#or a no strings attached secret relationship that slowly starts to turn into smth more
noahtally-famous · 1 year
world tour except it’s seastar
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panda-noosh · 6 years
hey! Could you do a shiro x female reader where they’re friends with benefits or they hook up or something and they’re both pining idiots but then she gets pregnant or smth idk just like,,, angst with a happy ending (and some lil naughty stuff if you feel like it but literally anything will be g )
    It’s always so much easier pretending there are no feelings attached. It’s easier to pretend like you have absolutely no heart, that the butterflies attacking your stomach aren’t real, that you and Shiro could never possibly have a future together.
    It’s easier to just pretend. Wade through life with the mindset that you were a completely free woman, had the world entirely at your fingertips with little to no strings attached. 
    Once upon a time, that was the mindset you were allowed to have.
    Now, though, as you looked down at the positive pregnancy test in your hand, there was no doubt in your mind that you were now very far from a ‘free woman.’ In your trembling hands was the proof of that, and it was taking every fibre of your being not to cry.
    Things with Shiro weren’t meant to become serious - that was the last thing you had ever planned. He was your best friend, someone who you had developed feelings for pretty early on but had never truly thought they could be acted upon. The fooling around you both did was nothing more than a bit of fun - until now. Until this tiny little mishap engraved things in stone.
    You inhaled deeply, slowly setting the test down in your lap. You needed to process things for yourself before you told Shiro the big news. He was a busy man. You needed to first find the time to tell him.
    But you had to tell him. That much you knew. There was no way you could keep something like this a secret from him, no matter how tempting it may be. Because sometimes it was easier just to pretend.
     Shiro arrived back to the ship not long after everyone else had drifted off to bed. Even Keith Kogane, the infamous night owl, had given his good nights and went on his merry way.
    You had stayed up, waiting for Shiro to finally appear.
    The door to the ship opened, revealing the man himself for the first time that day. He had a towel draped loosely over his shoulders, the ends of his hair still wet from the shower he had clearly just emerged from. He wore a loose, light blue shirt and a pair of checkered pyjama trousers; in all honesty, he looked casual, which settled your breathing that little bit more. When he looked like this, casual and calm, you allowed yourself to think that he wasn’t the busy business man he truly was.
    You allowed yourself to believe that perhaps he would have time for the family he was suddenly starting.
    You stood up when he entered, startling him out of his daydream. He looked at you, winced against the light before he was grinning and sauntering towards you with his arms outstretched.
    “There you are,” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist playfully. “I was looking everywhere for you. Keith told me you weren’t in your room.”
   “No. I was waiting for you.”
   Shiro narrowed his eyes and pulled away, holding you at arms length. He had noticed the twinge in your voice, the lack of enthusiasm that you usually held for him when he came home from training.
    “What’s wrong?” he asked hesitantly. “Did something happen while I was gone?”
    You pursed your lips and quickly looked away. “That was actually what I wanted to talk to you about…”
    “Nobody’s giving you a hard time, are they?”
    You quickly shook your head, grabbing for his hand and leading him towards the sofa. He followed you hesitantly, unused to this serious side of you. You didn’t show it often; when you were with Shiro, you never really had to. Sure, he had his business side to him, and so did you, but when you were together, the stresses of work and responsibilities disappeared in a matter of seconds.
   The two of you settled down upon the sofa. You couldn’t bring yourself to touch him, simply tucked your hands beneath your thighs and looked away. You still needed to find the words to tell him what had happened.
    He leaned forward, trying to meet your eyes. “Y/N, you’re scaring me.”
   You inhaled deeply. “Shiro … Something happened.”
    He flinched away as if your words had somehow physically struck him. “What is it?”
    “You know a few weeks ago when we … when we had some alone time.” You winced, bunching your shoulders around your ears as if that would be enough to banish the awkward wording you had just used.
   Shiro snickered quietly, but nodded nonetheless. “I remember it well, yes.”
    “Well… I think we took it a bit too far.”
    Shiro’s smile faded, replaced by furrowed brows and a frown. “Did I … Did I do something wrong? Did I take things too far?”
