#oooo this is sp pretty
isopod-chan · 1 year
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Loablr, please hear me out!!
Subliminals are a great tool for manifesting!
I dont remember where, when, or who... but I know I saw it with my own two eyes. Someone said that they no longer listen to subliminals because, to them, listening to them every day felt like they were telling themselves they DONT have their desires yet and they have to keep listening.
No. No, no, no!! You guys have it all wrong!! It's literally the opposite!
Let me explain my reasoning as to why subliminals are helpful. But first, you guys need to stop seeing subs as "magical audios to get your desires in the future" and start seeing them as REMINDERS that you already HAVE your desires!
Subliminals always use "I am" affirmations. They're not saying, "oooo you're gonna get everything soon", they're saying, "I have everything I want. I have my sp. I have money. I have my desired body. I have it all!"
And once you acknowledge that, you'll realize that they're excellent for manifesting on the go!
Are you too busy to meditate?
Can't focus enough to visualize?
You'd rather be gaming right now?
Maybe you're writing a tumblr post at 2am.
That's fine!! Just put on your sub playlist and let them do the job for you. You dont need to focus or meditate or enter a state. You don't need to exhaust yourself affirming all day and night. You dont even need to visualize. You can get some tasks done or enjoy your hobbies while listening to subs with fun music or calming water sounds. (...I wonder why they always use water sounds...?)
I can even put on my sleeping headphones and let the calming white noise soothe me to sleep, all while the subliminal messaging targets my subconscious and, like I said, reminds it I already have my desires.
But I'm just rambling at this point.
TLDR: subliminals are pretty epic.
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jittyjames · 7 months
8 9 10 16 23
8. for hamilton, i hope more people can appreciate aaron burr. he is the most underutilized character in the musical, and often times people just completely erase his character and characterization. i could go on for hours about aaron burr. his dynamics with everyone are amazing, and let's be real, leslie is arguably one of the most talented people in the cast. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT APPRECIATE BURR??? anyway for jcs, just jcs broadway 2012 in general. people don't even put this production in the core ones, and it makes me saddd :(( like guys i promise it's good. i know it's different BUT DIFFERENT IS GOOD!! they didn't appreciate it then, and they don't appreciate it now :((( but also for jcs, mary. i need to see more mary love. more mary fics, more mary fanart. just more mary pls and thanks.
9. OOOO for hamilton, I'm gonna go with jeffmads. i don't really venture into ships that don't involve alexander, but the dynamics in this one are good. i see really cute fanart and really cool fics that bring me joy even if i don't obsess over them, spend hours thinking about them, have the desire to write for them. it's a good ship. y'all should do it more. as for jcs....uhhhh.. most of the ships i like I go absolutely crazy for. I don't just enjoy them normally. I guess caiaphas and annas. like yes. good content. I love to see it.
ok I'm just going to rattle off some moots for hamilton: @firebalda @crys-sp @cecescomposition @starduckys @conjectureand-gloom @gabcakes @arkhamknight14 and the entirety of the founding fucks. I'm probably missing some, I'm sorry :(((
and for jcs, just the entirety of the jcs discord server. like all of y'all. you guys have made jcs such a good fandom, and you're all so talented. i love that we can just brain rot together
16. for hamilton, i feel like more details have already been obsessed over. I love the use of motifs for songs (like wait for it and burn being the same notes, just at different tempos and with different rhythms) like the implications there that burr and Eliza have some similarities in these songs makes my head spin and keeps me up at night. of course, this is just me being insane for hamburr. like lin is a smart man. he worked on this for years. he did that on PURPOSE. also the fact that alexander is constantly singing other people's themes, like eliza's and burr's, almost mocking them with it. in jcs 2012 broadway, during jesus' arrest, judas is trying to run to jesus with and outstretched hand only to get flung away by a guard. no one talks about this. i brainrot over this moment. judas canonically was trying to rescue jesus. and when he's just centimeters away from touching him, they're ripped apart. also not really tiny, but under-appreciated. the temple scene. the implications of judas walking through while jesus/mary avoid it, the way he's staring at the dancers (men and women), and the fact jesus gets so angry he shoves him that hard. like oh god, they took an already dense scene and made it even more heavy. WHAT WAS GOING ON THERE???
