#opm bushidrill
unfortunatelycake · 2 years
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OPM Xmas Countdown prompt: present!
What could be inside? 🤔 Find out on the 25th!
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no1monstersimp · 1 year
Flirting in OPM is so weird, like what is this???
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM Manga Update 233 Review: Evaluation
I had initially postponed writing this until the next chapter, but I've come to realise I have so much meta to write that it's best I do each chapter individually.
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Summary because it's been a moment
The first part of the chapter is set in the mountains above City G where the Council of Swordmasters is based. At their building, the three disciples are reviewing what they've been able to unearth about Sweet Mask. It's precious little, with nothing available before his signing up as a hero. Iaian surmises that this fits in with the information that Bushidrill has been able to uncover on Amai's shifting appearance. They consider that the shape-shifting could be a special power, but in light of his behaviour towards Do-S's hostages, was much more likely a sign of progressive monsterization. Iaian expands on it by recounting what he'd seen of Sweet Mask at the surface when he'd seen a monster struggling to keep its humanity. With surprising empathy, Iaian states that it's often those who've lost something who know its true value. They decide to keep a careful eye on Sweet Mask but say nothing to Atomic for now. Okamaitachi hopes that they end up glad to have kept Sweet Mask's hands clean.
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Elsewhere, we see Kamikaze (it is not right to call him Atomic Samurai in this context) and Nichirin paying their respects at a shrine dedicated to successive generations of the Swordmasters. They are accompanied by two young people, here to take the places of the slain Swordmasters. We are treated to Yuta's thoughts of hunting down whatever remains of the Monster Association. Nichirin apologises to the pair to say that if he'd been stronger -- but Shido cuts him short. His father lived by the sword, after all, and falling in battle was an honourable death. Besides, as a bodyguard, seeing Nichirin alive would have pleased him.
Speaking of that, given how gravely Nichirin had been injured, it naturally leads to Kamikaze asking after the old man's health. Nichirin sits on the ground and hitches his robes up to show a pair of cybernetic legs. His entire lower half is now mechanical and he's apparently no worse off for it [Aside: I guess the doctors who butchered Air back in Chapter 182 weren't joking about Metal Knight's skill in cyborg medicine].
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He stands up, and, declaring that circulating one's chi through body and weapons made them part of a whole -- artificial bodies included -- unsheathes his sword and slices at an apple that he tossed into the air. The apple is apparently unharmed, but the cliff face in the background is cleaved. The apple falls to the ground, and Shido and Yuta marvel at the accuracy of the old man's cutting the cliff but sparing the apple. Nichirin states that he did cut the apple as well. Kamikaze picks up the apple and explains that this is Nichirin's special technique: it's so fast and finally that the Apple rejoined itself, apparently unharmed. He is relieved the old man is his usual self.
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It's now Nichirin's turn to ask him a question. Now that his rival Bang has retired, will Kamikaze stay at the Hero Association? Kamikaze looks wistful for a moment as he recalls himself leading the charge to take down Psykos-Orochi. He says that, indeed, he'd initially gone only to challenge himself, but now he had experienced something that he couldn't get anywhere else. Besides, he still had one more person whose strength he needed to fathom -- we are shown that it is King. He'd decide after then.
As he takes his leave, Nichirin thinks that Kamikaze has changed. Being thrown among a variety of strong fighters with vastly different strengths had broadened his mind. Maybe being a hero wasn't so bad after all. He says that last part out loud to Yuta's puzzlement.
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We cut to the hero Association and to Saitama and Genos approaching it. Inside, Forte is putting the finishing touches to a dog house Black Sperm is disgusted, but shelter and food, even if it is only dog food, are what he needs right now, at least until he rebuilds his cell count. Saitama and Genos heave into view and Forte greets them. Black Sperm rushes behind the dog house in well-justified fear. His life wouldn't be worth a scrap of cigarette ash if Genos caught sight of him. Fortunately, Genos is a bit distracted, first by the dog's name, then by the news that Forte lives next door to Saitama. He wastes no time in evicting Forte.
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I have a feeling the dog is going to be trouble
Finally, we're in the M-City branch of Mouse Sushi, the cheap rotating sushi place with the infamous nasty t-shirts Saitama loves. Atomic Samurai is there with his disciples, having paid a futile visit to King's residence. There's only one problem with this place: someone keeps taking every plate they have their eye on. After the fatty tuna plate is taken, Atomic stands up to confront the person only to find that is King. The chapter ends with Atomic standing over an anxious King and asking if he could talk to him for a few minutes.
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Whew, if you think this is meaty, wait until we get to the meta. Grab a drink!
I really struggled with thinking where to even begin with this one. Well, let's take it like a hot bowl of soup, start on the outside and work our way in.
The Real Kaijin Shows Up
Small things first. It's hilarious that Genos invokes more fear than the actual monsters do at Saitama's residence. Surprising that he's been visiting Saitama for a while but has never run across Saitama's neighbours or pets until now. You'd think that Saitama had brought home a tiger. As if he were extolling how the beast is still barely half-grown and tame, and all everyone else could see is how it's already the size of a large fridge with cruelly-curved claws longer than one's fingers and fangs sturdy enough to bite through one's skull. Forte may know not to mess with Saitama but he's so aware of Genos's capacity to do actual violence to him that the latter doesn't even need to breathe a word of threat to commandeer his house.
