#or get a cut of the vid revenue or whatever
spirograffe · 7 months
why do ppl on here hate strange aeons? i’m literally back on tumblr bc she reassured me it was still fun lmao
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wildpeachfarm · 1 month
See the thing is with streaming its going to die regardless, yes companies handing out less contracts is killing it further but its already dying at a fast rate? I'm not a stream hater either btw I really enjoy them but like. For example. 2020, 2021? When school was remote and I only ever worked mornings because of covid hours? I was clocked into that Philza 8hr stream DAILY. I was scheduling my classes around those streams so I could do homework while listening/watching. Went as far as to use my monthly speaking privilge to ask Phil what date British Daylight Savings began so I could keep my schedule clear. The second everything was no longer remote, and store hours went back to normal, I maybe caught 2, 3, maybe 4 streams in that year before I decided enough was enough about QSMP and I LOVE hardcore content.
From a company standpoint I can see why YT may not be interested in handing out streamer contracts anymore. Like Dreamie and a few others they're recognizing the Covid Number Boom is over- but unlike Dreamie, because theyre a corporation, they can't just "stick it out" and "recelebrate milestones". They have a "bottom line" to protect and they're not getting that same sweet sweet ad revenue from streams because of decreased viewer counts. Esp bc people don't just go back and watch vods unless there's a REAAAALLY good reason to. So no ad viewership there either. They're going to go back to relying on videos (and unfortunately probably shorts as well, I hate the tiktok-ification of every socmed site) to keep their ad revenue up, especially with the battle of ad blockers. I see more ad and monitization deals being handed out.
With streams (bc vod watching is lowkey practically nonexistant) not being in high demand bc of time constraints (happening while busy, timezones issues) the demands for videos will be higher as videos are ALWAYS readily available. Someone uploads at midnight your timezone? I mean it'll be there when you wake up, you won't have "missed" anything like you would have a livestream. Get a video schedule set out and you're GOLDEN- the first thing I do when I get home from work is check if a handful of youtubers have uploaded to put on to watch. If not, I rewatch some of my fav vids.
Also psychologically I actually think this is for the better of all CCs as a whole. Streaming, esp for some of the hourly requirements some of these ppl either HAVE to hit to get paid or WILLINGLY put themselves through (Tubbo) you have to wear your persona the ENTIRE time. You have to make sure you don't slip up that ENTIRE time. You have to be entertaining the ENTIRE time. You have to filter yourself because it's all live. To me this just sounds like what I do on a daily basis masking my audHD and that shit is so tiring and it's why I could NEVER be a streamer. If you're recording videos you can control what goes out. You don't have to wear whatever persona you decide to put on for 8hrs for a stream, you can record 3 hours of footage and then be done for the day, and that can either be one video or multiple depending on a lot of factors. Accidentally say your mom's name? Cut the clip. Bit isn't funny? Cut the clip. They will still have to actively filter themselves yes but for a much less amount of time. In the end CCs will have a lot more mind power that they're not using up to take care of themselves. I genuinely think it's psychologically better for them all.
It's unfortunate that the streaming industry is going to collapse this way. But also seeing how the communities heavily affected by streaming are more drama filled than communities w/o streaming, I'm lowkey hoping it's for the best. Pulling the plug like this imo is a mercy kill.
And now I'm gonna wash my mouth out for all that corporate speak I just used. Sorry for the manifesto. And if someone wants to put this manifesto on reddit idc just crop/block any usernames IG
I appreciate the essay-andy-ing these are interesting thoughts! I don't think the streaming scene will collapse entirely but I do think that it will become more advantageous to be a youtuber because people have found that to be the most consistent for many years as a CC rather than streams which require a lot of additional things (like you mentioned)
And I feel like we are seeing quite a few people say they're going to prioritize youtube more in the future which seems to be the beginning of that transition
I am curious if twitch will ever try to keep certain big-viewer streamers on the platform with 'kick-style' ($$$$) contracts.
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catcze · 3 years
Hewo Catteeee~! This is onae anon again, and I just wanna say I am very close to that guaranteed Kazuha! Just 20 more wishes, I hope I get him! (Thanks for sharing btw)
Oh and people are discouraging me :|
I’ve been scrolling through suggestions channel in a server and people were telling me to not waste my efforts on kazuha…. The YouTube posts too!!! T*T
I hope you’re doing well~
- Onae anon
(P.S. I just realised that I didn’t follow you earlier…. Anyways, can I be ur one of your anonsss???? ^^)
Omg sorry I saw this a little late, but that's great!! OMg I hope you get him soon!!
Also, uh, regarding what you said abt people discouraging you abt rolling for Kazuha,,, So I kinda got carried away a bit, talking about how his kit works and how he is no way a waste;; so I just put it under the cut bc its kinda long kajsnd
But!! You totally shouldn't listen to them my love >:( roll for the characters you like and play them how you want to!! It's your game, so you should enjoy it!!