23. hmmm. this ones hard bc most the time, i actively venture into the fandom if it looks interesting. so this happened with hazbin hotel. some mutuals were fangirling over it, and i gave it a try and loved it!!! but i guess if I had to pick one I haven't looked into yet....I think it might be batman?? but not batman??? batman's kids??? idk I see it a lot, and they're always doing lots of whump stuff!
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flowergirlmiwa · 10 months
games I wish I had when I was a kid!
Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul
This was one of the best selling games on the GBA, but I got Dark Duel Stories on GBC instead. Eventually I got 7 Trials to Glory, a mixed bag of a game I nonetheless hold dear to my heart, but I wish I had EDS as a kid. EDS is the perfect game to be the first YGO game on GBA. The spelltraps are massive blowouts, caveman Yu-Gi-Oh is in full effect, and the cardpool is both small and nostalgic. EDS (or the original Japanese release) was the first video game that actually tried to follow the rules of the real world OCG/TCG card game and it did a pretty good job along with a clean presentation, great music and flavorful decks to grind against. Plus the packs you pull from are mostly based on real Japanese card sets! Basically I admire a lot about what this game did in 2002 and in a potential world where I got it alongside my GBA SP in 2003 I would have been set for years. Instead I got... Dark Duel Stories in late 2003 around the time I got my GBA SP, and that game is .. not as worth investing time into. Oh yeah and it has a cute calendar system with weekly matches at the duel shop and oooo it's just such a cute game!
Goldeneye 007
I didn't have a lot of N64 games as a kid, but out of all my regrets on the console, I easily missed out the most not owning Goldeneye. Now I can appreciate it as basically the Super Mario 64 of first person shooters and imagine that, even though I only owned one controller, those levels would have kept me coming back again and again obsessively for hours. I can just imagine how I would have organically find the island on Dam by myself and wondered what was out there. I never had that chance
Super Smash Bros Melee
Throughout the early 00s I had various nostalgic experiences playing the original Super Smash Bros, and eventually I craved very dearly to play it's sequel. Literally all I could tell you is that it had (Scott the Woz voice) "a freaky STORY MODE! now that's cool!" and you could play as Bowser. It looked so damn cool but I didn't have a GameCube. I would have dreams about playing this game I knew very little about. I actually can guarantee I read about the Sonic and tails in melee rumor before I had seen more than an hours worth of gameplay in my life (all through playing demos in 2002).
When did I actually get a GameCube? 2007. I actually remember visiting Nintendo World NY in 2006 right before release of the Wii and playing Melee on one of their demo kiosks (and wind waker for the first time ever, notably). I got my hands on a GameCube in summer 2007 thanks to a friend of my dad's and pretty much the first thing I did was go to the still surviving Hollywood Video in The City and rent melee. Now considering I was 12 the first time I got to extensively play melee and really enjoy it, you could say I was still a child and that's true. I wish I somehow had a GameCube around 2004 and got to play it then though. Look, things felt different in my life then, it wasn't the same kind of feeling to me. By the time I got to play it I didn't really have that childish exuberance and excitement. Plus I got a Wii that same year for Christmas so my overall excitement for the GameCube was muted lol.
