#now how the hell do i incorporate this into a fic lol
plutoslittlerkive · 1 year
Leo/Loke x fem! Reader Smut
Authors Note: Heyyy guys, so like I’m kinda back, I’m really just taking a break from my Tiktok:Princessofmagix (shameless lol) but I find tumblr more comforting rn so I’m here YAY but yeah, here’s a Leo fic because I’m tired of y’all acting like he’s not BAD, he’s so fine like that’s my baby and y’all are sleep👁️👁️ but whatever, more for me ig😴 But anyways here something a lil short, a lil sweet!
Warnings!: Somnophilia, slight manhandling, and the reader cries…(idk Leo’s just HIM fr) but I think that’s it?
(Also mini text is speech through telepathy!)
I personally like to believe that my Leo is a sweetheart, he’s so eager to please, haven’t you heard that lions are loyal?
Especially if you allow yourself to be comfortable around him? He’s so grateful, he’d do whatever you ask. Anything to make you happy!
Like he’s such a sweetie and he always wants to know that he’s being good for you PLEASE praise him, he’s a sucker for words of affirmation…aside from physical touch. He can’t stand to be away from you and he definitely has some attachment issues.
If he could he’d be glued to your side! He’d give anything to be able to touch you. Mans will real deal get down on his knees, like his pride and ego are big but his love and desire for you are BIGGER! Like you could wake up to him between your thighs, he has absolutely no shame, you were his craving, and how else could he ease you after a stressful day?
It’s no wonder, the overstimulation damn near suffocated you in your sleep as if you’d been succumbed to paralysis. But what kind of nightmare would turn hell into heaven? You surely felt the heat, it was a warmth that enveloped every fiber of your being but you couldn’t keep up.
He looked up at you satisfied, he loved seeing you like this. Sure you were his master and you held his leash but to see you in such a vulnerable state, how could that ever be the case? He smirked as your thighs trembled around his face, clenching the sheets to try and brace yourself.
It was just too much, but prey never took the lead, and as your eyes finally opened allowing him to see their glossiness, he immediately gripped your hips and buried his face deeper, he had the power now.
“Feels good beautiful?” He asked through telepathy, a new power you incorporated with your spirits to aid in future battles.
Though now you kinda regretted teaching him at all, he just couldn’t behave.
But you wouldn’t play his game, you were exhausted and the pleasure only made you feel dizzy, so you spoke aloud.
“L-leo…wait…p-please~!“ He eased his fingers inside and curled them up, running his tongue soothingly along your clit.
“Wait why?” He questioned innocently in your head. People love to say cats are spoiled and Leo was no exception, he was such a tease and so brutal in these moments where your body craved any kind of release. Your back arched as you took a deep breath.
“Lion I can’t even breathe, please give me a break…” you stressed as you stared down at him pleadingly, lord only knows how long this has been going on.
“How, when I’m being so gentle with you?” Immediately he pulled you back to him when you tried to escape his grasp.
Curling his fingers deeper, he gently pressed down over your abdomen to feel every thrust. You couldn’t stop your thighs from shaking, he knew how torturous this probably was for you but he also knew he wasn’t going to stop, not until he felt like you were satisfied, he just wanted to please you, if you allowed it.
And allow it you did, because realistically you could’ve easily just closed his gate if you wanted him to stop but, of course your body betrayed any sane thoughts you had. It was especially different now because you were in fact EXHAUSTED but it was so hard to say no to him when he only did this because this was his way of taking care of you.
“I can feel you getting tighter babe” You’d be more thankful if he weren’t so sly, he was mocking you, and chuckled hearing your cries slowly excel, until suddenly you started to hold your breath.
“That’s it beautiful…” He spoke to you softly knowing you were about to cum.
The arousal dripped down your thighs as he sucked harshly along your clit and continued to curl his fingers up to meet his other fingers that rested gently on top of your belly.
You squeezed your eyes shut allowing the tears to fall, he played with your body for so long that all over felt tense, you couldn’t find it in yourself to open your mouth, too afraid of the struggled cries that would slip if you did. He further guided you until your mind settled, but you panicked as he proceeded to run his tongue over you.
“Relax Princess I’m almost done.” He cooed as he looked up to you, but you whined at his touch as you realized your body really couldn’t handle anymore, but soon enough he pulled away from you slightly and gently kissed along your thighs lovingly.
As you caught your breath he reached up and stole it back with a kiss, then brought one up to your forehead.
He smiled sweetly and pulled you close to him, kissing all over you, you wanted to thank him but your eyes fell heavy, so you finally spoke to his mind.
“I love you lion, thank you…” it didn’t take much time for you to drift back to sleep.
“I love you more beautiful…sweet dreams”
(Thank you for reading! You wanna like and reblog so bad👁️👁️ *Holds up a hypnosis screen*)
Also request something I miss Fairytail sm :(
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this-is-spn20 · 1 year
Yandere!Sam Winchester Headcanons
A/N: yes i know I dipped out for a few months but I got inspo for this from browsing another fandom and tried looking for yandere fics of our favorite boys but couldn’t find any! If you want something right, you have to do it yourself lol. Requests are always open! 
Spread Love! 
WARNING: These headcanons are written with an unaware/unwilling reader! There will be the theme of stalking, harassment, unwanted attention, manipulation, and abuse (not sexual). Please do not read this if you are not comfortable with these graphic stories. Your consumption of media is not my responsibility.
Word Count: 4,428
Suggested song while listening: Be My Queen by Seafret
Sam may be (slightly) delusional, but he’s smart. And can be a bit sadistic, but he’s smarter than the average person, that’s for sure. Using his computer knowledge to spy on any and all social media you have. Hacking into your account while you were sleeping (he never made the effort of watching you in person, no no doll, you could possibly see him and it’d ruin everything. Just wait for him, Just a little bit longer.). He knew when you were sleeping because your laptop or phone wouldn’t have any activity for a while, meaning he could snoop around for a bit before you woke up. Took him weeks to dig through every square inch of your online life All your records, he’d print them out and clear his history so as to not set off Dean’s alarms or interest. Even though Dean knows something is up. 
Compared to Dean, Sam just knows how to persuade you into liking him. Incorporating himself into your life without you knowing. Making himself ‘small’, a background character.  That dickbag that bumped into you while walking in the park when there was CLEARLY enough room for him to pass by without nearly knocking you down (he didn’t even bother being gentle), well at that time, you didn’t know what a bad day truly was. Hell, if you’d just run up to him and cursed him out, you probably would’ve saved yourself a lot of grief. Probably. (Honestly, it probably would’ve made him more intrigued.) 
Working double, sometimes even triple shifts, are bad enough. But when your job is to stock shelves in the only (and by proxy) biggest store in town, it’s just more strain and stress. So when some big old, lanky, buff asshat shows up in your store and almost completely wrecks one of your perfectly stocked shelves, you get a tiny bit upset. As you take two carts to take all the stuff down, your boss radios you to tell you to have two more shelves stocked up before your next break for the big sale. And to tell you that you’re on call for the rest of the week. Whoever that asshole was, you wished to see him so you could tell him about himself. Or beat his ass. Or both.
Little did poor, naive little you know that over the course of those first five, horrible, months that Sam was programming your mind already. You never saw his face, but he was showing that, while he could make your life so unbearable at a moment's notice, but he chose to do good. To do right by you. He showed how bad it could get before he swooped in and put on his deadly charm. First coming up to you in the store while you were stocking an aisle and asking where the candles were. When you told him, he thanked you and struck up a conversation. Using everything he knew you’d like to hear to rope you in. He made sure the first time you met him, you’d never forget him. Ever. 
Now you’re just his little doll. Doomed to be locked up in the dungeon until you proved to be good for him. Then love, you’ll be allowed in his room! You may even get your privileges back. Only if you’re a good girl for him. Just for him.  He knew it was only a matter of time now before you break. He just had to be a little more patient. Then you were all his. 
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s start over, shall we darlings?
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Giving gifts is his forte. When hacking into your computer, he made sure to make a list of your likes and dislikes. He knows your favorite movies, political views, your full name and date of birth, your blood type, your father’s dog’s name, everything. He saw the things you liked to buy online. Things you saved to your carts but could never afford to buy at the moment. So whatever is in your cart from whatever website, no matter the price, Sam takes it upon himself to buy the items and have them sent as gifts to your house. Anonymously of course. He loved seeing your face light up with surprise terror as you opened your door to yet another package on your porch with more items you planned on buying at the end of the month. If you could afford it of course. You wondered who was sending these packages. Someone you knew? But, you rarely showed anyone these wished possessions of yours. Was someone… watching you? I mean you always felt this… uneasy feeling in your chest lately. Maybe you should schedule a check-up with the doc. 
Giving gifts is his forte. When hacking into your computer, he made sure to make a list of your likes and dislikes. He knows your favorite movies, political views, your full name and date of birth, your blood type, your father’s dog’s name, everything. He saw the things you liked to buy online. Things you saved to your carts but could never afford to buy at the moment. So whatever is in your cart from whatever website, no matter the price, Sam takes it upon himself to buy the items and have them sent as gifts to your house. Anonymously of course. He loved seeing your face light up with surprise **terror** as you opened your door to yet another package on your porch with more items you planned on buying at the end of the month. If you could afford it of course. You wondered who was sending these packages. Someone you knew? But, you rarely showed anyone these wished possessions of yours. Was someone watching you? You always felt this… uneasy feeling in your chest lately. Maybe you should schedule a check-up with the doc. 
First, it was some makeup and a few nice dresses you wanted. You figured you’d still somehow ordered them. Even though your bank account didn't reflect such purchases. Still not convincing, even to yourself but, it was better than dwelling on ‘what-if’ questions. But as the gifts kept coming you got more and more… **concerned.** You’d confronted your coworker later the day after your umpteenth package. You told him that you appreciated his company while stocking the shelves, but you didn’t feel anything for him. To your annoyance, your coworker responded in complete confusion. When you told him to stop feigning ignorance he was positively confused. You and he didn’t know each other that well outside of work, so for this to be coming from you made him a bit angry. When you plainly told him what you thought had been doing, he told you to be careful, but he wasn’t the one doing it. In hindsight, you thought it was nice of him to express his concern. When he offered to walk you to your car that night, you were skeptical, but you let him do it. 
