fleshpurifies · 4 years
She’d heard a few of the details from Yamamoto himself, about the noble’s daughter being a necessary presence for the sake of upholding their end of the fragile trade agreements, or something of the like. But despite being a trusted member of his inner circle, she paid little more attention to their conversation beyond the basics. Diplomacy bored her ( then again, very little excited her the way a fight did; she felt a small jolt of adrenaline coursing through her blood at the mere thought of swinging her sword ), and she felt as though her role as her commander’s glorified executioner left little room for it.
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“ — What a pretty thing.” she murmured, almost drinking in the noblewoman’s appearance. Sleek, ebony hair pinned back with a golden ornament, lips painted in rouge ( the deep, rich color of blood ), dark eyes framed by thick eyeliner. Her porcelain skin was unblemished, and her frame slender and willowy. “I’d wondered what possessed Yamamoto to allow a noble in our midst so easily. Seems like he had some ulterior motives himself.”
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ichibe-hyosube · 4 years
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“I’m considering a change in style. Maybe dress a little warmer, dye my beard white-- do you think I’d look good in red? I think it’d be good for public opinion if I appeared even more jolly~” @oorigamii​
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kenpxchi · 4 years
The Soul Palace is... honestly, bigger than he thought it would be. Having heard of the adventures of Ichigo and the others in this, the grandest area of Soul Society, he’s been waiting for the chance to come here. Truth be told, he thinks that the reason the Central 46 sent him here is because they just want him out of their hair for a while. Seeing as he’s already gotten himself lost, and no one seemed to be aware of him coming, his guess is probably correct.
And so, as he takes his first steps into the city of silks, his eyes travel along all the different colors and patterns. Totally unable to find out where he’s supposed to be, his steps are loud and unsightly. He’s a complete contrast to everything around him, his clothing torn, shabby, and dirty. He gets even louder once he calls out, to no one in particular.
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“oi! where the hell am i?”
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shitenkoushun · 4 years
Not by her own design, she found herself within the Royal Realm after mere days following Yhwach’s demise. It was a peculiar thing, even to a peculiar girl like her, that she specifically be summoned at all — but the Zero Division were an eccentric group, and didn’t appear to take action without purpose.
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“What — uhm,” she hesitated, unsure of herself. Though typically more perceptive than she was given credit for, Orihime was lost as to what possibly necessitated her presence in the palace of the Great Weave Guard. “Is there... something I’m meant to be doing here?”
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karakura · 4 years
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      ❛   ya really planning on   giving me   a make-over   ?   aaah,   you shouldn’t have   !   anyhow   …   can’t promise   i’ll like it,   though.   ❜      @oorigamii      /      ◇
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missingsiblingx · 6 years
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moodboard for @oorigamii
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kokuuo · 6 years
@oorigamii / shutara.
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     “ why the solemn face , shutara ?? is it because you are hungry ?? ”
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giiseii · 6 years
@oorigamii asked for a starter ♡
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“I’m sorry, but you sent for me?” Casting a furtive glance around the vibrant room Jushiro had to stop himself from openly staring at the textiles that seemed to paint every corner of her brilliant city. She had flair, that was undeniable. 
Winded from his journey the former Captain was helpless in front of her, but that did nothing to stop the respectful bow he offered up. The motion betrayed him, revealing to her keen eyes how unstable he still was. Catching himself before he could fall he stood again, too tired to feel shame.
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hanayomemomo · 6 years
@oorigamii | Cont.
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Stepping out into the open, a blushed tinted her cheeks.  Embarrassed that her presence had been detected. That the apprehension she felt had also been perceived, based on the remark made.  She moved closer, and bowed slightly. “Apologies.  I did not mean to gawk so rudely…”  Her gaze moved over the complex and beautiful motif that embellished the blue silk of the kimono she wore.  A shade like midnight, a perfect canvas for the artistry that had been woven into, and painted upon on it.  The craftsmanship, and the imagery was simply breathtaking.  “…it’s just that…I’ve never seen such a magnificent kimono before.” 
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hotaroz-aa · 6 years
oorigamii replied to your post: oorigamii replied to your post: ...
mine is custom made :) its an ultrasaber
aa i’ve been wanting to get a custom made one from them awhile back but gosh it’s a lot of money :’)
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fleshpurifies · 4 years
Though the years did pass, she never was one to forget an occasion, and Shutara marked it with a gesture of elegant simplicity: a single vase, delivered unsigned to the Fourth Division. No doubt a bouquet of spider lilies would be all the calling card Retsu needed.
Loss, longing, abandonment, and lost memories... she knew the spider lily and its meaning well; a fitting gift for everything left unsaid, a fitting twist of the proverbial knife in her heart. Like fine velvet brushing her fingertips, she gently caressed the petals of one such flower. Something like a memory of a feeling, long since forced from her heart, surfacing just beyond her reach in the murky depths of her mind.
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“Beautiful.” There was a part of her that wondered if these flowers weren’t meant for another, one who no longer existed in the world. “And a bit forlorn. How very like you, Shimazu-san.”
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missingsiblingx · 6 years
❝ How much are you willing to give away ?? ❞
deep questions to boggle your character’s mind 
“As much as is required of me. Perhaps even more if I could.”
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 “Truthfully, I cannot give up all my wealth and titles because much of it does not belong to me, but I could never deny someone help that they so desperately need. I have no interest in hoarding wealth for the sake of it. So I will always give away as much as I can.” 
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kokuuo · 6 years
How many times have you used that joke
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     too many to count ~ !
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faemoria-arch · 8 years
@oorigamii | | LOVE ME SHELBY.
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                       ❛   𝓘 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓮  of their flare nor style , Lady Senjumaru . They are as well-crafted as all else you see hand in , it would seem .    ❜               An equal blend of cheek and respect , until fingers are fanned across her collar in close company of Toothiana tipping her head and        in turn       all balance as well , distinctly towards the latter .                                          ❛   It is an honor to cross paths with you once again .   ❜
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hotaroz-aa · 6 years
oorigamii replied to your post: When there’s a spider in your room and you use...
unrelated to the spider situation but what color is ur lightsaber out of curiosity
lol i have two. one’s red and the other is blue. though at the time i used the blue one.
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invcrted · 7 years
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     “ h---hey , captain. “
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