itswondermera · 5 years
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Wondermera confirmed. Diana and Mera were each other’s first love in DC’s Bombshells (which may be canon now).
— Wonder Woman #750 (2020)
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itswondermera · 5 years
Beautiful artwork by timmydrkes.
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soft superhero girlfriends
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itswondermera · 5 years
[over the phone]
𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮: I put a little note in your bag to tell you I love you.
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗮: [opens bag]
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗮: Diana this is a 10-page letter.
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itswondermera · 5 years
Diana turns on the TV
* Breaking news: It was just found the most precious treasure known to man *
Diana gets confused and calls Mera
Mera: Hello my love
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itswondermera · 5 years
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗮: *gets a paper cut* Ow.
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itswondermera · 5 years
𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮: What are you doing?
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗮: [squiggling in Diana’s arms] hiding.
𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮: ...Do you mean hugging?
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗮: [pauses] Did I stutter?
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗮: This is my safe place.
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗮: Now please shut up and put your arms around me.
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itswondermera · 5 years
wondermera warriors, i made this for us!
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itswondermera · 5 years
Wonder Woman was made of clay in Rebirth.
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I do it because there are still people who even at this stage, came to think that Diana was still the daughter of Zeus, but no.
Perhaps they are confused because the current story was mixed with Year One or because they didn’t read anything from Pre-The New 52 (PreN52 / Pre-Flashpoint) or The New 52 (N52).
I imagine they are people who have only watched the Wonder Woman movie.
Okay! First I will start by explaining what PreN52 and N52 are, but before I apologize for my bad English, because it’s not my language.
PreN52: They are the comics previous to what happened in Flashpoint (an event that made all DC Comics start a new universe, with the heroes being younger and even some with new origins, like Wonder Woman). In this period Diana was the daughter of Hippolyta, she was made of clay and the gods brought her to life. Diana had the powers of 6 greek gods (7 with Gea) and was always loved by all the amazons, because they were all like a mother to Diana. She was Wonder Woman, princess and ambassador of Themyscira in the world of man, the champion of the gods and besides being considered once the goddess of truth (because being the granddaughter of Ares (before Hippolyta was reborn as an Amazon), she has Olympic blood. When Diana died, in order to revive her, the gods made her the goddess of truth).
N52: As I said, the DC Universe started from the beginning, with a new origin for Wonder Woman. Diana was the daughter of Zeus (In JL Darkseid War it was revealed that Diana had a twin brother) and lived on an island with more amazons of the same age, because the amazons sometimes left Themyscira to get pregnant and to bring new amazon warriors to the island. Some amazons -when they were children- bullied Diana for being made of clay, although this was a lie told by Hippolyta so that Hera wouldn’t kill her daughter. After Hera discovered that Diana was the daughter of Zeus - when she became Wonder Woman and left the island- as punishment she turned Hippolyta into a clay statue. Hippolyta ended up dying. (Remember this, because it’s important!!)
The issue #00 (Wonder Woman Rebirth) explains the two origins.
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Diana feels confused. She doesn’t know who she is. She doesn’t know if she is a descendant of a god and has lived on an island with many children, or is made of clay and was the only child of Themyscira.
What happens? Diana feels that what she has lived and what she thinks her childhood has been is a lie. How was she to be the god of war, if she believes that the first casualty of war is truth? (Diana is the truth, Ares was the war)
Then, she uses her lasso and someone (herself? Her subconscious?) tells her that she has been deceived.
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Diana go to Olympus in search of answers, but there she is treated as an intruder and discovers that this is not the true Olympus.
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She decides to look for answers and knows that the only one who can help her find Themyscira is Cheetah.
Cheetah aka Barbara Ann Minerva worked on excavations and found the tomb of some Amazons. She went in search of Themyscira, found it, although she didn’t know that the tree on that island was a portal that led to Themyscira, that’s why Barbara Ann thought she had been cheated and that Themyscira really didn’t exist.
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This old woman is Athena and her eagle. Don’t forget her, because Athena returns again at the end of this plot.
