#or i'll read the webtoon or smth haha
vulpinesaint ยท 1 year
bed covered in books feeling fucking fanTASTIC
#READING IS SUCH A THRILL DID Y'ALL KNOW ABOUT THIS#i've acquired two books off that queerplatonic ace rep rec list so far and i am. thrilled about it#the first one is not like. Extraordinary haha but i read like two hundred and sixty pages last night and it was enjoyable!#i have to remember that ya fiction is ya fiction sometimes. haha#but!!! ordered another one online (first one is a library book which was SO fulfilling to go grab) and it got here today and i'm SO pumped#reviews online were largely positive + complimented the like. visuals and dark fairy tale feel to it#and while one review said that the prose wasn't that good (i am always looking for writing that is Technically good)#(technically as in like. the technical aspects of it are well done. it's well executed)#i am still excited about the kind of character dynamics it promises me#i'll take some clumsy prose if it gets me platonic intimacy. i swear to god i will#ALSO IT'S ABOUT THE WILD HUNT AND I AM SO OBSESSED WITH THE WILDHUNT#and i was promised nonbinary knight character??? so. new fixation incoming perhaps#only choice now is whether to finish the first one or jump right into the next haha#i have what. less than a hundred pages of not even bones to finish?#i should get through that one haha#apparently it's a trilogy and the qpr comes in later so :rolling_eyes:#we'll see if i'm invested enough#or i'll read the webtoon or smth haha#I FUCKING LOVE THE LIBRARY I CAN REQUEST + HOLD THE NEXT TWO BOOKS#god. using public utilities is such a rush#anyway!!!! excited excited :)#valentine notes
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decembermoonskz ยท 2 years
OOOO thats a nice song,,, vgm is actually really nice?? i dont tend to go to them for bgm (i dont really play video games so i'm not too familiar with them, in my defence) but whenever i'm rec'd smth from a video game i ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ jdkjdka but what a handy rec - i've a handful of wips that i could use some good bgm for while writing >:)
ngl i have no clue what a patch is in regards to genshin ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘ the only patch i know is the farming kind (jkjk) but i am glad you are excited about it and i hope it meets your expectations!! and eEEK so happy you're managing to read!! if i can be so bold as to ask you to enjoy reading on my behalf too <//3 i currently possess ten too many books tbr and yet new ones keep catching my eye sigh
i will most definitely keep hydrated while i work. fell off the hydration train a few weeks ago but i have had a whole bottle of water today so wHOO and yessir i saw the g&s teaser and i am AHH i shall perhaps read it tmrw hehe
(also no need to apologise for the late reply!! i managed to start my assignment so that was Very Good.)
if you ever want like vgm recs lemme know! also i highly recommend listening to the persona 5 and persona 5 royal soundtracks p5 has some of the best music highkey ๐Ÿ˜ฉ imma link another fave of mine from the game at the bottom!
OH LMAO i'm sorry a patch is like an update patch so new content is coming out then HAHA i didn't think about that. also yeah i've been reading a lot more because of school, and it's been a lot of fun! i haven't really read much but i'm hoping i can now!! i've never been a big reader of things that weren't like webtoons and graphic novels because i love looking at the art as well. it's been really nice though, i'm a big fan of jenny han so reading a series i liked through the movies and coming to appreciate where it started makes me happy.
also good i'm glad you're staying hydrated ๐Ÿ˜ค i have to do the same so i get it, when i get really hardcore into studying i'll get in the zone and forget hehe... also enjoy the teaser when you get the chance! and nice on starting your assignment!!
here's the song rec btw
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