Sam didn’t take too kindly to that.
But Sam decided to cool down on the packages. Now he thought was the time to make himself more involved in your day-to-day life. Small run-ins, nothing alarming but you knew who he was now. It started with him paying for your favorite drink at the local cafe you loved so much. He kept his cool and acted like it was just such a coincidence to run into you! How have you been holding up? He even took to finishing your book collection for your most recent series. Maybe taking to replace your worn books. You didn’t notice until you picked up one of your favorite novels and had to crack the spine. Indicating it was brand new. Things really got intense when you walked out to your car one morning and saw all your tires were replaced. When you got in, a note on your steering wheel simply said, “Your tires we going bald. You’re welcome.”  You started getting more scared as the days passed. This person managed to get into not just your car, but also your house. A safe place. Your heaven. At least that’s what it used to be. 
You were terrified to leave your house every day. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Well, Sam being Sam prefers to keep his hands clean as much as possible. Plus him hurting anyone close to you will make you even more challenging to get. He also knows what losing someone feels like. Even more than you actually. Why would he choose to make things harder between you two if being with you and only you is his ultimate goal? Come on, don’t be silly. It’d do nothing for him to see you so hurt. Who wants to see their soulmate in pain? 
Unless it was absolutely necessary.
Like maybe one day you’re feeling a bit rowdy. You have a lot of fight, Sam had to give that to you. But why are you so insistent on staying apart? He can’t love you from afar, he refuses to live without your love. He’ll do anything to keep you with him. But as patient as Sam could be, there are only so many times you can push his buttons, love. Now if you keep fighting, I’ll have to punish you. We don’t want that, do we? After all, broken bones take a long time to heal… But don’t you worry princess, he’ll fix you right up!
With mandatory bed rest included.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Sam is a very loving person, so he wouldn’t really mock you at all. If you’re not trying to escape. If you are, you can expect to be tsked at and hear phrases such as
“Oh darling, I thought you knew better than to try something so stupid.”
“If you wanted to wear your chain today, you could’ve asked love.” 
“Princess, you can’t get away from me. I will always see through your little plan. Your eyes tell me everything.”
If you’ve managed to piss him off (which takes a lot of effort so… go you?), you can expect him to leave you with more cuts and bruises than you could imagine. Just remember love, the more you fight, the angrier he gets…
And no, your begging and pleading will get you nowhere. But it hurts him more than it does you. You deserved it. It was for your own good darling. Trust him.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
No. Absolutely not. Sam knows love will come with time. He would never hurt you by doing anything you didn’t want him to. Including simply touching you (but isolation is a bitch babe.). Honestly, the only thing he is willing to do against your will is feed you. Especially if you go on a hunger strike. He will not allow anyone to hurt you. Not even you, and damn sure not him. He’d probably force-feed you through a tube. Same thing with being hydrated. He can't let his good girl starve now, can he? What kind of man would he be to let that happen, princess?
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Sam gives his whole heart and soul to you. He is a straight sucker for you honestly. He dotes on you a lot. Tries spoiling you with things he knows you’ll like. If you weren't in chains…
He tries to get you to open up to him by telling you everything about himself. To hunting, to what his favorite pair of socks were in middle school. Sam shows you sides of himself that not even Jessica got to see. He doesn't want to scare you so he almost shrinks himself to be smaller. Less threatening. Less dangerous. Honestly, if you’re smart, you could use this against him. You can start slowly opening up to him. Give as little information as possible and start planning your escape. Sam won't trust you to be out of the dungeon, or even your chains, for a while. But you’ve got nothing but time daring. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
At first, it’d be almost amusing. If it didn’t happen so much he’d probably get a chuckle out of it. He hates having to use forceful ways to calm you down but he has no choice. He’s used more chloroform than he’d like but it was worth it. But the chemical burns on your face make him really emotional. He may look into paralyzing spells to quail your attempts. If he does find such a spell, you’re fucked. Not completely, but it's not looking good for you, love. He feels like you both are in some loop. Like a cat-and-mouse game, though it’s getting tedious. 
There is one upside to this though. These attempts of escape and fights give him an idea of how your brain works. Your fight style, and the ways you attempt to run from him and the bunker, give him more useful information and ways to stop your plans. Eventually, you can’t get out of the dungeon without at least 5 alarms tipping off Sam before you can even turn the door nob. Do with this information as you will, darling.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This is not a game to him. This isn't amusing in the slightest bit. Watching you try to get away from him hurts him deeply. You two are soulmates. Why can't you see this? Why run from him when he can give you the world. He waits on you hand and foot. He caresses you with the lightest touch. He gives you almost everything you ask from him. He will bring you the biggest, brightest star in the universe if you just love him, and let him love you. Open up to him. Adore him, like he adores you. Get lost in him and everything he is, like he does with you. You’ll do that for him, right doll?
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Believe it or not, but your worst experience with Sam wasn't when he occasionally snapped at you for your smart mouth. It wasn’t when he forced you to eat to keep yourself alive for him. Always for him. 
It wasn’t even the time he came back from a hunt gone wrong and an argument with Dean once again, and Sam had come into the dungeon for the first time in a week. When he tried to land a kiss on your cheek, you’d headbutt him. Sam snapped and hurled harsh words your way, and you were struggling against the chains, Sam had enough of your shit so he grabbed your arm and slowly, very, very slowly twisted it behind your back until, through your screaming, you heard a sickening crack from your arm. Your ear-splitting screaming was heard throughout the whole bunker and you collapsed into darkness. Praying that this was your end. But when you woke up to some beige room on an old musty bed with a cast on your arm, you couldn’t stop the sob that ripped through your chest. Only for Sam to immediately wrapped his arms around you and coo at your tears rolling into his shirt. Declaring he’d never bring harm to you again, although the scars covering your skin told you otherwise. 
No, you see, the worst experience for you, dealing with Sam, was the day you realized you needed him. That you loved him. How could you not see it earlier? Sam’s doting nature, his soft smile, the obsession adoring look in his eyes, his velvet touch. Everything that was him. You loved him. You loathed him. He took everything from you, yet had given you so much. He gave himself to you. Trusted you with his very soul. And here you were. Being selfish, greedy, mean-spirited, reclusive, disrespectful, and just plain stupid. Sam could have anyone he wanted. But he wanted you, and you had the audacity to not love him back? Stupid and horrible. You hoped it wasn’t too late to win his heart.
Wait. This… isn’t right. Is it?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to enable you in all of your passions and hobbies. He wants the not-exactly-white-picket-fence-lifeTM with you. You and the front porch relaxing, watching him work in the front yard and you smiling at him ever so brightly. He wants to watch you take care of your plants and gardens, in a huge house that he worked so hard to get for you. For the both of you. Watching you take care of your many dogs and cats around the house.
And running after you around the living room and kitchen, just to catch you. Him carrying you up the stairs while looking into each other's eyes. Him smirking down at you, knowing it's gonna be another long night of passionate sex and lovemaking. In the morning, waking you up with gentle kisses and licks and biting. Teasing you out of your dreams. Dreams filled with nothing but him. Going into the kitchen to help you make breakfast. You lightly scolded him after him messing up, because he could help thinking how sexy you look in his shirts. Passion-filled make-out sessions with teenage-level humping and grinding. Sam always finds himself in these fantasies, only to snap back into reality all too soon. Then he remembers you must be so cold and hungry in that old dungeon. But he knows that one day he’ll get to live out all of that with you and so much more. Not today, but one day. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Well, he doesn’t have to be jealous because you don't even go outside… 
Though he does keep a close eye on Dean. Knowing how he can be. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Sam is ecstatic when you finally allow him to touch you. His hands have been itching to cover every single inch of your body. He loves the way your skin feels on his hardened calloused hands. Your skin was still a bit rough from the scars Sam’s hands left behind. Those same hands touching you as if you were the best prize on earth. And to Sam, you definitely were. Kisses galore. When you initiated the first kiss, it was hesitant and a bit clumsy, but Sam cherished the way your lips trembled against his. Nothing mattered to him anymore at that moment. Only you. Always you. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
As stated before, Sam relished the fact that you (subconsciously) knew he was always there. Sam always found a way to be a background character in your life. A supporting role. If you will. Always the blurry face in the crowd. But always there. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Oh yes. He is very much different in different environments. He’ll coddle and hug and kiss you near death. He’s almost always in a good mood when he’s spending time with you. Happy BoiTM. When he’s with Dean, he’s pretty normal. They typical brother teasing, the good moments, the bad ones. Sam acts like he always acted before you came along and rocked his world. The same goes for Donna, Jody, Alez, and Claire. The interactions are the same. But when with you, he can't focus on anything else but you. That's also the reason why he won't bring his research into the dungeon/room when you're there. He wants to show you that he can separate work and home life. With you, he lets his obsession love for you run free. He just can’t hide how he feels about you, love. Also, cause he can’t focus with you around. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Isolation mostly, yet if you show yourself to be resistant to that, he’ll use physical pain and manipulation.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Almost all of your rights are taken from you. You can’t use any means of communication (unless you found some way to get hold of a spell.), You aren’t allowed to use any electronics unless Sam is practically attached to your skin. The only thing you can do is use the bathroom alone. Sam will allow you a few minutes in there depending on what you’re doing. But he’s taking everything that helps you escape out of there, even the mirror… You can’t be alone when you shower though. Sam will stand there, in the hot and humid bathroom and watch your every move as you shower. When you’re done, he’ll help you dry off and help you rub your lotion on your now rough and scared skin with nothing but utter devotion swimming in his eyes. Your night clothes will be put on by him as well. All of this will be done with the lightest, silk touch. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremly patient. Most days, he’ll put up with you and your shenanigans. But some days, when he’s in a bad mood or just generally tense, he’ll have a shorter fuse. You’ve learned to follow his orders on these days. Lest you’d like to go back into the dungeon…
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Sam would never let you go easily so I’d say death really could be your only escape, and even then, thats not a guarantee. He could always make a crossroads deal, or bargain with Crowley. Hell he’d even try bargaining with Death himself. He’ll torture a thousand demons to get you back. Sam will walk through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven to get to you. Sam will go as far as kill himself in hopes he can follow you to heaven be with you eternally. Sure he’d feel guilty about leaving Dean, but he’d be with you. He can live with that. After all, how many times had Dean left him, only to beg Sam to move on?
