#has to be vital to the show and also held together with spit and prayers
Hey, Archivist. I was wondering if you could help me identify someone. I've been involved in theater, specifically tech, here for...Some Time, and recently there's been a bit of an issue backstage. Some little, for lack of a better term, gremlin seems to find it amusing to move props, make noise, mess with stage managers' scripts, and other ultimately harmless but incredibly annoying things. I've tried the usual offerings of snacks and trinkets - all of which have been claimed, but to no ceasing of the problem. I can't say I've seen the culprit, but if you can think of anyone, either who might find something like this funny, or who can provide more insight, I'd be much obliged. Tech week is coming up, and I'm not sure we'll make it through in one piece with this going on.
You need
stick (to prop it up)
string (to yank the stick away)
very fragile prop (to bait the trap)
big hammer (to hammer)
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kamisamawrites · 4 years
Like the Sun and the Moon
Chapter 9: Reminiscence
Chapter Index
Inosuke braced himself for the sharp pain of Makoto’s blade when she suddenly changed tactics. Twisting her body, she snapped the katana back together before it could hit him.
Staring at her confused, the soft clank of wood reached his ears a second later. Eyes darting to the hairpin that laid on the floor, it had fallen out of his pocket while dodging her last attack. If Makoto had let her sword hit him, she would have paired the hairpin along with him. Grinning at the realization, Inosuke grabbed it before she could react.
Seeing Makoto try to hide how her face twisted with panic at his words, Inosuke’s hatred for the demon only grew.
“OH SHUT UP YOU COWARD!” Inosuke barked back.
“Why don’t you come and fight me yourself instead of getting other people to do your dirty work?!” he challenged, pointing his sword at him.
The Frog Lord growled in frustration as Makoto swung at Inosuke once more, but he had the upper hand this time. Holding up the hairpin, Makoto’s body froze and she jumped back. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” the frog demon growled, croaking in anger.
Lunging back at Inosuke, Makoto’s swings grew more hesitant and sloppy as she tried to avoid hitting the hairpin. Distress and frustration crept its way onto her face with every miss swing.
Cackling, Inosuke ran full speed at her, swinging the hairpin around wildly. She froze, not knowing where to aim, the hairpin seeming to be everywhere at once. 
“JUST DIE ALREADY!” Makoto cried, swinging her blade. 
Dodging it with ease, Ionsuke found himself a little delighted at how her eyes widened when he popped up in front of her. Blowing a puff of steam into her face, he couldn’t help but grin like a mad man.
“Got you!” he giggled before sharply punching her in the gut.
Eyes widening, Makoto’s body lunged forward as she began to gag. Catching her before she could fall over, Inosuke would never admit the relief he felt when she threw up a large frog egg.
Snapping back to her senses, Makoto’s body was still shivering as her mind raced to remember what happened. Her body felt like lead from switching breathing forms so many times, and her mind felt like it was going to explode.
Feeling two wooden prongs scrape against her scalp, her head snapped up to find Inosuke staring back at her. Bring a shaky hand to the side of her head, she realized it was her hairpin.
“I-Inosuke…” she whispered, her mind racing to try and form words.
“You need to take better care of this if it’s so important to you… stupid,” he scolded, but somehow, his voice seemed softer than normal.
“GOD DAMN YOU! I’LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID! I’LL KILL YOU, YOU HEAR ME!” the Frog Lord cried, frantically scratching his head and stomping his feet.
“That’s my bride, MY BRIDE YOU HEAR ME!” he croaked, throat bulging before a stream of acid flung towards them.
Shoving Inosuke down, Makoto wasn’t able to stop the hiss that slipped past her lips. Her fingers curled into Inosuke’s shoulders as some of the purple liquid landed and burned on her back. 
“I’m fine!” she snapped, cutting her companion off as she pushed herself off him.
The clothes on her back softened the stinging just the slightest bit, but her heightened sense of touch didn’t make the pain any easier to handle. 
It was sensitive, which was what allowed her to feel the slightest changes around her, but that also meant injuries were that much more painful. 
Forcing herself to stand, Makoto didn’t have time for this. She could worry about how her body seemed to scream later because right now, there was someone she needed to stop first. 
Steadying her breathing, she pointed her blade at the Frog Lord as her eyes narrowed. 
“I’m already married. I’m sorry, but I’m ending this right here!” she declared.
“HA! SEE THAT YOU UGLY FROG! SHE DON’T WANT YOU!” Inosuke laughed, the smugness of his voice only pissing the demon off more.
“You…! ALL OF YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE REST! ALL YOU CARE ABOUT ARE LOOKS!” he screeched, tears swelling up in his large red eyes.
Spitting more poison acid, the two demon slayers dodged each clump, careful not to trip over the uneven floor. 
Panicking, the Frog Lord summoned the remainder of people under his control. The women exploded into the room from every corner, swinging their weapons. They mindlessly aimed for the two slayers, not caring who they’d hurt in the process.
