matt took the papers, tossed them unceremoniously on his desk, and then grabbed her wrist and yanked her closer. She stumbled and fell flush against him. Her mind went utterly blank in surprise. 
Matt kissed her. He caged her in with his arms, the doorjamb digging against her spine. He tasted like coffee and something wholly Matt. She fisted her hands in his shirt to hold him close. But as quickly as it had happened, the kiss was over. Matt was grinning cockily at her in a way that had her stomach doing flips. 
She blinked, completely dazed. 
“Thanks for transcribing that stuff for me,” he said, voice completely normal like he hadn’t just made out with her in front of–Oh. Oh. 
Grace smiled at him as she realized what he was doing. “No problem,” she said, proud of how normal her voice sounded despite the chaos inside her body and mind. 
She went back to her desk like nothing happened. 
Karen and Foggy looked twice as shocked as they had at her Daredevil story. 
Finally, Karen smacked Foggy in the chest with the papers he’d handed her. “I told you.” She grinned at Grace, who couldn’t help but grin back. She felt a bit…giddy. Her mind raced with all kinds of delightful scenarios of her and Matt alone in the office, his tie on the floor, his desk underneath them. She tried unsuccessfully to shove them from her mind. 
“I–Is–You guys are going to give me a heart attack!” Foggy threw his hands up in the air. “I don’t think I can take anything else! Please, stop. Seriously. Stop. I’m on the edge of a nervous breakdown here!” 
Matt laughed, long and loud. “This is payback for all the shit you’ve pulled on me, Foggy. Though it was all Grace’s idea.” 
Foggy gaped at her. “You–You evil woman. I’m sending you a bill for my cardiologist. Or therapist.” 
“Sure, but remember I don’t get paid much.” She winked at Foggy. 
He stared at her and Matt in turn for several moments. A slow smile spread across his face. “God, I knew it. I knew it. Especially after–Nevermind, doesn’t matter. You two are dating now? Is this really happening?” 
“Dating?” Grace said, unable to help herself. “I thought that’s how Matt thanked everyone.” 
“Well he doesn’t kiss me like that,” Foggy said, and they all laughed. “Needs more tongue, Murdock!” he called as he went back to his office. He muttered something else that made Matt laugh again. 
Grace’s phone chimed with a text from Karen. What the hell happened last night after those guys broke in?? 
She glanced up at the blonde who raised her eyebrows and quickly typed something. This is the best way to keep Matt from eavesdropping, she said. Foggy and I talk about him all the time via text, because he can’t see or hear it. 
Grace pressed her lips together against a smile. Nothing happened last night. But this morning I definitely debated suing the NYPD for giving me blue balls. 
Karen snorted loudly in her office. Her response was instant. And you guys are…dating? FWB? What? I mean I know it’s not my business but…
Grace glanced up at Matt, who looked like the very picture of innocence as his fingers flew across his papers as he read. I think dating. I don’t know. I’ve been calling him out on what I’ve been calling his self-flagellating bullshit. 
Karen coughed to cover up another laugh. That’s a great way to put it. He does it a lot. 
Too much, Grace sent back. So I’ve been distracting him. 
Karen’s eyebrows almost disappeared into her hairline. I’m not going to ask. 
Grace glanced at the clock before she typed another message. When do you get your results back for the bar exam?
Two weeks. I don’t think it’s a secret though. 
I don’t know about you but I don’t think Matt needs to hear every conversation we ever have. Grace tapped her fingers on her desk, realizing all of her pictures were still pulled up. She was probably procrastinating looking through them by talking to Karen. 
Why do you think we went to lunch a few blocks away after our night at Josie’s? I know how to keep secrets. When Grace glanced up, Karen flashed her a smile. 
Grace set her phone down and sighed with another look at the computer. She scrolled through them, starting with three years ago. That had been the first time he’d hit her. She glanced idly at the photos, shutting her brain off, not letting herself get sucked into any of the memories that accompanied the many photos. Every time she found a hint of a bruise, she attached it to an email draft to Karen. She numbered the pictures, added dates, and a short description of the incident and where you could see a hint of a bruise–if not a full bruise–in the picture. 