Now if you had escaped and were able to stay hidden, either by the help of some angels or demons or the other he’ll search the ends of the Earth to find you. If he wasn’t able to find you by himself, he’d enlist in Dean, Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex, Charlie, and other trusted hunters, hell he’d even ask Rowena to help. If all of them together weren’t able to find you, Sam would never get over you. He’d grieve you every day while you celebrate getting away from him.  
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
While Sam would never let you go, he’d feel incredibly guilty about taking you away from your home, your friends, your family, and your life. With him, Dean, and John constantly moving around due to hunting, he knows exactly how you feel.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Yes, in fact, his childhood and early adult life were a factor, constantly losing new friends to the hunting life, and then losing Jessica, his father, Dean more than once, and more people he could count. This, as one would imagine, would leave an impression on even the toughest people. Not to mention being bullied at a young age and not being accepted in any social groups just for being who he was. So when he first saw you, he knew he wanted you, and he wouldn’t risk you not accepting him, or being taken from him. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Hearing you scream and cry makes his whole body shiver as tears sting in his eyes. He’d do anything you’d like to see you only smile for the rest of your days together. Hearing your sobs late into the night makes his body feel as if he’s being dipped into the hottest lakes of fire. You could swear one day, you could hear the cracking of his heart as he watched you cry one day. You’d also notice how his tears would fall at the same time as yours did. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
On days when you’d been extra good, he’d take you for a ride in the Impala up to his favorite stargazing hill and bring a book and blanket. He’d read to you as you zoned out watching the stars glitter in the skies. Wondering how peaceful the star would be. Millions of miles away from you. You’d appreciate the little bit of freedom, even though you still had to wear a collar. But at least your wrists could get a break from those iron chains. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
The more you behave, the more Sam takes you out. Not in public places just yet. But it will come with time. Just stick it out and eventually you go to pubic places together and then you can plan your escape and get away from Sam once and for all. But keep in mind, if you fail and get caught, Sam will likely never take you out again. And if by some miracle he does, he will literally handcuff your hands together. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
If you piss him off enough he’ll slice your skin to ribbons and remind you what happens to bad girls. If you keep disobeying him he might just break a few of your bones. You can’t escape if both of your legs are broken, can you darling?  He’ll break your mind by either isolation or some sort of mind spell. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He damn near kisses the dirt you walk on. This man is devoted to you. He’ll bring you every star you desire, he will kill every monster, buy everything you can ever want, hug you for however long to make you happy and feel safe. Anything doll, name anything and he’ll do it. 
Except kill Dean. Nice try love.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Sam would spend no more than a few months to a year pining over you. Using his time wisely before he just couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Even still, he was as calculated as ever in kidnapping retrieving you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes. You’ll be broken beyond repair if you don’t get out.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed these headcanons! I'm back baby! Requests are open!
Spread Love,
TAGGING: @imaginestuffs @naturalswifty89 @fooshigoomies @of-a-chaotic-mind @as-lost-as-sams-shoe @starlordsimp1358 @slytherinlyn16 @trickstergoddessblog @desimarie12 @lovelynerdylady @samsgirl93 @candy-coated-misery0731 @crazyaboutotps @anjalika03
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 11 months
ofmd s2e3 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
squeezing this one in riiiiight before the next two eps drop lol. anyway these posts are about me processing these episodes and if you want to read them then that's cool too. but fair warning this is gonna be a fucking mess.
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
show opens on zheng leading a raid and INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH. this might be the first time we've seen a raid where like. the background music is kinda moody. and what's odd is that it has like the same level of comedically over-the-top violence and characters just having a casual conversation as like, the e5 cold open. but there's sad piano and strings doing tremolo in the background. i have no idea what this means.
god. zheng is so fucking hot.
i love olu's "no, no, sorry, bruv." and the FACE HE MAKES AFTER!!! so good
olu's a feminist
~champers?~ stede you are such a dork. i need to pinch ur cheeks.
yeah fuck the english!!
zheng saying "everyone's cracking down on the little guy" makes me wonder if the show is gonna do anything abt how the end of the golden age of piracy was like. a year off. which i only know from reading a few fics where the authors incorporated that into the plot. and there was the one trailer where we see zheng in jackie's bar while stede's giving everyone a speech so yknow what that might be where all this is going. big pirate battle at the end of the season, right?
another thing ive been wondering abt tho is just how much is this show gonna completely fuck with history. because like. is zheng yi sao gonna conquer the fucking caribbean. are we just going completely off the rails re: historical accuracy and inventing entire major historical events?? like crocs and pinocchio and pirates from different historical periods all existing at the same time and in the same place is one thing but if the characters like. overthrow england. then ofmd just straight-up exists in an alternate timeline at that point.
stede "the gentleman pirate kills with kindness" bonnet being so impressed with zheng is so cute to me tho
fhsjkgdhfushl oh my god when zheng snaps her fingers and stede hurries to refill drinks the other captain guy grins and flashes finger guns at stede and this is SO fucking funny to me
zheng being like "noooo it's stupid teehee" tucking her hair behind her ears ALSO very funny to me
whose job was it to make the letter N out of caviar for the title card in this episode bc it looks fantastic. got little serifs and everything
stede taking his towel duties VERY seriously and just. dropping them on zheng's desk for no reason. even olu is like "stede what the fuck are you doing"
obsessed with the running gag of stede being like "i always say that!" and other characters being like "no you fucking dont"
stede having zero impulse control and seeing the abacus and just being like "hey what the hell is this thing" and shaking it around. me too, king.
i wont lie tho part of me wonders if stede like. going overboard with towel duty and messing shit up is on purpose. like is he playing dumb so zheng lets her guard down just in case he needs her to think he's completely helpless?? bc at the end of the episode he does get one over on her and i assume it's partly bc she underestimated him. or am i just reading too much into it lol.
but idk it's weird that olu's like "ok stede zheng is busy" and stede's just like "im gonna shake this thing now teehee"
WAIT ALSO backtracking a bit. why were stede and olu shadowing zheng at the beginning of the episode. i mean olu i get, it's bc she has a crush on him (who can blame her) but what's the in-universe justification for zheng being like "yeah alright white boy u can come too"
stede's gay little run out of the room. GO GET YOUR MAN!!!!
awww the crew all look so sad at how messed up the ship is :( THAT'S THEIR HOME!!!
i love that there's knife stuck in the painting guy's dick. stupid gags like that never get old. also if that was izzy it's extra funny like what the fuck did he even do that for
also have we ever actually seen the outside of the door to stede's cabin like this before??? we saw those dutch guys get chased down this hallway but idk about. the door.
the crew is too busy feasting on raw bird like they're extras in a zombie film to hear stede calling for ed. love that.
the two people that the camera focuses on individually are jim and izzy. makes sense bc these are the characters who i think are gonna have the most important shit going on re: the fact that they all tried to kill ed.
stede's painfully awkward smile after "um... hi." i mean honestly tho what the fuck else do you say to walking in on this
oh shit jim was totally about to tell stede what happened tho. and then archie interrupted with "oh shit, you're stede?????"
this must be so fucking funny from archie's perspective tho. must've heard so much abt this guy and now she finally gets to meet the main character of the story she stumbled into about a third of the way through. and he's kinda just some blond guy.
stede sounds so defensive too tho when archie's like "i thought you'd be taller, charismatic, muscly" bc god that's exactly what he thinks he should be. i mean ok stede is charismatic in a very unique way but his whole e1 fantasy of having a beard and being all macho and badass was just putting all his insecurities on blast. and now archie is like "this is the guy blackbeard was so fucked up over?? really????"
shoutout to archie saying "got tired" when theyre all saying ed retired
also why was wee john in this shot. like not even just in the shot he's just sitting RIGHT behind stede listening to the whole thing. he doesn't have a single line.
stede rolling his eyes and ignoring izzy is so good. yes king dont take the bait
oh ok wee john was there so that we can see frenchie go over to him and give him a fist bump in the background while stede walks away to stare off into the distance
eddie on tha beach
cave! remember when we were all like "CAVE KISS???? ARE THEY GONNA KISS IN THE CAVE??????" it would be funny if this is it for the cave. just off in the distance for one shot. cant actually tell if this is the cave they were posting pictures of last fall tho and idrc enough to try and figure it out
pig's name is ruthie. ed why did your subconscious name the pig ruthie.
why did ed's subconscious make hornigold tell him "open up for the cargo ship" ed your daddy issues are fucking insane
hornigold fully like rubs ed's chest for a second there. kinda a weird choice there.