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Don’t forget that tree, it’s important!!
If you read Year One -and PreN52- in Wonder Woman Rebirth you will know that Queen Hippolyta was brunette, but Queen Hippolyta of N52 is blonde.
Remember this: The Hippolyta who created Diana from clay is brunette. The Hippolyta who got pregnant with Zeus is blonde.
Diana finds Cheetah and Steve Trevor, they become friends again - well, Steve and Diana are once again a couple (my babies *-*) - and get Cheetah to be human again.
Barbara Ann (formerly Cheetah) helps Diana and Steve find Themyscira. The two go to Themyscira, but they meet a blonde Hippolyta. There are several strange things: That blonde Hippolyta died in N52 -Hera turned her into a clay sculpture and broke it- (I said it at the beginning of this post!!)
But it’s not the only strange thing in this story, when Steve Trevor landed in Themyscira he couldn’t understand the Amazons because they speak in themysciran, but now he could understand everything they said. How could that be?!
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Steve begins to investigate that Themyscira and asks for an Amazon he met when he was there - Castalia -, but surprisingly an Amazon tell him that there is no Amazon named like that. Diana goes in search of Steve and he explains that is not the Themyscira in which he fell with his plane, that the buildings aren’t the same, that they aren’t the same Amazons and that it’s rare because he can understand them talk when he didn’t speak in her language.
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Diana’s wrist hurts. When Steve helps her take off her bracelet he discovers that she has a wound. That wound was caused by a snake before Steve arrived in Themyscira.
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This page is from the plot of Year One, when Diana meets Steve. Do you recognize that tree? It was the one behind Barbara Ann!
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Diana begins to remember things about the Themyscira island where she lived, and realizes that is not the real Themyscira. The lasso of truth acts and makes her see the truth. Diana lived in a lie!
In the following issues Diana is in a psychiatric hospital in London, since knowing the news that her life was a lie she wasn’t well psychologically. 
Steve, Etta and Barbara Ann they look for Ferdinand, a friend of Diana. 
(Hey, did you know that Barbara and Etta were girlfriends? Or at least Etta was in love with Barbara)
When Diana meets her friends and especially with Ferdinad, she remembers everything about her life.
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Ok, I stop for a moment to explain something.
There is a rule - that is what is said in Year One - that said that the Amazons couldn’t leave Themyscira. If an Amazon leaves Themyscira, she will stop living forever, she will stop being eternally young and will never be able to return to Themyscira.
That’s why Etta says confused that Diana had returned to Themyscira many times, but she corrects her and tells her that she had never returned, that was a lie.
Now I will explain something important in this story. There is a character that I have not talked about, but is an important pillar: Veronica Cale.
Veronica Cale is a businesswoman who had a daughter. Her daughter’s soul - and her face - was stolen by Phobos and Deimos, the sons of Ares. The deal was that if Veronica managed to find Themyscira, they would return her daughter.
Veronica Cale, Phobos and Deimos, appear several times in flashback as Year One and other stories among this, which is what I am explaining.
Veronica made a deal with Barbara, she would make her be Cheetah again without the curse that forced her to eat people / drink fresh blood and she wouldn’t kill her friends, if she took her to Themyscira.
Well, in the end Veronica Cale, Cheetah, Diana and Steve went to the portal that led to Themyscira.
Cheetah wounds Diana and her blood falls on the tree. The portal opens and takes Diana and Veronica to Themyscira, or so they believed.
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“ If you have no love left for me remember Etta! ”
Oh, stan EttaNerva, pls. ETTANERVA OTP. Okay, i stop. uwu
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Diana and Veronica arrive at the dungeons of Themyscira, where Ares the god of war is a prisoner of the Amazons.
In PreN52 (Pre-Flashpoint) in Themyscira there was a dungeon full of demons, in Rebirth in that dungeon is Ares.
Ares explains Diana everything. The Amazons were created to live in Themyscira and not allow Ares to leave the dungeon, because then the war and evil around the world would spread.