The Simpsons: Hit and Run
I would have gobbled this up as a kid even if not the biggest fan of the simps, if I had gotten this at release for PS2 I could imagine I would have spent many hours playing it
Pokemon Stadium 2
As a kid I desperately wished I had this game and rented it a bunch of times. When I discovered you could emulate N64 I spent most of my time doing so playing this game. I eventually got my own real copy around 2019 but considering I would leave the first game on for days on end I would have loved to have had stadium 2 as a kid. Plus it actually has single player content and provides plenty to people without use of a transfer pak too! I was fascinated by the updates as a kid renting the game
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seekingthestars · 5 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part fifteen episodes 27, 28, + 29
okay well yesterday’s episodes were painful, let’s see if we can survive some more today. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIZHUIIIIIIIIII sweet baby angel, i’m making my way toward seeing you again don’t worry ʕ•ᴥ•ʔง
episode 27:
oh right THIS is where we left off, right, okay, starting with pain
wx looks so tormented, i wanna cry ;;;; and every time they flash to wen ning i wanna cry more ;;;;;;
wangji crying, my heart ACHES ;AAAAAA;
the burial mounds :O
meng yao listing out what wx did and i’m just over here like “YEAH HE DID, CUZ THE JIN CLAN GUYS SUCKED, GOOD JOB WX” oops
i’m glad xichen spoke up a little on behalf of wen ning/wen qing, thank you pretty big brother
i’m sorry this is SO HYPOCRITICAL like “wen qing didn’t stand up and stop ruohan so they’re just as bad!” okay well all y’all stood by while the jin clan used innocent people as live bait and just straight up murdered a bunch of them SO SHUT UP
all of these people at this gathering are making me so mad stop it! they keep being all manipulative-ey and lying and stop! >.<
and yay for mianmian (sp??) for standing up for him too! at least two people standing up against these obnoxious old men in some way ;;
the blatant lies about what happened that these people keep spewing make me fjeiowafjawe ANGRY, WEN NING DID NOT FALL OFF A CLIFF, OF COURSE YOUR IDIOT CLAN MEMBERS WOULD SAY THEY DID NOTHING WRONG
jin clan leader is a jerk and i hate him
yanli’s hair ornament is so prettyyyyy
i know he’s been a jerk but zixuan is so pretty, mr. ‘i’ll protect you for my whole life’ trying to be suave lol
poor jiang cheng looking on like ‘f*** my life, first wx and now this’ XD
wen qing and wuxian banter is SO CUTE, she brought him snacks!!
wuxian interacting with this small child is HEALING MY BROKEN SOUL, THIS IS SO CUTE, this small child is ADORABLE
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i am 10000% all here for jiang cheng’s majestic cape
oh shoot his fancy whip broke the talisman!!
wx just yelling “DON’T TRAMPLE ON THAT!” anywhere jiang cheng steps is hilarious and adorable XDD
“can he count as a human now?!” jiang cheng noooo stop you’re being mean, he can hear you :(((
episode 28
wx anticipating jc and stopping him when he tries to pull out his sword A+++ very nice
jc did you really just suggest for wx to turn everyone he just saved in to the people who would absolutely just murder them BOY WHY, WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU
jc trying to use his sword and wx blocking it with his bare hand and then jc TRYING TO USE THE WIP ON WEN NING NO
“Just leave me then.” wuxian ;;;;;;; 
the single tear from wx really just breaking my heart AGAIN, will it ever be whole again ;;
yuan is SO CUTE omg
yuan coming to cling to wx and give him fruit omg A HEALING PRESENCE, HE IS SO CUTE
wen qing giving jc back the comb ;~~~~~;
look i can’t explain it, wuxian’s just very attractive
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oh no they fight :(
oh NO he sliced wx! :(( oh no no they’re both hurt :((
not gonna lie, a little sad to see jiang cheng throw the cape away, it was so majestic
yanli’s dream made me sad :((((
his little surprised face lol you’ve been caught! also one of the rare times anyone is actually seen legitimately dirty lol
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ONE MONTH LATER timeskipping again ladies and gents
wangji is PISSED
everyone being like “you must be his dad!!!” and wangji having a mild panic attack XD
wx going “this child is my son!” and wangji having ANOTHER mild panic attack XDD
wj’s little tiny baby smiles when he looks as wx and yuan ;u;
this entire exchange with yuan + wx + wj in town is the CUTEST GOSH DANG THING he bought yuan toys they’re best friends now and i have been HEALED 
episode 29 that’s RIGHT we’re still going!
family dinner time!!!
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it took so freaking long to get that screenshot but WORTH IT
“Silence during meals. You too.” poor wangji gotta parent both these children
oh dang they actually getting married, like i knew it was happening but that was quick :O
wangji grabbing the toys before they rush out the door ;; <3
i can’t keep repeating myself but please know that any interaction between yuan + wj + wx is resulting in many coos and repeated “so cute!!!!”s
WEN NING?!?!?!
wen ning turned into a scary marshmallow
wen ning woke up!!!!!! my marshmallow is BACK!!!!! thank you wangji for being here to help save the day <3
looks comfy heeheehee
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i’m so glad wen ning is back, my little angel T______T <3
yuan clinging to wangji’s leg and begging him to stay for dinner MY HEARTTTT
the entire dinner scene PRECIOUS
so it was being so cute and drunk, very-flushed wuxian was being ADORABLE AS ALL HECK but then it got sad again when he just kept repeating that he was useless :(( no buddy you’re not i promise!!!
wangji sitting stoically in the snow is ALSO very aesthetic, that man is just *chefs kiss* perfection
wuxian relaxing back in the cart like a king while wen ning pushes him around is freaking hilarious omg
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Ava: of course!! We'll start writing it after we finish the one we're doing now:)
Okay so it's the next summer and the first day on camp
Nerris: *runs off the bus* HI DAVID!
