#or corbous as he had to spell it in the lotro CC
rannadylin · 1 year
Ranna in Middle-earth, 2022
I'm not much for new year resolutions, but perhaps I should make one to actually post more about my gaming in the brief moments that said gaming gets to flourish in between all the lesson planning. XD Anyway, at the end of 2022 I got back into LOTRO a bit, so how about a brief recap?
OK, right, this isn't going to be all that brief and there are going to be screenshots, so time for a read more! Click to read what I've been up to in LOTRO, including the introduction of this guy...
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In November, having seen someone's hobbit lore-master post and being thrilled to discover that was now an option, I made a hobbit Yolotli Itzli. :-D
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But she mostly wears her hood up to cover for the lack of braided hair options on hobbits... :-(
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Around that time, my main, Lennidhren (also a lore-master, but elven since I've been playing her since long before hobbits could pursue this most delightful of classes), has hit level cap and started exploring Gundabad! But then I thought maybe it'd be a good time for more alting until the level cap is raised again so the quests she's doing there could give her XP again...
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I've actually not leveled Lottie very far yet, but did switch over to Fjiola for a bit; she's in the 30s and now questing around Esteldin (but being photographed only in Bree, apparently)...
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HOWEVER while she was doing that I had a sudden urge to try the new Brawler class. So, continuing my efforts to make all the Itzlis as hobbits, I went with Violet's older (second-oldest) brother, Corbus, a.k.a. Audie's nemesis. :-D
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And it turns out Brawler is ridiculously fun to play, so I have basically spent all of winter break that I wasn't baking cookies or visiting family playing this fierce little dude.
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He has acquired a cat...
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And a matching title. :-D
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And a hobby...
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And so many pretty screenshots...
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And so many questionable fishing spots... :-D
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And now he's zooming around Moria!
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Brawler seems to involve rather a lot of one-shotting enemies on the first punch, sometimes even if they're several levels higher than him, so zooming is accurate. Especially when I'm used to playing a lore-master! XD
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