Flicking her wrist, Makoto gave Inosuke a knowing smile as her blade expanded. 
Wrapping the back of her bladed whip around his torso, she used the remainder of her strength to fling him over the girls and towards the demon.
“Sleep Breathing, Second Form Modified!” she grunted between gritted teeth, ignoring the overwhelming pain that burned itself into her body.
Watching Inosuke fly towards him, the frog demon froze in fear. It was as if a wild boar was charging straight at him.
“Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite!” he cackled, slicing through the demon’s large and squishy neck.
Hands reaching up to touch the top of his neck, the Frog Lord’s body tumbled to the ground with his head. The second his head was cut off, the women under his control froze and began vomiting the amphibians in their stomachs. 
Rushing over to Inosuke, Makoto did her best not to stumble. They still needed to help the girls in the pods.
“Why…?” the Frog Lord croaked as his body began to crumble.
“It’s… It’s not fair!” he cried, vision blurry from tears.
“Why?! I try so hard, why does everybody hate me?!” he sobbed.
Turning to look at him, Makoto stopped Inosuke from saying something insensitive. Instead, she got him to start getting the trapped girls before their prison disappeared and they landed on top of each other. 
“I didn’t choose to be born ugly! I never wanted my face! I try so hard to show everyone I’m not what I look like, but nothing’s ever worked!” he cried.
“Even Tsuyu hated me!” he shouted before freezing, his mind suddenly full of questions.
Who was Tsuyu? Who was that? Why did it hurt so much when he thought about her?
Sheathing her sword, Makoto stopped working and took a step towards the crying demon. Feeling Inosuke grab her arm, she turned around to face him. She could feel his disapproving glare before he even said anything but she simply smiled at him. It was a small and sad smile, full of remorse and empathy.
Huffing after a second, Inosuke reluctantly let her go. Watching her approach the demon, he couldn’t understand why she insisted on showing him kindness, especially after what he did to her.
Sitting down on her knees, Makoto picked up the demon’s disintegrating head and held him close.
Looking up at her with wide eyes, the Frog Lord wasn’t able to stop the tears that continued to overflow.
“I’m sure that… Tsuyu doesn’t hate you,” she cooed, patting the demon’s head.
“But I… I hurt her…! After everything she did for me, I hurt her!” he croaked.
“I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding,” Makoto reassured him.
Taking deep breaths, Makoto spread the smell of her blood around the two of them. The soft floral smell caused the Frog Lord’s tears to slow as he closed his eyes.
In the sea of darkness, he stood all alone. He was dying, and now, he would go to Hell. Tears welled in his eyes again, as the fear clung to him. 
“I’m scared! I don’t want to be alone!” he cried, falling to his knees.
“Then let’s go together,” a soft voice offered, causing his head to snap up.
“Tsu… Tsuyu…?!” he murmured, unable to believe his eyes.
“Hi… Atsushi,” she smiled, kneeling down to meet his eyes.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” she laughed at his surprise.
“But… But why?! You shouldn’t be here! You should be happy with Brother in heaven! Why?! Why were you waiting for someone like me?!” he rambled, mind racing with questions. 
“I wanted to apologize,” Tsuyu confessed, placing a gentle hand on his head.
“I was never able to do that while alive. You were kicked out of the family because of me and… I’ve never been able to forgive myself for that,” she explained, eyes glossy.
“I’m sorry Atsushi, I was supposed to be your sister, and instead I ruined my best friend’s life,” she cried, engulfing him in her embrace.
Warm… It was warm in her arms. Holding her close, the Frog Lord’s from morphed back, back into the human he once was. Crying, he never wanted her to go.
Makoto sat in silence as the Frog Lord disappeared. Her hands hovering where his head once sat. 
“Thank you…” she heard him whisper, as the final part of his head turned to ash.
Arms falling limp, Makoto sat in solemn silence. She could feel Inosuke’s eyes on her, but she didn’t have the strength to move. Whether it was from the long fight they had just endured or the pain and suffering she felt from the Frog Lord before he died, she didn’t know and she didn’t want to.
Her eyes stung the longer she sat there. 
Bringing her hands together in prayer, Makoto could only hope from his goodbye that he and Tsuyu made up. That the two of them, and everyone he’s hurt could be luckier in their next lives.
Returning to their work, Inosuke propped the girls up against the wall while Makoto checked their vitals. Luckily they were all still alive, and unharmed form what she could tell. 
“Hey, I think I found the old man’s kid,” Inosuke called out, dragging a young boy towards her.
“What?” Makoto asked, astonished, running to his side.
Checking the boy’s vitals, Makoto was shocked that he was still alive. He was young, maybe 14 with pitch-black hair that framed a slender pale face. He was the spitting image of his father. 
Setting him with the rest of the women, Makoto suddenly felt pounding footsteps before she heard them. Running through the broken sliding doors, Aiko panted heavily. 
