#or ferrets maybe that worked with the gnome infestation
elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
Hey, Archivist. I was wondering if you could help me identify someone. I've been involved in theater, specifically tech, here for...Some Time, and recently there's been a bit of an issue backstage. Some little, for lack of a better term, gremlin seems to find it amusing to move props, make noise, mess with stage managers' scripts, and other ultimately harmless but incredibly annoying things. I've tried the usual offerings of snacks and trinkets - all of which have been claimed, but to no ceasing of the problem. I can't say I've seen the culprit, but if you can think of anyone, either who might find something like this funny, or who can provide more insight, I'd be much obliged. Tech week is coming up, and I'm not sure we'll make it through in one piece with this going on.
You need
stick (to prop it up)
string (to yank the stick away)
very fragile prop (to bait the trap)
big hammer (to hammer)
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