#oops i misspelled that tag whatever
theluigiguy-vids · 1 year
[Wholesome Direct stream tomorrow!]
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Drop by the stream tomorrow morning to watch the Wholesome Direct with me!
It's gonna be full of cool upcoming indie games and I'm SURE you'll find one you want to play. Maybe some will have DUCKS!
12 PM Eastern / 9 AM Pacific / 5 PM BST on my Twitch channel! http://twitch.tv/theluigiguy 🦆🐸!
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ruanbaijie · 3 years
thanks emma @crimsonrosee​ for the tag! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ ehm I just started trying to learn how to write with a fountain pen (particularly, how to write chinese 行书 “running script” / semi-cursive script with a fountain pen) so ehm excuse the mess below ahahaha. (a bit of feathering oops because I wrote this on thin non-fountain pen paper because I needed the lines ;u;)
say hello
write 1-9
write the latin alphabet
write the quote “the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.”
write whatever you want (i.e. quote/lyrics)
write the urls of everyone you tag
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tagging (if you want to!) @rose-nebulijia @allyofthevalley @rokuudaime (sorry I misspelled your url there it seems klasldkflkf) @seawherethesunsets @maikhiwi00 @ozvasselius @hanguangjaan @unforth @pawshiguro​ 
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softrozene · 4 years
Thank you for reblogging that "on anon hate" piece. 🥺 It's something I'm scared of and I know that's silly 😅 and uh can you share how you get over anon hate? I could use any advice and thanks if you answer I hope your back feels better!!!!!!
Warnings: Dealing with anon hate and slight mention of mental illness/su*cide.
Of course, Hon, and thank you! It also is not silly at all! I used to have that fear on my old blog, and it did end up happening (as it does time from time here) so I can give you tips and whatnot.
First, let me address the problem that I have been seeing while I have been lurking. These past few days I have noticed an increase in anon hate or anon asks that try to pass off being good, but you can tell they are just condescending. It hurts to see that especially in the One Piece fandom where I have seen nothing but support aside from the occasional anon that gets unruly- But when that happens we all come together to defend that writer. That is what a good fandom is.
So, these few bad anons are trying to stir something up and it does work unfortunately and that is something I can’t stand. Especially when they go to blogs and harassing the writer in THAT writer’s safe space. Like hot damn, they are shitty people to do that.
These Past Few Days:
Of course, in one of the instances, I saw these past few days one of the “bad anon” was purely miscommunication and they apologized to that writer since. The other bad anon to a different writer was purely a total jerk since they were able to successfully hurt the writer mentally.
The anon function is meant for a lot of good things such as shy people, people wanting to give constructive criticism, those who do not want their blogs to be known by many people, people who get overwhelmed, people who want to spread love without it being a big deal (even though it is. Your hearts are big for that and everyone loves you for that pure intention).
The anon function is not meant for hate- That is abusing the anon function.
I, personally, use the anon function for my mutuals when I get anxiety when requesting something or just wanting to tell them how much they mean to me- When people use the anon function for that, such as their anxiety/they are just shy and whatnot I see them as hella brave for doing so. In this case, you are brave <3
HOWEVER- When people decide to use the anon function to send hate: That is literally the lowest thing you can do in not only my eyes but other people. You are sending hate knowing that it may not trace back to you. So, congrats if you do this- You are a coward.
As for whatever reason, someone wants to send hate, in the cases, I saw recently it was because the writers were wanting to open up to more fandoms. Fuck those anons who made the writers change their minds. It is not the anon’s blog- It is the writer’s. They are allowed to do whatever the hell they want without anyone’s permission. It is their safe space.
If you as an anon- Feel so obligated to send a writer or any other person your opinion on their blog saying you do not like something they wrote, you don’t care for this or that, or in your eyes, they are taking too long on your request, and you spam them with hurtful words ON THEIR BLOG, NOT YOURS- I really hope you can find peace one day because that ain’t it chief.
How fucking dare you try to hurt someone in their own safe space.
Those who have sent hate:
I genuinely hope you find a better thing to do with your life. I hope your words do not affect the person they reached. I have not a clue why anyone sends hate and it still bothers me today that they do but if you have any bit of empathy think of not just the person who you send hate to but the people that love them.
