ophemila · 3 years
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- caught just in time
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turqvoise · 10 years
Hi bby, if you would like a promo, go to my instagram @nhimaai, like the 3 most recent photos and message me your username and whether you want a screenie or solo xx
Hey, thanks but im good for now xx
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gold-luxe · 10 years
It may seem so but I think it hurts more on the long run being in the loop than being out. I know that you pictured a life with him I know because im like that too right now. But honey, you need to rule a line before it gets too deep to rule anymore.
I'm already in deep
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fluffyguava · 10 years
No way, omfg I literally have all the sets of the rainbow fairy books ahhh! When I was younger, me and my cousin used to get out all the books I had of the fairies and compare which ones had the best fashion and looked the prettiest haha! Thanks for making this network! I’m Ellie, I’m 14 and from Australia :) I’m super addicted to tumblr and I waste so much time on here oops! If I was chosen, I’d like to be either India the moonstone one or belle the birthday fairy :) and I really like mochas, caramel lattes and chocolate frappes (hope that counts) hehe Thanks for reading lovelies, have a fab day! Xxx
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ophemila · 3 years
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- cotton cumulus
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mhisfits · 11 years
Hun I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope you know that I'll always be here for you if you need me as I know exactly what it's like losing a loved one. I lost my dad 4 years ago when I was 12 and it still makes me cry till this day although I'd never admit it to anyone. Love you so much hun xxxx
you can admit to me babe, I know how much it hurts and it's going to be 5 years next april. god bless you and your dad xxxx
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bhlank · 11 years
Congrats hun!! Modern/Fashion?Serene blog that you'd be crazy not to check out!! Follow me and self-promo! xx
thanks babe and you’re so beautiful btw!
You can self promote in my ask the whole day! (and ofc I will check out your blog if you do)
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gold-luxe · 10 years
Has he specifically told you that? If so then maybe you should try distance then, otherwise you're stuck in a loop
In the loop is better than being out of it
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s-ight · 11 years
tagged by wolfaeh and bronzex woo answering the questions now!
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.  3. Tag 11 people and link them. 
 4. Let them know that they are.
Q89: what do you do when you’re upset?
lol sit and be sad 
Q90: favourite food to bake?
Q91: if you had to choose between a life of isolation and wealth or an extremely social life without money, what would you pick?
social life without money HAPPINESS OVER WEALTH guys
Q92: if you saw a homeless man walking around the streets alone, would you offer him shelter or just leave him?
soz i would leave him :(
Q93: if you saw a homeless child walking around the streets alone, would you offer him shelter or just leave him?
same ahh im a horrible person
Q94: do you like to write?
i dont mind it but meh
Q95: do you have dreams of what you would like to become? if so, what are your dreams?
no i have no idea its stressful hhah
Q96: favourite movie?
this is the hardest question ever omg
Q97: if you had the choice to change your gender, would you?
Q98: who’s your crush? list their name!! can’t be a celeb or someone famous though ;)
Q99: thoughts on one direction?
hot and good singers woo
Q100 who is your idol?
Q101 whats your favourite food?
Q102 3 things you love about yourself?
Q103 what makes you happy?
Q104 who are your tumblr crushes?
Q105 do you like sushi?
Q106 favourite song?
Q107 whats the best holiday you’ve been on?
Q108 what is stressing you out right now?
Q109 do you ever wish you were someone else?
Q110 where do you want to live when you’re older?
Q111 what is the one thing you’re looking forward to most?
I’m tagging clubsorry, a-lisea, fuzzified, ophemila, freshxr, vahnille, lynxae, floriste-floreau, acriilyc, mxango and explohre 
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evydens · 11 years
RADIANTLYY TAGGED ME! Rules: 1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.  3. Tag 11 people and link them. 
 4. Let them know that they are.
1. What is your favourite tv show?
 i have so many gossip girl and the o.c are my absolute favorites but i also like pll, tvd and teen wolf 
2. What is something you wish you could change in your life?
umm probably the fact that some people are missing and they shouldn't be
3. Would you rather never eat chocolate again or never eat cheese again?
definitely never eat cheese again
4. What is one album you could listen to forever?
red taylor swift or plus ed sheeran (i could never choose between the two of those)
5. Favourite childhood memory?
probably travelling around europe with my family
6.  What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
for them to be nice and sweet but not boring (they have to have a sense of humour) and i have to have at least some physical attraction to them so he can't be hideous
7. Top 3 movies
ommg that is so hard probably all the harry potter movies (they count as one) the last song and the titanic
