#or be obsessed with Auron and Rook?
ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
Elisabeth x Ricardo fic when 🙂‍↕️🙏🏽 /j
Unrequired love club meeting?
Elizabeth sat in the therapists office, she felt like fucking shit and looked like it too. Why couldn't Auron see that she was the better choice? A door slammed open beside her, a tall tanned man walked through he was grumbling about...Rook?
"Rook, oh my love why don't you fucking see that Auron is nothing compared to me??" Gripping his black hair tightly in fists Elizabeth glared at him. What did this fucking uncultured asshole just say about her one and only true love???
"Rook deserves to fucking die! Auron is the one that needs to see that their NOTHING!" Hissing out at the man across from her, he turned and gave a crazy look at her. Then laughed like she told the greatest joke ever, he wiped his tears then looked calmly at her.
"what did you just say?" Cold words thrown at her reminded her of Auron, pushing that aside she stood up and went toe to toe with this bastard.
"Rook is NOTHING! Auron is a fucking god compared to them don't you-" Tension in the Rook raise quickly as her words were cut off, but then a therapist and some body guards walked through the door.
"Please, Elizabeth and Ricardo, calm down." Softly spoken the therapist gestured to the seats, "Sit and let's discuss why both of you are here." The black haired man took a step to the therapist but a guard shot him a look. It gave the message of 'try it and see what will happen' so Ricardo stood down and went to the seat farthest from everyone. Sulking in the cornor.
Elizabeth just sat, not wanting to deal with the bod guards again, she tried to stab the therapist last week. Her arm still hurts from being handled roughly, if only Auron was here she'd feel better about all of this. The therapist thanked them and started their speech.
"You both are here because you tried to harm Auron and his partner Rook. As you know both are very deeply in love with each other. You need to come to terms, and accept that they will never love you back as you do them. This is one sided love." Both adults that were sitting started to cause a ruckus at those words. They had to win them over that's all!
"Auron, wanted you both dead. But out of the goodness of his heart had you only tortured. Correct?" Flinching both nodded at the therapists words. Elizabeth still feels the needles injected to her and Ricardo felt the phantom pain of getting his skull pounded into.
"Rook was the one to convince Auron to get you help. Since it seems you both have a record of having mental problems. I am here to help you, not harm you. Both will go on a journey together to heal and better yourselves." Elizabeth turned her head and locked eyes with Ricardo. Fuck she's going to be stuck with a stupid therapist and some man who could get a slut to sleep with him. Ricardo was thinking the same thing but thought Elizabeth was a stupid whore for wanting a man that does dangerous shit to own her.
"Now, lets begain with introductions! My name is classified, but you may call me May." Smiling to the two May waited for them to follow her lead. Rolling her eyes Elizabeth followed, so this could go quicker and she can go back to Auron.
"Hello, May and Ricardo. My name is Elizabeth." Huffing out the names and in her seat she slumped. Ricardo groaned as he though how stupid this was.
"Hi, May and Elizabeth. I'm Ricardo." Hissing out the woman's name he crossed his arms. May sighed in her head as she thought to herself 'This is going to be a long and eventful journey.' So she decided to do the second part of the healing.
"Let's make some arts and crafts! Also while telling each other our hobbies!" Snapping her fingers child proof things were brought into the room to do such activities.
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whimsykeii · 1 month
For almost a week I've been low-key obsessed with this guy ↓
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And while I don't talk much about my Rook, I've been playing around with two ideas for them, which is subject to change or just become AU once Echoes drops:
Idea 1: She is a cleric and is a bit of a bitch. Born from a small, social climbing family, Rook was betrothed to Auron because of his status as a prominent knight and his family's standing in Evalas. They don't meet personally for a while because all of this is done while the guy is on campaign, doing knight stuff. (I haven't made a reason as to why Auron's house accepted the deal yet.) For up to a year, her parents made her eat, sleep and breathe this projection of her fiance, to the point where she started to resent him because of her family.
When they finally meet, all the resentment boils to the surface and they fuck. Of course it doesn't work out because he defected and Rook is sent to a nunnery where she becomes a cleric. Whether she still resents him for ruining her life (or her walls) is TBD.
Idea 2: Rook is a Circle of Stars druid who deals with a darkness creeping into the land. They meet after Auron exiles himself, when she's dealing with the magical rot in the area. Of course, the Bloodhound doesn't have to worry too much about being known by her, but he's got better things to do.
A passionate night under the stars wasn't on the agenda, but she's not complaining. And now he's stuck with her because she's one of the few people willing and able to buy his metals this far into the fringes.
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Funny idea for Auron and Rook, so bc I (unfortunately) have a wattpad account......(no I will NOT be sharing it.)
Rook having one when younger, made a fic that younger Auron somehow found and loved. But then Rook posted how they will no longer be writing, devastated Auron.
So years later, one night Rook holds his hand and says "I'm going to hold your hand when I say this....I have a wattpad account and worth books." Whispering it bc this was some type of death bed confession.
Auron nods and let's them continue and Rook tells him how they redownloaded wattpad after ALL these years and showed him their account. Seeing the book he was obsessed w younger flips out and is like
"YES?!?!? WHY!?!?!"
"I literally was obsessed with this book Rook what the fuck YOU LEFT IT ON A CLIFFHANGER???"
Rook is shriveled on the bed while Auron is trying to get more information on the book.
"Ah, the consequences of writing a fic in middle school...." Whispering Rook turns away as if they were dying. Auron laughs at their misery but asks if they ever did have a flushed out story for the book.
Rook says that classified and turns away to sleep.
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Omg the god!Auron being obsessed with human!Rook was so good!!! I'd love to have a part 2 pretty please 🥺👉👈
Golden Cage of Mine.
Basically pt2 of A God's obsession love
This was an idea by my moot @yurinika
TW: Suicide as a last resort.
God of Love: Alphonse
God of the Hunt: Seth
God of Protection: Auron
God of Stars and Moon: Faust
God of the Dead: Lucien
God of Magic and Potions: Finn
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"RRRRAAAHHHH!" Howling Rook grabbed anything that wasn't nailed done and throwing it across the room. Anguish cries were heard for hours as Rook's anger echoed through the walls. Auron no where to be seen, he learned from the 20th recarnation to let Rook let of steam.
After the third hour Rook began sobbing loudly, like a wounded animal. Clutching themselves as they heard the door open, thinking it was Auron they grabbed the broken candle holder. But saw a brunette and a pinkette men at the door.
"....Mortal, you don't know us but-" The God of Love tried to speak but Rook interrupted him. Rushing to get up and was a few feet away from the two.
"Your the God of Love! And the God of the Hunt! Please help me out of here-" Beginning to plead the brunette held up a hand. Silencing Rook's rambling, then turned to the Love God.
"Rook, I'm so sorry this is all my fault....I should have never pointed you out. If I haven't.....Auron wouldn't have found you." Tears began to fill the pinkette's eyes. The Hunting God placed a hand on him, then turned to Rook.
"There is a spell Auron placed on this room. Basically making it a Golden cage for you, I know you worshipped me before. And as your deity I'll try and help." Whispering Seth leaned back looking all directions. Not seeing Auron's eyes or ears he then turned to Rook. Alphonse then started talking, gently taking Rook's hands and giving them something.
"We've helped you before....your past recarnations. Almost all of us have, Faust was the only one to get caught. The rest of us...we tried to be discreet about it, but as you know Auron is stronger than us." Mumbling Alphonse pulled his hands away, leaving Rook to look at theirs. It was a little glass vile, it had ancient writing and was tied by a green ribbon.
