#or! or!
blaackbiird-archive · 2 years
half tampted to make an au where all my muses are wols from different shards, with Eidric being the main one from the source
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disposablelimb · 3 years
the creepiest structure in Minecraft for me is hands down the igloo with basement, for a couple reasons
desert temples, jungle temples, shipwrecks, ruined portals; those are all signs of a civilization that once existed but came to an end, but that’s something that does happen. people build monuments because they know they won’t be around forever and they want those in the future to know they existed, right?
the igloo...was somebody’s personal dwelling. and they were in the middle of something. the first creepy thing is they were keeping villagers prisoner and experimenting on them (the arrows on the sign always implied to me that the person was changing them back and forth, not just trying to cure zombies, plus the fact that they still keep the healthy one in a cage too). the second thing is one day they went out and just never came back.
it’s a very lonely dwelling, y’know, it usually spawns a pretty good distance away from everything else. there’s a redstone torch, implying it’s not a villager thing since villagers never use redstone (unless you want to count a lectern, i guess). whoever lived here was probably someone more like you, or more like whoever built the other redstone structures in the world like the temples. a lonely last vestige of humanity in the snow. somebody studying life and death. maybe they were trying to find a cure, not for villagers but for the others of their kind. then they died and never got to meet you
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holyunholy · 4 years
hatereading logs again and this holy paladin puts beacon of light *on himself* during the shade phase of kael’thas... hate that. hate that!
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