Diana, winning the tournament when Steve arrived, had to leave Themyscira to go to the world of man. Wonder Woman told Hippolyta that she would return to Themyscira, and Diana always keeps her promises. The gods feared she would really return to Themyscira. If she knew the way back, someone -Phobos and Deimos- could try to get to Themyscira to let Ares escape.
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Do you remember the snake that bit Diana? It was a gift from Ares so Diana could return to Themyscira.
Phobos and Deimos had disguised themselves as Ares in order to see through Diana how to get to Themyscira, but as she left the island she forgot how to return (because the gods did not want her to return) they had to make a new plan involving Veronica Cale.
Diana had to fight against Phobos and Deimos. As always, her lasso of truth (the first casualty of war is truth , remember?)  was the only thing that could defeat the war or his children, so she used it as chains to keep them tied for all eternity in the dungeons.
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I will not tell much more about this plot, since in the end Ares explains that the Amazons of The New 52  don’t exist. They are an illusion created by the gods so that Diana felt she had her Amazons sisters nearby and didn’t have to return to the true Themyscira.
We all believed that Diana would no longer have her lasso of truth, because she used it to chain Phobos and Deimos. But it doesn’t end here, do you remember Athena being old?
Wonder Woman tries to talk to the gods, because she wants an explanation for that lie. Why were they so selfish and snatched the opportunity to return to Themyscira? And not only that, they “took away” her lasso.
Then, the older woman appears. And Diana has her lasso again! In the end, the gods would never disappoint their champion.
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There is also something that makes you understand from the beginning of this story that Diana is made of clay  and is not the daughter of Zeus. As in her comics before Flashpoint occurred, the gods visit Diana and give her gifts. They give Diana her powers! Although in pre-Flashpoint it happens differently, but it’s they who give Wonder Woman her powers.
In New 52 she has powers because she is the daughter of Zeus. Although we now know that she was never  the daughter of Zeus.
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And that’s all! Unfortunately (for people who love Diana made of clay, because she is more powerful and maintains a feminist origin) the next writer ignored this plot and made Diana a daughter of Zeus again. Yes, he completely ignored that the plot was about getting Diana to be clay again.
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At least, G. Willow Wilson (the current writer) has ignored certain parts of the script of R*bins*n (yes, it was he who ignored Rucka’s plot). Diana is still a goddess, I don’t know if she is the daughter of Zeus or because she was Goddess of Truth, but she has left some easter eggs on WW Pre-Flashpoint comics and I don’t know if she will try to make Diana made of clay again.
I haven’t commented all the things about the plot of Greg Rucka in Rebirth, especially I haven’t talked about Year One, but I recommend you read it. It’s my favorite plot of Wonder Woman Rebirth. Read it! And I hope that my explanation has helped those who didn’t understand or forgot the plot.
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itswondermera · 5 years
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Diana and Mera ♥♥♥
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itswondermera · 5 years
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mera / diana + tv tropes
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itswondermera · 5 years
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WonderMera ♥♥♥
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itswondermera · 5 years
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Happy Pride!
Wonder Woman (2017) dir. Patty Jenkins
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itswondermera · 5 years
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The marriage of Mera and Diana. I like this difficult creation. After many hours of work here is the result.♥♥♥
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itswondermera · 5 years
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Amber as Mera by Tommoken 💖 - - - - #Aquaman #Mera #Dc #dccomics #atlantis #xebel #queenmera #aquamanmovie #jasonmomoa #amberheard #arthurcurry #justiceleague #aquawoman #queenofatlantis #kingofatlantis #meraofxebel #aquamanfilme #meraedit #aquamanedit #xebel #bombshells #amberheardasmera #dcbombshells #blackmanta #dailymera #oceanmaster #aquamera #aquaman2 #meratidebreaker http://bit.ly/2WbI2zT
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itswondermera · 5 years
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WonderMera kiss ♥♥♥
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itswondermera · 5 years
wondermera warriors, i made this for us!
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itswondermera · 5 years
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WonderMera, I love it ♥♥♥
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