"This is incase we don't get you out. It's a poison that would give you a quick and peaceful death. Finn made it for you." Mumbling Seth looked into their eyes, making them realize how serious they were. "If you can't have you alive, you'll be safer dead.....But I'm going to use a favor the God of the Dead owes me." Whispering Seth clenched at the bars at the door.
Alphonse placed a hand on Seth's shoulder. The Love God had a sad face, a tear fell as he turned from the two of them.
"I...I beat the God of the Death is a game. To get back a mortal soul that me and Alphonse loved....Sadly they were reincarnated already. So we must wait till they are ready." Frowning sadly he then shook his head and focused on Rook. Alphonse then spoke for him, looking around and whispering.
"If were able we can ask Lucien to take your soul. If you are owned by him Auron wouldn't DARE challenge him. He's the only one to go on par with him, Lucien chooses to not do so." Gaining this information Rook nodded and hid the vile just incase. They are willing to use it if they can make a deal with the God of the Dead.
"We've been here too long. We wish you luck, Rook." Nodding at them Seth then grabbed Alphonse and teleported away. The sent of pine mixed with sugar filled the air, before leaves and hearts made the two God's fade away.
Now with determination, Rook was getting out of here. Dead or Alive.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
Because I am his, and he is mine.
Idea, Y!Rook threatening a random lady that wouldn't leave Auron alone. Graphic but like Yandere so yeah- cracking heads, thinking of killing, possessiveness but its mutual.
Rook tighten the grip on the shovel as their eyes locked with Elizabeth. Rage was boiling in them, their skin felt like a fire and their head was pounding to the rhythm of their heart. They stalked her for a few months, needing to learn how their prey worked so this plan of theirs would go without a hitch.
It was funny, all this could have been avoided if that fuck lowlife bitch who doesn't even deserve a sliver of Auron's time...Just left him alone! At first Auron handled it well.
"It's nothing but a crush, dear. Don't worry yourself over it." Soothing his lover he gave the a kiss. That was months ago, Elizabeth just couldn't get the fucking hint he was happy. In the most loving and strong relationship anyone could DREAM of, the one she wished- no prayed for. Like some higher being would make Auron realize she was the better 'choice'.
Flowers, cloths, cologne, and alcohol was sent to him on different days. At first Rook scoffed at it, please like Auron would ever be swayed by things he could get at the drop of a hat! The gifts were given to co workers of Rook, Trish gave them the idea. It was good because some of the co workers really liked them, but when Elizabeth kept coming to the office unannounced to see Auron wearing his gifts.
She kept a poker face when she saw random people with her gifts to her 'one and only'. Elizabeth than thought just giving it personally, would work. Trish was cold to her after the first time, at first thought it was sweet but told her never do it again. But this stupid fucking bitch kept doing it, Rook wanted to take a pencil from their desk and slit her fucking throat and watch the blood pour out while giving her heart to Auron. Elizabeth even called Auron pet names that Rook was only privileged too, the fact they had to bite their tongue as the bitch tried to hang off his arm.
Strutting into the office like she owned it, everyone hated her, Auron was always trying to be professional. Auron and Rook had a date to talk about it, they both are obsessed with one another, Rook knows he'd never leave them. But the fucking fact she has the balls and the audacity to go up to their man, partner, and lover that only had eyes for them. Making him uncomfortable...In the limo Rook was on the side she was on. The silence setting in of the shit the bitch did seeping into Rook's memory and their thoughts.
"I want to crack her fucking head open for touching you." Slipped out in the most venomous hiss, Rook could let out. Auron gently lifted his right hand, stroking his lover's hair, who had their head on his shoulder and they were clutching his left arm.
"If she does something drastic we can deal with it." Softly spoken as he gives them a kiss. Both sides wanted her gone, but if Rook dealt with it first there will be a body that needs to be hidden. Auron just sees this lady as a distraction because shes up in his office when she can and he hasn't been alone with Rook at work for a minute. It was annoying him, so when he saw her once again in the office the next day he snapped.
"Get. Out." Iced shards disguised as words shot out into Elizabeth's heart. She shook her head gently as if trying to tell, Auron, what to do which mind you, isn't something you want to try because that will NOT work out well. Taking in a breath through his nose Auron felt the anger rising, causing him to get a headache, this lady just won't catch a fucking hint? "How many times have I fucking TOLD you to leave me alone politely?" The black haired women tried to speak but was cut off, "I will be having security escorting you out." Words made the woman's heart shatter.
Security came quickly escorting the woman gently as she was still in shock at what was told to her. But seemed to snap out of it when Rook walked by and greeted her quickly. Turning her head Elizabeth gasped as Rook was welcomed into Auron's office by him personally. And before the doors closed Rook showed off that his love was only theirs to have, as Auron wrapped a arm around them, giving them a kiss on the lips.
"YOU FUCKING SKANK!" She screamed as she got farther away from her crush. Is that why he didn't look her way? Because of that mediocre person? They weren't even pretty! Unlike her they wouldn't be accepted by the public! She's obviously the better choice! Elizabeth and Auron would have been a match made in heaven!...She bet that Rook had something above him for black mail. She just has to figure out what it is and free Auron! Then he'll see she was better than that fucking slut.
Months went by and Elizabeth had nothing on that 'Rook" Auron was forced to call them lovingly. But what she didn't know Rook was better at covering their tracks than her. Emails, interviews and old blogs gave Rook all the information they needed of Elizabeth Lovechild. She woke up around 7 am to get ready to go to her job by the office, she has a break between 2 and 3 pm, thats what she used her break for? Please Rook could drop anything and see Auron whenever they wished or if he wished.
A key detail stuck out to Rook, Elizabeth met Auron when she first moved to the City. Posting about a gentle red head that helped her to the train station after a man tried to grab her. Calling him her guardian angel and stuff, Rook really wanted to bash her delusional head in even more. This was because there was so many posts about Auron, how she would give him children, food, love, and support more than anyone could ever think of. How she would get rid of anyone that come between them, even breaking up with her boyfriend that couldn't even meet her standards that Auron reached so quickly.
Also how she figured out who Auron was after seeing him in an article about him being a rich bachelor. The obsession about him got bigger as she tried to learn where he goes for eating, enjoyment, and other things. Giving her followers posts how she was better than any of the toys he played with before her, they couldn't stay with him more than a night is because he was looking for her. Rook was giggling as they found that, Auron who was cuddling them asked what was going on.
"Hhmm nothing much just found Elizabeth's blog where she talks only about you. It's really fucking pathetic." Humming as they showed the pone to him he scrunched his nose in annoyance and kissed Rook's head. "I don't even remember that interaction where I first met her." Truthfully Auron forgot all about her, he's a busy man that needed everyone at a distance, he also doesn't remember crazy love sick girls that run after him. Rook giggled even more as they tossed their phone on the bed and turned to Auron, kissing his neck and getting a groan as they nipped at it.
"I know and I'm going to deal with it next week. She tried to get information on me but I have so, so much on her." Auron chuckled "If you want too, do it. I'll cover it dear." The permission they got made them fall even more deeper with Auron. The next day Rook had a off day, telling Auron they were going to go to Elizabeth to handle her he nodded.