Also yes!! You can totally be one of my anons <33
Okayy, so for one, I think why people are underestimating Kazuha ––and this was brought up by people before–– is because he's more of a support/ sub DPS, kind of like Albedo (who people also underestimated and skipped, and are now regretting doing so.) Kazuha isn't meant to be a big damage dealer like Hu Tao, Xiao, or even Eula. His kit is optimized to play with a team that makes use of Elemental Mastery–– his C6 is the constellation that gives Kazuha more damage-dealing potential (and even then, it's not such a big jump) but to be honest, you can build him as a damage dealer even if he's C0, or just about any other role you'd like.
Unless you invest in him as your main damage dealer, his natural damage output alone isn't game-breaking, but if you put him in the right team with the right characters, he can literally fuck shit up. But if you invest into him in whatever role you'd like (as a sub DPS, support, burst unit, or a main DPS), Kazuha is honestly such a good character to use. Tbh I've been playing him ever since I got him yesterday, and I love him so much. Kazuha literally helped carry my team through Abyss 11, and if I build the rest of my characters a bit more, I'm sure that he'd be such a good asset on abyss 12 too. I've seen someone on twitter clear Abyss 12-1 (the one with the two big geovishaps) in 44 seconds because of Kazuha.
A lot of people compare him to Venti, and I can see why, but Kazuha and Venti's kit isn't as similar as people think it is tbh. Uh, I'm not gonna get into that bc this is long already, but Kazuha is genuinely a really good unit, whether as a damage dealer, support, or a burst unit, and the main reason why people don't like him is, frankly, a lot of youtubers and online suggestions aren't very fond of support units–– it always takes time for the masses to warm up to them. People didn't like Zhongli until he got his buffs, but now people are so desperate to get their hands on his shield. And Albedo? So far, he earned the lowest revenue during his banner at only 9(?) million from mobile players, in comparison to Zhongli's 16(?) mil, but now so many comments under anything the official accounts post has people begging for an Albedo re-run.
Listen, DPS units are good, okay, I'm not saying they're not, but most DPS characters are going to get powercrept one day. Mhy is always coming out with newer DPS charas with bigger multipliers and more optimized skills. Older DPS charas aren't as popular anymore (which, imo, is really unfair and not a wise choice since they still do a shitload of damage, but I digress) but if you look at it, support characters don't get replaced so easily. Like, think about it, Venti was the first ever limited 5 star that was released, right? And today, nearly a whole year, he's still regarded as one of the best characters in the game. Bennett and Sucrose are 4 star characters, but in those youtube vids, odds are they'll use their bursts to one-shot the bosses. And Mona, usually, is built more as a support than a DPS, but she's so integral to one-shot teams.
My point is, support characters are really, really valuable. Unfortunately, it takes people so long to see this–– usually, the characters' banners end by the time their potential is recognized. They're so overlooked just because they can't pop big numbers on their own, or because the character's builds are usually shit in their trials and give a bad impression, but one day people are going to regret not pulling for Kazuha dude.
Uh, TL;DR Kazuha is really really good, and I'm so passionate about the fact that people can't see that yet. Support units are very good, are are essential to make sure that your main damage dealer does big numbers, though you can run him as a damage dealer if you want to!! Point is, don't listen to other people and play him if you want to play him. Every character is a good character. Fuck the meta and tier lists, and those youtubers who discourage pulling for Kazuha just because they want clicks on their video. People who overlook pulling him now are going to be begging for his re-run one day.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 years
“Stark’s New Intern” Chapter 22
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"Tell her be free, baby spread your wings Got your legs in the sky like a plane Let me guide that, I'm the pilot Can't nobody see you, 30 thousand feet On your knees in them Prada's Make the freaky shit come up out her…"
August Alsina—"Planes"
Twenty-Five Billion.
That was the annual revenue intake of Stark Enterprises.
The man himself was worth around thirteen-billion.
Erik sat on a stool inside a cavernous airplane hangar in Santa Ana watching Tony receive a touch up to the make-up he was wearing for the new Forbes cover he was shooting. The third richest man on the planet allowed a fussy ginger-haired man dab liquid foundation on Tony's heavily tanned face that was enduring a bit of sun damage from playing golf in Calabasas all weekend.
Erik scrolled through his work touchpad dropping notes to Pepper who was on vacation in New Zealand and wouldn't be back for three weeks. Although she was thousands of miles away, Pepper had a morning chat with Erik every day since the moment she left, and expected daily debriefings of Tony's antics.
"Turn to your left now Mr. Stark."
The photographer, Carmella, was a young Puerto Rican beauty with glossy blue-black tresses and sunburned dark pecan skin. She had been flirty with Erik when she first arrived at the hangar, parking her red jeep Wrangler near Erik's Porsche. The moment Tony arrived with his private driver, she got down to business, introducing herself and guiding Tony through the types of shots she wanted to take.