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the really big dogs don't need to growl
Don't Panic, It's Just A Monster
I love thus story: people are not blind or stupid. It's hard to keep secrets when someone takes an interest. The disciples are on Amai Mask's trail, and while they're fairly certain that they've uncovered a monster hiding as a human being, the circumspection and nuance they're showing is remarkable.
Despite their misgivings, they're prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and see him more as a person struggling to retain his humanity than as a monster biding its time to strike. In this, Iaian leans towards the former interpretation, while Bushidrill would rather err on the side of caution. Okamaitacchi is in the middle but is of the mind that this is a fluid situation that could go either way.
It's really neat that what was once a one-off gag, with Iaian telling Meltzegard that he could read the latter's murderous intent, has been repeatedly revisited ad deepened in the course of the story to create what is a wise and sympathetic response to a potentially dangerous situation. The disciples aren't blind to the danger of a monstrous hero, but because they can read intentions, they're willing to be heroes to the core and risk reaching out a helping hand to a struggling person.
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Iaian's taking a risk in hoping there's a person in Amai who can be saved. But what else is a hero about?
Decisions and Inspirations
So, what will you do, Kamikaze? Had Nichirin died, what he'd have had to do would have been simple. As the new head of the Council of Swordmasters, Atomic would have had to resign as a hero and raise up a new generation. Thankfully, he's been spared that.
It's refreshing to get more insight into Atomic's character and find that he's been looking for both a source of challenge and inspiration in his life. Bang had certainly provided both while he'd been a fellow pro-hero. However, Atomic deciding to lead a charge to the very skies rather than stand on his pride and be an old man shouting impotently at the battle raging overhead had been a revelation. Terrible as the Monster Association showdown had been, it had also been a peak experience unlike any he could have imagined. He's hooked. [Since this is so late, Child Emperor's suggestions of a specialist dragon-slaying team would have found in Atomic an enthusiastic sponsor]. But he still wants a rival, so off he is to challenge King.
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a new fire has been lit in this guy who thought he understood everything
Coming to Nichirin, I have three things to say:
A: Words Are Best Eaten Cold, With Salt
Despite having a disciple working as a hero (Spring Mustachio), Nichirin hasn't thought too highly of heroes. Depending on the translation, he'd called them hunters... or pest controllers. It's nice to see that he's had to eat his words.
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I hope those words are tasty
B: The Old Lie
'Dolce et decorum est pro patria mori' . I don't blame Shido for clinging onto a view of his father bravely laying down his life. He needs all the comfort he can get.
We know the truth. Zambai was not felled by a superior foe but by a sentient barf bag spitting in his face.
Amahare's desecrated remains were so fragmentary that his coffin needed only a single pallbearer. A cruel duty indeed for Yuta to perform.
Nor can we forget Spring Mustachio fighting desperately to stop Nichirin's transected body from being burned, then Fubuki frantically keeping him alive, his guts kept from spilling out by what had been Genos's precious designer jacket.
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a tableau of horror
This had been an actual conflict, not a carefully-managed test of skill vulgarly called a 'fight', and there was nothing sweet, fitting, nor fair about it.
C: Sword and Spirit
AND NOW FOR THE PART I'VE BEEN WAITING FOREVER FOR! Forever being from December 2017. It also ties into more recent chapters. The border between living and non-living has always been a bit porous in One-Punch Man and it's amazing to watch Nichirin make no distinction between his biological body, his sword, and his prostheses to forge a whole that is much greater than the sum of its parts. Once again, it comes down to spirit and willpower.
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Had Genos witnessed this, he'd have asked Saitama for a leave of absence to study under Nichirin. This is the missing part that has been nagging at him, the question he'd asked Saitama about whether his parts truly made him stronger, to which Saitama had had no answer. Heck, just being able to observe Nichirin would have been profoundly inspirational for Genos.
ONE, however, is not in the business of giving Genos anything cheaply. No, on current headings, he's going to have to work it out for himself. Indeed, he accidentally and instinctively touched on the answer when he seamlessly rejoined himself after being bitten in two by Elder Centipede. He didn't think about what he was doing then: he was just totally determined not to be dismissed by that miserable worm. [It goes without saying that Kuseno did not get a distress call, nor brave monsters to see what the fuck was going on for himself because of a mere broken leg and some loosened plates of armour.]
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Before and after: plates laid on a bias rejoining so perfectly there's no damage to see. And all the internals are fine too. Black magic shit that got the old engineer out of bed to do a field inspection.
Come to that, Saitama does know about the importance of will but does not know it consciously. Yet another gag that has become very much not a gag is that any object Saitama holds that he does not want to break becomes unbreakable. Cheap store-bought chopsticks catch a falling man -- and his clothes, in turn, don't give way. They become an extension of Saitama, like Nichirin's sword does of himself. Speaking of swords, it's notable that when Atomic Samurai managed to draw the sun blade, it was impossible to tell where the man ended and the sword began. Saitama just has no idea that that's what he's doing, so he can't teach it to his increasingly frustrated disciple.