"Be safe okay?" Seriousness was in the command he gave, Rook kissed his cheek "Of course love, she wouldn't even be able to touch me." Even when Rook said that Auron was a little paranoid to leave them to deal with it. So slipping a small tracker on them he set them off because sadly he had a meeting to go to. Now Rook knew Elizabeth was going to use this day to stalk them, she had nothing and she was getting skittish.
Walking pass her apartment Rook knew Elizabeth was following, she was sloppy making too many mistakes that Rook knew exactly where she was behind them. Rook went to the store, simply looking at things and at one point even a worker came up to them telling how there was a suspicious character following them. feigning surprise they used this to their advantage "Can I be let out the back so I can call someone to help me get home?" The worker nodded and rushed them to the back where they explained to the manager about the woman following Rook.
The manager even gave a shovel to Rook in case the woman got the hint they were running away. Rook, acting like the innocent helpless person thanked them and walked in the back alley's. They heard something fall and decided it was now time to act, whipping around they held the shovel to their chest.
"Is..is someone there?" Quivering their voice just right as Elizabeth came out around the corner. Wild eyes meet Rook's, like a wolf finally catching their prey but Rook was the apex predictor she forgot existed. The woman said nothing as they got closer to them, a knife flashing in her hand as she brought it in front of her.
"I'm going to get rid of you. Then Auron would finally only love me!" Shooting forward the stupid bitch didn't see Rook's shovel in their hand. Rook swung the shovel like a bat and connected with Elizabeth's arm that was holding the knife. A piercing scream was heard as the woman fell to the ground holding her broken arm. Looking up, her breath hitched as Rook showed their crazy smile then the giggling started as Rook raised the shovel again. Elizabeth tried to shield her head with her other arm which was broken as well. Another scream was heard, luckily it was a busy day as cars in the distance honked and roared loudly.
"Awe I thought you were gonna get rid of me?" Elizabeth growled at them as she shuffled backwards pathetically. "What would Auron think?" The woman froze, looking at Rook again "He already wants you gone and I want you dead." Elizabeth started shaking like a lamb as Rook go closer. The person still standing put the shovel to her throat and began "I know where you live, work, where your family lives, your friends, your blogs and the fact no one will come to save you." Elizabeth could have sworn horns came out of their head as they told her all the things she does in a day.
"Are you okay? I checked your location and you haven't moved I was so scared you...What the fuck are you doing here?" Cold words were pointed at Elizabeth like the knife she had for Rook earlier. Which Auron saw, and glared darkly at the woman who was bleeding.
"I could have you stripped of everything if I wished because Auron would do anything to make me happy. He's madly in love with me, you know? But you just couldn't fucking get it through that think skull of yours!" Resentment seeped through their words as their voice got louder and the shovel got more into her neck. Elizabeth couldn't even responded as she was trying to think of a way out, but her mind went blank as all the things about her was thrown into the air. Then there was a noise of a car pulling up and a door slamming shut, Auron was here! She had a big smile but it was ripped away when Auron checked over Rook.
"Did you try and hurt my partner?" Words meant blood as he stood high and tall before her. Elizabeth tried to speak but Rook beat her to it, "She followed me all day apparently, I was shopping and if a sweet worker didn't tell me she probably would have tried to hurt me in the store." Rook gripped the shovel tighter "I didn't want to hurt her, Auron..." Small tears began to fall and Auron's anger became more clear. Whipping out his other phone he made a call, telling a doctor on the other side to go to this location to treat someone and get the away from him or the body will need to be hidden.
"I'm going to tell you this once, because I had to repeat myself os many times with you and I honestly don't care what you do after I leave. Dont EVER come back." Elizabeth chocked on her siliva at those words. But...he loved her? W-
"Why? You may ask? Because if you do I will have you fucking tortured for thinking you could hurt my partner." The woman looked to his side where he was holding Rook, their eyes only on him as they smiled sweetly at his words. The person on his arms smiled at her after getting kiss from Auron, "See what I mean? Auron would do anything to make me happy." Sounds around them started to muffle in Elizabeth's ears as she looked down, everything was hitting her. Dreams, her heart, and her dignity was shattered by one person a person that didn't even deserve Auron.
Hatred filled her as she thought about everything that she could have being taken by one person. She didn't even care what she was screaming "Why? Why them? Their nothing and they deserve to fucking DI- ACK!" A hand was wrapped around her throat before she could finish. Auron tighten his grip as she gasped for breath, the the burning fury he had against this woman for insulting Rook was overriding his logic side for a second.
"Apologize." Commanding and firm the simple words made her do it quickly. The apology was a stutter of shallow breath, then Auron threw her on the ground, wiping a hand before escorting Rook to the car. Loud gasps filled the quiet alley way as Elizabeth tried to think of what to do, the car drove off and she felt desperate for someone to help her quickly. Her arms and neck hurt so much, she started to sob on the ground, she didn't care anymore just wailing like a wounded animal.
And with that I'm ending it here bc if I go any farther I'm gonna lose my marbles! This was suppose to be a small thing than it got like super fucking long </3
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 13}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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{♡} ask
- In a town w old people? yeah there's gossip
Cardboard cut out
{♡} personal
- omg a cut out of my bf
Incorrect Quotes:
eye's like sapphires
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Werewolf Seth NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- getting freaky w a werewolf
Seth NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- getting freaky w normal Seth
dozed off
{♡} ask
- Boo just falling asleep while getting a tattoo and Seth is confused
amazing features
{♡} ask
- Seth would 100% make girl's jealous w his hair and amazing body...
ao3 account
{♡} ask
- So Seth has a ao3 account to read gravity falls fanfics.
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Smashing skulls in - Yandere Casper
{♡} requested
- YIPEE Yandere Casper
Pinch of rat poison - Yandere Charlie
{♡} requested
- OMG is that Yandere Charlie?!
book of sleep talking
{♡} ask
- Charlie sleep talks ad Casper recorded all of it in their book
Incorrect Quotes:
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Yandere Finn NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- oh look more nsfw hc's-
Incorrect Quotes:
god's strongest soldier is not me
the things I do for love
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California Faust
{♡} personal
- he got that bitchy valley girl energy (from someone form Cali)
outfit idea
{♡} personal
- Him in this would eat so bad BROOOO
{♡} personal
- he loves his football team
Incorrect Quotes:
teehee sexy cowboy
Money spent well?
Faust's in here
Self aware
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Dad Auron HC's
{♡} requested
- im about to make thius man a father trust-
Bend over - Smut
{♡} requested
- Doesn't he look pretty bent over?
Rook being an ex figure skater
{♡} ask
- Lol yuuri on ice am I right? (still mourning the anime ngl)
cozy games
{♡} ask
- Him playing cozy games is so silly to me
Don't try messing with me
{♡} personal
- do you really think you can check Rook? Please now Auron deal w this shit-
Incorrect Quotes:
I have a permit
aggressively caring
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Am I an Angel?
{♡} requested
- So we get Yandere Angel finally :D
Slobbery love
{♡} personal
- Lucien loves tormenting his lover with licking them
Incorrect Quotes:
Method to this madness
They will be mine *lick*
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First killing - Yandere Buddy
{♡} personal
- Buddy kills someone and they unlock some shit
Staying in
{♡} personal
- fluff for Jack who didn't want to go to a party
fuck his ex friend
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
what's going on in my head?
modern day Romeo and Juliet
match my freak
open sesame!
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Protective or obsessive?
