#oooooooh me likey
echo-echo31 · 2 years
H/c that Murdock wears glasses not just for the aesthetic but because one of his former victims managed to slash him badly just above his eye and it's left a very noticeable scar
Me likey.
Imagining a scene where he removes his glasses for the first time and it's a scar across his eye and the eye has gone white so he can't see out of it oooooooh a e s t h e t i c.
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organichotchoco · 8 months
I hc that Zombie doesn't really need to sleep so they spend their days wandering around the cookie kingdom and their days in the woods hunting and/or protecting the kingdom. I also thing they have a night transformation. During the day, a tiny tot of a cookie that's 5 foot at tallest and sometimes even just three when the sun is highest in the sky, but when night sets, a smoke envelopes them, transforming them into a giant, hulking, rotting, green zombie that's about fifteen feet tall right after the sun sets and up to twenty when the night is in its prime. They also have no real concept of pain, but can tell if others are in it.
Oooooooh me likey lol
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ficsforeren · 2 years
The moment I saw this I instantly thought of Rockstar Eren after the cut 🔥🔥
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(1/2) Ooo so I love Merlin and I don't know how specific or general you want suggestions to be so here is a bit of both, don't feel obligated to do any of them: a) I'm a sucker for mind control or possession, esp if the influence can be resisted a bit through The Power Of Friendship. So what if that thought of 'thank fuck Merlin is on our side' jinxed it? b) Being coerced into looking like you're willingly betraying your friends when you're really being blackmailed or something is a good time!
OH so I'm liking the first one,,,, I'm thinking,,,,, Merlin is very very powerful,,,, but hasn’t been training too long so doesn’t have perfect control?? And someone evil takes advantage and *mind control* happens,,,,, annnnnddddd OH he almost hurts (or maybe he DOES hurt, depending on how angsty I’m feeling when I write this) one of the gaaaaanggggg...
AND the second one???? Hmmmm. I'm thinking I focus on Merlin a lot.... so what if I go for..... one of the knights? Threats against their own life or blackmail wouldnt work on them buuuuuut,,,, they might cave if someone was threatening someone else in the gang??? Oooooooh. I'm thinking whoever is being threatened doesn't know about Merlin's magic (therefor doesn’t know he can defend himself) and does what they're told because the baddy of the week is threatening their precious Baby Bird. Me also likey this one....
Ok so these are going in the drafts (though I cant promise it’ll be any time soon, it usually takes me a while to get things done, they’ll come eventually though I hope)
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This seems pretty similar to my "Merlin Dies" one, so I'll leave it for now, BUT it's an interesting one so I'll keep it recorded for future reference definitely🤔
EDIT: The mind-control one is up!
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For that ship post, what about analoceit? ~💙
Oooooooh interesting. Me likey
Accidentally pushes/pulls a pull/push door- Sorry to throw you under the bus like this, but Virgil, you’re up. He needs to look more. It doesn’t help that Deceit isn’t going to tell him he’s got it wrong- Logan might. But Deceit is Tricky.
Doodles hearts over their desk with their initials- None of them... at least, that’s what they all say. These three?? Admitting they’re more in love than 5th graders discovering crushes are a thing?? Impossible. Never. On their deathbeds.Though it is odd that all the doodles have three unique styles, all matching to a single colour between blue purple and yellow...
Starts the tickle fight- This is, surprisingly, Virgil. It normally starts innocently enough, him just wanting to cuddle with his boyfriends, one hand hits one place, a boyfriend jerks a bit and stifles a little giggle, Virgil realizes what happened... it’s all downhill from there.
Starts the pillow fight- Let Logan be the pillow fight instigator 2k19. Pillows are just so often nearby, so easy to throw, and his boyfriends are so often worthy of having pillows being thrown at them... well, it’s just a ‘shame’ they like to throw them back.
Falls asleep last, watching the other with an affectionate smile: Virgil! He needs more sleep, and he honestly does try to, but he still normally drifts off last. That doesn’t change the fact that he spends the time very well- watching his boyfriends and wondering how he got so lucky as a stupid, silly smile slips onto his tired face.
Mistakes salt for sugar: Virgil. You know he would. You also know it’s possible Deceit, heart filled only with love, would purposefully move the positions of the salt and sugar on the table to trick him.He loves Virgil, he swears (he does, his love language just happens to be pranks)
Lets the microwave beep at 1am- While Virgil would be more likely to be up now, I have to say this would be Deceit. Virgil would be too worried about waking his boyfriends to let it beep. If Deceit was up that late, he’d be past the point of worry. He’s not really meant to be up too late.
