onelibrary · 2 years
From: op_fanforall
Disclaimer: I am not the original author of this work. Read more here.
Request [June 14 2008, 03:05:48 UTC]
"We have to have sex to keep warm" fic. Stranded on a winter island in sub-zero temperatures. Zoro/Usopp or Sanji/Nami.
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Top-sopp, baby! [June 17 2008, 01:28:24 UTC]
Usopp can’t figure out why this dumb shit keeps happening to him. The day started off normally enough.  The Strawhats landed on some winter island that had a mysterious past and lost treasure, both of which Robin just had to tell Nami about, who just had blab about it to Luffy, and then the unstoppable force called “Captain-Wanna-Adventure-NOW” was put into motion. And now Usopp was probably going to freeze his balls off. Or die, which ever came first. Because the (completely fucking insane) natives hadn’t liked pirates snooping around their island, so it was only natural that they had (with great difficulty) captured The Great Captain Usopp and locked him away in some igloo.   Fortunately, his knight in shining armor had wandered onto the scene and, swords-a-gleamin’, beaten up all the baddies. It would have been a successful rescue, except for the fact that said knight lacked a (functional) sense of direction, and now they were stuck in a really cold cave with no hope of finding their ship.  Ever.
Usopp shivers and pulls his jacket tighter around body.  He can’t help but wonder how long it’s been.  Hours probably.  Only a bit longer and they’d be sparkly pirate ice sculptures.   Zoro doesn’t look the least bit worried from where he sits across the cave.  His eyes are closed and Usopp just knows the swordsman is probably trying to figure out a way to slice cold air, or something equally stupid.  That’s pissing Usopp off, since Zoro should be begging for his forgiveness, seeing as Usopp is going to die a virgin and it’s all the first mate’s fault. Wait, no.  If Usopp was about to die without ever setting his eyes on One Piece or meeting his father, then he is so having sex at least once.   And it’s gonna be good. 000 Part 2 up later tonight, sorry :)
Top-sopp, baby! Part 2 [June 17 2008, 09:28:32 UTC]
Zoro’s swordsman senses must be getting slightly rusty, because there was no tingling to warn him before Usopp dropped into his lap.  Well, there was some tingling but that came from Zoro’s lap, which is strangely filled with Usopp.  It’s a nice sort of strange though.   Still… “Why?” Zoro asks with faint curiosity. “Three reasons:” Usopp replies while unzipping Zoro’s jacket and leaning forward to nip at a tanned collar bone, “we’ve been in here for hours and I’m cold and bored and it’s all your fault.”  Usopp bites down on Zoro’s neck to emphasize his last word. “…That’s four,” Zoro says, just to be to see if he further could irritate the sniper.  It works because Usopp’s brown skin flushes bright pink.  “Shut up,” he demands before thrusting his tongue into Zoro’s mouth.  Zoro’s mouth is warm, he thinks with approval.  He wonders if Zoro has warmer parts and decides that undoing the other man’s pants may lead him to the answer. As Zoro watches Usopp tug down his pants, he briefly wonders if he should inform Usopp that they’d only been in the cave for fifteen minutes, but he forgets everything when Usopp’s tongue flickers out to taste his cock.   That’s all he does for a bit, like he’s trying some new food and to figuring out if he likes the flavor and Zoro’s getting harder and more impatient with every lick.  So he tugs on Usopp’s hair as if to say “On with it, long nose.” But Usopp just digs his nails into Zoro’s thighs and keeps at it because he’s totally in control and Zoro will be receiving a proper punishment.  Then he gets bored and swallows the swordsman’s cock whole. Zoro is completely hard now, either from the way the sniper keeps humming or from Usopp himself (who was looking rather delicious with his plush lips wrapped around Zoro’s cock).  Zoro can feel how close he is.  Apparently, so can Usopp because he pulls away so that Zoro’s redden cock comes out with a little ‘pop!’  Usopp then slowly unzips his own coat so that he can unbuckle his overalls.   Zoro’s already on the edge and Usopp isn’t helping because he keeps licking his lips (not bad for a last meal, the sniper decides) and he still hasn’t even undone his sash yet.  
