royalvoxpost · 4 years
#IntegratedPhotonics: researchers developed an ultra-efficient photonics-assisted computing architecture that could revolutionize #OpticalComputing. The proposed architecture could help design power-saving, high-speed electronic-photonic computing circuits https://t.co/RqTouVgWNb https://t.co/VLJg583KSv
#IntegratedPhotonics: researchers developed an ultra-efficient photonics-assisted computing architecture that could revolutionize #OpticalComputing. The proposed architecture could help design power-saving, high-speed electronic-photonic computing circuits https://t.co/RqTouVgWNb pic.twitter.com/VLJg583KSv
— The Royal Vox Post (@RoyalVoxPost) May 1, 2020
via Twitter https://twitter.com/RoyalVoxPost May 01, 2020 at 05:33PM
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craigweich · 10 years
"Optalysys, a UK technology company, says it’s on-target to demonstrate a novel optical computer, which performs calculations at the speed of light, in January 2015. If all goes to plan, Optalysys says its tech — which is really unlike anything you’ve ever heard of before — can put an exascale supercomputer on your desk by 2020."
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royalvoxpost · 6 years
#Photonics #OpticalComputing : Trapping light that doesn't bounce off track for faster electronics. A new protective metamaterial "cladding" prevents light from leaking out of the very curvy pathways it would travel in a computer chip - https://t.co/SkWwyKMjEC https://t.co/AjiSFvut0J
#Photonics #OpticalComputing : Trapping light that doesn't bounce off track for faster electronics. A new protective metamaterial "cladding" prevents light from leaking out of the very curvy pathways it would travel in a computer chip - https://t.co/SkWwyKMjEC pic.twitter.com/AjiSFvut0J
— The Royal Vox Post (@RoyalVoxPost) July 30, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/RoyalVoxPost July 30, 2018 at 11:51PM
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