"last time i saw you, you said you were gonna flay my skin and feed it back to me" man what is it with these pirates and forced autocannibalism, huh? i think getting flayed would hurt more but skin's probably easier to eat than toes so idk which i'd prefer. no i dont know why im pondering this either
smthng abt how this is ed hallucinating this whole bit where hornigold pinches his nose and force-feeds him soup is so funny to me. it's a metaphor for ed dragging himself kicking and screaming to therapy.
frenchie telling fang to stfu scjgdfchjxgk
fucking incredible line delivery from joel fry through the whole "it's quite hot, im burnin up here! should we go and get some coolin' bevvies?" bit. love it.
uhh line break
also bro auntie is dead-on about the guilt. i dont blame the crew at all for what they did but this + the whole bird-eating sequence bro. they all liked ed. they cared abt him. other than archie, they all knew him as a pretty cool person. like BRO im gonna have to make another post abt this but the trauma of like, someone you liked becoming so suicidal that he puts you in increasingly miserable situations hoping you'll snap and kill him and he keeps escalating it until you have no choice but to kill him for your own safety. but you know he was a funny and chill person before this. and you know he only did this bc he wanted to die. dude this shit is fucking heavy.
anyway cut to jimolu lol
bro what IS going on in towels. i love how stede just passes around towels for smelling. is this something people have done literally ever or is this just so we can have chloroform towels at the end of the episode
sorry i know in the last post i was sort of squinting at the bit where olu forgot how to pronounce china but the was he mispronounces eucalyptus is just so satisfying to hear i cant even be mad abt it
awwwwgh u can tell jim was scared to tell olu abt kissing archie
lmaoooo when jim says "i saw her boobs" olu's head WHIPS around and he's like "oh??" all wide-eyed dbhjgkhdfyjsk
naw im sorry this is cute. this is a cute tealoranges scene. yes it's jim telling olu abt how they hooked up with someone else but bro i LOVE relationships with this kind of comfortable discussion abt sex and abt relationships in general. i mean there's a lot more for them to talk about still but in a worse show this wouldve been a whole screaming match. instead we got jim saying "you're kinda the best friend i tell everything to" and joking about boobs and UGH. it's so cute!!!!
it's also so fucking funny tho. "i saw her boobs" "oh?? okay, nice" "both of them" "nope, too much" WHY IS THAT WHERE HE DRAWS THE LINE HFKHSGJKFKKJFHK
also when did jim see archie's boobs tho. like ok realistically they've seen each other in varying stages of undress just bc it's not that big of a ship and there's only so much privacy. but the funnier answer is that after ed kicked them out of the secret room and a few minutes later a gunshot went off (who did the rest of the crew think pulled the trigger, i wonder) and they think izzy's dead probably. and then jim and archie decided this was a good time to hook up.
wait i forgot abt the nebulous amount of time between the mutiny and stede walking in on them all eating a dead bird. who fucking knows how much time that was tho. but they could've hooked up then i guess
the song gets to play out more in this scene and ohhhh baby i missed this piano piece. also stede looks more annoyed than upset. he's just casually yoinking things out of the wall. and then he sees the ones on the ceiling and is like "really, ed?"
i think i said this in the tags of a gifset but izzy says "don't cry, bonnet" when stede's back is to him and i just think it's funny bc stede literally wasnt crying. he just looked kinda pissed off. izzy continues to not understand ed or stede even a little bit.
also i love how the music changes by just playing a minor chord and then there's like a spooky echo and then. no more background music.
i just realized izzy's crutch is literally just a mop he's holding upside down. this is funny to me for some reason
"he was a wild dog and we dealt with him like one" izzy hands racism moments
why does izzy even lie about this. why does he say "no i could never do that" when literally he did. he looked right at ed's face as jim hit it with a fucking cannonball. like. what fucking purpose does lying about this even serve. in what way does that benefit izzy. idgi
also ive heard that apparently ppl think he did this to spare stede or something but 1. why would he not want to specifically torture stede as much as possible 2. this is literally not sparing stede bc stede would spend the rest of his life scouring the entire caribbean hoping to find the island where they dropped ed.
RANDOM fucking idea tho but what if they did maroon him but it was on the island from 1x02. that wouldve been great for ed probably. get therapy from the old guy. have some coconut rum drink. chill out. oh well instead they shoved ed into a secret closet and left him there to die from a traumatic head injury.
hornigold calling ed "bro" was such a dead giveaway for me that this was a dream sequence or whatever. like from trailers and stuff i had already figured that this guy was hornigold and that he was probably a ghost or something but i think i mightve been questioning it a little bit at this point. but yeah anyway ed says "bro" and while obviously we dont know exactly what hornigold was like, he didnt sound like the kind of guy to say "bro"
i do love how hornigold's like "you worried you're insane?" and ed's just like "yeah a little bit!"
hornighost: you gotta move on or blow your brains out. or... we can make some soup. ed: yeah let's do soup.
wait stede told zheng that they marooned ed. and then zheng is like "well it's at least mutiny-adjacent" like no im pretty sure that's literally just a regular mutiny
bro rubio qian is so good at making faces
i love how ed's like "you ever thought about selling these shoes?" like who the fuck is hornigold going to sell them to. where does ed think they are.
ough... return of ed's trauma :(
ughughghuhguhughughgffffff every time i hear ed's voice in the bathtub scene i want to cryyyyy SOMEONE HUG THIS MAN I SWEAR TO GOD
also hornigold's mouth definitely moves in this shot where ed climbs off his body lol
hnnng... ed arm
oughuhgu and a strand of the wig came out of the bun WHY IS HE SO PRETTYYYYYYYYY
i cant believe for months i had my fingers crossed for the "person A thinks person B is dead" trope with ed hearing about the fuckery but instead i got it THE OTHER WAY AROUND. AAAAAAAAAAAHH
yo is hornigold wearing like. a flag. idk why i just noticed this but there's like a giant metal rung with rope tied through it holding his whole robe-ish situation together. is that a flag
very random thought but i love how tv shows just cut back and forth btwn plots and one plot might basically be one conversation but every time we cut back theyre in a different setting and we dont see how they got there. like the cut from stede walking in on the crew eating a bird to all of them back on zheng's ship eating soup. and now we went from ed yelling "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" at hornighost's hut and now they're on a beach talking abt what the fuck is going on. why did they go there. who knows. doesnt matter.
ed is so fucking stressed abt being in the gravy basket. poor man is nervously playing with the big stick and trying so hard not to lose his cool.
damn he threw that stick really far tho. good arm.
im sorry but it's SO fucking funny how zheng is trying to seduce olu in this scene and she's like "whats the status of your boatmance is it... ongoing?" *unsheathes sword* like girl that's not seduction that's a full-on threat. i mean it's still hot dgmw but it's unclear what exactly you're going for here
loving the jaunty little escape music
archie and jim holding haaands
stede: you always say you have perfect aim black pete: ive never said that roach: you always say that lucius, throwing his beloved boyfriend under the bus: you said it today
buttons is so fucking loud fhjkhgyejkthfjkhg. ngl i relate tho
obsessed with the noise button makes when he slides across to the Revenge
and they use tea towels to slide over!! god stede really made the most out of his time in towels
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE how olu is the one sitting on the desk with his legs dangling and kicking during this makeout session
also obsessed with how theoretically olu could've seduced zheng out of killing the crew and it's possible that none of this was necessary
wait i literally just realized that they stole the wheel not just so that zheng couldn't follow them but bc the Revenge didnt have one lol
ugh ed's tits look so good what the hell
ed in his head instantly associates the phrase "calico jack" with someone going "WHOOHOO" at the top of their lungs
oughu FUCK i did not fucking realize this but ed is taking hornigold's presence here as confirmation that he's not loveable. earlier hornighost said "you're afraid you're unlovable" but then when he's on the cliff and he's like "you brought me here because you hate yourself" ed is like "im not loveable." ohhhhhh fuck
and then hornigold is like "and you're afraid to do anything about it. but im not" and then throws the rock off the cliff. this is the shittiest part of ed's brain calling him a pussy for not killing himself and telling him he deserves to die. fuuuuuuuuck me.
oh boy okay. ed got yanked off the cliff. stede is heading into the secret room. idk if i even have anything to say about the mermaid sequence like i cant believe this shit is real. fuck. this is a fever dream. they really just... wrote this. filmed it. put rhys darby in a fish tail. FUCK
ok the two things i have to say about this. first: the fucking flashback montage in this sequence makes me stop breathing like every single fucking time. secondly: when theyre face-to-face in ed's mermaid fantasy there's a split second where ed sort of jolts forward a tiny tiny tiny half of an inch. and i have no idea if it's intentional. but it makes me think of how in the "you wear fine things well" scene ed TOTALLY STEPS IN THINKING STEDE'S ABOUT TO KISS HIM.
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chenfordspiral · 7 months
Anything with a 3!
This is so mean.. but also, thank you for not saying 1 or 2 😂
There's a keep reading tap in here because this got a little long haha
3. Are there any specific themes you enjoy exploring in your fics? Oyyy.. um. I have a hard time separating themes from tropes right now so pardon if this is crap. But I love themes (and these are probably super obvious) like family, and love, and friendship, and overcoming things together and growing stronger in the process. Like give me these found family vibes any day and I'm sat. Did I answer that correctly??
13. What's the most challenging aspect of writing fanfiction for you? Keeping the characters in character! Listen, I'm a master overthinker, so of course I will worry about keeping them in character with every new story or new chapter I write. It's who I am. Doesn't matter that I've written quite a lot now, I'm always going to worry.
23. How do you write endings for your fics? Do you prefer open-ended or conclusive conclusions? I don't think I've ever actually written anything and left it open-ended, so the obvious answer would have to be conclusive conclusions (also, why did I lol so hard when I read that? "conclusive conclusions" well, yeah conclusions are usually conclusive..right? Sorry, I haven't slept in a long while 😂) Okay, I lied. I do actually have one story that's open-ended. Whoops.
30. How do you handle writing multiple storylines or subplots? Already answered here :)
31. Do you prefer writing from a single character's perspective or switching between different viewpoints? I know for a fact that in pretty much all of my stories, I switch back and forth between different viewpoints within the story. Sooo yeah, that's my answer I guess haha
32. Have you ever participated in fanfiction contests, challenges/fests? Yes, I did contribute stories to ChenfordWeek23 in July and the Secret Santa event in December!
