#oopsie i got ramblyyyyyyyyy
wanderer-of-light · 1 year
G'raha for the WoL ask game?
tee hee UwU G'waha,,, <3 <3 <3
Vastha has a very good relationship with G'raha!! Nothing romantic, just very very close friends or QPPs? They love to nap together in weird positions (as cats do) and chat on and on and on with one another about all sorts of things. Anything, really. Vastha loves listening to G'raha talk about his passions and studies (even if he doesn't understand some of it) and likes cooking for him because G'raha always finished his plate lmao.
They became fast friends back in ARR when it really was just the "[spiderman pointing meme] catboy!! catboy!!" And it just went from there. We all know G'raha is a WoL #1 fan, but in Vastha's canon G'raha slowly worked on that and let that aspect of his fascination with Vastha go-- because being only seen as the WoL bothers them a LOT. Vastha HATES being only referred to by titles and things he's done for others-- even worse being called Azem-- so it actually strained their relationship a little upon re-meeting and G'raha only ever talking about them as The Warrior Of Light. The Hero. Title Title Title Deed Deed Deed Glorification Blind Awe Yadda Yadda. It took a bit, since Vastha is pretty good at hiding their emotions and being polite in public and around others as to not make scenes and what not. But, after SHB and time to settle back down, G'Raha started catching on and shifting his language and how he went about interacting with Vastha to make him feel more like a person again.
Vastha is very grateful, obviously! Hence him cooking for G'raha, almost exclusively calling him Raha, sharing a lot more about home and his family, and more personal stuff to really kind of make a point that he is just a person despite all the wild shit he's accomplished through sheer dumb luck and other's believing in him.
A lot of people are always surprised when they say they aren't dating, but then they see Vastha go and headbutt or flop/lean against someone else like he does with Raha and they go "Oh. He's just physically affectionate"; because he is. Thankfully, with how close the two are, there is no pressure to Date Or Not. Vastha respects and does admire G'raha a good bit, but he doesn't have any romantic feelings for him (unfortunately). Just someone they are incredibly comfortable to be around and one of few people they know see's them as more than The Warrior Of Light.
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