Tony's media team arrived to handle his make-up and hair and Erik hung back to make sure Boss Man stayed on schedule. They had to fly to Orlando, Florida soon after for a tech conference and Carmella was joining them for more candid shots.
Tony indulged her for she was one of the hottest photographers around and he wanted his newest Forbes cover to show a sophisticated side to himself and not just the playboy antics he was known for outside of the business. An hour into the shoot, the Forbes magazine interviewer showed up, a blue blood stiff who looked fifty but was only thirty when Erik checked his credentials before allowing him to approach Tony.
"Mr. Cormac, would you mind sitting over here," Erik said, directing him to an empty folding chair near him and the media team.
Tony switched out the dark blazer he wore for a lighter one at Carmella's suggestion and Erik witnessed their shared flirty banter. Tony could barely keep his eyes off of her legs that were gloriously displayed in the purple shorts and sandals she wore.
Tony served face in various contrived poses outside and inside his jet, and once they reached the allotted time given for the Forbes photographer, Cormac took over and interviewed Tony inside the plane. Erik sat across from them as Carmella snuck a few more candid shots.
Erik stepped off the plane to stretch his legs and Carmella followed him.
"You seem really serious," she said.
Erik looked up from his cell and eyed her.
"It's just work," he said.
Her eyes glanced over at the jet then back at him.
"So, Stark…is he single?"
Every damn time.
Erik gave a tired sigh.
"You see a ring on his finger?"
Erik looked back on his phone and texted Pepper an update on the interview.
"Attitude," she said.
He cut his eyes back to her and took in her face. She was a looker.
"Do you need to get anything from your car? We're leaving in thirty minutes," he said.
She nodded and walked away toward the private parking area.
The pilot arrived and Erik took his seat on the jet. Carmella sat across from him so that she could face Tony. Once they were in the air, Tony gave her a tour, and soon enough that tour ended in the back where his sleeping quarters were.
Cormac was busy typing on a laptop and seemed enamored of being on a plane with Tony. The security team assigned to the trip watched movies on individual chair screens.
Erik's touchpad chirped and the vid call came from Devika. He swiped his screen.
"Hey, is Tony available? He's not answering the jet phone."
"Sherrilyn Stein wants to speak with him asap. It's about the Monaco trip. Please have him call her right away."
"Will do."
He stared at her face. Her hair was flat ironed and styled a little differently. Her make-up looked overly done too.
"Where you going?" he asked.
"Girls Night."
"Nothin'. You look good."
Her eyes fluttered from the compliment but then she grew serious.
"How is it going?"
"Good. Pepper stays on me all the time. For someone on vacation, she can't seem to relax and leave work behind. When do you leave for your vacation?"
"I'm going to work part of Friday, but I officially start my time off Friday night. I have a red-eye to Vegas and my cousins will meet me there."
"Have fun."
"I will."
He stared at her. He missed hanging with her, but not being in a sexual relationship made them closer at work. He liked that change even though he could still look at her and feel all kinds of crazy urges. She looked happier too and whatever feelings went unspoken between them didn't cloud their interactions.
"I'll let you go. Pass the word to Tony."
He ended the call and slipped to the back of the jet. The soft hum of the plane obscured his footsteps. He wanted to be discreet, but the door was slid partially open and he could see Carmella riding Tony in reverse cowgirl. Her top was pushed up and her breasts bounced wildly as Erik's eyes dropped down to look at her vaginal lips sliding up and down Tony's sheathed erection. She began to slow grind on him and purposely pulled back her wet folds so Erik could see more. He felt his body reacting a little bit, but he pushed it aside and turned his head.
"Boss Man, you need to call Sherrilyn Stein," he said before walking away.
Ten minutes later, Carmella returned to her seat with a look of dissatisfaction on her face. When Cormac glanced at her, she quickly stood up and took the seat in the front right next to Erik. She seemed irritated. Cormac popped in some earbuds and turned off his overhead light. The humming vibration of the jet settled over everything. Erik put away his touchpad.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked.
She looked away from him.
"Sorry for asking," he said before staring out of the window.
"Rich guys can be pretty selfish," she grumbled.
"He didn't rock your world?" Erik teased.
She ignored his comment.
Erik smirked.
"He did have to take an important call."
"In the middle of fucking me?"
"Business is business."
"Rude is what it is."
"He's not a billionaire for nothing. He stays on the grind."
"Still rude."
"Y'all could've at least shut the door all the way."
"You liked what you saw though."
"I've seen a lot of pussy."
Carmella's neck tilted to the side.
"How old are you?"
"Old enough."
"You like being a smartass."
"I like being direct."
"I could tell you liked what you saw. You were staring hard."
She fidgeted in her seat.
"You still horny?"
He laughed softly when he saw the frustration still on her face. She didn't say anything, just tugged on the bottoms of her shorts.
"Lemme guess, he came and you didn't. Left you hanging."
The slight grimace on her attractive face told him everything. What a waste.