Cheesy pick-up lines: Deceit!!! He’s a charming snake most of the time, of course, but when he wants to be cheesy, he can be CHEESY. Think ‘did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’ level of cheesy. This never, ever fails to fluster his boyfriends though. Deceit just has a way of making the stupidest shit sound beautiful.
Bookshelf in alphabetical order- I will always pick Logan for this sorry not sorry. Deceit and Virgil are relatively respectful of this, at least. They don’t always keep it orderly, but for Lo, they do try.
Licks the spoon when making brownies- This is a war. They all want the spoon- they all love chocolate- and they will fight for it. There are no rules in love and war, and all bets are off- compliments, flirting, random kisses, drop attacks, straight-up yanking the spoon out of each others’ hands- all of it’s fair. Their cooking may be efficient, but the mess they leave behind in the fight erases all their effort.
Buys candles even if it’s not a special dinner- All of them again!! None of these boys are the best at showing emotions, and sometimes it’s the subtle things that matter most- like one of them pulling out a candle with their boyfriends’ favorite scents and lighting it up on a Tuesday night where they’re eating lasagna and getting ready to rewatch Parks and Rec. Nothing special, per say, aside from simply being with each other.
Draws little tattoos on the other: Virgil!! He likes to draw a lot, it relieves some of his stress and it’s nice and carefree and effortless, and doodling on his boyfriends’ is comforting on multiple levels. He likes to draw on the backs of Logan’s hands and the left side of Deceit’s face the most. 
New souvenir magnet after every trip: Logan!!!! I will always put Logan here as well!!! I like the idea that he collects things alright
Convinces the other to fill out magazine couple surveys: Deceit does, mostly because he finds the distraction mildly entertaining. Watching Logan discuss the complete lack of logic in their results while Virgil checks out wrong answers because ‘the government is always watching’ is amusing too.
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anxiety-musings · 6 years
How bout a Sam reader insert with "did you need something?" and "you need sleep"? Reader is burning themselves out to the point of disassociation and incoherence trying to be helpful and take as much weight and then some, by helping with hunts, research and working remotely from the bunker. Sam puts a stop to it. Dean could try with tough love first but it only motivates them more [he wouldn't be mad if he wasn't stressed, they need MORE help].
Oooooooh…. me likey :D I hope you like this, it feels like I haven’t written in years! O.OSlight warning for derogatory comments 
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Curse that witch, she had cornered you in her funhouse as the boys continued hunting for her. You raised your gun only to have it fly aside and land at her feet. Every fibre of your being wanted to rip her to shreds but you were stuck in place. She laughed and walked up to you, cupping your cheek and smirking.
“You know they don’t need you, I doubt they even want you around. You are a waste of their time and effort. Why does Sam even care about someone like you? It’d be a mercy killing if I dealt with you now… no, that’s too kind. You know you aren’t worth it, are you?”
Your eyes locked with hers as you used all of your strength and broke an arm free of her hold. She merely laughed before Sam shouted and a gunshot rang out. The witch fell into your arms, using her final breath to whisper.
“He’ll never be happy with you.”
Your confrontation with the witch had been almost 3 weeks past and you hadn’t been yourself since. After leaving the house you barely spoke and spent an hour in the ice cold motel shower. Both Sam and Dean had tried to speak to you, while you mumbled something about scrubbing the blood out of your hair and being tired. They knew you were lying but didn’t pressure you for answers. You curled on the lumpy motel bed you shared with Sam and tried to sleep, your dreams plagued by images of the witch and her lingering words.
For almost three weeks you continued to have twisted dreams. You’d prove to that bitch that you weren’t useless. Had you thought more, you would have realised trying to prove a dead witch wrong would be rather difficult. However, you studied constantly, hunting ruthlessly, in those weeks you almost doubled the number of cases you did. Because of this, you more than halved the amount you slept and took care of yourself. 
Dean placed food under your nose, refusing to move until you had eaten the entire plate. He would deliberately hide your computer, phone and even some of the books you had been rereading for the tenth time. You could see he was frustrated but you could see through his feigned anger. He was stressed, you weren’t doing enough, not yet. The next few days you committed to your work tenfold, you had found a demon case. Dean refused to pack Baby until you had slept, once he went to sleep you left in your car and reached the town by morning.
Sam had struggled with trying to help you while you worked relentlessly. By the time he and Dean reached the town you were speaking with a coroner, examining the bodies. The brothers walked in and smiled to you, showing their badges. You looked over, hoping they’d be happy you had started the case, instead both brothers looked angry. Sam’s jaw was clenched as he sorted his suit and began looking over the body, glancing to you once or twice.