8. Where do you want to live in the world when you grow up?
New York or London
9. Dream job?
10. Favourite holiday? 
europe trip
11. Which is worse, failing or never trying?
never trying because then you have to live with out knowing whether you would have succeeded or not
11 Questions from me:
1. If you could interview anyone from your life living or dead, who would it be and why?
2. Who are your favorite relatives?
3. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
4. Has your greatest fear ever come true?
5. Books you really want to read?
6. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
7. Would you rather be able to: teleport, turn invisible, read people's minds or see the future?
8. If you could star in any movie already made, what would it be?
9. What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?
10. If you had to give up one sense (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste) which one would it be?
11. What would you rather, unlimited money, or guaranteed health for the rest of your life?
Tagged: modernistico, relaxist, satuna, acnae, ophemila, kail-ua, wildlushh, mxango, clubsouls
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lynxae · 11 years
Hazelnxt tagged me soo here it is! :) 
Rules: 1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.  3. Tag 11 people and link them. 
 4. Let them know that they are.
112)Biggest turn off in a friend,guy,girl etc
omfg i hate it when people roll their eyes at me! :(
113)worst/best gift you’ve ever gotten?
a cake smashed into my face bc my friends are cray cray and i smelt of icing for the whole day but we all had fun so yay!
114)favourite beverage? 
hahahaa @hazelnxt gurll you know what i like ;) green tea bubble tea w. black jelly and extra pearls and foam/cream (less sugar & ice) AHHH
115)do you speak any other languages?
um well i kinda speak a little of spanish, mandarin and malay!
116)favourite singer/artist?
i don’t really have a favourite, i listen to a variety of music, but i’ve taken a liking to this amazingly talented youtuber, she is so frikin fab like she can make thrift shop sound sexy like what
117)does anybody severley irritate you?
nahhh not enough to come to my mind when i read this question.
118)something you would change about your personality
i keep my emotions bottled up so sometimes it all just gets a bit overwhelming 
119)favorite subject at school?
well english & art bc i fail at everything else im not even joking
120)funniest awkward moment?
well it was probably the time when i was in the aeroplane and i wanted to pee so bad so i rushed to the toilet and i saw the green sign above the toilet so i was like oh yes no one in here and i literally charged in and there was this hot older guy there and he was all WTF and i was like OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY and i slammed the door and then it was so awks and when he came out we both avoided eye contact 
121)favourite food?
sushiii omg i love sushi.
122)meat and potatoes or curry?
Meat and potatoes bc WHO DONT LOVE POTATOES
New questions yo!
123) would you rather be 4 ft 5 or 7ft 7 like super short or super tall?
124) would you rather sweat mayonnaise (ew) or poop softballs (ow)?
125) would you rather be able to speak any language (on earth) fluently, or be able to talk to animals? (pfft obvs the 2nd one for me like how cool would that be)
126) ok so enough of the would you rathers, do you like salads? and if so, enough to eat only salad for the rest of your life?
127) if you were to watch your life play out in a movie, would you hate yourself or love yourself?
128) what was your fav cartoon as a kid?
129) do you collect anything interesting?
130) how long does it take you to fall asleep? and what do you think of right before you fall asleep? (sorry thats 2 questions)
131) do you have the traits/ personality you hate in others?
132) have you ever wished you were the opposite sex ( say goodbye to period cramps!)
133) if you had to change your name, what would you change it to? :)
i’m tagging: #ophemila  #kixxe  #wolfaeh #reckleus #mxango #acriilyc #relushe #coutton #philoxaly #aguamentti #peacify
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unterra · 11 years
SIX followers away from my next hundred! Please help me reach, I'll personally check out every new blog! I'm a modern/fresh/fashion/food blog! xxx
c'mon guys! it is worth following!
self-promo in my ask!
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ophemila · 3 years
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- dreamy storm
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fahlse · 11 years
Every time I revisit your blog I fall in love with it all over again :')
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infinite · 11 years
Give us a lul
gif reply hour! send me messages HERE and ill reply to everything with a gif. at the end of the hour the person whos message has the most notes will be personally promoted by me!
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gold-luxe · 10 years
Have you asked him why he seems to feel bored a lot and why hes so uninterested in everything but sex? Maybe there's something upsetting him?
Of course there is! me! cos i am a fucking lunatic. idk
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