He decided to mess with her for fun.
"That's what you get for running after him."
"I didn't run after him. We had a connection."
"A connection. I see. You took the tour and then fell on his dick."
She couldn't hide the smile on her face.
"Money makes any dick attractive," he said.
"It's not just money, he's crazy gorgeous—"
"Was the dick good?"
She turned her body toward him.
"It was better than I expected."
"What did you expect?"
"A decent screw. Everything is heightened on a plane of course."
"Of course."
"You just sound so….so…."
"So what?"
"Hmmm. If you say so."
Her eyes took in his face and then she stared at his lips. He let the tip of his tongue dart out and then he looked away from her while stretching his legs. When he glanced at her again, she was looking at his chest, and then her eyes slid down to his crotch.
"He's probably done with his call by now. Maybe you should go back there and see if he can make you cum."
"Too much of a bother. I'm comfortable up here now."
"Bet your pussy is still swollen."
Her mouth fell open in shock and he watched a slow flush of color darken her already sun-bronzed complexion.
He let his hand slide on his crotch and he squeezed himself just enough so that she could catch it. She squirmed in her seat. He leaned closer to her. She was his height so he didn't have to shift too much.
"Show me your pussy. Lemme see if it's still juicy."
She gasped then, her eyes darting away from his for a second before she was staring at him again with her lips parted.
Staring at her face he saw wanton desire there. It was making him feel strong arousal. His dick strained against his slacks. The bulge was growing and Carmella could see it.
"Pull your shorts off. Lemme see that fat puss."
She whimpered and her hands unbuttoned her shorts. She pulled them down without fear. Everyone else was in the back of the jet.
"Yeah, that pussy still ready," he whispered, "what happened to your panties?"
"Still in the back," she panted.
Licking her lips, she watched him adjust his dick and then squeeze it.
"You left your panties on his bed?"
"Did you do that on purpose?"
He squeezed his bulge again and his dick rose up stiffer.
"I think you did, so you'd have an excuse to go back there. Do you want to go back there?"
She shook her head no.
"When you were riding his dick you pulled your pussy lips open so I could see all that pink. Open your pussy for me now."
She was quick to peel back her folds.
"Oh, you wet-wet. Is that for him or me?"
She squirmed harder in the seat.
He reached down and pinched her clit.
"Answer me."
Carmella had nice lush red lips and small dark eyes with black eyeliner giving her haughty 50's bedroom chic. From her dark hair to her dark eyes, and small dark thatch of pubic hairs at the top of her mound, she was sexy as hell and it didn't surprise him at all that Tony took to her so fast.
But she had flirted with Erik first, so now he was going to play with her a little longer.
He tugged on her clit and she gave a soft moan, her inner labia spreading open wider from her own deepening arousal. So warm and sticky.
"Play with your pussy. Lemme see how you touch yourself. You like me watching you. I know you do..,"
She rubbed her fingers around her engorged clit and he lifted the armrest between them so he could face her better. She kicked off her shorts and lifted her legs onto the wide seat. He rubbed himself and it turned her on. Her pussy became wetter.
He reached for the loose blanket that sat up against his hip and placed it between them in case anyone woke up and came toward them.
"You look wetter than when you were fucking Tony," he said.
Her eyes grew tight.
"You wanna see my dick?"
She nodded.
He lifted up and glanced behind his seat. They were good to go.
He unfastened his pants and pulled out his erection and Carmella's mouth really fell open and he saw her pussy contract and open up with more pink for him to see.
"Look how wet you are," he growled as he moved closer to her so she could see how big and stiff he was.
"Bet you wish you were riding me, huh?"
"Going up and down on my dick."
"Big Black dick…" she whimpered.
Oh. It was like that.
Could be a general observation. Or it could be some fetish shit.
At that moment, he didn't care. His pole was rock hard and ready to spit, and she had a needy pussy that was neglected by selfish dick and a man who could care less if she was satisfied.
He stroked himself slowly so she could savor every inch of what she wouldn't get. Twisting his fingers under the fat cap of his glans, he teased her further with his words until she was sweating and ready to cry.
"You'd let this Black dick nut in your pussy raw, huh? You seem like the type that would let me do that. Get deep in your pussy and make a mess…"
Her head pressed into the headrest and her toes lifted up. Her fingers ran up and down her slit teasing her clit. She was about to break and he wanted her to go down hard.
"Would I fit in your pussy? You look really tight. I'd hurt that pussy good. Stretch you all the way out. Bet you'd take it like a dirty bitch, huh?"
The slick sound of her fingers had his balls pressing up tight in his pants. Only his stiff shaft was visible in his hand. He fisted himself faster. He could see tears wetting her eyes. She wanted to explode on top of his dick
"You want me in your pussy?" he hissed low into her ear.
"Yeah! I want that big dick in me," she panted in his ear.
If he had access to a condom, he would probably lift her up and slam her down on his dick, but his belongings were under the plane.