Top-sopp, baby! Part 3 [June 17 2008, 09:34:05 UTC]
It gets to be too much when Usopp starts sucking on his own fingers in the same way he’d been sucking Zoro’s dick moments before.  Zoro reaches forward to relieve himself but freezes when the sniper sends him a look that could sink about a hundred marine ships.  “Don’t. Or else.”  Zoro groans and he really wants to find out what “Or else” could be until he notices Usopp’s wet fingers disappear underneath his overalls and figures that “Or else” will be coming up soon enough. Usopp prepares himself, biting his lip in concentration.  One finger.  Two.   But he makes the mistake of looking at Zoro, whose mouth is slightly open and whose cock is huge and weeping and hard and warm, damnit- and Usopp remembers that he might not even live to be sore in the morning, and he honestly doesn’t give a shit anymore. Zoro watches through half-lidded eyes as Usopp positions himself over his cock.  Then (after giving Zoro the sexiest smirk he’s ever seen) he goes all the way down. Again.   And again. Zoro’s so warm and the angle’s so perfect- “Touch me,” the Usopp demands, breathless, and Zoro complies, wrapping a calloused hand Usopp’s hardened cock.  It only takes a few more strokes before the two of them are shuddering, cuming together. Usopp rises off of Zoro and then he’s back in the swordsman’s lap again, resting his head on Zoro’s chest and trying to catch his breath.  Zoro nestles his nose in Usopp’s hair and they both fall into a deep slumber… …For five minutes.  Because then Sanji bursts into the cave in a “dramatic rescue” sort of way and the sleeping couple wakes up with a start. Zoro gets up, pissed. “Try knocking on the damn door next, you fucktard.” “This is a cave, shitty marimo so how could I-” He notices the position his nakama are in, “What the-did you two just have-?” Usopp gives a little squeak and jumps up in panic. “We had to have sex!  We would have frozen to death otherwise!” “What?  Usopp, it’s like thirty-two degrees!  Plus you’ve only been lost for a half hour!” Usopp is shaking all over.  “W-wait.  So I just…” And then Zoro actually slaps Usopp’s naked ass and purrs, “Best damn half hour of my life,” before strolling out of the cave. Meanwhile, Usopp dies a little inside. 000 First attempt at writing Zoro and pr0nz, and I totally failed.  But not as badly as Usopp did...*evil smirk* Top-sopp, baby! Part 3
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onelibrary · 2 years
From: op_fanforall
Disclaimer: I am not the original author of this work. Read more here.
Request [June 14 2008, 03:05:48 UTC]
"We have to have sex to keep warm" fic. Stranded on a winter island in sub-zero temperatures. Zoro/Usopp or Sanji/Nami.
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More Nami/Sanji [June 16 2008, 01:48:33 UTC]
Though Anon liked the depressing Freezerburn, Anon still wanted to try to write something for this prompt~ Hopefully this is less harsh on poor little Sanji-kun :p Aslo, first fic, english not Anon's first language, blah blah blah... ------------------- "I can't believe they left without us..." Shoulders slumped, dejected. Annoyed. "For the last time, Sanji-kun, they have to get rid of the marines chasing the Sunny then they'll come back for us." Grabing his hairs, nearing panic-state. "But how will they do that without their wonderful navigator?!" Calm, waving a hand in dismisal. "Robin and Franky are with them so I wouldn't worry. They should be back by morning." Turning her back to the sea. "Sanji-kun, find us a safe place for the night." "HAAAII NAMI-SWAN!!" Happiness returned. ***
The small abandonned shack efficiently cuts the freezing wind but unfortunately lacks a fireplace, which is a ridiculous thing on a winter island. She's sitting against the wall, feeling a bit cold but it's bearable. "Sanji-kun, what's that noise?" "M-my t-teeth ch-ch-chatt-tering, N-Nami-s-san." Trembling, curled on himself next to her, puffing on his last cigarette. She looks at his coat covering her legs, feeling a tad guilty but he offered it to her so it's his fault... Throwing the coat at him. "Take it back." The air is cold on her bare legs. Taking mental note to never wear a skirt on a winter island ever again. Pleasantly surprised. "Nami-san is so generous!" He slips his arms into his coat, feeling instantly better because Nami-san's concern for his comfort warms his heart. *** She's rubbing her hands vigorously along her thighs, trying to keep feelings in them, pointedly ignoring the blond chef next to her who's nursing a bump on his head after suggesting one too many time to warm her with his body. *** Shyly. "Nami-san?" Trying again because she really does look cold and he is too and he's not even having ungentlemanly hidden motives anymore... Almost. Knowing they're still stuck there for a few much too long hours, she sighs, giving in. Without warning, she straddles him. "Try anything and I kill you." Unzips his coat then slips her arms under it and around his torso. Blushing, hesitantly wraping his arms around her. "Hai Nami-san." Yelping when she buries her face in the crook of his neck. "Ah! Your nose's cold!" Smiling. "Are you complaining, Sanji-kun?" Teasing. Shaking his head, hearts in his eyes. "NOT AT ALL! Far from me such an idea!" Presses her body against his. "Good." *** He's