David: why hello Nerris! Glad to see you here again! Everyone is in the mess all!
Nerris: alrighty thanks! *runs into the mess hall*
Harrison: *is straight up vibin*
Harrison: Hello Nerris!!
Nerris: *runs up to him and hugs him* HIIIII
Harrison: Hey!! *hug yummy* How was your year?
Nerris: oh it was great! I went to Harry Potter world with my parents and got so many wands and capes!
Harrison: That’s awesome!! I didn’t, uh do much with my parents.
Nerris: well um- I missed you!!
Harrison: i missed you too!!
Nerris: *sits next to him* so, did ya do anything for Christmas? *v happy*
Harrison: uhh not really-
Nerris: well you're always welcome to come over my house whenever ya want! *swinging her legs*
David: wow Gwen, harrison and nerris are getting along this year! Isnt that great?
Gwen: yeah, sure. they’re into eachother, though
David: I know you're into trash tv but dont go around shipping our campers!
Gwen: David how stupid are you? Can you not s e e
David: what? They're having a friendly conversation!
Gwen: David come ON- look at them!
David: they arent holding hands or kissing!
Gwen: Okay, well, here’s a shock, you don’t always have to do that to be in love
David: l-love? They're just kids!
Gwen: Oh come ON did you not have crushes as a kid?
David: well- we dont talk about that Gwen! They're probably just really good friends- I guess friends stare at the other person like they're in love- oh my gosh they are! Or at least Harrison is
Gwen: What do you me we don’t talk about that- see you agree with me now!
David: I think Harrison has a thing for her but nerris doesbt have a thing for him- she always ends up fighting with him
Gwen: David you have never been with a girl, have you? That’s how girls hide their FEELINGS
David: no I havent but that's not important! So she hides her feelings by telling him he sucks?
Gwen: ugh you make it sound like you like guys- yes david that is what i am trying to ge through your head
David: oooo I'm gonna make this be their best summer yet *walks up to them* hello guys! So I'm giving out rent information and you and Harrison will be sharing a tent this year! *walks back to Gwen* bam!
Gwen: oh sweet jesus- okay, i’m out this is out of my control now. peace *goes to councilorlrorleoldleldosrs cabin casually*
Nerris: oh yay! Let's go set up our beds! *runs outside to the tents*
Harrison: *S p e e d s to nerris*
Nerris: okay which side do you want buddy!
Harrison: Uh, the left?
Nerris: okay! *throws all her D&D blankets on the bed* ah home sweet home
Harrison: *vibes onto his bed*
Nerris: this may seem like a stupid question, but are ya still doing magic camp this year?
Harrison: Yeah, I haven’t been able to bring my brother back yet *a wkward laugh :”)*
Nerris: *hugs him* I know I'll probably end up yelling at you about something later but you can always talk about it whenever you want if you need to. I'm here
Harrison: Awww!! Thank you Nerris!!
Nerris: oh uh- you're welcome!
Harrison: *h u g*
Nerris: oh- *hugs him back bc shes nerris*
Harrison: *:))))*
Nerris: so, show me your newest trick! Unless you're addicted to hugs *giggles*
Harrison: Oh!! Ok!! *boop capowie flowers magic pew pew* Flowers for you, my lady
Nerris: *red* that was amazing! *claps*
Harrison: I know, right!
Nerris: Imma go get a vase from Gwen for the flowers! *runs to the cabin with the flowers* hey gwen, do have a vase by any chance?
Gwen: uhhh, there might be some in the kitchen. why?
Nerris: *shows her the flowers* Harrison did a new magic trick and gave me flowers!
Gwen: oh wow! that’s nice.
