#oooh new tag...mayhap
ghostboyjules · 2 years
beloved Alex, @wizardofgoodfortune, has honored me once again by tagging me in the following WIP game, and as I promised her earlier, I wanted to have this posted by this evening :3 so here we go!
you know the drill: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I am...apparently an agonizingly slow writer, so I have very little of any of these actually written (except for the 5+1... that one has a good chunk..) so pls lmk if you would rather have a snippet or like, just a lil thought process or something!
fic idea? 😳 (or on my laptop, it's labeled '5+1 apology fic')
siigh alright fic idea #2 (laptop name is 'grave digging 1889')
fic idea 3 self defense Hob
70's roller skate date (this is pretty much a collab with alex and vi, let's be real)
I have a few playlists in the works as well, because of course I do, so I'll list what I have them currently named as and if you wanna ask about 'em you can lolol (the ones listed are all sandman related, obvi)
'Dream 2'
'Hob 2'
'y'know 1'
(this one is technically done,..maybe? but i think i'll add more if I'm particularly struck, so I'll add it here) 'and by the lamps eternal'
okay! that's all I have for now! if anyone sends anything in, I'll most likely have to answer them tomorrow 'cause it's my beddy bye time. but yeah these WIPS are practically the first things I've ever actually like, written for fun or tbh fiction in general?? so ofc i'm a lil nervy abt that but YEEHAW IG
thanks again Alex for tagging me, i'm so incredibly honored and overjoyed to be here 🥺 <3 I don't have very many peeps to tag who haven't already been tagged so off the top of my head I'm gonna say @leave-me-alone-doctor (hi bb <3) and @croakings (i know you got some bangers rattlin around somewhere... you pop off.. <3) and @watermelon-mafia (idk if you have anything specific cookin up rn but if soooo 👀) okay gn for now, love y'all 😘
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frozenfries · 2 years
raze and reader having a lil competition to see who can put the mostly stickers on breach’s arms without him noticing mayhaps???
Oooh a chance to write two new characters? I’ll take it. Thank you for such a lighthearted idea!
Tag Team (Raze x Reader)
Prompt: A friendly competition turns into a sweet prize.
Word Count: 601
• There was never a dull day with Raze.
• You two got a kick out of engaging in friendly competition over just about anything: who could out-joke Brimstone, who had better taste in music, who could spray paint a better mural…
• The thing about these competitions was that there were never any real losers: the winner usually picked something you could both enjoy.
• When Breach expresses his fears of missing out, you and Raze are determined to change his perspective.
It had started off as an innocent question.
Everyone knew Raze and Breach were as thick as thieves and had a long history together. During breakfast one morning after you’d stopped by Killjoy’s workshop, the Brazilian munched away on her pão na chapa while scrutinizing the Initiator so intently that he began to shift uncomfortably in his chair.
“Hey mano… did you ever want tattoos on those arms?”
Breach nodded. “I like to imagine they were real beauties. I feel like I’m missin’ out sometimes, but I can’t complain about what I got in their place!” He flexed his arms as he spoke, grinning fondly. “Carbon steel with titanium plating, baby.” He rapped one of them lightly with his knuckles. “Nothing beats your upgrades.”
The Duelist toyed with something under the table - one of the German’s frog stickers she’d snagged from a desk earlier. Standing up, she casually patted Breach on the arm as she made her way out of the mess hall, leaving the decal in her wake. “Vamos!” She called out to you, already having made her first mark. You clucked your tongue, smirking as you bid the others farewell. With that, you had just figured out your next competition.
To make it more interesting, you guys had printed out a whole variety pack of stickers containing bits of the agents: Jett’s knives, Neon’s octopus and Chamber’s teleportation card, just to name a few. And so it went for the day, with you both attempting to surreptitiously plant stickers on the criminal’s arms without him noticing; some times were easier than others.
She made it look so effortless. You, on the other hand, crashed not-so-subtly into him on the range during target practice just to land one on the back of his bicep. Another time, you nearly fell onto the billiards table as you got close to Breach, clutching his shoulder and standing on the tips of your toes to “get a better look at his shot angle” as he played his daily match with KAY/O. You had been acting rather strange today and at this point, the Swede couldn’t help but wonder if you were trying to hit on him.