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the same principle, played very differently, but each in a life-or-death situation
And like that, another piece of the puzzle of the power scheme of OPM has been shown to us. No one character has the whole picture. We will hopefully get to piece it together by the end, and we hope that the right characters understand it well enough at the right time to make for good outcomes.
Next chapter review will be much shorter!
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sowa9 · 1 year
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potsweeta · 4 months
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Lineart donee but I'm not quite sure if I'm gonna color it😔
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weebianplebeian · 1 year
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none of you…none of you have the right to be this cute…
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aforrestofstuff · 1 year
Atomic samurai’s disciples
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velmashaircut · 9 months
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I know Atomic and his disciples are redoing their training and will most likely not play a huge role for the rest of the series, but I expect the disciples will make an appearance during Sweet Masks arc since they’ve pretty much clocked what’s going on with him. I don’t know what kind of role they’ll play but I hope it’s a positive one.
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nyxrev · 1 year
Not just Sweet.
My first thought was it's the first time I see Amai and not immediately get uncanny vibes. Seems to me like it's the first time he is drawn so… humanly? Is it the dress shirt? The eyes? The realistic arms/physique? Hm…
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New Ones Debut(?!):
Amahare's daughter, Zanbai's son, & Nichirin back stronger than ever …?!?!
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Amahare's daughter and Zanbai's son …wait… awhooOmm-
…i…ok I'll go sit down at the back…
But look at Nichirin, it's true, elder masters are always metal asf. Literally and figuratively.
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Look at them metal legs
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unfortunatelycake · 2 years
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OPM Xmas Countdown prompts: Angel/Santa Claus
Cba to draw a background
Kamabushi posing for Iaian at HA Xmas party!
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They stay rent free on my mind
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
the blood trail grows stronger
Just as I hoped, Iaian and the disciples are investigating Amai Mask.
It's still faint, but Amai, the sharks are closing in on your trail.
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Good disciples. Good, smart, hard-working disciples. Ferret out whatever you can.
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sowa9 · 8 months
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potsweeta · 28 days
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weebianplebeian · 1 year
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theomnicode · 1 year
King of bluffs
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If there is one thing King is very good at, it's being quick-witted and bluffing when his enemies seem to be always rolling Nat 1 in perception and insight checks. Despite his high level of anxiety, King is capable of very quickly making up complete bullshit reasoning to confuse, alarm and disrupt whomever he is facing down, either on complete accident when luck seems to be on his side or on purpose, like he does with Atomic Samurai and his disciples.
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It makes King seem far more believable when he layers factual truths, such as % composition of atmosphere with his made up terms, to make himself seem a lot smarter than the opposition and far more well-read and speaking with conviction is the reason why King's bluffing is very believable. None of them seem to have a google in hand just to fact check that most of these terms do not even exist.
Asking if any of them have heard of the made up reaction before, is to seed in more doubt and one of the ways King continues to crumble the opposition. He even called out Iaian in particular as the one who has the most 6th sense in any given situation and who is the most insightful one out of the swordsmen, probably to scare him so he wouldn't say anything.
King's anxiety seems to bring forth a masterclass in human psychology where he is capable of taking advantage of enemy insecurities, like how Atomic Samurai is easily fooled by a sharp, domineering persona because it does not appear that he is well-read in science. Someone like Genos who is highly intellectual on the other hand, would've called him out easily before he even started, so this kind of strategy wouldn't have worked on him for instance.
King's capacity to bluff has saved his skin quite many times, but also saved the skin of others, such as when he stalled Homeless Emperor and rest of the cadres from attacking for long enough that Zombieman, Metal Bat and Garou could take them out.
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If King was anybody else besides someone with a reputation of the strongest man on Earth, simply calling out that HE was standing on uneven ground would not have worked out as well as it did. King's reputation and his terrifying visage precedes him.
Not the first nor the last time King's bluffing has bailed him and other people out of trouble, though only after meeting Saitama does King seem to get the courage to use his bluffing abilities for others while risking himself.
King's ability to bluff and luck is borderline supernatural power, because someone with such high anxiety and loud heartbeat should not be able to operate as well as he does and I'm kind of inclined to think that maybe there is something to this man we don't yet know about. He may have a cheat code in hand.
Maybe he is unconsciously channeling his own Qi? We know Genos probably is, that's how he's able to to have an aura of power and how he put himself back together against Elder centipede.
Who says King does not have unlocked Qi, apparent source of special powers in OPM, as well and maybe he subconsciously activates his own latent abilities whenever under duress? King parallels Saitama with his imaginary powers as well.
Food for thought.
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(He really cuts a fearsome visage doesn't he? No wonder everyone fears King, he reminds people of Terrible Tornado)
But needless to say, King as an opponent is more terrifying the more terrified he himself is, which is one of the funniest type of ironies found in OPM.
Fake it 'till you make it, King.
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