"I'ma show you how much cum I'd put in your pussy," he grunted.
Holding his left hand down near his waist, he stroked hard on his dick while taking quick glances at her glistening wide-open folds.
"…show you how much cum…shit…oh, shit…all in your pussy girl!"
The rush at the base of his dick made his body jerk toward her and he splashed an obscene amount of cum into his hand. Grinding his teeth together to keep from yelling out loud, his ejaculate splashed onto her thighs. He reached down between her legs and smeared his hot semen all over her pussy. She exploded and he sat back to watch her pussy contract with his cum dripping all over her mound. Her body flopped in her seat and her eyes rolled back in her head as she worked her clit to milk every last earth-shattering orgasm out of her body. Keeping her mouth shut tight, the only sound that was heard was harsh inhales and exhales coming through her nose.
When she finally calmed down, she patted her vulva and played with his semen.
"Satisfied?" he asked.
Carmella laughed then covered her mouth. She licked cum from her fingers and pulled her shorts back on. Covering herself with the blanket, she watched him fasten his pants back up.
He stepped away from her and went to the restroom to urinate.
After washing his hands, he stared at himself in the mirror. He wanted to cum in Carmella's face. The compulsion to nut on her and have her down on her knees was strong. She had bounced on Tony's dick and tried to play Erik like some unlucky dweeb, but now the tables were turned. Tony had used her for quick stress relief, and he wanted to do the same just to teach her a lesson about teasing him as if Tony was worth a damn. It was petty.
When he returned to his seat, he had already lost interest in her. She slipped away to clean up her pussy and find her panties, and when she returned, he pretended to be asleep and leaned his head against the window. He felt her leaning her head on his shoulder for the rest of the flight.
When they landed in Orlando and got settled in their hotel rooms for the evening, Erik received a call on his cell phone. It was an overseas number he didn't recognize.
When he answered the phone, he recognized the voice.
"Mister Erik Stevens. I hope I haven't called you too late in the evening."
It was Francesco Grimaldo.
The Prince of Monaco.
Erik rubbed his chin.
"W'sup," he said.
"I'm ready for our rematch."
Erik stared out of his hotel room window. The midnight hour had him antsy.
"Bet," he said.
Chapter 23 HERE.
Tag List:
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lunaschild2016 · 7 years
Life As We Know It - Chapter 4
Rating: M (Smut, Language, Violence, Adult Themes)
Their lives seemed to be steeped in tragedy. Through it all they had each other until wrong choice brought it all crashing down. Eric had never been able to make up for the mistake he made, but he never stopped trying. Once again tragedy strikes turning everything upside down. Now, for little Ava they will have to come together once more. AU Eric/OC M No War No Divergent Hunts
A/N: This is a completed story that I have posted on another site as well. But thought I would add it here since I just started this account. I hope you enjoy.
@kenzieam @ericdauntless @jojuarez26@jaihardy@iammarylastar@captstefanbrandt @captainviolets@badassbaker@readsalot73@fuckthatfeeling @dani5102@beltz2016@beautifulramblingbrains@affabletimelady @irasancti@meganbee15@pathybo  @lauraaan182​
Chapter 4
To say that Max and Daria were floored by the proposal and suggestion would be an understatement. All four ended up almost giddy with the possibilities this idea presented for Dauntless. In the end Max and Daria had spent almost all the night with Eric and Kira. Planning and hashing out details that would need to be addressed to present to the rest of leadership and the Dauntless planning committee.
When Kira had pulled up blueprint after blueprint of living quarters suggestion, pushed the lists of the surplus items they knew to be available as well as all the numbers of items Dauntless actually purchased from Erudite to what could be dangled in front of them. It left Max with a wide eyed look of disbelief and awe.
Eric nods at Max’s look of disbelief. “I know believe me, I know. It sounds so logical that I am kicking myself wondering why I never thought of any of this. I knew about the surplus because I came from Erudite too. It never crossed my mind to use it to our advantage to get us better equipment much less to use for trading. The 3D printer or machining our own parts didn’t cross my mind in the way she is thinking. It had crossed my mind as far as it would be good for Tate when he has to fix a Humvee and needs a part. I would think, well wouldn’t that be nice if we could just machine that in house. We still can do it if we get only one but if we had several it would go beyond that. We could machine parts for repairs on a million things here in the compound. The uses would be too many to list right now.”
Max looks to Eric seriously. “What would be the chances that leadership at Erudite would go for any of that?”
Eric scratched his chin in thought. “Like Kira said they are still recovering from the scandal with Jeanine and Alistair. The actual investigation started over 3 years ago but to those in our city and Erudite it is still recent because those involved didn’t get sentenced and tried until about a year ago. Financially Erudite is hurting enough that if we get the proposal right, and the right leader in Erudite signs off on it and presents it to the others, it could very well be accepted easily. The two top leaders right now are Jonathan and Silvia. They are pretty fair and are headed the right direction with Erudite. He would be the one to approach with the idea.”
