#op I hope you don’t mind me changing the BG to white
russilton · 1 year
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There’s nothing I enjoy more than sharing ship charts that are gonna annoy my friends
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uni-colyon · 4 years
v-force episode 2!
aaaaaaand we’re back! i’ve got chicken fried rice for dinner and i’m hungry for some beyblade content yim yum
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THEY CHANGED THE OP!! okay i will give points to v-force for this one, the new visuals look great and they’ve got me hyped!! excited to see some familiar and new faces
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(flashback from the last ep) “if you think you can win by the powers of your beyblade alone, you’re sadly mistaken.” 
then what else, pray tell, is tyson supposed to win with? is he trying to get tyson to call out dragoon? or is he in the market for a bare-knuckle brawl in the middle of the dish?? hope it’s not the latter. this kid’s arms make me uncomfortable. waaay to muscular for someone who’s probably like 15-16. then again, weirder things have happened in beyblade, so...
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anyway, back to this episode stuff. tyson wants a rematch, which is understandable, but im still hung up on the “how did he know my moves?!” thing which. c’mon man you’re the world champion! everyone and their grandma’s seen you battle, so why wouldn’t the guy know your moves?
although i guess that’s to make this mr x guy seem more intimidating. burnsopale talked about escalation when she was doing her 2000 liveblog, so my bet is this is v-force’s way of escalating when your mc is technically already at the top of his game. why not introduce some unknown competitor? what other choice did they have, really
also this isn’t me knocking v-force’s writing — i can’t really do that since this is only the second episode. consider this some thinking out loud, if anything.
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MAX!!!!!!!!!!! god i’ve missed this kid. hope he’s doing alright. 
i will say, for all the smack i’ve talked about the art style in this season, i think it works best on max out of the character’s we’ve seen so far. the big eyes and bright colors already fit him very well. 
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she’s dressed kinda like mr x so maybe they’re going to be introducing a new team?? i do like her design thus far even though i’ve only seen part of her head and a bigass hood. the hair and eye colors really work well together. 
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THEY’RE SO TINY???? god if only the bg artists had moved that window up just a little higher. i’m not complaining, i think this is adorable, but again! very jarring in comparison to season 1. 
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there are only so many times i can say i don’t like the 3d beyblades, so here i am using up one of my times. it’s not doing it for me. i miss the dramatic launches from season 1, man. feel like pure shit just want them back
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dj khalid vc another one. 
so we are getting a team, then. they don’t look like they’ve used bitbeasts (at least not yet?? maybe chief’s corrupted data has something to do with it), but it’s certainly an interesting way to introduce them. 
and don’t get me wrong, im thrilled to see ray again too (love him, hope he’s doing well) but i don’t want this post to end up being a mile long. also if this means we get to see the white tigers again, i’m all for it. 
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the glasses falling down in shock is a good gag. i never really realized it, but we don’t get to see kenny emote like that very often. 
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so kenny narrowly avoids being the victim of a hit and run, but would you look at that! it’s the two guys from the last episode. does this mean they’re actually working with mr x? or do they have their own vested interest in him?? still a little too early to tell for sure, but im leaning towards the former. 
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max describes the girl’s beyblade as “having a mind of its own.” usually i’d say bitbeast, but it doesn’t look like she called anything out?? has her beyblade evolved to be capable of individual thought? has it gained sentience? jury’s still out on that one, at least for the time being. 
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see this is why you don’t give 8th graders bargaining power. also, i’m still not sure on why they added hillary except to give tyson a “rival” of sorts. that’s probably not the best word for it, but it’s the only one i can think of. 
for the record, i don’t hate hillary. it’s too early in the season for me to actually say anything, i just hope she gets a little more bearable later on.
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KENNY’S GOT PARENTS???? SINCE WHEN?? where were they when he was hauling ass around the world? also animation genetics have struck again, it seems. 
also don’t talk to your mom like that kenny. jfc. 
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AN INVISIBLE BITBEAST?? YOU CAN DO THAT?? the only thing close we’ve gotten to that is bryan’s falborg from s1, and even then, you could still see falborg, you just couldn’t see the air it was using. is this even legal?? granted we’re not in a tournament setting right now, but i’m sure we will be eventually bc this is beyblade, after all. holy fuck. 
so that’s episode 2! i will say, i was not expecting things to go this way. who is this mysterious team?? who were those guys in the van and what do they want? where’s kai?? i’ve got a lot of questions and unfortunately no more chicken fried rice. tragic.
sorry if this ended up being a little on the longer side! hope it was entertaining nonetheless.
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