33. How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics? Damn woman, these are hard questions. Does that even apply when I just take the world we know from the show and then try to stay as true to that as possible? I may be wrong here and please correct me if I'm wrong lol, but isn't world-building basically like creating your own, unique world that doesn't actually exist? 🤔 someone help me out here pls 😂
34. Are there any fic writing tips or tricks you've learned along the way that you'd like to share? Oh hell. Have fun with it? I know that's lame but that's truly the best tip I can give. If you don't enjoy writing something, don't write it. If you enjoy writing it, go ahead and write it.
35. What do you enjoy most about being a fic writer? Being able to escape reality for a bit. And trying to give these characters even more stories and in-between-moments because we don't see everything in a 40-minute episode. Also, fanfic allows you to just explore stuff and have these characters meet in 18731129 different ways and yet always find their way to each other eventually.
Thanks for sending some questions!
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the-flaming-nightmare · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by the wonderful @snowviolettwhite! 🧡❤
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
426,254 words
What fandoms do you write for?
Prodigal Son, Black Butler, Supernatural, 9-1-1, 9-1-1: Lone Star, The Last of Us, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel, The Rookie, Sailor Moon, My Hero Academia, Lucifer (Netflix), Dexter, and Criminal Minds. There are still plenty of fandoms I want to write for but just haven't gotten the chance to yet.
Top 5 fics by kudos?
1. "Agere Ficlets/Dabbles" (Black Butler)
2. "In Need" (Black Butler)
3. "Not Alone" (Black Butler)
4. "Papa's Here" (Black Butler)
5. "Fatherly Love" (Black Butler)
Do you respond to comments?
Sure do!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm, guess I would say my 9-1-1 fic "A New Home". It's set in a post-apocalyptic zombie world/classifications AU, where Bobby discovers a very regressed Buck about to be attacked by a zombified Maddie and saves him. It technically has a happy/hopeful ending (like most of my fics), but considering Maddie's death and Buck being too small to really understand what happened, it's still pretty damn angsty of an ending in my opinion.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oof, that's a tough one. Guess I'll say my 9-1-1 fic "Little and Tired". It's pretty much just a fluff with no plot oneshot of Bobby and Athena taking care of Buck when he regresses after a 48 hour shift, and ends with Bobby falling asleep in bed with Buck cuddled next to him.
Do you get hate on fics?
It's extremely rare for me, fortunately. I got some dumbass anti bullshit commented on my Criminal Minds fic like last year, but other than that nothing major.
Do you write smut?
Hell yeah I do~! Not as much as I would like, but I have four Black Butler ones I'm pretty proud of lol.
Craziest crossover?
Haven't done one yet, but definitely plan to one day.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Multiple times. By the same person. Who still shows up in kudos and comments from time to time.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! I've had 2 or 3 translated to Mandarin and Russian. It was awhile ago now, so I sadly can't remember which ones they were lol.
Have you co-written a fic before?
No, but I would like to one day.
All time favorite ship?
Sebaciel, Wincest and Johnlock. I can't pick just one lol.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Lmao I would like to be optimistic and say I'll finish them all eventually.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, probably.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Scene description and my horrible inability to stay focused lmao.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've written in nicknames from a couple different languages into my fics before, but I would like to one day incorporate full sentences into them too. Specifically Spanish.
First fandom you wrote in?
Black Butler. It was a horrifically cringy Sebaciel smut fic I wrote at the horny age of 13. The premise of the fic was good, but the execution was GOD AWFUL. Maybe I'll give re-writing it a shot one day tho... we shall see.
Favorite fic you've written?
Damn, another tough question lol. Hmmmm... I'm gonna say "Fatherly Love". It's not complete yet, but it's one that I'm immensely proud of and almost always enjoy writing.
Tagging (if you wanna): @angelique-of-the-volturi-guard, @panicatthetwentyonechemicalboys, @nottapossum, @cielconsumer and anyone else who wants to join!
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mallowstep · 3 months
for the fic writer ask: 🛒✅ and/or 🤩.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
hm. uh, gender is a big one! gender seems to keep sneaking in. or just for fun. i'm a huge hurt/comfort guy, got a lot of that. this doesn't really show up in my published work bc i usually can't be assed to write the fic around it but i am constantly writing scenes where one character is just like. themselves really hurt/etc and trying to defend another character whose hurt even worse.
oh and a BIG one is watching someone you love be hurt and/or participating in that hurt. that one comes up in warriors fic all the time (i mean even just looking at recent posts, "blood up to my knees", "sunlight over me" and "kneeling down at her altar" all incorporate that, and arguably "i don't like a gold rush" and "evidence based practice" are just the other side of it). it also is in like everything i write. i'm a sucker for it.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
gender LOL i swear i don't mean for it to be a thing. honestly tho everything above?? sometimes i feel kind of like a one trick pony. if you show up to a mallowstep fic you know what you're getting, more or less. there's some fluff and stuff out there but mostly i'm exploring characters.
i think agency comes up a lot. how much power you have over your own narrative. "evidence based practice" and "race conditions" [not warriors] are both about agency, "i don't like a gold rush" is also agency, "sweet like honey" [not warriors] is about agency, "blood up to my knees" is about agency...it's all about agency.
huh. food for thought. why does matthew keep putting characters in positions where they either feel powerless or they have to subvert the system to get power, or they lose power, or their form of power is unrecognized, or-
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
oh this question is so hard to answer. i don't know if i even have one? like i have a rotating cast of blorbos. but i do have a type. i like characters who went thru hell as a child and now pretend that everything is normal and fine. (see: feathertail, kirk, steve rogers, player and carmen, etc.)
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bellysoupset · 1 year
hi again!!
okay first off i LOVED Bella and Luke’s impromptu wedding AHHHH they’re so so adorable😭 also, i know i said sicily part 6 was WONDERFUL (all time fave fr) but i never commented on part 7 and OH MY GOODNESS i had to take breaks from reading bc of how hard i was blushing at vin teasing wen 🤭 she was so real for every single one of her reactions omg
on that note OMG so excited for that food poisoning fic I CANT WAIT TO READ IT <3 and i love that it’s gonna be angsty and touch on her body dysmorphia ahhhh 😭🫶🏽
ALSO i’ve been meaning to ask this because i feel like you haven’t talked about it much? (or maybe i missed it? if so im so sorry lol) but basically, i know you said that wendy’s parents were NOT happy with her coming out, but that they eventually sort of “allowed” her to transition bc her mental health got bad. i clearly love angst (all your angsty fics are TOP TIER🤭), so i really wanna know more about her mental health struggles. is that something you’d dive into in an ask, or would you maybe incorporate it and/or hint at it in fics? i would genuinely LOOOOOVE to learn more about this!!!
- 🦦
Hi 🦦!!
What a wall of love, my heart is bursting out of my chest 😭 And Sicily 6 being your all time fave of all 102 fics of mine, this is HIGH PRAISE!!
Wendy whenever Vin brings up tummyaches is like Error 404, I feel her in my bones. If a hot guy did that to me I think I might just have a stroke and die.
I haven't actually covered any of Wendy's mental health issues in my fics! I had planned on doing one in NY with Vin & Wendy, but I keep putting it off bc I know I'll have to tap on some sensitive topics that require research on my part and I'm lazy.
Here's some things I think on Wendy's case. She's always been a chubby girl, but before her transition this bothered her a lot. It added to the already installed feelings of something being off with her and even when she managed to put things together, but was not allowed to transition physically this made her life hell. It was a toss up between gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia.
She got a pretty bad eating disorder back then (which btw, never made her thin, only fucked up her health) and she s*lf-h4armed, up until her parents found out about this, alongside some pretty concerning journals with su1cide ideation and they "caved".
Simply put her parents are jerks, but they're not evil and in hindsight they do know it was the right thing to do, they're just... Well, jerks who refused to own up the fact they were wrong and certain things are still very wrong.
I think it's important to highlight Wendy and Leo are very different in this aspect, even if both of them have had suic1dal thoughts and struggled with their queer identities. Wendy is not chronically depressed, she hit a rough patch and she has since healed up. She's in a great place right now and, yes, she's got insecurities and fears, but she's not medicated and doesn't need to be.
Leo's depression is chronical and he's medicated and will always be so. Without his meds he will struggle with su1cidal thoughts and erratic behavior regardless of how happy he is with his life at the moment.
Wendy's trigger make her cry, at most they make her sad for a week. Leo's triggers cause severe panic attacks.
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stars-in-our-oceans · 2 years
Scroll past if you dont wanna read my incoherent rambling while brainstorming the FUCK outta this fic
Avatrice au prompt that I also wanna write lol TM TM TM TM TM TM MOTHERFUCKERS
Beatrice is a sculpture amongst five artist who were selected to go through a paid internship (paid internships amirite) at the louvre. This internship would allow artist to push their creative bounds outside of all the boxes that may have constricted them in their daily lives.
When they all finished their pieces their predecessors would pick and choose which pieces were “worthy” of being apart of the museum's modern artist showing. Each of the artist who were selected had only a year to finish all of their pieces, but Beatrice finished hers in under 8 months.
Mostly due to the fact that she would stay working until the sunrise because she was a perfectionist but also... she was passionate.
However so was Ava once upon a time, but now all he can do is sit and watch through the lifeless eyes of a statue... [BANGER]
Ava can only sit and watch Beatrice work through one of the paintings in the museum
- So maybe… Sister Francis who’s like the wicked witch, cursed Ava to watch her life pass her by (kinda like an continuation for her time spent in the orphanage as a paraplegic) so like being trapped in a painting/statue, was sister Francis’ way of “sparing her from death.” THIS CAN STILL APPLY IF I PLAN ACCORDINGLY ND SWITCH UP SOME THINGS BEAR (haha pun , im so funny iykyk) WITH ME
- I was also thinking whichever pieces Ava is “trapped” in or “bound” to, belonged to one of the predecessors that was also selected at one point just like Beatrice. Which obviously makes this person very likely to have had something to do with what happened to Ava. I mean technically the predecessor could have smth to do with what happened to Ava, like this person worked with sister Francis and made the sculpture so she would have somewhere to hide the halo (not anticipating a entire human being apart of the equation but ya know life or whatever 👁️👄👁️)
- Beatrice however does end up finding out about Ava’s situation (SOMEHOW) Beatrice probably things its just sleep deprivation when she sees a singular teardrop fall from the eyes of the statue or like fucking uhhhh???
