#or a stinkweed / bouquet
razorsadness · 1 year
It broods on the woodland edge, morbidly forested and bottle green, fermented in swamp, dung, skunk, and bridled by sorcery, potions, Bible school puppetry, ogres, fairies,
poorly rendered papier-mâché good and bad Samaritans. Kept awake by raw, honest terrors, eviction dreams, half-conscious fantasies of terrible mothers wielding
hatchets, but oddly free, like a free lunch is free, or a vacant lot, or a stinkweed bouquet.
—Diane Seuss, from “Penetralium” (The New Republic, May 2023)
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sheponders · 5 months
Cancer horoscope for Sunday Apr 21 by Daily Horoscope (http://comitic.com/dh)
Cancer horoscope for Sunday Apr 21
If you could think of your thoughts as flowers, you could create the perfect bouquet for today, dear Moonchild. Will you choose roses for their gentle beauty and fragrance, lavender for its soothing effect, and perhaps a few peonies to fill out your arrangement in a lush, rich way, or will you choose something else? Today, you have the chance to create the day you want to have. Don't fill it up with thoughts that are the floral equivalent of stinkweed and goldenrod. If you treat today like it's a beautiful bouquet, it could be a very special day.
Copyright © Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
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inkywellington · 6 years
(Ebott) Inky, come on. You really trust those anons that much to think they won't do it? They may even force you to turn into a cat for a week after ruining your sabotage.
( o2o) Oh! I didn’t see you there!( u3u) Well. They do like causing trouble.( o2o) Hey... you know... that might actually work out for us. ( n2n) I bet we could even get them to help us cause mayhem at her date! ( o2o) That’d make things so much easier if anons were using their magic to sabotage her date! Turning bouquets of flowers into bundles of stinkweed... making their dinners get up and dance... tripping waiters... oh boy this could even be fun! 
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cognitiveinequality · 7 years
Thank you to @mordinette for tagging me in this...! I sometimes ignore these when they float around, but I’m currently waiting for my sleep meds to kick in, so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
20 questions meme
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: [really?? who is putting their actual names out on the internet? I must be older than I thought...]
Nickname: in RL people don’t call me anything except my name, generally (”hey bitch” doesn’t count) but on here you can call me Cog.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Height: 5 foot 2~ish
Orientation: straight? it’s been so long since my last date I barely know anymore... I’m not picky.
Ethnicity: IDK what to put for this... white, i suppose?
Favourite fruit: it’s the season for fresh ripe cherries, so those are my current faves
Favourite season: Fall has the best weather, hands-down. I mean, unless you want to go camping, then summer I guess...
Favourite book series: This is so specific... series?! I mean, maybe the Hitchhiker’s Guide books?
Favourite flower: like, overall? or if I were to get given a bouquet of something? I like smelly flowers, so I’ll take anything fragrant, except for, like stinkweed. There’s a little tiny “filler” flower called alyssum which I love to find in any garden. I also one day want a yard with some of the *really* fragrant wild roses that grow in the woods and in the ditches in the area where I grew up.
Favourite scent: oh, but I just spent so long talking about smells! Hm, favourite non-flower smells...I mean, all the usual ones, baking bread, baby skin, mown lawn, yadda yadda, but there’s one specific smell I NEVER see listed, but which my sister and I both agree is among our favourites: the very, very specific damp and musty smell of the old Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland. I’ve never smelled that *exact* scent anywhere else, but it’s unmistakable to me.
Favourite color: Blue
Favourite animals: I kind of like nearly any animal that isn’t trying to mess with me - or at least, I’m not actively hostile to them. But I think smart species are my favourites, e.g. crows, elephants, octopuses, etc. 
Coffee, tea or cocoa: oh we’re getting closer to the end! Coffee mostly.
Average sleep hours: 4-7, despite my efforts... I WANT to sleep more, I’m tired as shit, but my brain/body appears actively hostile to it?? (”Help ME... help YOU!”) Hence taking sleep meds...
Cat or dog person: same kinda?, I mean dogs are adorable, but there’s a lot of licking and drool and eating questionable material involved... And cats are goddamned beautiful assholes there i said it.
Favorite fictional characters: Oh my sleep medication is kicking in and these questions are getting harder! This really is a tough one - if we’re talking characters I would ride or die for? Bugs Bunny, Kermit the Frog, basically anyone at Greendale Community College, Mary Richards, Hawkeye Pierce
Number of blankets you sleep with: one usually
Dream trip: to space!
Blog created: over 5 years ago... wow!
Number of followers: a few. More than 100 but less than 1000 - a good number for me, and I like them all!
Kids, I’d tag each and every one if you if I could, but I am getting SO sleepy... Please do this if you want and then tag me! OK I’m going to sleep zzzzz....