Raze busted out laughing. “They’re with me, Breachy. Don’t get any ideas.” She bumped your hip with hers, eliciting a giggle while the man raised his hands in surrender.
In the end, Raze managed to decorate his arms in more stickers. When Breach discovered what the two of you were up to, you weren’t sure what his reaction would be. But his face lit up and he couldn’t stop admiring what you’d done. He even decided to keep them on when he was called away to a mission the next day.
“Time to take these arms for a spin.” Slinging his Bulldog over his shoulder, he fist bumped you both and strode off confidently.
Raze turned to you when he rounded the corner, wrapping an arm around your waist and taking you by surprise with a kiss.
“Hey, a win’s a win,” she reasoned as you two exchanged smiles.
Some things never changed.
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A Picture is a Poem Without Words
Chapter 15
Its herreeee. Sorry this took so long, between new job and not a lot of free time it took me a hot minute to find time to write. But we have officially ended season 2, and we will be entering season 3... Oooh. so much drama planned... Im actually extremely excited to write everything I got plotted out in my head.
Warnings: some fighting, sex, fingering, a dash of cunninglingus 
As always: “Talk”  ‘Thoughts’ and “Spanish”
Everything tag: @mikeisthricedeceased
Pacho tag: @yungkvte  @mcrmarvelloki  @realm-of-azrael and @shootingthroughthesky0905​  (I saw your message and I wanted to surprise ya!)
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It was later that evening, after that disaster of a meeting with Tata, when Pacho finally entered her office. He leaned casually against the door frame, watching her work for a moment.
“What’s up my love?” Blix asked not looking up from the file she was reading currently.
“Checking on you. Haven’t left this office since you came home, and according to Thierry, you haven’t eaten yet. Are you okay? What did she want?” Pacho questioned as he stepped inside.
“Wanted to bargain. To protect her children. And her own skin. I told them that the price would be steep, and it wouldn’t be offered until her husband was dead. She didn’t seem too pleased by my answer. Guess she thought I would be kind and plead her case to Gilberto. Unfortunately for her, kindness went out the door the moment I was shot several times in my own damn home,” Blix seethed, tossing the file down.
Pacho looked at her curiously, “Surely… that’s not the only reason?”
“What other reason would I need? I mean besides the world’s most awkward family reunion with my father?” Blix wouldn’t make eye contact with him.
“Hmmm. Mayhaps… a certain colonel who was killed by her husband? One of whom you loved like family?” Pacho reminded with a raised eyebrow.
He knew her well enough at this point that there was a deeper reason to her anger. It wasn’t just that she was angry but was still in pain over his death.
She didn’t answer him, besides sighing.
“While it is true that Gilberto would make a steep price for his protection, your anger over this is… excessive,” Pacho gently explained, as he noticed the tension in her body and her footing tapping rapidly.
“It’s the audacity for me,” Blix stated plainly, standing up and moving to pace in front of her desk.
Her anger grew the more she spoke, “She dares to ask ME a favor when her husband has taken so much from me? Like. I have been shot at, my family backstory exposed on international television, been in an explosion for the SECOND TIME in a year, and lost my best friend, because of that bastard. And she has the ADUACITY to plead with me to save her life and tried to guilt trip me with her children? Fuck that.”
Pacho listened to her rant, his eyes glancing over at the door to see Gilberto, Miguel, and Chepe standing there listening as well with some mild confusion. He made eye contact with them, and quietly shook his head. He would explain things to them later.
Pacho gently walked over to her and pulled her into his arms causing her rant to stutter. He held her close or at least he attempted to. She pushed away from him and continued pacing.
“Pacho, I love you, but I really do not want to be touched right now. I wanna hit something repeatedly. Preferably Escobar… in the face…with a cinderblock,” Blix growled as she stopped, staring at nothing in particularly.
“Come with me,” Chepe offers stepping into her room, holding his hand out to her.
Blix looked at him for a moment, before taking his hand, and allowing him to lead her downstairs. He dragged her downstairs, and outside where several guards were lulling about. He tells her to wait a moment and walked over to a muscular man off to the side. They spoke in whispers for a minute before the both of them strolled over to her.
“This is Alejandro, he is one of our best fighters. Perhaps you two can have a nice spar and you can work out that anger little lady,” Chepe offered with a small smirk.
“Do you prefer gloves or bare-knuckled?” Blix asked him after thinking it over for a moment.