{♡} requested
- Yandere bittersweet bc we love them
Fucked Life
{♡} requested
- Boo had a fucked life
Favorite sex positions - all boy's
{♡} requested
- ooo more nsfw
Making battery acid - All boys
{♡} requested
- I was confused but I'm chill w it
Who the FUCK is that?? - All boys
{♡} requested
Dozing off with the YV boy's!
{♡} requested
- hunk shook mimimimi
Anger issues
{♡} requested
- Sugarboo and Scout having anger issues how would their boys react?
Listener's as birds
{♡} ask
- this is actually pretty cool
Assassin family
{♡} ask
- ah yes, assassins bc I love listeners being op
Boo at the grocery store
{♡} ask
- NFL do this sometimes
how Boo started baking
{♡} ask
- baking as a outlet is such a good idea and you get food out of it!!
Boo's lockscreen
{♡} ask
- this is acttualy so fucking cute
Fucking to a song - Auron and Y!Finn
{♡} ask
handling hot weather - Bittersweet
{♡} ask
Talking - Auron and Finn
{♡} ask
- So, Finn helps Auron and gossip while Sunflower and Rook gossip.
YV boys and the states
{♡} ask
- Wait Utah is real? /jk
Seamouse Charlie x Jack
{♡} ask
- Silly blonde and even sillier man
Our partner is a protective man - Middle Ground
{♡} personal
- Auron is NOT above killing someone, Darling is saying do it and Finn is trying to reel in his crazy partners (not really tho bc he hates all the people there)
Southern Stars - Seth x Faust
{♡} personal
Telling the boy's your parent's/guardian want to meet them - all boy's
{♡} personal
- time to meet the parents! (lord help some of them)
Rating the YV boy's if they were real and meet my parent's
{♡} personal
- like half of them are okay the other half...might not do so good-
Hanahaki Disease AU
{♡} personal
Mob Family Au - All boy's
{♡} personal
- ruh roh Auron fucked up and now everyone is trying to comfort Rook
Family things, you know how it is. - Mob Family Au
{♡} personal
- We love a crime family
{♡} personal
- basically how football season is in my house
Accidentally hurting listener
{♡} personal
- ah yes, angst bc I love torturing the boys
Van Helsing AU
{♡} personal
- this movie messed w my brain chemicals so good
Twitter PT21
Incorrect Quotes:
Man in the woods
Wrong answer!
Pull up that shirt, whore!
death or a triple chocolate cake
miss my wife...
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
I neeeeeeed more y!Rook and y!Auron, I am obsessed with them!!! What if Elisabeth and Ricardo (if the guys didn't end up killing him) teamed up to try and separate Rook an Auron? They know they can't break them up from the outside, so they try to break them up from the inside
They plant things here and there to try and get one of them to think they're cheating on the other, but Rook and Auron know the other loves them too much to cheat so Elisabeth and Ricardo's plan fails >:3c
Pathetic obsession
Rook was starting to get pissed off by the things they've been finding in Auron's office. Flowers, Chocolates, and letter's from this other 'lover' he has Rook scoft the first time seeing them really ANOTHER person obsessed with THEIR partner? But as they looked at it they connected dots that it was definitely Elizabeth trying something again. Rolling their eyes they thought nothing of it when they trashed the gifts for Auron, he'd rather not deal with this he's still busy with another project.
On the other hand the red head in question was glaring at pictures sent to him by someone. It wasn't one of his people and that set off one warning sign, so looking at the picture he say Rook and another man kissing. He's seen the man before obviously from insensitively researching about Rook and everyone they knew in case he needed it to keep them with him. It was an ex of their's that was a total dick to them, he gotten rid of him a while ago and was confused seeing a picture like this.
His mind went back to Ricardo, so since he couldn't take Rook from him that man is trying to break them up? Laughing a bit Auron set the picture on fire, he knew if his lover saw it they would have a fit seeing them kissing another man that treated them wrong. Grabbing his phone he stated to text Rook to come to him that they needed to talk about something. Smirking as he got a immediate text back with hearts Auron placed his phone down and thought of where those other two could be.
After greeting Trish with a smile Rook entered the meeting room Auron was still in. The man gave them a smile and pushed his chair back for them to come to him. Slowly walking to him they smiled at how Auron couldn't stand not touching them.
"So, love what happened?" Getting comfy on Auron's lap Rook laid their head on his shoulder. They felt him wrap a arm around them and sighing deeply before answering their question.
"It seems two people didn't take my threats seriously." Hissing out as he took a deep breath to calm himself. His scowl turned soft when Rook placed a hand on his chest and looking up at him with dangerous eyes.
"Auron, why can't they just see that we don't want them? Can't they see how were so right together?" Pouting Rook glared at the floor breaking eye contact that Auron still wanted. The head head sighed and leaned his head on their's trying to make them not so annoyed with the situation.
"I should have killed them, that's on me dear. But don't worry they'll be dealt with. How about a date to ease your mind?" Trying to lighten the mood Auron thought of different places they could go to. Maybe the club again or a restaurant they wanted to try together? This pulled a smile on Rook's face they reached up and kissed Auron's cheek.
"That would be nice." Happiness was in their tone which made Auron feel more happy as well. The two turned and kissed each other sadly had to break it because Auron got a phone call. The ring made both of them a bit annoyed but Auron picked it up.
"Yes?" Hissing out the words as he didn't like his time with his partner being interrupted. On the other side he was told that they found the two people obsessing over them and wanted to know what the teams next move should be. Rook looked pleased and whispered to Auron of different torturing methods he could use, this caused him to smile as he told his team to do them all.
"Maybe then it'll go through their think skulls that they had a pathetic obsession." Darkly saying as he got a 'Yes sir.' in return. Hanging up Auron turned to Rook, "Don't worry it'll be handled swiftly and quickly." Another kiss between the two started and got a little frisky, but sadly once again there was a interruption.
The legal team needed their leader to help with a situation that happen with a client throwing a bottle at someones head for touching their friend. It was their most popular one something with Star, who really preferred working with Rook. Grumbling Rook got off Auron's lap and sighed, "Sorry I have to go or else Star will cause a ruckus. See you tonight?" Auron nodded and gave Rook a parting kiss.
52 notes · View notes
A deal with the Devil.
PT1 A God's obsession love where it first started. PT2 Golden cage of mine where I continued. Now let's go in for PT3 :D I wonder how Auron is going to be in this one, since Lucien now owns his obsessions lover soul.... TW: Blood, tearing a vocal cord, suicide via poison,
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Rook felt like throwing up, they were forced to go to this party held in their 'honor'. Different God's were there with various emotions on their face as they saw Rook. It seems most of them knew who they were and how they got here.
"Love? Are you-" Soft words were interrupted by Rook snatching their arm away from HIM. Auron frowned, eyes narrowing as he looked at them to behave. He might have been too lenient with letting them act out, this was getting out of hand.
"Don't. Call. Me. That." Spitting out Rook got up and walked to the God of Love and God of the Hunt. Auron gritted his teeth as he tried to keep his calm in front of all the gods he sees over.
Rook held a gauntlet filled with wine from the God of festivities gifted them. One that would never be empty, it was about their....fourth? Glass they guessed. Alphonse looked at the cup they held and then their hand in their pocket.
"Rook, you didn't bring that vile did you?" Whispering to them, and looking around to see if anyone noticed or heard. Rook simply snorted and nodded, sipping more of their wine.