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jacewilliams1 · 6 years
Guy garbage: a woman learns to fly in the 1950s
“Girls can’t fly airplanes,” was verbal garbage the guys kept tossing at me when I announced that I intended to learn to fly. It was the 1950s, and that was a common litany despite what women pilots had accomplished during World War II.
I didn’t want to be a professional pilot. I just wanted a private pilot’s license. Wally, the fella I was dating, had just gotten his Flight Instructor rating and Ray, the owner of the airport where Wally would be chief instructor, came up with the idea that teaching a female to fly one of his J-3 Cubs might generate business for him.
Thus began a month of sheer torture.
To hear Wally tell it, I made nothing but mistakes. He yelled and scolded and made every lesson miserable.
And memorable.
A woman learning to fly in the 1950s was pretty rare, and not without its challenges for Miriam Seymour.
To add to the misery, all the men who regularly hung out at the airport managed to find out when my lessons were scheduled. They lined up along the outside of the flight office, and when each lesson was over, they let me hear about everything I did wrong.
There were moments when the guy garbage had me almost believing that the day would never come when I would be able to make those three required solo takeoffs and landings.
But the day finally did arrive.
Wally got out of the airplane, said, “Okay, let’s see you do three half-way decent takeoffs and landings,” then closed the door, turned his back and ambled off toward the flight office.
I was stunned. Could I do it? I better! It was now or never if I really wanted to earn that private pilot license.
Slowly, with great care and deliberation, I turned the airplane and taxied to the end of the runway. There was no other traffic in sight, the engine checked out okay, controls all free and easy. Everything was ready and steady. I scanned left, scanned right, and turned onto the runway. Took a deep breath, said a small prayer and slowly advanced the throttle.
I used rudder to keep the airplane rolling straight ahead. Watched the speed as it increased… pulled the control stick back slowly and smoothly… saw the ground drop away. Kept the nose pointed straight ahead and climbed on a compass heading of 360 degrees. Maintained the climb until the altimeter read 500 feet.
Below was the big barn that was the check point for the first left turn. I did the turn, looked ahead and saw the highway that parallels the west side of the airport. Halfway between the airport fence and the highway was the next turning point and the altitude was still 500 feet. I flew the downwind leg along the airport boundary. So far so good.
I scanned the sky for other airplanes. None in sight. When the windmill came into view just over the nose, I turned to the crosswind leg, saw the runway, made the last left turn to line up with the runway. Pulled back a bit on the throttle and began losing altitude. At 350 feet, I shoved the throttle forward to clear the engine, and pulled on carburetor heat. I reduced power and kept the rate of descent steady.
At 50 feet across the airport fence, I made sure the nose was on the centerline. Crossed the end of the runway… moved the throttle to idle position… pulled back on the stick to raise the nose and kill the flying speed. Touched the ground and rolled along the runway.
One perfect, three-point landing.
As I taxied back to the takeoff point, I glanced toward the flight office. There was not a guy in sight. When I was doing lessons, they were all standing around outside just waiting for me to goof. But today… my big day… nobody’s in sight. Not even Wally. After all the needling, the constant criticism, the repeated garbage that “girls can’t fly airplanes.” I’ve just proved them wrong and they weren’t even here to see it.
How rotten can they be?
“Oh, get on with it,” I told myself, and did the other two takeoffs and landings. I’ve soloed. There will be many more hours of lessons and practice before I earned that private pilot license, but I’ve passed the first important step.
So I taxied the airplane back to its assigned parking space, shut down, secured it with the tie-down ropes, grabbed my logbook and headed for the flight office. No guys anywhere. Then Wally came around the corner of the building.
“Well,” he said, “You did it. Let’s go inside so I can sign your log book and make it legal.”
No smile, no congratulations.
Okay, so maybe it was no big deal for him. But his attitude really annoyed me. I forged ahead, yanked open the door to the flight office, someone shoved a cold can of soda into my left hand and a huge bouquet into my arms, and there were all the guys yelling, “Congratulations!” Laughing and slapping me on the back.
Wally grinned and explained, “We didn’t want to make you nervous so we watched from in here.”
I was stunned. And ashamed of the nasty thoughts. So I stood there like a dummy holding that can of soda and burrowing my face in the bouquet to hide girl-tears. Thirty seconds later I threw that blasted bouquet clear across the room.
One deep breath had me choking and sneezing. What my tear-blinded eyes had accepted as a bunch of flowers was the biggest bunch of stinkweed ever picked.
Guy Garbage to the end.
The post Guy garbage: a woman learns to fly in the 1950s appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2018/08/guy-garbage-a-woman-learns-to-fly-in-the-1950s/
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