   “No! No, that’s not what I mean! It wasn’t you.” You groaned, finally giving up on trying to explain. No words would form that could reasonably explain what you were trying to say, and so you finally decided to reach into your back pocket, pull the pregnancy test out of your jeans and toss it into his lap; he could put the dots together himself.
    He looked down at it. That was all. Just looked, eyes glistening, dancing over the two lines that were glaring back at him. You had known Shiro long enough to see when the cogs in his brain were turning; any time he was looking down at the map in the cockpit of the ship, any time he was trying to come up with a suitable plan.
    Any time he was looking down at a positive pregnancy test.
    It took him a few minutes to shake himself out of his stupor, and they were minutes that you gave him. You didn’t speak, didn’t touch him until he was looking over at you with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. For a single moment, you could have sworn you saw tears.
    “Yours?” he questioned, voice cracking.
    You could only nod.
    His throat bobbed. “M-Mine?”
   You closed your eyes, squeezed your lips together and nodded again.
    Shiro exhaled heavily. “Oh, god.”
   “I’m sorry. I know we should have been more careful,” you burst suddenly, overwhelmed by his simple reaction. “We thought we could get away with it, and I should have told you before, but I only took the test this morning, and-”
   You paused, dropping your head into your hands. “I’m so sorry. You already have so much to worry about.”
    “Would you calm down?” The sofa shifted, indicating Shiro had moved closer to you. He bundled you in his arms, pressing you into his chest. “You’re acting like this has ruined my life or something.”
    You whimpered. “It hasn’t?”
   “It couldn’t. I’m - I’m gonna be a Dad. How could that be anything but good news?”
   You looked up, heart thumping in your chest. “Shiro, you’ve already got so much going on around you. How are we meant to raise a baby if we can’t even find time to be in a proper relationship with each other?”
   Shiro bit his lip. “You know I’ve always wanted to be more than what we are, Y/N…,” he said softly, nervously. “And now that we’re having a child together… I think it’s only right that we make things official. For the sake of the baby.” 
    You blinked. “Official?”
   He inhaled deeply, as if tired of trying to explain himself. You were nervous, and when you got nervous, nothing made sense. Shiro’s words now, particularly, did not make any sense, because the two of you had been friends with benefits for nearly a year now. Why was he just now confessing his feelings to you?
    “I’ve not been keeping it a secret that I’m in love with you,” he said, and your heart froze. “I wouldn’t just mess around with anybody. I thought you knew me well enough to know that.”
    You swallowed. “But our arrangement…”
   He raised a brow. “Do you want to keep sneaking around, even after this baby is born?”
     “What? No, of course not!” you exclaimed, affronted that he would even think such a thing. “But, Shiro, I thought you liked not having any strings attached.”
    “I hate it. I’ve always hated it.” He leaned forward and took your hands in his own. “I want something more than that, Y/N, but I’ve been too afraid to ask. But now…” He sighed and placed one of his hands against the bottom of your stomach; you were far from showing at this point, but the feel of his hands against your flesh made it all seem that little bit more real, like reality was finally settling in just because Shiro was there to share it with you. “I want to be a proper family.”
    The room grew quiet. Question after question, statement after statement were swirling around in the back of your head, but none of them seemed like an appropriate response. Of course you wanted that - you wanted a stable family, a relationship that was strong enough to raise a baby in the conditions you were currently placed in. 
     You couldn’t think of anyone better to create that stable family with than Shiro.
    And so, you leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek; it wasn’t suggestive, not like any other kiss the two of you had shared in the past. Before, the kisses had always been desperate, leading to bigger things and tender moments, but this was different. This had no ulterior motive to it, wasn’t the set up for a night in the covers. It was a genuine kiss, gentle and soft against his flesh.
     You pulled away then, breath warm against Shiro’s cheek. He stroked a thumb along the fabric of your shirt, ducking it beneath the hem so he could feel the non-existent bump, the place where his child was.
    You couldn’t help but smile, placing a hand over his own.
    “So what do you say?” he whispered.
    “Let’s do it.” 
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