#op: obv don't do it all the time or with teachers that'll get mad about it but most will be fine with it and it can help
fazafras-pizza · 11 months
This one's for Miss Valencia if she's still here.
There's a lot of things I would like to ask you, but I have the feeling it's not the right time.
So I will ask one easier thing, if you don't mind me.. Why does Charlotte/Puppet seem to dislike you?
(Also, I'm very sorry about not asking here for so long. Admitedly I didn't know what to ask, but then it happened that college had me too busy with assignments :c I still love this blog!!)
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ERICA: They blame me for not catching William yet, they hate that I still have them work like the animatronics, they hate that I'm under an NDA by the company so my hands are tied on a lot of things, on and on and on.
ERICA: The main one is that I can't get Henry to come visit them, but good golly I've been trying.
MANGLE: I mean, at some point it's not your fault. He's the one refusing to come by.
ERICA: I know, but they still blame me for it. I'll just have to get Fredbear to come with me on a visit or something to get in their good graces again.
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