Max and Daria nod and he chews his lip in thought. “It goes without saying that this will be your baby, Kira. I also want this separate from the project you are currently working on. They are both big projects and you will be overseeing both but….”
Eric nods in agreement as Max trails off. “There will need to be two whole new departments set up just to handle everything that will come about from the both of them.”
Daria nods and she adds to the conversation. “You of course will be sponsoring this new one Eric, if you would like to. If not, I am sure Tris or I wouldn’t mind to sign off on it.”
Eric scowled at her and tensed. “Hell yeah, I am going to want to sponsor this Daria so don’t even think about that. Erudite is going to try and wiggle out of everything they can and Tris isn’t cut throat enough to even begin to handle their shit. Not to mention I just want to.”
Daria shrugs with a smirk. “I had to offer Eric.” She takes a sip of her wine to hide her smile when Eric rolls his eyes at her.
“Yeah well thanks but no thanks for the offer. I’ll be working with Kira on this for sure.” He takes his own glass and looks over at Kira who was distracted by something on her laptop and had only been half listening with a smile on her lips.
“What are you plotting now, Kira?” He asks after he puts his wine glass down. He frowns when he realizes they had gone through about three bottles so far. Then he shrugs and tilts his head waiting for her to answer.
Kira leans more to her laptop and her hands are flying across the keys again. Eric growls in impatience and without thinking gets up, moves over to her and picks her up before sitting down with her in his lap.
Kira squeaks and whips her head around to him. “What?”
Eric laughs and points to the laptop. “You were sucked into the vortex of your own thoughts and not sharing Kira. So again. What are you plotting now?”
Kira smiles a little sheepishly. The wine for sure making her more mellow about his sudden invasion into her space than she would normally be. “Ok. So I was looking over all of our sector blueprints and I found something.”
She leans back into his chest without knowing and looks to Max and Daria then frowns. “This isn’t going to work. We all need to see the screen. Eric we need to borrow your vid screen.”
With that she pops up, grabs her laptop and bolts over to the living room. She starts to fiddle with the vid screen as the others chuckle and move over to the couch. Max and Daria move everything over to the couch area along with Eric.
Eric sets the wine and both his and Kira’s glass on his table and waits for her to move over to sit. He fully intends to have her sit by him again but he doesn’t need to worry about pulling her or leading her. She just does it automatically.
Part of him wishes Max and Daria weren’t there at the moment because when she does sit she moves into the crook of his side, pressing up against him. He just internally sighs and enjoys this moment of openness and closeness with her.
“Ok here we go.” Kira says and not even realizing that she has allowed her body to place her where it wants to be while her mind is otherwise occupied so it can’t counteract that normal override she has. Her hands move over her laptop as she makes a secure connection to the vid screen network and links the files she is wanting to display.
She starts to zoom in over the different sectors and stops at the one she had in mind. Eric, Max and Daria look on with a slight frown wondering what she could want with that building.
Eric is the first to get it and he looks over to her. “Are you thinking what I think you are thinking Kira?” His tone is playful and only half references an old pre-war cartoon they had both loved.
She smirks and says cheekily. “I don’t know Pinky. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
He laughs squeezing her hips with his hands before gesturing at the screen. “Fair enough Brain. Tell me your idea.”
Kira sighs and points to the screen. “This looks like it used to hold lots more shops at one point and it could be a real profit maker.  Free trade weekends are once a month and during bad weather they don’t happen at all. So that means there are months out of the year there is no trading available. We could set this up and lease the spaces to retailers from all Factions. Make it a weekend type of deal or even every day. Amity could run food and other product stores, Erudite could sell surplus or take individual orders. Dauntless can provide space, security and other services as well. It has possibilities you have to admit.”
Eric smiles at her and nodded. “Pretty much what I was thinking. We would need to get with Tate about inspections. Max and Daria, we would want to tour this along with the other buildings we are looking to set up as living quarters.”
Max nodded with a smile. “We will need to arrange it soon, because I am sure that with the combined votes of leadership and the committee this shit will be approved.”
Kira nodded with a smile but then frowned. “I still want living quarters to be a priority. Those members without families that are being forced to share quarters or to live in what should be temporary patrol barracks shouldn’t have to do so. We are getting more initiates every year and the next year of cadets graduating is projected to be pretty major. Our housing needs just won’t make that stretch.”
Daria sighed and nodded. “I agree that housing will need to be a priority but I can already guarantee that the committee is going to go revenue focus once you submit this. Be prepared to be put under immense pressure Kira.”
Eric scowled knowing that she was right but not seeing a way out of it either. Dauntless needed the revenue too badly. His thoughts were interrupted by Kira though.
“What if I had a co-head for the project? I don’t care about the credit guys, that was never my goal for these projects. What I care about is getting my Dauntless family taken care of and making us strong.” Kira’s voice was firm and determined. She would do whatever it took to see that this project was put into place and that it succeeded. Even if it meant working in close quarters for even longer with Eric. Because that is the only person she could see helping to make this work.
