#ooh maybe i could make a fic about luz having nightmares of belos' eyes piercing through the dark
capsizedskeleton · 3 years
this is such a gay theater kid thing to say but metal and warmth in both the owl house and hadestown slaps
- in hadestown hades uses jewelry as artificial/cold beauty that resembles chains and orpheus uses nature/warmth, the beauty of jewelry is deceptive and natural warmth shows the true care orpheus has for eurydice
- metal/jewelry in the owl house right it’s a human or elf-made thing and therefore artificial 
- both eda’s stone and amity’s pendant are connected to bad familial experiences, where the other family member at some point thought that they were helping them in some way (the curse lilith cast was meant to be impermanent and she tried to get belos to heal eda, amity’s parents believe they know what’s best for their daughter) which. fake warmth babey
- hadestown is in itself unnatural (the fates mention this in chant 1 i think? why is it so hot in here etc) but the boiling isles is the opposite, filled with warmth and beauty built on a creature’s body. that’s. as natural as you’re gonna get
- luz’s design, specifically the indigo of her shirt is neat bc it matches the vibrancy and some of the warmth of the boiling isles but it’s also cooler and more saturated than most other colors there, showing her humanity and how she doesn’t fit in to some extent, esp at the beginning
- the blue and green of willow’s and gus’ uniforms are muted in comparison even though they’re cool colors
- belos’ whole wild magic/contained thing, golden guard and him didn’t have palismen (and belos treats them as, treats)
- also emperor belos has an appearance of artificial warmth (golden-bronze metal and white that seems just a bit too fake, maybe bc he’s always seen in literal foreboding light) that encases ice-blue cold eyes. combined with his harsh grating voice there really seems to be no warmth/compassion there
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