#or b. he adopts him like post stuff w his stepdad
volfoss · 2 years
Ok idk I don't see the appeal of mu/dad
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alyssasmuses-blog · 7 years
onlyjokesherebro replied to your post “[rolls in] who wants to hear abt my hc that bob isn’t josh’s dad.”
INTERESTING. :O i'd like to hear it.
agentjadelance replied to your post: [rolls in] who wants to hear abt my hc that bob...
meee and say whaaat? XD
okokok hERE WE GO.
So during Melinda’s first marriage she got preggo w/ Josh as like a last stitch effort to save her marriage which clearly did not work out bc they divorced when Josh was just a bab. She got full custody of him w/ his bio dad getting the rare visitation to the point where Josh didn’t even really feel like this dude was his dad u feel ? 
So Melinda gets remarried to Bob while Josh is only like a year old & Bob adopts him bc he luvs josh & honestly it’s #Chill nbd like if you ask Josh who his dad is he’s automatically gonna say Bob without feeling the need to be like “Oh well he’s actually my stepdad but...” Like nO Bob is just his dad straight up.
Anyways the twins are born & Josh luvs them to pieces & again it’s not even a Thing like he never calls them his half-sisters they’re just his sisters it’s cool this is one big happy family they all lOVE EACH OTHER.
So Josh ends up taking after Bob in lotsa ways like he starts wanting to be a filmmaker like him & all that jazz etc etc and all is really fine & dandy until he gets older & his parents start having less time for him & his sisters and obvs his mental health is getting worse so he starts getting d o u b t s.
Anywho we all know that Josh keeps all his mental health shiz away from his sisters for a good like 8-9 years or s/t like that. So like maybe he didn’t tell them bc he was embarrassed or maybe his parents made him keep quiet abt it for ~image reasons it DOESN’T REALLY MATTER bc regardless his brain would be f u c k i n g him up.
Like we know from Beth’s relationships that her relationship w/ Hannah is higher than hers with Josh. So. I’m just saying. Maybe. Maybe he withdrew a bit when he started gettin’ depressed bc he just didn’t feel like they’d care all that much. (and to him maybe it didn’t seem like they did bc they hardly noticed until he was literally hospitalized) and maybe. mAYBE his brain was telling him that they preferred each other over him bc they were full-blooded siblings & everyone in the family besides him is a totes full-blood family so clearly they all love each other more than him so he’s the odd one out in this situation. (even tho, like i said, none of them really feel that way but h e y fuck mental illness amiright)
and u kno stuff like that.
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