“Aiko!” Makoto gasped. She was different now. Her movements felt normal.
Amber eyes scanned the room before landing on the Young Lord’s body.
“Jun’ichi!” she cried, running towards him.
Falling to her knees, she grasped his hand tightly.
“Is he alive?! Please! Tell me!” she begged Makoto, eyes welling with tears.
“Yeah, he’s just passed out,” Makoto smiled softly at her, hoping it would reassure her.
“Thank the gods…!” she breathed, bringing his cool hand to her forehead.
“You dumbass! This is what happens when you push us away…!” she cried, scolding the unconscious boy.
“Hey, Monpocho,” Inosuke called out, looking at the broken doors.
Looking up, Makoto smiled at Lord Hisakawa. He was still and quiet, afraid to even breathe.
“It’s okay now. The demon’s gone, and your son’s alive. You can rest easy now,” she reassured him, beckoning him over.
Hesitantly entering the room, his eyes lingered on the chaos it had become. The tattered mates, Aiko over his son, the women that where being controlled, the demon slayer’s battered forms. Reaching his son, relief, and guilt washed over him. 
He had let that monster hurt so many people… 
Dropping to his knees, tears flowed from his eyes as he pressed his forehead on the ground.
“Thank you!” he croaked.
“Thank you for saving my son! Thank you for saving everyone here! Thank you so much!” he cried, unable to properly express his gratitude.
Softly placing her hands on his cheeks, Mokoto made him lift his head. Her smile was warm and genuine as the morning sun poured in through the tattered windows.
“Please, raise your head, we’re merely some passing swordsmen doing our job,” she said, quirking her head ever so slightly.
Tears slipping from his face, the guilt in Lord Hisakawa’s chest only grew as she reassured him. Despite everything he put her through, despite giving her up to that demon, Makoto saved Aiko and his son and held no ill-will towards him.
After having ensured everyone was safe and alive, Lord Hisakawa had insisted that Makoto and Inosuke stay until their wounds healed. Makoto was going to decline the kind offer when Insouke agreed for both of them.
Staring at him gobsmacked, Makoto’s eyes lit up in realization as a look of horror crossed her face.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Inosuke! I should have realized,” she cried, guilt growing inside her.
“Hah?” he questioned, eyeing her suspiciously.
“You must be in a lot of pain, it was rude of me to deny you proper treatment,” she bowed, only unintentionally pissing the boy off.
“THIS IS FOR YOU STUPID!” Inosuke snapped, causing Makoto’s eyes to grow wide.
“For… me?” she repeated.
“Duh! You’re the one injured!” he huffed, crossing his arms.
“B-But Inosuke… You’re hurt-”
“These are just scratches! I’m not the one who got possessed or poisoned am I?” he snapped, interrupting her.
“You’re breathing’s been unsteady since you came back to your senses, and even now, you can barely keep yourself upright,” he said, causing Makoto’s eyes to widen.
Dumbfounded, she simply stared at the boy in front of her. She hadn’t realized how observant he was, noticing such things she thought she had hidden well. 
She couldn’t help but wonder, did he see right through her?
Glancing away and taking a step back, Inosuke grew incredibly uncomfortable the longer Makoto stared at him. It was unnerving how intensely she seemed to be watching him. Studying him as if he were some ancient artifact. It was weird, and he didn’t know what to make of it.
“What?! The poison’s finally gotten to your brain or something?” he snapped, breaking Makoto from her thoughts.
“Oh! No, sorry. I was just thinking,” she apologized, turning away.
The two didn’t talk much after that, instead, they were far too busy helping clean up.
After a doctor had checked up on them, Makoto and Inosuke were left alone in a spare room. The two were quiet as the night’s events finally began to settle.
Hazy memories of their fight resurfaced in Makoto’s mind. The memory of her ruthless attacks weighed heavily on her as she stole a glance at the boy next to her.
“How are you feeling? Do your wounds hurt?” she asked.
“Please, this is nothing!” he insisted, earning a small smile from the girl.
“That’s good to hear…” she mumbled.
Watching Makoto tuck a stray hair behind her ear, Inosuke couldn’t help but notice just how long it was. 
His eyes drifted up to the hairpin in her hair and thought back to their battle. It was clear that it was important to her, and he found himself wondering why. 
Rubbing his fingers together, Inosuke couldn’t help but eye Makoto’s hair again. It was so long and smooth looking, he kind of wanted to play with it.
Unconsciously bringing a hand up, Inosuke froze when Makoto suddenly stood up.
“I just remembered, there are some things I have to do. I’ll see later,” she waved, leaving him alone in the room.
Watching her leave, Inosuke couldn’t help the lingering feeling of disappointment that crept its way into him. Frowning, he walked onto the engawa and sat down.
Grumbling in mild frustration, he wasn’t sure what to make of the emotions she brought out of him.
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