"Rook, that isn't smart." Scolding Seth kept his distance. Seeing that Auron was watching the two like a hawk. Rook laughed and looked back at Auron, flipping him off causing some minor God's to gasp at their bravery.
"Is....is he coming?" Rook questioned looking at Seth with a pleading look. A heavy sigh was heard and the brunette nodded, Alphonse was looking worried as he looked back at Auron. Who was talking to a God about something and looked back at Rook.
"We.....we don't know if he'll agree. He usually keeps to himself at these things and if Auron saw you with him-" Alphonse clamped his mouth shut seeing Lucien finally walk in. Every noise silenced seeing the God of the Dead, even Auron looked at his every move.
"Lucien, dear. Do you think they have good booze here?" A giggling voice could be heard as a figure leaned against him. The God smiled at them, nodding and snapping his fingers for a gauntlet to be placed in the person's, God's? Hand.
Auron, finally stood putting on a smile looking at Lucien. Who, seemed unimpressed by the whole party as he focused on his plus one. Alphonse smiled as he looked at the person next to the God of the Dead.
"Lucien! It's nice to see you out of your domain. Tell us, who is this person next to you?" Loudly asking, other Gods mumbled and chatted amongst themselves seeing who the person was. Lucien simply smiled and showed them off, as the person was chugging their gauntlet.
"My spouse. You may call them Angel." 'Angel' looked at everyone and smiled widely. Waving excitedly at all the Gods gathering, Seth saw this as a opportunity to get closer to them. Giving a firm nod to Rook, they noticed as well and started going to the God of the Dead. But, sadly Auron saw this and waved his hand causing Rook to float to him as they cursed loudly at him.
This made Angel the God of Justice, glared at the God of Protection, tugging on Lucien's robe. The God with horns turned his head and scowled seeing Auron placing Rook on his lap. It seems he couldn't hide them in this life either, guilt struck the God as he looked Auron in the eyes.
"Oh, you have a lover again? Interesting." Commenting Lucien then turned away and went to the buffet table. Angel still had their eyes on Rook and Auron, glaring at the latter one last time before walking to their lover.
Rook felt their skin crawl as they sat on this bastard's lap, how dare he put them here?! Trying to get up they were held down firmly by Auron, who looked at them straight in the eye's.
"Love?.....Behave." Commanding darkly, Auron then went back to smiling at the guests. Leaving Rook throwing a pleading look at Seth and Alphonse, but a bluenette looked at them with pity and decided to do something.
Going to the God of the Hunt, the God of Stars and the Moon grabbed his arm and smiled. Leaning into the brunettes ear and bluntly stated.
"I know your planning something. Let me help." Simply words mace Seth pause and look at him. Then sighed as Alphonse looked at Seth with a 'We-need-his-help' look, so the brunette began explaining the plan.
"I'm trying to get to Lucien to strike up a deal in Rook's name." Whispering low Seth leaned to Faust. The younger God nodded and turned to Auron who was focusing on Rook.
"And you need a distraction to not look suspicious......On it." Determination was in Faust's eyes as he teleported in front of the 'loving' couple in stars. Seth and Alphonse then hurried to where Lucien and Angel were to get more help in getting Rook away from Auron.
The God of Protection scowled seeing his younger brother in front of him. Before he could shoo him away Faust started to yell at the older God.
"How DARE you! Taking a mortal from their life and trYING TO MAKE THEM A GOD! THAT HAS NEVER OR WON'T EVER WORK!!" Everyone snapped their head's at the brother's that have argued for over centuries. Whisper's rouse as Auron shouted back at him to quiet down and they wuld discuss this later.
"NO!!" Faust's power started to seep into the air as it moved around him. Showing his anger towards his older brother, and one of Faust's hidden eyes saw Seth talking to Lucien.
"What?.....GOING TO SILENCE ME NOW? EVERYONE KNOWS HOW IDIOTIC IT IS TO TURN A MORTAL TO GOD!" Screaming out Faust turned to the crowd of Gods that kept quiet. Some of the older ones gave Auron a look, he was the one that made it a rule. To NEVER turn a mortal to a God unless they EARNED the right and AGREED to be one.
The room hushed into a silence as the two glared at each other. Rook was gently moved out of Auron's lap on to his throne. Faust got into a fighting position as Auron raised his hand, the bluenette looked at Rook and winked.
Making Rook pause before looking away from the argument before them. And seeing Seth pleading to Lucien while discreetly looking at them.
As the argument went on Lucien looked at Seth and spoke in a deep voice as his power slipped into the air.
"Are you FULLY sure Rook wants this?" Looking down at the younger God, who nodded. Alphonse and Angel stood away from them as the pinkette explained to Angel what happened.
"Lucien." Angel turned to their dark lover and clenched his robe in anger looking at Auron. Their eyes of Justice started to glow brightly seeing the scene in front of them. "Free them from their shackles, please."
The was the last straw, Lucien let his dark fog roll down on the ground. Causing Gods to yell in fright as they pushed away from him, the tallest God stalked towards the throne where Rook was sitting. Faust was brought down by Auron's chains, as the red head tried to go back to Rook.
"Enough." The single words made Auron freeze where he was and the room was once again stomped to silence. All saw as the God of the Dead's horns grew as he looked down at Auron.
"I let you be here and do what you pleased. I'm not one for fighting but you forcing my old friend to being in this golden cage? Auron...You KNOW better than to anger ME!" Skeleton arms shoot out form the fog and sinked their claws into Auron. Forcing the God to his knees as he tried to thrash out of the dead's hold, Lucien ignored Auron and approached the throne.
"NO! ROOK-" A Skeleton shot up and clawed at Auron's throat making him cough out blood. His vocal cord being broken at the forced they used to silence him. Faust's chains were broken, he was helped up then went back to Seth and Alphonse who signaled Finn to heal him.
Lucien went down to one knee as he held Rook's hand, they looked at the God with hope. It was weird usually he got a look of fear when he approached a mortal, but Rook was always a weird mortal.
"Rook, my old friend. I helped you before, giving you a knife to end the protection Auron had on you. But, I failed to try and keep you hidden..." Sorrow was in his words as he looked at their face. Rook simply smiled and decided to ask him of a deal.
"I want my freedom and to NEVER be under Auron's hand again...But I know it comes with a price....." Gods started to whisper hearing the deal the mortal told the God of the Dead. Lucien nodded and materialized a contract before him, letting it go to Rook.
"It would cost your soul. I couldn't protect you after you were reincarnated....But if you were....forever dead, I could make sure Auron can NEVER have you again." Whispering to them, Rook took in a sharp breath and nodded. A feather pen materialized in their hand as they singed their name on the contract.
"no....no no no no nO.....NONONONONONONO??!!" Auron howled as he thrashed his head away from the skeleton behind him. The red heads power started showing as he set himself on a protective fire to burn the souls holding him down.
Lucien was about to summon a knife once again, but Rook held up a hand making the God of the Dead to pause. Rook then showed off the poison they had, everyone gasped seeing what it was. Lucien then stood as Rook got off the throne and went in front of Auron.
The God of Protection started acting insane, his hair going wild as his power tried freeing him. Faust looked at Rook with sad eyes, he knew them once and knew this was a hard decision for them. Seth looked at them with a sad smile and Alphonse began crying into his hands.
Glass shattered on the floor, Auron's howls echoed through the throne room and Gods all having different reactions. In the chaos, Lucien closed Rook's eyes and held out a hand to Angel. The lover of the God of the Dead went to him but paused before Auron, his face filled with tears as blood dripped from his throat and body.