- Beatrice then is somehow convinced later on that she can break the curse (bc Ava’s smart ass would definitely find a way to fuck w bea) so bea maybe finds out about the existence of another witch (Lilith) to help her break the curse, if shes will lol
- the part im having trouble with is incorporating Lilith into the story because odds are bea doesn’t know about the supernatural 🤩 so like the FUCK would she seek out a random witch for???? Uhhhhh mayhaps Lilith senses the halos energy AFTER it activates and goes to investigate in the museum but also figured thatd draw too much attention, so she finds a way to get a job there.. which is how she comes across BEATRICE HUZZAH 🎉 YALL I JUST FIGURED OUT MY OWN PLOT HOLE IT MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE TO YALL BUT HELL
- Also, Camila, Yasmin, Mary, Shannon, along with Beatrice are the candidates for the internship. (Camila and Beatrice are roommates) (Shannon and Mary are married and roommates WHAT ARE THE ODDS!!?!??) and YASMINE UHHH lives nearby (bc the internship also paid for housing, and Yasmin didn’t really require the housing still determining whether or not she is a nun)
- so Shannon and Mary were never nuns nor part of the convent, Beatrice is a reformed nun who decided art was more important than her vows (slay sister artist), Camila was getting her masters in cyber security but had always felt her true calling was art and saw this opportunity and took it, and yea I guess Yasmin is still a nun in this au but like of the more chill variety (so in terms of where she stays which is the convent, she was able to get lucky enough to commute back n forth to the museum due to the short distance)
- also Camila decided to either stay late with Beatrice one night/come pick bea up and witnesses the weird aforementioned thing Ava does in the sculpture or painting after being revived by the halo and unlike ya know screaming when she awoke 🥹😖 (god this is somehow sadder than the actual storyline wth imo) she has to silently cry instead out of the sculpture LIKE IN THAT ONE SCENE IN THE SHOW OMFG YOU KNOW THE ONE WHEN AVA AND MARY SLEEP IN THE CHURCH IN THAT ONE TOWN YEAH
- okay… so it is 5am but I am sticking with the sculpture idea bc the fucking teardrop sounds cool lollll like bea sees it, wipes her eyes blinking hard, and Camila is just like 🧍🏻”ayo they done sprung a leak in here???” BUT THIS TIME IT AINT A FUCKING LEAK YO WHAT??!??? CRAZY!???!?
- also yea Lilith DEF a security guard (so she has clearance to being in the museum late at night idc if thats not how it is irl this will be biblically accurate information in my au) and that is how she comes across bea and Camila (ooh woo *winks*) bc you already know im going to have Beatrice use Camila as leverage to steal Lilith’s heart so they can help get Ava outta the sculpture (also Camila and bea are allowed to stay late too yea yea bc they sectioned off apart of the museum for them to work where Ava’s sculpture happened to be hehehe, im scheming, gay scheming, if I may HEHEHEE)
- so like idk what else to add currently bc if el halo is still in Ava’s back when she gets out of the sculpture then she can magically walk again but like not immediately (bc like after she gets out bea, Camila, and Lilith too lol bc she will be the witchy bestie chasing after Camila like a lost puppy , ANYWAYS they realize that they cant just take a freaked out, unstable, Ava to the hospital w/o questions arising bc in this she was declared “missing” from the orphanage, ANYWAYS X2 Sorry I have adhd unmedicated, they take Ava back to bea and cam’s apartment nd call Shannon and Mary bc Mary is a nurse (we love a multi tasking queen) who helps alba and what not. Mary and Shannon come to find out what happened, but also bea and cam let ava stay “secretly” in their apartment so they can figure out wtf to do from there)
- nd like tbh i dont wanna make huge conflict bc ava already been hurt enough but after she gets out of the sculpture she gets to know bea and all that cute shit and gets to experience the life she missed out on, but that would create a plot hole bc if Lilith can sense the halo that means Francis can too (so who knows ava may find out the halo gives her powers and kills Francis by “accident” in this timeline too HAHAH) so maybe Francis sends the predecessor who created the sculpture only to find it shattered
I know this is getting away from the internship aspect of the story (im trying to be consistent bc like bea, cam, and Lilith needed to have a reason to be in the museum that late at night but like if they all worked there thatd be BORING so im improvising but THIS IS JUST BRAINSTORMING) and also kinda overshadowing yasmin (so as much as I love her she may just be a far removed side character reeeee)
- also like what if mommy- sorry mother 🥸 superion was like the person who overlooked their progress on their pieces, obviously bea is way ahead of everyone else, overachieving bichass [endearingly] 🙄 , but yea LOL
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p4lm5prings · 2 years
So if anyone wants to write this fic I’m about to explain (and probably not do a good job about it) please do and tag me there is not enough mattjen content on this app and it’s criminal!!
Ok so it’s been a few years since Jen and Matt hooked up in her show, they tried the whole long distance relationship thing but it just didn’t work out. But they’re still friends don’t you worry! They still beat up the occasional bad guy together when they are together. but yea so it’s been a few years and it’s actually Jen Walters’ wedding day (omg right?) so yea she started dating this guy after her and Matt ended maybe it could be John Jonah Jameson the third or something (ya know J Jonah Jameson’s son who she’s dated in the comics) or just som guy called John idc about that really.
But yep it’s Jen’s wedding day and it’s all going well until suddenly she has this realisation of ‘maybe this isn’t what I wanted’ cos she’s not feeling how typical brides feel like on their wedding day ya know? Our Jen is kinda just like ‘ok let’s get this over with’ and she’s realising that’s not a good feeling to have on your wedding day. So here enters Nikki and Pug (or just Nikki, maybe just Nikki. Whatever you want) and they’re like ‘ok girl you ready??’ And Jen’s like ‘lol not really guys’ and she starts explaining how she’s kinda only doing this wedding because that’s what people expect from her and she hasn’t taken a moment to think about what she wants. So now Nikki and Pug are panicking cos like they want the best for their bestie and this doesn’t sound like the best, but Jen being Jen is like ‘ah maybe I’m just overthinking everything idk guys’ and heads to the ceremony (btw idk if you’ve realised but she’s not overthinking).
Ok so remember I mentioned Matt earlier, well guess what? He’s at Jen’s wedding! Yeah! Matt, Foggy and Karen were all invited because everyone’s friends!! And another thing!! Matt heard everything Jen said to Nikki and Pug cos ya know he was focusing on Jen cos he cares and there are obviously still some romantic feelings there between them cos they didn’t really wanna end things but Matt’s home is New York and Jen’s is LA so it had to be done. But yes!! Matt heard all of Jen’s worries and 100% feels like it’s his duty to do something about it because the man is Matt Murdock what were you expecting?? Slight problem tho Jen’s like about to walk down the aisle and Matt’s now getting all agitated and everything, foggy notices and is like ‘what’s with you man?’ And then Matt’s like ‘I need stop this wedding’ and you can imagine foggy’s reaction to that.
So in true speak now by taylor swift fashion, Matt hears the preacher say ‘speak now or forever holddddd youuuuur peaaaceeeee’ (I had to). He gets up like ‘I reject!’, everyone’s like ‘huh?’, foggy and Karen are just embarrassed to even be associated with the man, Jen’s fiancé is 100% like ‘what the hell man??’ But you know what? Jen’s smiling and she’s not hiding it. Lots of drama blah blah blah. Matt and Jen confess their love for one another, and they run off together.
You talented writers can obviously make the hot mess I wrote good but I thought it was a cute idea idk I was thinking about speak now then I thought about the Elaine’s big day episode of new girl and I’m obviously gonna find a way to incorporate my faves in that.
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megaerakles · 1 year
Are you going to eventually go back to the DCEU au with Tim interacting with the other Leaguers? Bc lemme tell you, I hyena laughed when Tim opened his door and asks “What in the goddamn fucking hell are you doing here?” to Bruce, then makes sure to tack on an “asshole” at the end. I LOVE how bother Bruce is by Tim and his situation (it’s hilarious how Bruce starts by making him sound down right villainous and then you find out it’s really that his dad senses are screaming).
I am simply dying to see how this would play out!! Who would be the next one to interact with him? Superman bc he was curious about what has Bruce’s panties in a twist about the kid next door? Arthur going for a swim in the lake and spotting the kid on the shore? I can’t even think how Diana would run into Tim but I sure do hope to find out!
Also what’s the importance of the Drake coat of arms? I think that’s such an interesting anecdote to include in the story , and such a funny thing for Bruce to also clock when he confronts Tim.
Please please please tell me this will eventually be picked back up😩
😅 glad you enjoy that au! It’s a really fun one for sure. I’ll definitely be back to it as some point. Maybe soon maybe in six months, I literally can never predict my writing whims, sorry 🫣 for this first fic, I have the general plot/how and why each hero introduces themselves to Tim figured out and am excited to share them, as soon as I can make myself write them lol. Chapter Two will actually be Victor, who will quickly earn himself the spot as Tim’s New Very Favoritest Superhero Ever, Suck On That, Batman for the purposes of this au. And even after this fic finishes, I have a really fun idea about how to incorporate the Shazam movie, so I’ll probably get another fic out of it as well. Plus I have a few hundred words hanging out in a doc that’s basically a post-Resurrection Jason being like “Talia says Bruce replaced me but those appear to be grown ass adults with superpowers not scrawny preteens in tights so this does not compute???”. I’d eventually like to publish that as part of a longer fic but if I never figure out how I’d be open to posting it as a ficlet. So. Fun things to come! In time.