She got to last year’s photos and realized the office was quiet. She looked around with bleary eyes. The other three were gathered around takeout containers. She hadn’t realized it was lunch time, or that anyone had gone to get food. 
Matt walked over to her and held out a wrapped sandwich. “Sorry, our plans kind of got derailed,” he said, leaning a hip against her desk. “Rain check?” 
“I’m really beginning to hate that phrase,” Grace said darkly as she unwrapped her sandwich. “How’d you–right. Superpowers.” 
Matt crossed his arms. “I don’t need superpowers to know what your order is, Grace. I’m just observant.” 
There was that warmth again, deep in her chest. “Thanks, Matt,” she said softly. 
“Get your ass in here, Murdock! Some of us are trying to get some work done!” Foggy shouted from his office. Matt tapped her desk twice and rolled his eyes, but took his food into Foggy’s office. 
Grace ate while staring at her desk, letting the sounds of the others working and joking wash over her. 
When she was done, she dove back into the photos. 
The last year had been the worst. She’d had a broken wrist from where he’d pinned her against the wall so hard it had snapped a bone. She’d had bruises on her collarbone, too, but only the cast was visible in the photos. 
That had been the first time she’d been truly afraid for her life. 
He hadn’t struck again until months later, when her wrist was healed and her cast was off. That was when her ribs had been bruised. Maybe fractured, but she’d never gone to get it checked out. That was the first time she’d taken a picture of the damage. She’d let it upload to the cloud, then deleted all traces of it from her phone. 
That was also when he’d started checking her phone regularly. She didn’t know if it’s because he was getting meaner and more paranoid, or if he’d somehow found out about her desire to start keeping track of all of the ways he’d hurt her. She added a note about that in her email, too, that she’d had to take the passcode off of her phone and let him approve all social media posts. 
It took her much, much longer to get through those last pictures. The woman in them had a deadness in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. A desperation. She’d lost weight then, too, which he’d assumed was for his benefit. 
Grace finally finished and sent the email. She rested her head in her hands. They shook with anger. 
He was a bastard. The worst kind of bastard. She should have known his business wasn’t all aboveboard, too, just based on how he treated her. 
She’d been stupid, naive, prone to giving in to his apologies. 
She wasn’t that girl anymore. 
She took a deep, steadying breath, and finally started working on the paperwork piling up on her desk.
Next Chapter
@zaminoo​​​​​​​​​​​​ @yanna-banana​​​​​​​​​​​​ @bellal1 @thetrinitytest​​​​​​​​​​​​ @harry-bowie-mercury​​​​​​​​​ @lorosette​​​​​​​​ @feliciab1990​
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lesbiandardevil · 4 months
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mattkaren yuri if god was good and i had it my way ..
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buckypascal · 2 years
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Barefoot walk of shame
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lildoodlenoodle · 10 months
Something that is so funny to me is my HC of noir Daredevil’s Catholic ass meeting Spider noir, realizing ‘I don’t know what you are exactly but every bone in my body is telling me you are or are possessed by a demon’ and then like a couple months later also being like ‘but you are MY FRIEND 😢 😭’
Obviously dude’s having a lot of mixed and conflicting feelings about working with a demon due to his Catholic guilt complex(confessional must be wild for Father Lantom) Matt thinks this is a very stupid demon. Volunteering to go into churches, walking by people in prayer, using salt, etc. Which Matt always stops him/takes his place. His friend may be a demon but Matt will still ‘protect’ him.
And obviously he’s not the only one who sees the Spider’s spooky ass and goes DEMON. So one day someone tries to exorcise or just throw holy water on him and of course Matt pushes him out of the way or takes the splash of water for him and Peter’s just like ‘??? That was water and not acid??? You should know that???’