"Check mate, Auron." Final words were said as Rook downed the whole vile of poison.
They began choking holding their throat as black filled their veins showing everyone a painful death. Rook's eye's rolled into their head as they fell back into Lucien's arms, slowly their arms fell.
"How dare you bring injustice to this mortal. To cause them to go this far, I hope you suffer from this till the day you slit your own throat. BASTARD!" Scoffing at Auron who started trying to grab them, Angel continued walking to Lucien. With one final smile to the Gods that helped Rook, the couple vanished into thin air.
Leaving behind a broken God, too consumed by the consequences of his own actions. Along with other Gods questioning if letting Auron lead them was even a good choice anymore.
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I like to think about Rook and Auron angst ideas.
Not bc I'm obsessed with him
But bc it's a thing that could happen with them. Like if Auron's enemies did find out about Rook and kidnapped them.
Auron is hanging by a thread that he's going fucking wild actually getting his hands on people hurting then just to find Rook.
A senerio I thought about once was what if Rook got kidnapped escaped and ended up in Sugarboo's and Alphonse's town? Stumbling to the first house that opens to them they tell Boo how they were kidnapped and if they could use the phone
Auron is rushing to Rook's location trying to find them. While that's happening Rook is talking about Auron trying to grasp the situation they were in bc they were om survival mode.
Al connects the dots and that's when Auron pounds on the door. Alphonse moves and Auron rushes to Rook hugging then tight and checking their body
He's pissed that there scars and brushes but glad their alive. He thanks Boo and Alphonse, which the pink haired man says
"Don't worry about it. Let's just say we're even."
In the rush Auron didn't think that this was the Alphonse he talked to on the phone. The red head just nods and leaves with Rook, who once away and in the car back to the city is crying to Auron how scared they were.
This fucks with Auron bc he's always had that fear of an enemy getting the one he loves. Also the enemy that kidnapped Rook was fucking mauled by Auron bc his rage was so primal.
Or even it's the other way around!
Auron gets kidnapped somehow and Rook fucking goes silent. Like they were being watched under Faust and Trish but they went off the handle to find Auron.
They did say they were as dangerous as Auron. You know how Elle in The Last of Us tracked down Abby with no help? That was Rook.
After finding the base and killing most of the people Rook finds the leader hurting Auron and they go ballistic.
They jump on the leaders shoulders and start stabbing their head like crazy while screaming. After a couple of stabs Rook finally gets off of the leader and rushes to Auron crying as they hold his face gently.
Rook was able to fix Auron up a bit and he called Jessie since she was the closest to their location. When Jessie got there she was shocked to see the destruction of the base that Rook caused.
When Jessie got to the couple Rook pulled out a knife and was ready to kill again. Luckily Jessie was able to tell them that she was a friend not a enemy.
Since Auron is awake and is doing better than a couple minutes ago he slowly sees what Rook did to get him back. I think he'd fall deeper in love once he saw all the blood Rook spilled just to get him back.
They get back to the city where Faust and Trish sees then again bc they were at Auron's penthouse. Jessie didn't take Auron to the hospital bc of his side job. They ended up calling a doctor that Auron knew and trusted enough to fix him.
While he's being patched up everyone is noticing the blood on Rook. Trish asked if it was their blood but Rook shakes their head
"None of this is mine."
I think this is when it clicks in everyone's mind how dangerous Rook really is. They are CAKED on blood while watching the doctor work on Auron not wanting him out of their sight.
But when Auron finally sleeps since he was fucked up. That's when Rook finally cleans up and gets treated for some punches they took.
AND THATS MY RAMBLING OF ANGST TEEHEE it's literally 4:33 and I can't sleep
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 15}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Dad thing
{♡} personal
- I hated when my dad did this shit like WDYM UR EATING M Y SNACK
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Ignore the fear and focus on me
{♡} requested
- I lowkey always wanna ride a motorcycle, but I'm a pussy lowkey-
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Left out in the cold
{♡} requested
Such a good boy! - NSFW
{♡} requested
- IMA SLUT THIS MF OUUTTT (w love ofc)
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Try me.
{♡} requested
- Sunflower will kill someone don't test them.
Lavender tea's and cuddles
{♡} requested
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Fame is one hell of a drug.
{♡} requested
- So, Yandere Faust am I right?
would have loved it
{♡} personal
- Ah, my arcana phase shaped me in middle school ngl
{♡} personal
- HAHAHAHHA Puffer and Droid ref
outfit ideas
{♡} personal
- Gonna make this man my barbie the way I'm dressing him up.
Incorrect Quotes:
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Tired and overworked isn't a good combo
{♡} requested
- Auron is tired and just wants Rook
How the hell did you get someone?
{♡} requested
- Ft. Faust who is dragging Auron verbally.
Golden Cage of Mine
{♡} requested
- A God's obsesstion ruins the mentality of the mortal he loves.
Demon summoning
{♡} ask
- This would be areally interesting ng;
John wick
{♡} ask
- Rook did say they were dangerous as Auron
A God's obsession Love
{♡} reblog
- My moot asked and I gave
Art idea
{♡} personal
- Teehee art idea
outfit ideas
{♡} personal
- Making this mf a Barbie fr
they both reach for the gun
{♡} personal
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Even cooking mama couldn't fix this!
{♡} requested
- RIP Cooking Mama couldn't help Angel'
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Does this count as a beach episode?
{♡} personal
- I need to write more about Jack
Incorrect Quotes:
I will.
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Can the world not today?
{♡} requested
- Sugarboo is trying not to kill themselves bc of people. w the bittersweet boys
Eating disorder comfort
{♡} requested
- Sugarboo after a comment started not to eat a lot. So, Alphonse and Seth help them by being honest.
Insult MY boys? Nah come get verbally wrecked
{♡} requested
- Sugarboo is ready to kill verbally or physically for their boys.
Transphobic family HCs
{♡} requested
- How would Alphonse, Seth and Charlie react to their reader having a transphobic family?
Thrifting with the boys!
{♡} requested
- God I wanna go thrifting w Charlie,Finn and Faust.
More thrifting with the boys
{♡} requested
- ooo more thrifting w Seth, Auron and Jack.
Kissing marks
{♡} requested
- MWAH MWAH MWAH KISSES w Auron, Lucien and Jack teehee
Sweet, but weird younger brother
{♡} requested
- Finn, Faust and Auron meet your younger brother!
Caregivers for age regressor Listener HC's
{♡} requested
- Alphonse, Seth, Charlie and Auron being caregivers for their reader
Past addictions shaped me
{♡} requested
- This is pt2 of bad habits are hard to beat but w Alphonse, Seth and Charlie.
Stimming HC's
{♡} requested
- Alphonse and Seth with a Sugarboo who stims.
More stimming HC's
{♡} requested
- this time with Auron, Finn and Charlie
A short lover
{♡} requested
- Alphonse, Auron and Lucien with a shrter reader
Boo backstory?
{♡} ask
- backstory? yeah fuck it why not
Doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine
{♡} ask
Are you a Angel?
{♡} ask
- Fuck yeah their a Angel!!
Charlie x Listener x Jack
{♡} ask
- I love this need a ship name tho
more of above ship
{♡} ask
- teehee more ship talk
Boo being bitter when younger
{♡} ask
- This would make Boo understand Seth more ngl
More things on Boo
{♡} ask
- more about Boo being the one destined to kill Derek.