You could be the last thing that makes them go over a dark edge.
You have no idea what the person you send hate to is going through.
That person you sent hate to can have mental illnesses that makes them think whatever you say is true and seriously you are the biggest asshole on the planet if you wanted that to happen.
That person can be suicidal. (Of course, to some jerks who believe others will not act because of something on the internet, they have things outside in their real lives that make them feel that way. Your words can just be a breaking point.)
They could be clinging onto a shred of a will to live- Do not be that jerk that ruins it. Karma does bite back.
Words do hurt others and no matter how silly you may think it is- Words do have an impact.
Let me say that again because there are jerks who don’t believe that: You may think it is silly, but words do have an impact.
Now for the question, this lovely anon asked- How do you deal with anon hate?
Anon hate is going to happen, unfortunately- Especially to those who do not deserve it at all, and I despise that so much.
Personally, for me, it honestly still bothers me from time to time, but I have grown to get past it with multiple methods, so I hope these help.
Report and block them.
This is the top recommendation that I suggest. I have been sticking to this one without mercy for this blog and it has worked wonders. Anons who send hate are trying to get a reaction out of you so the easiest thing to get them to knock it off and move on with their lives is to report them for harassing you and blocking them. You can block anon asks by the three dots (I believe it’s been a while lol).
Bad anons thrive on attention. Just do not give a reaction and they will stop eventually.
Laugh it off
My actual first anon hate on this blog made me laugh so hard because they told me to off myself, but they misspelled it terribly. Yeah, it stung but it was more funny than hurtful to me. So if their message are hurtful remember that these people are abusing the anon function- A cowardly act and that makes it even funnier since they don’t want to deal with any consequences based on their behavior. In other words: They are childish.
If they are relentless then that usually means they are obsessed with you which is not healthy. (Lowkey recommend they see a therapist.)
Just call them out on having a crush on you and if they continue to harass you- Most likely denying it as hateful anons do, then you can safely say that yes, they have a crush on you (I used to do this on an old blog and when I tell ya it gets them mad lol)- This method works to just laughing it off so eventually you can grow to ignore them.
If you absolutely have to answer it- Tag your friends/mutuals or make sure they can see it so they can defend you. They are your support system
In this fandom- I always see so much support when it comes to getting hate so I know that it will happen. I can’t vouch for other fandoms/places of tumblr though.
Take the option to be on anon on your blog away- They go quiet really fast
Seriously- If it is bothering you please just take the anon function away until you feel comfortable enough to allow anons back on. You may feel sad for the good anons but they will understand why you did so. After this, please seek your support system if you need to vent about that bad anon.
My favorite other option that you can do while mixing it with these other options is to continue being you out of spite. Show them that no one can change you.
For my fellow sensitive people: Our subconscious minds think everything is true. It will hear or see one thing and it has no filter so it will go: Oh yeah- That is 100% correct- Even whatever you just read from the anon. For those who get hurt by anon hate and have a mental illness like me- I also suggest trying to rewire your brain with positive affirmations so it will be easier to realize that whatever the anon says is not true at all. It may take a while or may not be for everyone but it can help.
It sucks but the best thing to do is to ignore, block, and continue on with your day spreading love and knowing you are a good person compared to them.
Maybe one day they can learn to love themselves and stop hating others (if the bad anon claim they do love themselves and can continue to be that way that just means they are extremely toxic and narcissistic and definitely will not switch their away around any time soon) but in the meantime be the bigger person than them (or have badass friends who don’t care and will fight to the death for you- For legal reasons that is a joke).
You have many options but just know that anon hate does not set your whole mood. That they may get off on sending hate but that is what their whole hobby is. While yours can be sending love- Your whole world does not consist of being on tumblr. It may be a safe space for you but remember you can also start anew if you need to. Do not let some silly hateful anon ruin your mood or make you afraid to go online. Do not give them that power.
Now on a much happier ending note, remember that these bad anons do not care about you if they are sending hate. However, there are people who go out of their way to tell you that they adore your content/your blog. They care and I think it is beautiful that they show it and come together to help others when needed.
This turned into an essay oops (1712 words yo)- Anyway, I hope that this helps you anon and I hope that it helps anyone else who may come across it. No matter what just remember you are loved.
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