“Either works for me, you sure you can handle fighting me lil lady? Wouldn’t want you to break a nail or anything?” Alejandro goaded her.
Blix said nothing as she rolled up the sleeves to her dress shirt, having left her suit jacket in her office. Once she was satisfied with her sleeves, she walked over to a more open area of the patio and waited for Alejandro to join her. She took a moment to stretch, standing on her tip toes, her arms reaching for the sky. She was barefoot, having taken her shoes off some hours ago.
Chepe and Alejandro looked at each other, before Chepe simply shrugged saying, “Have fun?”
Alejandro joined her, taking off his rings and setting them down on a table, and kicking off his shoes as well.
“Go until one concedes or until one bleeds, Alejandro?” Blix asked him as once he was ready.
“Whichever you prefer m’lady,” Alejandro said with a cocky smirk.
Blix simply raised an eyebrow, rolling her eyes briefly, before swiftly throwing out a jab, hitting him squarely in the face.
He jerks back, shaking his head, and gave her an incredulous look as he processed the hit. A loud boisterous laugh left him as he exclaimed something she couldn’t quite catch.
His left leg swings at her as he tried to surprise her with a kick. Blix blocked it from making contact against her side, by grabbing his ankle, sliding forward to sweep his other leg out from under him. As he fell, she moved back, waiting for him to get back up.
He got up with an angry shout, moving to charge at her. She twirled out of the way of his path, dodging him multiple times as he tried to grab her. After the 3rd time, she waited until he had gotten close to her before aiming a punch at his gut, causing him to be slightly winded. She punched him several more times, before finally doing a roundhouse kick aimed at his face.
As the kick landed, and he fell back onto the ground, he waved his hand.
“I concede. Damn girl… where’d you learn to punch? That shit hurts,” Alejandro complains, clutching his chest.
“From a former MMA champion, at his gym filled with other MMA fighters. All of them made sure that if I was going to hit a man, that I was going to make sure it hurt. That groin shots only do so much and are too predictable,” Blix explained taking a breath.
“Think I would’ve preferred that to be honest,” He mumbled, taking the hand Blix offered him to help him up.
“Sorry. Not that kind of girl,” Blix lightly joked.
There was the sound of applause coming from the direction of the house, and as they turned to it, they saw several guards standing there watching alongside the Gentlemen.
She looked over at Pacho, who was smirking at her, pride shining brightly in his eyes.
“We should have another match again. Ya know… when you learn to take a punch,” Blix ribbed Alejandro as she walked away.
“Oh ho ho. I see that overconfidence starting to show itself! We are definitely having a rematch. You can count on that Lady of Cali,” Alejandro called out, grabbing his stuff before returning to work.
Blix grinned cheekily, standing before Pacho.
“I’ll take that hug now,” Blix spoke softly to him.
Pacho’s smirk transformed into a small smile as he pulled her into his arms, holding her close. She wrapped her arms around him, burying her face into his chest. She felt a lot better than she did 15 minutes ago.
“I’ve already informed them about your meeting. We are planning our next moves. Apparently the Castellano brothers have a surprise of sorts in the works for you. What that means, I don’t know, but with those two the less you know the better,” Pacho murmured to her.
Blix simply nodded her head once, but before she could respond, her stomach growled loudly.
Blix’s cheeks warmed up in embarrassment as she heard Pacho snicker at her.
“Let’s get some food in you, my heart,” He said as he pulled away to lead her back inside to the kitchen.  
As the two of them took a seat at the island in his kitchen, one of his chef’s came forward with several plates of food, setting them down before the two of them.
“Feel better?” Pacho asked her after a moment, chuckling a bit as she took a fork and started pigging out.
Blix paused for a moment, giving him a thumbs up, instead of speaking since her mouth was full.
Once she was able to, she verbally replied, “Yeah. Still a bit upset, but no longer filled with rage.”
“Good. Y’know you never have to hide that from me right? I would rather you rant and rage for a few minutes, than sit and isolate yourself for hours from everyone without talking about it. Even Thierry, who had been with you, admitted he was pissed that Tata asked that of you, and Thierry doesn’t get mad,” Pacho spoke gently, brushing her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear.
Blix smiles smally and nods her in understanding.