Boo putting the fear of god into Derek
{♡} ask
- Boo torments Derek
Boo changing and ruining lives they see fit
{♡} ask
- Boo is that person that can make or break your life
rair pairs names from moot
{♡} ask
- ngl moot comes in clutch w the names for them
whimsy/goblincore sugarboo
{♡} ask
- ngl love this idea
Long distance relationship
{♡} ask
- Bittwersweet but make it long distance
couple costumes
{♡} ask
- teehee Bittersweet trio in pirate and merepeople coustomes
Bringing your partner lunch - Middle ground
{♡} personal
- Test Darling's patience they don't care, Finn does and Auron loves them both but Darling PLEASE-
Sharp words and broken pots
{♡} personal
- Auron heals Darling and Darling knows he's panicking, Finn loves his partner's when they have their moments.
Family meeting? (Just the brother though?)
{♡} personal
- Middle ground where Auron's partner's meet his brother. Darling isn't amused and Finn is trying to keep shit together.
No longer you - Bittersweet
{♡} personal
- 100% rec Epic the Musical
Gravity falls quote - Bittersweet
{♡} personal
{♡} personal
- This is more of like a vent post w me trying to process grief.
Can we rest now?
{♡} personal
- Sugarboo just wants to sleep and cuddle w their boy's
round about trend
{♡} personal
- YV might die if he meet them in real life ngl
Boo dealing with stupid people
{♡} personal
- Boo will smite you don't test them
YV stories as anime's
{♡} personal
- I'd so watch YB anime's
Hamilton cross overrr
{♡} personal
- bc I had a hamilton phase
Twitter PT28 PT29 PT30 PT31 PT32 PT33 PT34 PT35 PT36 PT37
Incorrect Quotes:
doesn't have morality
12 notes · View notes
Oooooooo do you have any more headcanons for the Yandere! Listeners? That trope is so underrated😭
Yandere Listeners HC:
At first they were obsessed with Alphonse but when Seth came in they almost killed him. But then they though of how sad Al would be and decided fuck it I'll be nice.
But then everything happened and Sugarboo got attached platonically. Can be turned Romantic if yall want bc why not?
This Sugarboo dosen't really like Jessie all that much and shows it. Like your one of the persons who hurt their romantic/platonic obsession how fucking dare you?
They also when Al gave Seth and them the talk before leaving gave them a serious stare and said "Alphonse, Seth, if it came to it I'll kill for you. I love you both and want both of you safe."
I think this tipped off Seth and Alphosne that you might be a yandere a but bc they would do the same for you.
When they did go with Derek in his car it took everything in them not to kill him right there. But once they did go back to where he took them they didn't just shoot him. They kept shooting, broke a glass and stabbed him some more since this pathetic pig caused so much hurt to their lover/s.
They got lowkey obsessed with him in middle school but didn't realize till highschool. They tried giving lots of hints that they liked him but he didn't get it. Let's not even talk about the note.
Casper is more a lowkey yandere where they know Charlie would come to them eventually and if not they'd act.
Meeting an obsession young isn't fully helpful bc you would want to find them no matter what.
But when they had to move this fuled Casepr to make enough money to make Charlie and them live happily. That's why they know how to use a switch blade. They took on lots of different jobs, even assassination.
When Charlie said I did like you. It made Casper almost take him right there. Charlie most likely has a feeling but shrugs it off bc "My Casper? Naw." But Casper is behind him hiding a body that decided to fuck with him during his shift.
Starts of platonic bc they only just met him. They want to protect him from others to show him off bc he is a nice person. But they know he won't leave them for someone.
They also have special privileges since he considers them a friend right now. Like shopping, I feel like Star would be the one who would gift Faust many things to keep him with them. Like meaningful ones.
They don't talk about the stalker a lot bc they killed them. But the court ruled it as self defense bc the stalker had a weapon.
They have used their status as a big streamer to their advantage if someone got to ballsy with insulting Faust when he's trying to be nice to everyone...you don't even deserve his attention negative or not you fucking-
Sorry that this one dosen't have a lot the story isn't fully developed yet-
Auron obviously knows. He likes it and is semi a yandere himself with how he told them he won't give up on them if they stayed.
Rook fell when they first saw him. So when he told them over that dinner date their obsession grew, at the first one they have they were trying to get more information without seeming obsessive since he's observant as well.
Rook has intimidated some people at the work place when they say they liked Auron or seem like getting too close.
They can be manipulative with their silver tongue, so it usually is them planting a thought that Auron would never look at them or Rook showing off how Much Auron tolerates them since he's never like that with anybody.
Trish does tell them a bit of things he likes (she definitely knows about their obsession) I feel like since Auron said something. About her intuition that she just knows they're a perfect match.
Lucien know off the bat that Angel was a bit fucked in the had I Mena why keep a demon in your house? But he's chill with it.
Angel is a chill Yandere anyways I mean no one can know of Lucien. Sure Angel wants to brag but they won't ever let someone lay eyes on him.
I hc if Lucien ever needed to eat human flesh they would lure creeps and pesos to their apartment so that Lucien can feast. He's put up a sound barrier too so that the neighbors don't get suspicious.
Angel mostly keeps to themselves when outside of the apartment so no one thinks anything is going on with them.
And that's mostly what I think the boys would react with the listener being yandere and some hc sprinkled in.
42 notes · View notes
ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 11}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Warped Understandings
{♡} requested
- Boo seems to not fully understand.
The dress
{♡} requested
- Boo wears a pretty dress :D
Weapon in the house
{♡} ask
- Boo has a battle axe
{♡} personal
- I need a interaction with these two
Incorrect Quotes:
Pepper spray?
Tumblr media
Sugarboo is home!
{♡} requested
- I missed my baker, I missed them a lot
{♡} requested
- Werewolf Seth running around
sitting by the river
{♡} requested
- a peacefuldaysitting by the river
old man Jake
{♡} ask
- crazy old man.
{♡} ask
- we were playing in the sand
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Incorrect Quotes:
hope I die/hj
Tumblr media
Soft hair and softer hearts
{♡} requested
- Finn is sounding soft for his lover
Swapped glasses
{♡} requested
- Finn took the wrong glasses-
Ranting love
{♡} requested
- he would LOVE hearing you rant
Sorcerer Finn and Witch SB
{♡} ask
- they would have beef ngl
Incorrect Quotes:
Dw I'll hate for u bbg
my best
Tumblr media
Wanna make you smile
{♡} ask
- Star just wants to make him smile
miku trend
{♡} personal
- he'd love miku
Middle school drama
{♡} personal
- crazy shit happened and you just GOTTA tell someone
sick hc
{♡} personal
- he's dying /jk
jojo poses
{♡} personal
- he'd eat them
Incorrect Quotes:
Which one?
and you are
Tumblr media
Because I am his, and he is mine. part1
{♡} requested
- Kinda hard to make someone that's obsessed with their lover like you.
Oh, we're both crazy about each other. part2
{♡} requested
- Auron might kill someone.
Give me the card, please?
{♡} requested
- Rook casually being a boss bitch.
Bullet wounds.
{♡} requested
- they'd did say they would take one for him....
Aquarium date
{♡} requested
- the promised Aquarium date :D also Auron is scared of the touch tank-
They like us because of our personality??
{♡} requested
- younger Auron can't belive he bagged a baddie when older.