Nerris: yeah! *gets a vase from the kitchen and runs back to their tent* bam, vase
Harrison: Wow okay!! Do you have any new things to show me?
Nerris: yesyesyes!! I got new D&D dice!! *takes out the bag and puts them in her hands* it's even better because me and my dad made them!
Harrison: Oh wow!!! That’s super cool!!
Nerris: I also got a new wand but it was "too big" according to my mom so I couldn't being it *:(*
Harrison: Oh no, you can have one of mine if you want!
Nerris: oh my god really?! Thankyouthankyouthankyou- *hug*
Harrison: *hug :D*
Nerris: it's getting late...do we sleep or be rebels!
Harrison: let’s be rebels!
Nerris: ooooo Harrison the bad boy! *pats a spot next to her on her bed* I brought my tablet teehee
Harrison: *l e a p s onto Nerris’s bed* how rebellious!!
Nerris: you've never stayed up, have you?
Harrison: uhhh, no not really
-after they'd been watching videos for awhile-
Nerris: *rests her head on Harrisons shoulder*
Harrison: *has his arm around Nerris 😳😳*
Nerris: *yawns* I'm tired Harrison...
Harrison: go to sleep!
Nerris: but arent you gonna sleep in your bed? I dont wanna fall asleep on you *sleepy giggles??*
Harrison: you can fall asleep on me if you want *teehee giggle*
Nerris: *sleep*
Harrison: *😳😳* goodnight then- *kisses nerris’s head and goes to sleep ahahahaha*
-3 am-
Nerris: *wakes up* huh... oh- *v red*
Harrison: *sleeps shyly*
Nerris: *cuddles Harrison bc crush*
Harrison: *AWAKENS* huh- oh god-
Nerris: *pretends to be sleeping*
Harrison: uh, *speeds over to his bed and sleeps there bc 😳*
Nerris: *sleep*
Time: it is day kachow
Harrison: *sleep tiem*
Nerris: ugh Harrison wake up I'm boredddddd
Harrison: *SLEEPING*
Nerris: *jumps on him* WAKE UPPPP
Nerris: oh goodmorning!
Harrison: Hi nerris-
Nerris: hi Harrison! *smiles at him*
Harrison: *:D*
Nerris: *pulls him up but now shes like sitting in his lap😳* so what do ya wanna do today?
Harrison: Uhh, we could see what the rest of the camp is doing? *😳😳*
Nerris: alrighty! *runs out of the tent* meet ya there!
Harrison: *😳😳😳* *speeds out*
-at lunch-
Nerris: *chilling with her food*
Harrison: *w a l k s over to nerris* Hi Nerris!
Nerris: oh hey Harrison!
Harrison: Could I uh, sit next to you?
Nerris: uh yeah I guess
Harrison: Thanks, *s i t* so, how are you?
Nerris: I'm good?
Harrison: cool cool cool *😳😳😳😳*
Nerris: why the hell are you so red? And sweaty? Sick people shouldnt be at camp and you look pretty sick to me *grossed out expression*
Harrison: Hey I’m not sick! You’re the sick one! *😳😳😡😡*
Nerris: Mhm, I dont think my face could even get as red as yours magic boy
Harrison: Oh really? I’ll make it go red with magic
Nerris: still wont be real. Your magic cant do anything against me, it's all silly old tricks *crosses her arms*
Harrison: Your “magic” is just rolling stupid dice and then yelling about it!
Nerris: *holding back tears and walks out of the hall*
Harrison: oh shoot- *regrets all his life choices*
Nerris: *sitting in the tent talking to herself while holding the dice* hes right, you're just stupid dice! You dont do anything! You're worthless! You dont make anything better! You suck nerris! I hate you!- *breaks down*
Harrison: *sp e eds to the tent* Nerris- nerris i’m so so so sorry i honestly didn’t mean it i was just confused and i feel bad and i’m so sorry-
Nerris: no it's fine. You're right. My "magic" isnt even magic, its stupid! They're just a game board a dice! *takes off her hat and cape* it's stupid.
Harrison: nerris- come on, please- it isn’t stupid! it’s really really cool!!
Nerris: that's not what you said a couple minutes ago, is it Harrison?! You called it stupid! If it's really really cool, why didnt you say that? And you werent confused, we've been fighting since the day we met, and you know that.