“I’m used to dealing with things on my own. It’s hard for me to rely on others or talk about how I feel. It’s not exactly something I was taught. Be patient with me, yeah?” Blix answered, grabbing his hand and holding it loosely.
Pacho smirked before giving her a swift kiss, muttering an ‘always’ against her lips.
The two of them spent another hour eating, and simply enjoying one another’s company. As the two of them got up to go to bed, there was a slight commotion going on in the living room. They looked at each other confused, before moving quickly toward the noise. The brothers were watching the news, and as the two of them watched trying to figure out what had happened the reporter revealed some disturbing news.
Blix watched as two different reports came on. One was a disturbing video of Valeria’s murder right outside the hotel she met Tata. As she noted the… elaborate setup and message, she looked over at Chepe who was leaning against the couch. Chepe met her eyes and gave her a small nod confirming her questioning eyes. This is what the Castellanos had planned.
The next report was just as bad. Judy Moncada, who had been arrested, in an interview where she threw Javier under the bus.
“Damnit Javi. You idiot. What the hell did you do to piss her off?” Blix mumbled under her breath as she rushed upstairs to her sat phone.
She tried calling him to no avail before trying Steve. No answer from him either.
She called Theo, who answered after the second ring, “Yo boss.”
“What the hell is going on with the DEA?” Blix asked concern lacing her voice.
“Epic shit show. Peña was working with Los Pepes and he tried to back out on them. Moncada wasn’t having it. He’s currently on a plane back to Texas. Steve’s out in the field trying to find Escobar. He’s been on the run for a week and Steve thinks that he and Search Bloc are close to finding him. The man’s desperate, he’s bound to mess up,” Theo reported quickly.
“Shit. That damn fool. And he tells me to be more careful and yet he was feeding Los Pepes information to get ahead of the Medellin?  I outta strangle him,” Blix grumbled as she took a seat on her bed.
“Yeah. It’s… it’s been a mess. But. Bright side, we may be getting rid of one cartel soon? In other news, we found a lead to a potential buyer in some of the items König was going to sell to Argentina. I’ve already sent Cynthia and Robbie down to investigate, so it’s just Marisol, Leon, and myself here. They should be checking in sometime in the morning,” Theo informed her, as the sound of papers rustle in the background.
“I’m sure those two are going to have a little too much fun together but I don’t care. I’ll be in late tomorrow morning to catch up on paperwork and give you an extra set of eyes to go over leads and such,” Blix noted with a chuckle.
“Alright, I’ll see ya tomorrow boss,” Theo replied cheerfully.
Blix said her goodbyes, before hanging up. She sighed softly, before laying back to stare at her ceiling. She slowly fell asleep moments later.
A few days had passed, and work had kept her busy. She was in her office, signing off some reports when Steve knocked on her doorframe.
“Hey…. You wanna come with us to catch Escobar? We think we know where he’s at, we just need to pinpoint his location,” Steve asked her his eyes bright and filled with hope.
Blix jumped up, snatching her bulletproof vest, and her gun. She tossed her hair up into a messy bun, hat and sunglasses following. She made sure she had extra ammo clips and her knife, before joining Steve at the door.
“Hell yeah. Let’s go,” Blix answered him with determination.
Steve smiled brightly and led her outside to where Search Bloc was waiting. CIA was on standby to help try and triangulate his location.
Blix and Steve hopped into a car, Blix slipped on a jacket, buttoning it up to hide her vest. They arrived in the neighborhood that they believed Escobar was hiding out in. After an hour of waiting, searching and listening, it almost seemed hopeless. Until Colonel Martinez’s son got something. The sound of Escobar…talking to his wife.
Steve and Blix hopped out, casually walking down the street, looking around with sharp eyes. Martinez drove by slowly trying to find the location using both the telephone signal and his eyes looking at every window and door.
Martinez had gotten two blocks away when he radioed them saying he spotted Escobar. Between the two of them and Colonel Martinez, they all moved quickly to the rundown apartment that Martinez had seen him.
They tried to be swift and quiet, but someone inside had spotted them, and began to shoot. It was a frenzy of bullets and shouting, but eventually they had gotten into the apartment, chasing after Escobar and the sicario that was with him. Blix wasn’t quite sure how, but they had wound up the roofs, everyone trying to get to Escobar as quickly as possible.