Eric didn’t catch that train of thought from her. All he heard was co-head and his scowl deepened because he didn’t want anyone else working with her on this much less the time it would take the two of them.
“Who would you suggest Kira?” Max asked as he went over the printed lists in his hand. He was distracted by the best way to make sure the rest of leadership could control the committee from becoming a pack of wild dogs over a bone.
“Eric of course. He helped to hash this out. He knows Erudite even better than me. And he can help me to make sure that this is done with only Dauntless in mind and not some almighty bottom line. Numbers will be important of course but only insomuch as it will provide us with the shit that we need to function and then to make us stronger. Also if we do go ahead with the trade aspect with Amity it will take either the Senior Leader or the Second in Command to make any verbal authorizations. Johana and Eric have a pretty good relationship and he doesn’t treat her like Amity is an ant under his boot. That is where most of Amities issues with the other factions comes from. They hate being treated as less than just as much as we do.” Kira mused as she flitted through the lists and started compiling things.
Eric tried with all of his fucking might not to get a shit eating grin at the fact that there was no other option or thought of anyone else for her for the project. He desperately tried to hide it and failed hard. Max and Daria didn’t even hide their chuckles at his expression which caused Kira to look up confused.
Kira caught sight of Eric’s face, rolled her eyes and laughed. “You can deflate that head now Eric.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about Thrace.” Eric said with a chuckle but then turned serious when he looked to her. “I would be honored to stand beside you on this project Kira. This could mean more than just homes for Dauntless.”
Their eyes hold for a minute. She can see the pride there and that he truly meant what he was saying. Max looked to Daria and the two of them stood. “Well you two may still be young enough to not need sleep, but I am afraid the missus and I aren’t exactly up to that challenge. Do try and get some sleep though guys.” He ordered his most stubborn leader and the other that wasn’t that far fucking off from her either.
Shaking his head he chuckled to himself that at one time Eric would have been under the label of his most stubborn leader. Those two were really made for each other.
Daria nodded to the two of them. “I left food and coffee in the cabinets and refrigerator for in the morning if you don’t make it to the dining hall or if you are up so long you get hungry again. Do try and rest some, tomorrow will be a long day but at least it is the weekend.”
Kira smiles softly and Daria and Max as they leave. Eric walks them to the door and locks it once they leave. Once they are gone he feels a bit awkward and doesn’t know if he should sit somewhere else or go back to where he was like he wants to so badly.
He doesn’t even make the decision as he moves forward because his body does it for him. He plops back down beside her, pulls his own laptop to him and sighs as he looks over to her.
Kira scoots back into him. Once again her mind is too occupied so her traitor body is taking full advantage of that. Eric leans into her and closes his eyes. His body relaxes from a tension that he hadn’t known had built up over the years she has been gone from his life.
She had always had this effect on him. She could drive him crazy like no other person could or ever would. She could make him full of a lust and desire he had never known for anyone else. She could also ease his soul and body with a simple look or touch and they were both soaking her up like they had been starving for years. In a way they and he had been.
He couldn’t fuck this up.
So, as much as he might want to pull her to him he knew he couldn’t.
She meant more than getting some release and he just fucking wished he had realized that years ago. He couldn’t change the past but he could change how he handled things in the future.
His arm was wrapped around her and he gave a light squeeze before he sighed when she looked at him with a question in her eyes. “I think we have enough to go on for the proposals. We need to get those put in and worded the way we want. We can’t let them try and get a toe in on trying to run or oversee the projects at all.”
Kira nodded and looked at the lists of known surplus again. “I was thinking about the remodels and I think I have something that could sweeten our offer for Erudite.”
Eric nodded and motioned to go ahead. Kira went back to pull up the blueprints. “The lower quarters have no place for food preparation, no real food storage cold or otherwise to speak of and their heating for the depths that they are at is pretty horrible. They also don’t have the room to be outfitted with full size accommodations.”
She highlighted the areas that would make the most logical sense to put a kitchenette in the units and Eric nodded. “They wouldn’t which would mean that if we wanted to put anything in we would need to take up more than necessary living space for a kitchen, do basic demolish of all the units and rebuild how we need them or just forget it all together.”
Eric scowls at the thought of those options. Kira shakes her head and reaches for the free hand of his that is clenching in building anger, knowing he is feeling helpless and like they are back at square one. They both feel jolts of warmth and pleasure before they both relax even more into each other.
“Not true Eric. I thought of something. We design something that meets our needs completely and then we use this as bait for Erudite. If they accommodate us with the surplus and printers then we will have this big ticket item for them to make for us.” Kira smiles a bit of a wicked smile and sees it registering with Eric as he calculates everything as she is speaking.
“Jesus, that could fucking work Kira. We would just need to make sure they don’t try and bankrupt us for that purchase.” Eric grumbled with a frown.