After the coroner’s you had mentioned heading to the library however Dean refused and Sam took you back to the motel they had rooms in. He had an arm wrapped around you as you looked up to him confused. As he sat you on one bed he took his jacket off and sat opposite, taking your hands in his.
“What the hell is going on Y/N,” Sam asked softly, “You’ve not slept in our bed at the bunker in a week, and you only sleep three hours max. I’m worried, you’re burning yourself out and you know better than that.”
It took a few minutes to process what Sam was saying, “You’re not happy…” you mumbled, “I’m just trying to be a good hunter.”
“You’re an amazing hunter… you’ve been acting crazy since…” realisation hit Sam like a twenty tonne truck, “What did she say to you?”
You looked away, “Just told me the truth… I’m not good enough, I hold you and Dean back… you’ll never be happy when we’re together.”
Sam moved quickly, kneeling in front of you, his hands cupping your cheeks and forcing you to look at him. Tears began falling as you looked into his eyes, “Y/N, I love you. I am happy with you. You are an amazing hunter. I don’t know why what she said got to you, you’ve been so caught up with research and hunting harder than ever… I should have forced you to stop before now, I’m sorry.”
You leaned into your boyfriend’s touch, sliding off of the bed and curling into his chest. Sobs wracked your body as Sam held you tight, rocking you gently until you fell asleep. You woke in his arms, wearing one of his shirts as he held you, his head resting on yours. Suddenly, everything you had done, everything the witch made you believe felt stupid. Sam loved you and you him, you didn’t have to have that bitch’s approval.
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franklyshipping · 7 years
Glad to give you happy feels~! Also, you ship me with Mr Bossy boots in fancy suits~? I mean, I must say, he ass is quite sharp~ But I guess that makes sense, He is EDGY afterall~! Ba dum tsss! ~Warf Anon
OOOOOOOH V NICE PUN ME LIKEY! *lil applause* eh, i do kinda ship you with dark but i kinda want you all to myself...... 😂😂😂😂😝😘😘😘
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heartforheart532 · 7 years
Also did you Notice how most of the clalec s are actually racist to the core like what the fuck man maybe if there was a white guy who they could ship alec with they'd all be like "oooooooh so hooooooooot" "such a sin but me likey 😌😌😌 Like what even But man am I glad that 2x18 happened Malec is endgame AF 😎😎😎
It is so offensive towards Magnus and Harry tbh. They keep whining to us we need to stop genderbending but apparently Alec Gaywood is straight??? Lol yeah as straight as a circle maybe????
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lunaeclipse-world · 7 years
side plank variation #yoga oooooooh me likey!...
side plank variation #yoga oooooooh me likey!…
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side plank variation #yoga oooooooh me likey!
Source by rissakrissa
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kaldraws8280 · 7 years
I updated my phone
What the hecks goin on with these emojis?
We have tilted laughing guy 🤣 as apposed to normal laughing guy 😂
🤧 snickering into a handkerchief guy (or is he blowing his nose)
🤥 p-pinochio? What?
🤠 a cowboy so you can get wild
🤤 drooling anime kid (or is it just UF sans in disguise)
🦀 they changed the crab (but that's ok with me)
🎉 changed the celebration emoji I like to use
💝gift heart. For when you want to give ur heart away on the interwebs
🇰🇷ayyy this was PROBABLY here before but I've never seen it ;))))) Korea
💆💆‍♂️ people being probed
💃 marylin Monroe doing the robot
🥀w-wilting rose? Ooooooh
🤹‍♀️🤹‍♂️ some jugglers who are kept away from the other humans
And just all together more fancy looking ones.
You guys all probably knew this, and I'm just slow to join in but I think these are cool
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sh00t4th3m00n · 3 years
For the nsr object head oc, the first thing that came up in my head was laboratory glassware. Like, beakers, test tubes and flasks. Inside those is a liquid that could be a very known liquid/element(?) or something that can be only found in that oc's head. Another idea is a tablet or something like that, the oc could easily show information to colleagues/coworkers, while also easily jotting down notes in their own head.
Hope you like that :3
oooooooh, me likey! awesome ideas, thanks!
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vbtsjimin-blog · 6 years
Oooooooh a cliffhanger for in the dark. Me likey. But I do hope that y/n becomes more reassured and doesn't need to depend on them so much. It's rare when it happens. I find that too many fics let y/n forgive them too easily so I hope you make the members struggle a lot. 😊
It’s so refreshing to have someone read this story for the first time because most of my followers have already read it and know what happens. Me likey that.
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