Jealous Auron
{♡} requested
- just like the title (I think these are hc's)
{♡} ask
- Rook goes missing (Auron is NOT okay)
{♡} ask
{♡} ask
- The song is really pretty but then reading the lyrics it's wild.
Watching fireworks
{♡} ask
{♡} ask
{♡} ask
- AH yes, another song.
{♡} ask
- we love poc Auron.
turned witch
{♡} ask
- Madoka Magica Auron goes crazy ngl
A child's fear and apology.
{♡} personal
- based off a post one moot did :D
Don't leave part1
{♡} personal
- Don't leave don't leave don't leave dONT LEAVE DON'T LEAVE ME-
I'll do it again in a heartbeat. part2
{♡} personal
- So.....Rook killed someone-
Promise me (could have been part2)
{♡} personal
- Rook tried to keep calm (they had a panic attack with Auron's mother)
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
try not to lose my shit rq
Boondocks ref
the final week or my final week
Rook is losing it
Tell this bitch who I am
Tumblr media
Incorrect Quotes:
Tumblr media
Pocket sand
{♡} personal
- he'd so have it
Incorrect Quotes:
European nonsense
Tumblr media
Chubby S/O Alphonse & Seth
{♡} requested
- just like title! Tbh both would love a chubby partner (they just love how you love them ngl)
Asexual S/O All YV boys
{♡} requested
- How the boys are with a asexual partner!
YV Boys and Bluely
{♡} requested
- Most of the are crying or questioning reality bc of a kids show.
Holy Shit that's a kid-
{♡} requested
- Reader has a kid how would Alphonse, Seth, Charlie and Finn react?
Unrequired love club meeting?
{♡} requested
- Ricardo and Elizabeth meet....maybe fall in love?
Casper's job
{♡} ask
- Casper's job idea :D
Sugarboo's guilt
{♡} ask
- did you know people with guilty conscious flinch at sudden loud noises?
Listeners GC
{♡} ask
- I need to make something like this ngl
Swapped boys
{♡} ask
- What if the boy's listeners had swapped? With Alphonse, Faust, Auron, and Finn.
Being one person
{♡} ask
- that'd be a Y/N type life ngl
the distracks
{♡} personal
- bc I love drama and ik Alphonse would be singing wap wap wap dot FUCK EM UP-
freaking out about Auron's story part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9 part10 part11 part12
{♡} personal
- good thing I didn't over react am I right? (I was losing my shit)
listeners are related part1 part2 part3 A WHAT???
{♡} personal
- Listeners being related!
Victorian puzzle letters
{♡} personal
- this would be so cute tho imagine-
Art Idea YV boys surrounded by listeners
{♡} personal
- teehee art idea
Freaking about Seth: A TRUNK? Fucked BS But what if
{♡} personal
Yurrivoice Twitter pt15
Incorrect Quotes (multi boys/listener):
My turn next?
Don't want anyone to die
not me
bursting to song
I ate it sorry </3
Stop complainin'
No scene day
•♡•♡..Please consider following..♡•♡•
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Okay so since I read Manhwa's or however you spell it I can't help but think of that setting for the YV boys. Think of all of these as AU's bc I have too much brain space to day dream.
Like the trope of the cold Duke of the north bc I'm a slut for that
For our Cold Duke
Rook is the child of some type of noble but was promised to the crown prince bc they were child hood friends. But the crown prince is shitty bc why not?
So since the crown prince is being a dick they go to the cold Duke of the north bc he's the only person they trust to protect them from rumors and scandals.
They obviously make a deal with auron since no one trusts or likes him they give him information of things the crown prince is trying to do to him that they overhead. Auron uses this to his advantage and marries them.
Think my in laws are obsessed with me for this story. Bc everyone at Aurons mansion ends up loving Rook bc they try their best for them and its amazing. Rook fixes up the mansion to be more lively and even helps Auron around with political things bc that's the reason why the crown prince kept Rook.
But the crown prince tries to 'win' them back. Dosent work it gets him punched by Auron bc the Prince insults Rook and grabs them roughly. Auron also knows everything he did to Rook and had been waiting to fuck his shit up.
Faust comes to check up on Rook since that's his in law they're awesome how dare thus lowlife hurt them. Rook for some fucking reason dosen't see how Auron loves them and Faust smacks their head basically and says dude he's obsessed with you?!
In the contract they did it said don't fall in love. And we all saw how that turned out. So Rook rushs to him and asked for a divorce Auron shocked says why? And Rook confessed their feeling and Aurons does too and it's all Mushy then Faust says told you. He gets yelled to get out and the new couple plan their own personal wedding.
For the bittersweet boys:
But also like a isekai one where it's Boo helping their otp Seth and Al get back together and fix their relationship. Take it how you will if both boys break it off peacefully and you get with one of them or it's a poly thing bc slay either way.
All three of then can be noble or commoner bc why not? So in the og story Seth and Al have a fall out but Boo is devastated by that bc it shows why both sides why they did what they did to eachother. There was a character the one boo ended up being was Al's partner Seth kills bc he wants Al back it was suppose to be a tragedy story about a man lost in love.
So bc of tropes Boo got hit by Truck Kun and wakes up younger think like....late teens? Where everything of Seth's dad started talking shit. Boo tries to act normal but both boys kinda see through it but not really? Boo who's parents are food people starts talking about how Seth's dad is a dickwad and wants him safe.
Seth goes between both houses to not make him go off to the traveling thieves that Jessie go's with since Boo's parents own a bakery he worked there since you get and Al's parents also help Seth out.
One day at the tavern Boo goes to it and smacks the shit out of Seth's dad and tells him off throwing out all the dirty laundry they know of him. All the people there know Boo is a good kids bc of their parents and start to question why Seth's dad did all of that. Boo then looks him in the eyes "If you every try and say some shit about MY boys I'll take your fucking teeth you pig!" And stalks out of the tavern to be with their boys.
Boo is on the sidelines helping their relationship bloom healthily as they get older. Seth's dad works on himself and Al's parents DO died but naturally. It was sad but both boo and Seth were there.
When all three got to adulthood the boys wanted to leave the town for the big city and asked boo if they wanted to come. They do and both Boo and Al run a shop together while Seth helps work unloading products and shipping. Slowly the boys either come to realization they don't want to be together tor want Boo to be with them too since Seth scares away the admirers that Boo had and Al throws away the presents bc that's their friend no one is good enough for them!
The ending can be taken as whatever everyone wants.
For our pizza rat
Casper is the villainous for a story and just dosen't want to die bc that happened so much. They also fall for a particular servant boy who grew up as their play pall when they were younger. Charlie's parents could have been servant's for Casper's and became friends but sadly Casper's parents couldn't keep them since they had to marry Casper off to get money.
Casper not loving the Duke they were married off too. For drama it's Auron. But Auron is in love with a maid and to fix this Casper demands a divorce and Auron is happy to do so. So Casper gets money and is trying to win Charlie back but miss compunction bc Charlie thinks he's not good enough for them bc they were married to a Duke and was a Dutchess. But Rook helps Charlie to see hello you dumb blond they love you.
It works out bc Casper runs to Charlie at an event and kisses him saying they were always in love with him. Auron takes this as a chance to show everyone that both of then weren't happy in the relationship and are in love with different people. So it's all good. They have a happy time bc Casper and Charlie now work for Auron and Rook since Casper can help Rook with their duties of marring Auron.
Can you tell I read too much or Manwha's?
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