Peter, in general, thinks Matt is just a very weird person. He’s not in a position to judge by any means so he keeps his thoughts on Matt’s weird selectively protective behavior to himself. A bullet? ‘you’re on your own bud’. But a splash of water from some dude speaking in Latin? Matt will take that ‘blow’ for him any day of the week. And yeah, sure, it’s nice to avoid the mild inconvenience of being wet for a bit but Pete is really just mildly confused.
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hobartsaglet · 3 months
Let’s talk about Foggy Nelson
TL;DR- if you’re gonna kill him off, make it more compelling.
Chase ranting under the cut:
TW: mentions of g-ns, bl00d, getting sh@t, c@ncer, gr!ef and l@ss
God, the news about cutting Foggy’s role in Born Again short makes me and so many other fans devastated.
I was shocked by these set picture, because Deborah’s face is bloody and it looks like Elden on the ground. And why does it have to happen in front of Josie’s, of all places! That’s so so fucking heartbreaking if what I think happens will happen.
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I first watched the series just over a year ago, and I instantly connected with Foggy. He’s not one of the big beefy guys beating the snot out of each other on screen. He doesn’t have any radioactive superpowers, he doesn’t know how to fight (unless he has a softball bat), and he could use some work with his Spanish.
But god, I’ve never felt so warm around another character.
He’s kind, he’s a servant heart, he loves unconditionally, and dammit, he loves food! I’ll never forget how hard I cried over the scene of him and Matt in college- sure, it’s a rarity to see Matthew so happy, but it’s even more meaningful that Foggy is there. He’s been by Matt’s side since the day they met. And god, if that isn’t some rugged loyalty, I don’t know what is. Matt treated him like garbage, especially in season 2, season 3, and Defenders, and yet Foggy stays because he just loves his best friend. He wants the best for him.
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And so this choice by the Born Again writers, to just throw it all away, seems so cheap.
For people who know me and how I write, I know I’m no better when it comes to killing off characters. I’m not opposed to Major Character Death. But this choice, this way of killing him off seems careless, given the impact he has on the show (and not just his emotional influence. Foggy is part of the reason why Matt does all he does).
Foggy can still be killed off and given a dignified death. I don’t care if the writers killed him off for shock value. Dardevil was never a shock value type show.
Fine, we kill him off.
It makes no damn sense to shoot him on the side of the street, getting it over with in a 2-minute scene.
(Let’s assume that this is what they plan to do, for the sake of what I’m trying to say.)
It’s called Daredevil: Born Again, right?
Rebirth is fucking painful. Sure, so is a gunshot wound to the chest. But so is knowing your best friend is dying and you can do Jack. Shit. about it.
A huge struggle for Matthew is the way he’s constantly fighting tooth and nail for control. Knowing your best friend is dying of cancer (as he suffered in the comics), slowly waning away and there is not a thing you can do about it would hit him so hard and make him lose himself (His metaphorical Death). And he’s trying to hide it all.
Throughout the show, Foggy is there, playing his usual part, but we all have this sense of loss, knowing he won’t be here for much longer. Around the climax of the show, maybe even the finale, it’s time.
For fans of the OG show, we all remember Foggy’s way with words. We remember how he talked down the gang members in the hospital and saved lives. We remember how he had the guts to stand up to Reyes on multiple occasions. We remember his prowess in the courtroom, just as equally matched as his best friend.
So I think Foggy should be the catalyst for Matthew to be Born Again. I think some of his final words are going to make him remember himself.
(And this is not to romanticize cancer in the slightest, and if I were to write this out in full, Foggy’s struggles would be real as they could get. Sending love and empathy to those battling with cancer and those who have lost loved ones. My heart is with you.)
That’s how to make Foggy’s death significant and impactful to his place in Matthew’s life and the narrative.
As Charlie Cox once famously said,
“Foggy Nelson is the beating heart of Daredevil.”
And it would be a damn shame to stop it so soon.
(Thanks to @kutpot who helped kickstart this whole rant)
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youhavetosmile · 4 months
Do we need to start a #SaveKarenPage ?
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