Kira nodded with her own and sat chewing on her lip for a second. “Can you pass me a pen and paper Eric?”
With a quirked eyebrow Eric reaches forward and grabs a notepad and pen then hands it to her. When Kira has it she closes her eyes and envisions what might work for their needs. Once she opens them she starts to draw out the plans, description and general dimensions. Eric watches her, not what she is doing, and is smiling at how she thinks and operates. She got more fierce and intelligent over the years.
“Ok here is a general idea of what we could do. We use Erudites need to mass produce everything to our advantage. The design I made is one whole unit that can be broken into four parts for easy installation. The idea in general is make sure it is cost effective for us to get the items but also during remodel. This serves that purpose. The measurements might not be spot on but we can check those and change them when we get to production stages. The countertops will be stainless steel, along with the sink and the small cabinets. That would be two of the main components. The other two are the small refrigerator and the small oven/stove combination. They would both be compact and slide into the spaces I have built into the unit. For upper cabinets I think we can forgo those and go for a style that I am going to be using myself in my own apartment. We can use open shelving made from pipes and steel or wood. Most likely steel but those we can fabricate all in house. Other than that this gives our members in those units that can’t support full kitchens the ability to have access to something. The other buildings that I have looked at that are made for families have either full kitchens already or communal areas with kitchen areas built in.” Kira finishes after bringing up the appropriate areas of the blueprints to pair with her illustration.
Eric nods but internally he is trying to fight with himself to not do what he wants to do and just start kissing her right now. How can he not want to after all that, after this whole night? He clears his throat and hopes it doesn’t sound too strained. “Sounds good and the fact that they can mass produce it will also help in cost too.”
She nods happily and doesn’t seem to notice the desire and strain in his voice. Rather she does, she just ignores it and how she is feeling too. They both ignore it and focus on finishing out the work.
He does end up moving away from her to clean up from dinner and grab them some snacks and waters when a few hours later they are still working. She is fading as she curls up on one side of his couch. He is leaned forward, his head furrowed and furiously working on some wording of the contracts he wants to propose to Erudite.
The next time he looks over, Kira has completely passed out on his couch. With a soft smile as he looks at her he runs a hand over his face and looks at his watch. If he heads to bed now he can get about two or three hours of sleep if he has them skip the early morning run they had been doing.
Deciding that would be best considering the day they have planned and the lateness they worked he sighs and puts everything away as quietly as he can. When he has both of their things packed into their bags he moves to get ready for bed. He heads back into the living room and frowns at Kira. He hates leaving her all scrunched up on the couch but he doesn’t know if he should move her not.
“Fuck it! She can kick my ass tomorrow if she doesn’t like it.” He grumbles and moves to lift her up. She sighs and rolls into his arms burying her nose in his chest.
His nostrils flare and he wonders if he just made a mistake but scolds himself. “You will shove that shit down Coulter.”
He gets her slid into bed, her shoes off and then knowing he shouldn’t but not caring, slides into the other side of bed beside her. He does restrain himself from pulling her to him though and just rolls over to look at her.
It doesn’t take long for him to be pulled under for sleep and then neither notice that they moved towards the warmth each was putting off. They didn’t notice until their alarms went off and they woke up to being wrapped in each other’s arms.
Neither spoke but neither moved either. Both were afraid to even breathe. They laid there like that for minutes upon minutes, wrapped around each other and staring into each other’s eyes. It had to end sometime and Eric did one thing that he knew was a risk. He leaned forward slightly and pressed his lips to her forehead softly.
It wasn’t her lips which he almost ached with every part of his being to press his against. It was no less electrifying in the pulses it sent through him. From her gasp and the way she clung to him he could only guess and hope she felt it too. He pulled her tighter to him and breathed her in, his arms tightening around her.
He didn’t want to let go, he didn’t want to speak but he didn’t know what he should do next. He was saved from deciding when she spoke first.
“I missed you Eric.” Kira’s voice was almost small. Not weak but as if she was barely allowing herself to let that admission out.
Eric’s heart was both full and hurting because he could hear her pain. “Gods I missed you too Kira.”
She nodded into chest and breathed him in too. A little more was healing inside of her. She knew though that she couldn’t go back to what they had been heading to. She had barely survived the loss of him then. He might not have meant to wound her as deep as he had, but he did and she could never allow someone...or him, to do that again.
“Eric...I can’t…” She stops and he tenses, ready for her to push him away completely again. “I can’t go back to what we were….not that way. But maybe…” she closed her eyes and hoped he wouldn’t hurt her by rejecting her and this “...maybe friends?”
Eric closed his eyes and felt relief flood him. She wasn’t pushing him away or rejecting him. It wasn’t what he would love for it to be, what he could only dream about now. But friends was good. Friends was a start and better than the hole her absence left.
He brushed his lips against her forehead and tightened his hold on her. “Friends is good Kira.” He said simply but in his mind he finished that it was a start.
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