The original purpose of the Drake dragon coat of arms (soon to be officially christened Pebbles in the story!) is that I got a little carried away trying to come up with the most obnoxious things his parents could have done with their remodel and paying someone to create your family a coat of arms but then deciding you didn’t like it and getting it redone seemed to be just that sort of thing. The reason I spent a significant portion of time on it narratively is that I decided it was the perfect Emotional Support Inanimate Object for Tim to grow attached to and have conversations with. That way, when he has scenes where he’s hanging out in his house, I can still reasonably work in dialogue, which is absolutely my strongest area of writing and is the thing I have the most fun with. Picture Tim and the Dragon crest as the meme from The Good Place with Jason and his Ariana Grande poster; “Oh, Pebbles, we’re really in it now.”
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unorthodox-oblivion · 11 months
👶🥘🐸🤔 <3
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
I can see them having kids, yeah.
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
Right now? Probably the Lost Secret Santa fic. Cuz it actually has the cogs turning again lol
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
I'll do this one for Suliet, for your sake. I can totally see them with a Zootopia dynamic. Con artist and someone who's a little more type A, a little bit more of a rule follower (at least pre-island, in spite of the sister IVF thing). They have to get over the initial prejudice and earn each other's loyalty and trust.
Though, let's face it, and I've mentioned this before here, Tangled would be the best fit, with Ben as Mother Gothel.
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
I... can't think of anything. I don't have a tendency to repeat words very often. But maybe that's because I avoid dialogue like hell or I'd have to find a billion different ways to say "said".
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask Game Part II
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dirtyoldmanhole · 11 months
time for analyzing the absolute most freak-ass set of supports i have ever seen nintendo handle (affectionately)
A-support first since this got overly long, and i also touch on the JP versions as well.
half meta analysis, half lengthy shitpost because.
well ~
Last time in the Gunter/Corrin support train, we learned that Gunter used a little toy ball to coax Corrin out from her shell post the mind wipes when she was as skittish as a kitten, and then in the B support, Gunter/Corrin played catch again for the first time.
A little odd, but fairly tame. Here though ..... :')
(pardon me for the different "Corrin" look -- i ripped these screenshots off of a youtube version b/c i was lazy about not getting into the game proper) god do you know how many random ass files i have as reference for gunter JP/EN voicelines, JP/EN my room bits, transcripts, sprites, etc ... after this fic is done i'm totally making that fanshrine if only to stick all this shit in one place lol
anyway, corrin starts this bright and peppy and eager for more.
eyebrow waggle-/shot
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cute. :D
(the stretching's cute, too. like, more seriously, this isn't just wind-down/playtime, you can tell he's always incorporated this subtly as part of her training, likely modifying some soldier's training in a manner a little bit more befitting of her.)
they keep going...
Corrin: Ready as I'll ever be! There's no way I'm missing one of your throws! Gunter: All right, then. Here we go. Corrin: And easily caught. I have to say, Gunter, you have excellent form and follow-through. You know, I just remembered… Wasn't this ball made from a whip? Gunter: It was indeed. A pretty odd choice for material, I know… Corrin: Gunter… Would you be willing to tell me a few stories from when I was growing up? I still have a lot of holes in my memory from when I was little. Gunter: Of course. But you'll have to pay attention to the ball at the same time!
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i do find it interesting garon was keeping tabs enough on corrin to have opinions on how she was being raised, but not close enough that she has any recollection of him.
now for an absolutely wtf level of fridge horror: there's a part of the same JP lines above that made me sit way the fuck up.
Gunther: Of course. Then, as we’re playing… On that day, King Garon was in an incredibly terrible mood… He handed me this whip. He told me that until you were obedient, I was to continue whipping you.
"continue whipping" [record scratch] wait what the fuck
... i think that implies that garon was whipping corrin before she was she was sent to the tower?? man what the hell kind of life did corrin have between being kidnapped out of hoshido and before ending up in the northern fortress under gunter's aegis.
gunter's no saint, not in the least bit (i have sooooooo many issues with the side of fandom who thinks he's just a sweet wholesome old grandpa lmao lol looooooooooooool no), but damn did he sure protect her from the worst of krakenburg.
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okay this is interesting
a) she doesn't trust her memory like, at all. it's wild to think that gunter's literally likely the one dude that remembers her early lived life the best considering her other retainers (jakob/flora/felicia) were kids even slightly younger than she was, the hoshidan siblings were really young as well, and no other playable nohrian character was around much other than the occasional visit, post her kidnapping.
it's a little terrifying to think about how (i guess, if you interpret the game that way?) anankos was possessing him way back when and had free reign around corrin. that's kind of why i'm not totally in love with that interpretation (that'd be the perfect time for anankos to take out/corrupt corrin. why didn't he?).
b) that 'closed off' line says a lot from him, considering Gunter's hardly a socialite, either. in fact their whole support chain was framed around corrin seeking him out because he starkly seeks out alone time so much that it's a little ... isolating.
so like, if mister 'nah i don't need to be around people' is saying that, sheesh. i dabble in it with this slowburn fic, but i could almost see corrin being selectively mute at times, and hiding from people days at a time.
their dynamic ain't normal by any means but you can see how that kind of early-stage trauma bonding on both of their sides would influence [gestures at] everything, you know?
gunter's not just a father("figure"). or just a combat instructor. or just a mentor, or later, just a lover -- he's something that's more, even all combined. there's a hardwired sense of trust and codependency that's seared into them from the get-go.
(it's fucked up! god it's fun to write though.)
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so i ambled away from my computer at this line while screenshotting these and only afterwards realized that this out of context sounds like a goddamn porno LMAO
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[whispers] what in the fuckity fuck nintendo
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corrin, sweetie.....
...................how in the fuck are we supposed to read that with a straight face sjkhshajhjhjjh
lol. lmao.
okay [drags hands down face and cackles]
so this is right about where i really have to say i genuinely cannot see their (romantic) relationship being anything but a kink relationship. (and i say this in the fic notes but it's not the 'bdsm acronym pasta garbage' sense, and it's not in the 50 shades of grey cliche 24/7 M/s sense either, god i cannot fucking stand the cliche version of that shit. shoot me if i ever write that.)
and i say that for several reasons.
one - if you're shipping them, their mutual power dynamics are so hopelessly tangled between them and it's the one language -- in a way -- that they both "speak" later on that is uniquely equipped to handle a lot of that and the trauma junk from both of them in a private, loving, dignifying way. i genuinely mean that, too. rev's possession arc with him, corrin recovering from the mind wipes, etc. they're gonna have to face a lot of unpleasant shit together, and actively grappling at and mutually playing with those realities is, in a complex way, hell of a lot healthier than simply pretending it doesn't exist in the first place.
(two - metatextually i think nintendo intentionally encouraged a kink flavor to gunter/corrin because this ship does squick the fuck out of most other people and i'm not totally unsympathetic to that, so i think it's a way of quickly weeding out everyone except the folks who are genuinely here for this in an unironic sense. )
three - i already wrote up kink analysis re: gunter here lol (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
four - and sorta on this note, what's interesting is... with a lot of kinksters i know, they knew they vibed differently in that way really early on, even as kids. like even in stupid silly make believe play games they'll tie up barbies in random ass ways or discover in a genuinely innocent way that they like specific sensations of pain they can control. later on as adults, a lot of times the brain wires go [bzzt] and suddenly the world of power or sensation play makes a hell of a lot more sense, and frankly, is a lot more fun in certian sexy arenas of life. sometimes it comes along with trauma junk, sometimes it doesn't, it's not a binary thing (as basically everything isn't).
THAT IS A LOT OF WORDS TO SAY corrin also inadvertently being wired that way and having these little semi-accidental lines doesn't actually surprise me that much. (i can also see this specific line being a little bit of a 'hrmm' flag for gunter in that she's not going to run away instantly screaming at the idea of playing these specific kinds of games, later on once when/if they're romantic)
am i projecting a little? fuck yes, that's what we're here for
Gunter: Indeed. I knew that striking you wouldn't ever get you to open up to anyone. So I came up with a different method - one that used this ball. I returned to your room sometime later, and I rolled the ball over to you. Corrin: Which I immediately picked up, examined, and threw back to you. Gunter: Oh, you remember this part? Good.
that actually is incredibly wholesome she remembers this part. ;a; you know gunter was always probably lowkey sad at her not remembering key parts of her childhood, regardless or not if it was moments between them or not.
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so did you know, treehouse actually neutered this down from the JP version which was straight up, i shit you not:
Gunther: …It’s nostalgic… It really is. Kamui: …How long has it been since? I’ve always considered you like my real father, Gunther-san.
l u l "real father"""""
i'm dying man
every single goddamn time i think this ship can't possibly get more fucked up IT DOES
it would be hilarious enough just knowing the whole existence of a (married) S-support coming up but coming right after the heels of that THE BALL WAS A WHAT realization.... hee
anyway here's the last chunk:
Gunter: You… You are much too kind. Ah, now look at what you've made me do. Corrin: Gunter! It's rare that you miss a catch. Gunter: My sincerest apologies. There was… something in my eye. Corrin: Getting sentimental in your old age? Hang on, I'll get you a handkerchief.
damn girl, 'sentimental in your old age'. you vicious! :D
it is horrible of me but every time i think about the end of this support i bust out HYSTERICALLY LAUGHING for a completely different reason since if you headcanon Gunter as always holding a flame for/romantically harboring feelings for Corrin-
on one hand: 'i'm special to her :'))))'
on the other: [ O H K O ]
anyway half of what makes the A-support peak fridge-[everything] is the S-support right after ~ coming soon!
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
i find it kinda interesting that the similar-sized ~smaller fandoms I'm in (a certain twitch streamer, various interactive fiction pieces, certain DnD podcasts/shows), you're allowed to put constructive criticism in the main tags (obv hate will always get people riled up) of the work, but Redacted Audio fandom if you go 'Xavier only seems to have gotten introduced to die; we should have seen more of Lovely's difficulty after turning; Imperium!Asher & David's in Cataclysm felt like overpowered a lot (for a couple that weren't initially a thing in season one of Imperium) especially over Imperium!Milo & Sweetheart's current relationship, etc lol...people get upset, they block, no one interacts.