The man with Escobar turned to shoot at Steve and Blix fired several rounds, stopping him before he could fire one shot. Steve ran forward, trying to get a clear shot of Escobar. Blix stopped by the man she shot, kicking the gun in his hand out of it and down aways from him. Blix then ran to catch up to the guys.
Several gunshots sounded off as she jumped down to a lower roof. She took in the sight before her. Escobar was lying down on roof, with several gunshot wounds, dead. Steve, Colonel Martinez and another Search Bloc soldier were surrounding him. Blix moved over, staring at the sight in disbelief.
“Stevie boy… I don’t mean to alarm you…but I think you guys defeated the Medellin cartel,” Blix teased him, nudging him softly.
Steve chuckled, running a hand over his face. The other soldiers, whooped and cheered as the realization hit them. Blix stepped back and allowed them to have their victory cheer and photo. Blix slipped away once she was sure she was no longer needed.
She made her way back home to Cali. As she stepped in, she looked at Pacho who was sitting on his couch with the brothers and Chepe. Pacho looked over at her and gave her a questioning look.
She practically skipped over to him, kissing him soundly.
“THIERRY! DIEGO! ONE OF YALL BREAK OUT THE GOOD ALCOHOL!” Blix called out as she pulled away, twirling slightly.
“What are we celebrating my dear?” Pacho asked her, shaking his head at her goofy behavior.
Blix simply turned the TV on, changing it to the news where they were reporting that Pablo Escobar had been killed. That his reign of terror had finally ended.
All four men either stared at the screen with wide eyes or slack jaws. Pacho stood up, moving over to her. He suddenly lifted her up, swing her around with a shout.
Blix laughed at him, holding onto him tightly as everyone around them broke out into cheers and laughs.
They spent the next hour celebrating with everyone. Blix was quietly drinking her glass of bourbon when she looked over at Pacho, who was staring at her fondly. She smiled at him, before looking around for a moment. Everyone was about 10 shots of tequila deep with no end in sight. Blix sets her drink down, before going over to Pacho. She takes his hand, pulling him up out his seat, and leading away from the celebration.
The two of them slowly made their way upstairs to his bedroom. Upon entering it, she turned and looked at Pacho, biting her bottom lip slightly. She quietly stripped in front of him, until she was bare, walking backwards to the bed.
Pacho enjoyed the small show she gave him, his eyes darkening as more of her was revealed. He was less deliberate in taking off his clothes, his movements somewhat rushed. He stood in front of her once his clothes were off as well.
“On the bed princess,” He gently commanded her.
She crawled onto the bed looking at him softly
He waited till she was settled before moving to hover over her. He pressed several kisses to her lips, each one longer than the last. Her hands buried themselves into his hair, as his hands explored her body. She sighed softly as his hands brushed against her nipples, gently tugging at both. Pacho slowly moved down, kissing her chest, nipping at her breasts occasionally.
Pacho continued his journey settling down between her thighs, his finger running up and down her slit. She shivered slightly as he continued to tease her with feather soft touches. After a moment his tongue joined the teasing,
“Pacho. You’re killing me here handsome. Stop teasing me please,” Blix softly begged.
He chuckled at her whine, before he ran his tongue more firmly against her, slipping a finger inside her as well. His tongue played with her clit for a moment before he pulled his face away, letting his fingers do more of the work. Another finger joined the first one as his thumb ran over her clit several times.
Blix could feel the tension building in her body as she got closer and closer to her climax. However, before she could reach it, Pacho pulled his hand away. Blix groaned in frustration as her high fell away.
Blix looked down at Pacho, watching the smirk grow on his face as he slid one of her legs over his shoulder before slipping his length into her. She moaned loudly at the feel of him filling her up. She felt him press a kiss or two to her leg as it fell away from his shoulder to wrap around his waist alongside her other leg. He readjusted himself so he was resting on top of her, his hands lacing with both of hers as he slid them above her head.
His thrusts were slow and deep, once again teasing her like he had done before. However, his movements picked up speed and soon enough the both of them were moaning each other’s names. Blix leaned up to kiss him deeply, wanting to feel his lips on hers.