feeling much warmer now. Blaming the ungentlemanly thoughts that are back and stronger than ever and he can't help it because his beautiful Nami-san is wriggling against him. She's starting to think that sharing body warmth was a good idea but her legs are still cold and maybe if she could get him to radiate some more heat it'd be enough. Shouldn't be too hard... He tenses when her hand reaches between their bodies and skilfully unzips his pants despite being wearing mittens. "N-Nami-san?" And here he had been hoping she hadn't noticed his predicament but of course his beautiful goddess is far too clever. Fearing her rightful wrath and his imminent castration. "I'm so sorry Nam-" She shuts him up with a kiss, telling herself it's only because it's another way of fighting the cold. *** His burning hands are slowly caressing her thighs even though she ordered him not to try anything. She decides to forgive him this offence because she really is generous and because he looks like it's already taking all of what's left of his rationnal mind to not do more than that. Congratulating herself for her ingenious plan to keep warm, she rolls her hips once more, drawing another moan out of him. *** It's dawn and Luffy is joyously waving at them from the approaching Sunny and she's hopping where she stands, willing them to hurry and pick them up so she can get a hot bath because she's got cold again since leaving the shack (and Sanji's embrace). She looks at him and his cheeks are still bright red and he doesn't look like he's freezing at all. It's so unfair.
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onelibrary · 2 years
From: op_fanforall
Disclaimer: I am not the original author of this work. Read more here.
Request [June 14 2008, 03:05:48 UTC]
"We have to have sex to keep warm" fic. Stranded on a winter island in sub-zero temperatures. Zoro/Usopp or Sanji/Nami.
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freezerburn [June 14 2008, 22:59:13 UTC]
notes: I don't know if you were hoping for fluff, because... this certainly didn't turn out that way. Also, Sanji bottoms to everyone. Ever. ---- Their firewood supply has run out. Sanji could burn the supply of herbs he has in his coat pocket, but he worked much too hard to use them like that, after all the trouble he went through picking them at the mountain's peak; besides, he says, they won't last long. Nami agrees. She has old maps in her back pocket, Jaya and Skypeia and Drum Kingdom, but he gallantly tells her not to waste the things she's made; he assures her he'll save the both of them before they freeze. She realizes there's only one thing left to do. She sidles closer and pulls off a mitten with her chattering teeth; she fumbles with the catch of Sanji's slacks, fingers red and trembling.
"N-nami-san, what's the matter—" She unzips his fly and pulls out his flaccid cock with a practiced hand, offering no reply; as he stammers, hands twitching at his sides like birds, she shucks her pants down off her hips and to her knees, never baring more flesh than need be. "Have to keep warm, don't we?" And she lowers herself onto his cock, only half-hard, awkward and squirming with the position; no preamble, no foreplay, no romanticism as Sanji had always imagined. He groans low in his throat as she rides him; it wasn't supposed to be this way at all. He was supposed to be the seducer, to woo her with flowers and chocolate parfaits, to write her sonnets and wax rhapsodic about her eyes and hair and skin until she melts under his fingers, to coax her into trembling; never this sort of impersonal tryst, not with her. Their breath fogs the air in tiny gasps and their fingers scrabble for purchase in the hard-packed dirt and frost; Nami places two fingers at her clit, raw with cold, and her body shudders. "Nami-san..." Sanji breathes, swallowing down those basest of noises he hates to make. "Please..." The way his jaw clenches, the way his neck arches back and breath hitches—she can tell he's already going to come, and it shames him, coming before she's had her chance. Hair-Trigger Sanji. Sanji-Who-Comes-Before-Women-Do. "You shouldn't come in me," she says baldly, and slides herself off his cock. "B-but what about you?" "Don't worry about me," she says. She squats down next to him in the dirt and wraps a chapped hand around him, chafing his flesh with roughness and cold; her other hand is working at her clit, hips pumping fast and awkward as she teeters on her heels. "Wait," he groans, and comes, hot and violent, into her palm. He quickly offers out a hand help her finish, but she swats it away and finishes quickly, silently stiffening and sinking to her knees. "The others will be here soon," she says, cleaning her hands in the snow. "I know it." He reaches out to touch her, but his hand is stiff with cold and nerves, and Nami is out of reach.
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onelibrary · 2 years
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Fic Recs:
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Archiving works from One Piece kink memes. Please note: none of these works are mine. I simply want a more accessible site to read them on. I would like to add these on AO3 but I don't think individual users are allowed to do so.
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