Idk if Erik deleting the Bright Eyes storyline just frightened people into rarely even offering slight notes (which I know some people were annoying about having an unlikable listener), but it's odd. Everyone seems hesitant to give this man anything but glowing praise for everything. Everything lol. He mentioned thinking of himself as a writer first and previously wanting to be an author, but I wonder if he would even be able to incorporate notes from a professional developmental editor (or even try to). I think he could accomplish a lot by even running plans through with a critique partner or two.
Isn't it odd? Ive been in a shit ton of fandoms, but ive never been in one that is like this staunchly anti-critique/anti-analysis. It's strangely cult-like in the way that voicing dissenting opinions, expressing differences in interpretations, or analyzing the work in a way that is more critique driven rather than theory driven gets you shunned. HUGE swathes of hate mail, death threats, suicide baiting, and so on and so forth for daring to not listen to the Word of God or not consuming the plots and messaging on a surface level. I feel like some of these people never developed critical thinking skills. Hell, this fandom will even hates on you for... liking the villians???? The purity culture in this fandom bro....
I do think the aversion to this stuff is bc of the bright eyes and fred situation, at least in large part. But iirc the reason those videos got deleted was because everybody was arguing over who was really in the wrong. I wasn't participating in redacted fandom spaces at the time, but i know the discord was up back then, so it probably has something to do with Erik actually seeing the bickering. No one can convince me he didn't leave the discord for similar reasons. He's probably not on tumblr or twitter or tiktok or ao3 or whatever fucking hellsite looking at our opinions. And shit, even if he was, that's on him bro. The idea that expressing dissatisfaction, dislike, critique, or otherwise not accepting being spoonfed how we're supposed to feel about the work is somehow going to make him delete content is wild.
Said it before, but if he's that sensitive about his work being critiqued, he should not be posting his art online. And i don't mean that in a mean-hearted way, if seeing people not like/critique your art makes you want to hide it or puts pressure on you to change it, you shouldn't put it up online. Protect yourself from the emotional distress yanno? That's one of the reasons i don't post my own drawings/paintings online. My art is very personal to me, and despite knowing im a very good artist, seeing someone not like it or make fun of it would hurt a lot. So i only post my fics online. At least for now.
Anyways, thank you for the ask. I totally agree, its interesting. And fucking weird.
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daryfromthefuture · 2 years
😈🛒✨🛠⛔🙋‍♀️💖❌ 🤗🤯 for the ask thing (sorry I got a lot of questions!)
oh god, that's a lot! let's see what we have here
😈has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
oh, all the time. many of my reader friends open my next chapter with great caution because i tend to be a little mean to my main characters sometimes (without warning, too). sometimes i also like to make already pretty bad conditions even worse for fun <3 i love my readers
🛒what are common things you incorporate in your fics? themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
at this point it's pretty much impossible to find a fic of mine that doesn't involve a doc and marty found family trope, and i love when they hug, so that also does happen all the time. it's a crime that they only had two hugs in the entire trilogy. bob gale, what the hell?
aside from that...emotional hurt, fluff. friendship. these things. i'm not a huge fan of romance, so i tend to stay away from that (except if it's necessary for plot purposes)
✨give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it.
awww. that's sweet. let me think.
as much as it frustrates me sometimes, my writing is pretty solid in english for it being my third language. i sometimes reread my stuff and think that this is a style i'd also gladly read.
🛠️what tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
i use libreoffice and google docs for the most part! but if i'm in complete writers block, this website helps me a lot! it actually makes me write lmao
⛔do you have a fic you started, but scraped?
yep. i had a bttf prequel fic i wanted to write, but i eventually scraped it because the plot was pretty lame. also my brain was overtaken by other projects that matter more to me now, so it's not a big loss ;)
🙋‍♀️do any irl people know you write fanfic?
in my irl friend group, i usually disguise fanfic as "stories that go nowhere" instead of admitting that i post them for the enitre internet to discover and read. some friends know that it's specifically fanfic, though. my family knows nothing and i'd like for it to stay that way lol
💖what made you start writing?
personally, i've been loving to write since forever. i used to write short stories for myself, up until i discovered fanfic when i was 10. my drive to write fanfiction usually comes from my love for fandoms and characters, and the urge to add my own touch to already existing stories and put those characters into interesting scenarios. you can do so many things while keeping the characters you know and love, and that's really fun!
❌what's a trope you will never write?
y/n or oc x canon. i appreciate everyone who managed to insert y/n or oc into canon so well that the story still makes sense and is well written, but personally i could never do that. the already existing characters bring me enough inspiration to come up with stories, and i'm perfectly content with writing for them.
🤗what advice would you give to give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
don't be afraid to start! things like "but others are better than me" shouldn't stop you. yes, others are better than you. they will always be others who are more successful and have a different writing style that you may think as being better. but you will improve, and be proud of your own work. fanfic is something you write for yourself and also for free, it's your time you're investing and it's perfectly fine to be proud of the stories you tell! and there always will be people who genuinely enjoy what you write :)
wow that was a lot
🤯what's a genre you struggle with as a writer? (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
while i've slowly gotten a hang on romance, i stuggle with action scenes (simply because i tend to focus on emotion rather than plot). also horror? angst, yes. horror? no, nope. don't know how to write that.
thank you so much for the ask!
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unsuredreamer · 1 month
All time favorite Disney movie is lion king. I liked the live action beauty and the beast. I also really liked maleficent 1 &2. Really wish descendants would incorporate the animal animations they could have them as shifters.
Work has been a pain but you giving us Kylie photos and I’m just having a good time now.
I wanted to send you a choke request but I forgot what it was it’s based on a tiktok I saw but I can’t remember which. How was your day?
I have actually been thinking about a fic with a shifter reader, she could be the daughter of simba or something. But i haven't got any idea wht to put in it.
I'm always happy to give y'all something with Kylie for a better day cause this girl is hawtt like hell
Too bad you dont remember, i could use some ideas rn. I got a few ideas but my head is not that smart to get a lotof them going lol
It was kinda boring, if didn't do much. I just watched the eras tour on disney plus and that was it tbh But i had fun like hell singing by myself
How was yours?
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okiankeno · 3 months
music tag game 😎
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that are queued up and tag 10 others to do the same!
Thank you to @unknownteapot and @babychosen for tagging me!! I love talking abt music I'm so sorry my little notes are so long uhhh
1. cough drops - almost monday
Go to driving songgg 🎸🎶 I know the lyrics by heart hehe
2. The Thrill of First Love - the Falsettos
THE FALSE TOES SONG OF ALL TIME!!! I loveee the musical Falsettos and both Christian Borle and Andrew Rannelis's chemistry in it is UNMATCHED. I love the wave-like motif in the piano that rolls up and down in the beginning, it feels very teasing, somewhat unstable, and representative of Whizzer and Marvin's relationship that they are singing about. The composer for this musical honestly made so many smart decisions but I don't wanna barf musical annotations lmaooo
3. Play Back - NIJISANJI EN's Ren Zotto and Doppio Dropscythe
Outing myself as a vtuber and nijisanji fan (derogative). This is #1 on my On Repeat playlist on spotify oooop. This song is my favourite vtuber original song ever and it's composed by a renowned Vocaloid producer, Teddyloid (I LOVE TEDDYLOID). Ren's singing is SO GOOD here. I don't usually like whispering or asmr like stuff but the way it's incorporated into the chorus with Doppio who is known in his past life for that stuff?? Oh it tickles my ears in a very good way. The MV is also hot anyways Mr Ren Zotto in his fboi era with his new outfit and this song I'm not complaining 😌😌😌
4. CoolAs - KEY
Tame Impala core song. I don't think I've ever heard a chorus that has such a distinctive pick-up in the melody that's sung deliberately separate from the rest of the phrase?? and it's done really well? From a classical musical standpoint it doesn't make sense but I really love it. Sorry I'm analyzing music now lol. The lyrics "Cool as" denote the beginning of the next set of lyrics for the next phrase BUT in the song it's deliberately used to END the phrase. It's so cool. this may not make sense lol please listen to the song i swear my analysis makes sense
5. hell of a good time - Haiden Henderson
I made a vampire angela playlist and this song is the most frequented of them all lol it's so good.
6. can't slow down - almost monday
Slay it's almost monday again! I love their vibes. They make really good roadtrip songs. This is one of their newest releases and it's been on! Repeat! 🔂🔂🔂
7. letter in a suitcase - Anarbor
I PACK MY BAG I GOT A LETTER IN A SUITCASE I GOT A HONEY WITH A NEW FACE 🗣🗣🗣‼️‼️‼️One of my favourite road jams to belt while driving hehe
8. Sucker for that Love - Robin Packalin feat. SAAY
I listen to this A LOT while writing fic lol the back and forth in dialogue of the verses really gets me going!! It's also a very groovy song and makes me wanna dance 🕺 I want to eat SAAY's voice literally she is so talented one of my favourite vocalists ever
literally soooo cute it's a song about the heart racing one feels when thinking of a crush and how said crush is the only one that can save the singer from the condition. And the choreography is cute too aaaa!!! I wish the rap line had more lines tho (im delusional its a vocals-focused song lol and wtf is the line "come be my slime" ummm jimmy wdym by that???)
Outing myself as an enstars enjoyer and Crazy:B stan ✨️ I haven't played enstars in so long but the music is fucking awesome. I love this motley anime idol group of a king that abdicated his throne to be a jpop idol, a cannibal, an assassin, and a robot clone of a dead man <3 they are singing about the myth of Ariadne and I love how 🔥 spicy 🔥 the song feels with the piano, percussion, accordion and violin.
I tag @96theater @honeyviscera @admdiamond @lilac-hecox and anyone who would like to participate and sees this post!
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