The two of them got lost in each other, neither of them wanting the night to end. Come morning, the real work was to begin…. Along with more trouble brewing than they ever imagined…
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channiechanchan · 4 years
17 questions tag
tagged by @seungminsmile​
nickname — sonette, my friends also calls me ness or nessa
zodiac — a whole ass leo
height — 5′6
hogwarts house — hufflepuff 🥺
last thing i googled — jc’s real name lol to make sure i wasn’t misspelling it
song stuck in my head — wuji by xiao zhan and wang yibo 🥺🥺
number of followers — ahaha like 2 or 3 active followers 😀
hours of sleep — this is going to be a surprise to my old moots lol but i’ve actaully been getting at least 8 hours of sleep on some days lol
lucky number — 3 
dream job — i would like to own a company 🕴🏻
currently wearing — a reebok shirt and shorts
favorite song — bu you (beyond control?) by mister lhk 😳
favorite instrument — oooh this is hard but piano hehe 
aesthetic — fairy lights, food pictures heh, pastel colors, sunset sky, stars, nature pictures!
favorite author — ahhhhhhhh this is hard but imma say suzanne collins cause hunger games fjdnx
random — i started chloe ting’s new workout program today and i mayhaps died a little
tagging @luvknow @xiaosean @yeaimfishboi @realstraykids @blueprintskz only if you guys want to hjfdvxc
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btshodown · 4 years
Music Tag Game
Set your music on shuffle and write down the songs you get for each of the 13 scenes!
I was tagged by
and honestly thank you for this! It was fun to read what you got as well and do it for myself. 🥰 I’m scared though cause now my random af music taste is gonna be exposed adfjgjd 
Title Song: All That I’m Living For by Evanescence {Ummm okay, going right in with the angst alskfgjh Honestly makes sense given my Scorpio ass 🤡This is gonna be a dark movie}
Waking Up: So What by BTS {LMAO What a fucking 180 omg but I like the vibe of waking up, kinda like its okay emo bitch it’ll be alright}
Falling In Love: Toxic by Britney Spears {🤡Even in my fake movie I end up falling for the asshole apparently. Honestly I’m getting like...falling for the bad boy vibes here when I know it can be toxic}
First Date: The Storm by Of Mice & Men {alsnjlka OFC I’d get this song dude wtf lmao So the first date won’t go well and honestly makes sense with the whole bad boy vibes from before}
Fight: Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson {This whole movie is just an angsty af love story huh 💀 This is the part where my bad boy and I fight and I end up deciding to leave him. I’m so invested in this now omg}
Tragic Death: Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO {The artist is me rn lmaooooo maybe not so tragic death? An ironic death??? Idk what this means!! Where has this movie gone to😂}
Mental Breakdown: Dimple by BTS {....I give up man 😂 I have no clue where this is going anymore}
Serious Monologue: Pigment - Full Version by H.E.R. {Okay...this makes more sense than whatever the fuck happened up top lol This sounds like my monologue when realizing my bad boy truly isn’t good for me}
Flashback: Interlude: Wings by BTS {Oh man...as a flashback to maybe my life before the bad boy??? Or flashback to when life was still good and I believed in myself?? Inchresting }
Driving: Killin’ It by Krewella {Oooh inchresting again...this is a very fuck you song and very “I’ll get back at you 10x worse” mayhaps me driving on my way to fuck up the bad boy?? Give him a dose of his own medicine 😈}
Kiss Scene: Scream by Usher {Oooh...mayhaps revenge kiss?? I can see a club scene and just partying it up with a random guy who catches my attention and maybe becomes more than just the revenge piece.😏Bad boy is totally fuming}
Party Scene: All I Wanna Do by Jay Park {Oohh very sexy again, definitely found a new flame who perhaps is the end game romance?? Sounds like someone who was pining after me the whole time and finally got their chance. Gasp...friends to lovers maybe??}
Ending Song: The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy {Omg a not so ending? It sounds like a total I rose from the ashes of this toxic love and have now started a new one?? But it has implications of an epilogue 🤔}
Honestly this whole game started giving me ideas for a new story🤪 The whole vibe of thinking you found the one in the very beginning but turns out he’s trash?? Then the not so random guy becoming your actual lover?? Spicy, especially with that ending song being so fiery and so battle ready.
Anyhoo, thank you so much for including me in this fun little game!😘 I had some fun doing this and well @hadskye was already tagged, so I’m gonna tag @joonsrack @kingsuckjin and @sugaurora Of course only if you guys want to!
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