Harrison: Nerris come on, i really didn’t mean it. If we’re using that logic, then my magic is stupid too. *throws his h a t on the FLOOR* now we both feel stupid, how about that?
Nerris: i-..*hugs him sobbing*
Harrison: hey, uh, it’s okay, don’t cry- *hugs nerris sadly and shyly 👉👈*
Nerris: i- I'm s-sorry * still crying😳*
Harrison: I’m the one who should be sorry, I took it too far. It’s okay, don’t worry about it *pat pat*
Nerris: thank you Harrison *smiles at him and kisses him on the cheek*
Harrison: *😳😳😳😳😳* uhhh, yeah, no p-problem
Nerris: damn you blush easily *giggles*
Harrison: you make it easy to *😳😳*
Nerris: *😳* shut up
Harrison: ha, whos blushing easily now? *picks up nerris’s c a p and c a p e* i believe these belong to you, my lady?
Nerris: *picks up his hat and puts it on his head* there you go my good sir
Harrison: I’m sorry about what i said earlier, that was too much
Nerris: *holds his hands* it's okay Harrison
Harrison: *blushes shyly and cutely* yeah, i guess
Nerris: I'm serious. It's okay. And I'm sorry too, I swear I didnt mean anything. I have to make it up to you- I'll do anything *smiles at him*
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magicaleggplant · 7 years
oooo were the japan ladies wearing their school uniforms during the sp draw??
late reply but i’ve been busy, sorry. pretty sure team japan were all wearing their JSF uniforms, they often wear them them official events.
I wish Shoma has as much EX as he has costumes
he got THREE exhibitions last season, it was probably too much to expect him to get any new ones this season. i would also sacrifice all his exhibitions for him to have a good free skate again
heeey eggplant do you have any program recs that one could loop over and over again and not get bored? bc im flying tmr and i need sth to entertain me. i mean, programs like satton's and caro's, that i could watch forever? sorry for bothering!
again, sorry i’m so late, but requests for recs always take me a while to answer...for me, the programs that i can watch over and over again are the ones from my most favorite skaters, especially mao asada, daisuke takahashi, akiko suzuki, yuna kim, etc. check out some of the program recs i’ve made for them before. sui/han’s bridge over troubled water is another “forever” program for me. actually, there are so many, it’s hard for me to list them all.
There's a phrase "textbook jumps", so there must be actual textbooks which describe how to jump? Are there any jump textbooks you know of?
if you google “figure skating jump textbook” a couple books will pop up, but there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of written literature about figure skating technique in general. the learning and teaching of technique is mostly done orally and by doing, by coaches and skaters in the actual rink.
wintersportsmadness: To answer the user about your blog name: I think they might have seen your other blog Eggplantgifs and thought it was someone else. Or maybe not, if someone is stealing your brand to hell with them. Also, WHERE DOES THE THE EGGPLANT COME FROM, I'M INTERESTED
yes, anon seems to have cleared up that point now lol. a lot of people ask me why my url is what it is, and tbh i can’t really answer...it just sounded right at the time? i had “magical zebra with wings” in my head at the time and then i just thought...hmm...magicaleggplant sounds kinda quirky and memorable...and now it’s my brand and i can’t part with it lmao
this will be the first Olympics with lyrics allowed so I was wondering what your thoughts are on lyrics being allowed in general? do you think it's helped the sport move forward?
i definitely like having lyrics in all the disciplines now, mainly because in the past there were some truly awful muzak covers of songs because skaters couldn’t use the actual songs. so at least, to my ears, the new rule is usually a blessing. i also think the human voice used as an instrument in itself is very interesting; there’s a lot of power and meaning that can be conveyed. whether choreography has gotten any better with lyrics, though...eh, i don’t think there’s too much difference there, overall. but some programs definitely work better with lyrics than without.
Who is your favorite Japanese lady at the moment??? Who are you invested in, since it seems that a lot of your faves had retired?
that’s easy lmao, satoko is definitely my favorite japanese lady and my favorite ladies’ skater in general. i like her skating the most and i’m the most emotionally invested in her. i also like wakaba and marin a lot (wakaba more at the moment, because she has better programs).
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